09 May, 2016

Trump vs Clinton (Trumpton)

Well voters, what sort of a choice have you been presented with?

It is remarkably similar to the choice we had in the UK, more of the same or 'bit of a character' protest vote. Our protest vote was UKIP and yours is Trump.

In the UK, unbelievably, we went for more of the same. In the U.S. this would be Clinton. I am not predicting who will win, just outlining the choice.

We all know what more of the same is. The rich get richer and the rest of us get poorer. Which is how our financial system is designed to work.

So, what is the nature of the protest vote? Our UKIP person was an ex banker. Hence, zero actual choice. Voting represents no choice. More of the same or someone who is part of the banking fraud perpetuated against humanity.

The U.S. protest vote is Trump, someone who borrows vast quantities of fiat dollars and maintains quite a pleasant lifestyle. So, effectively, the protest vote is for more of the same banking fraud.

In America, you may get to vote for a grandfatherly figure who isn't as outrageous as Trump, that might be Bernie or someone similar. This happens every eighty years or so and represents the end of a financial supercycle.

Mankind is not as mature as we believe we are.

The rich keep getting richer because they designed the banking system we all use without thought, with zero critical thinking.

Hence the blog. You all take care.

If you want to 'vote' to change the financial system, then simply realise that each of your fiat dollars or fiat dollar denominated wealth is a 'vote'. Each dollar you own is a 'vote' allowing the rich to get richer and the rest of us to suffer.

For example, today I have exchanged some surplus currency units for a bottle of whisky. I refuse to take on interest bearing loans, which is a massive 'vote' against our current financial system.

For 47 years the working man or woman has had their share of the world's wealth reduced. So, perhaps give some critical thought to reversing that trend. Or may be you want your children to suffer?


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Trump vs Clinton is just more of the same. Anyone who wants the job should automatically be disqualified from getting it. Socio-paths all of them. Unless the people realize they are responsible for their own lot in life. Nothing will change.

PokeTheTruth said...

What the American people must demand on all federal ballots is the choice for "None of the Above". The election for that office would be declared null and void if the count exceeds the count for all other candidates running for office. New candidates would appear on the ballot who aren't required to have an allegiance to either the Republican "red" team or the Democratic "blue" team. The American people will be motivated to vote should this powerful option of rejecting all candidates becomes available and is a check against the supremacy of political parties since they have become an anathema to good government.

The country also needs to elect the Speaker of the House of Representatives on a separate balloted position. The speaker wields great power and controls the flow of legislation in the House of Representatives and is second in line to the presidency. Such high office demands the people's consent until the rules of the House are changed to remove the speaker's partisan power to move bills through committees and relegates the position to a manager of congressional workflow as it was when the nation was founded.

All congressional offices would be vacant at the conclusion of their respective terms including the sitting President of the United States if no candidate or incumbent exceeds the tally for "None of the Above". This is not a political disaster as some would think since the bureaucracy is still in place to provide administrative duties such as dispensing social security funds, paying Medicare claims, the military, etc., for the budgeted year. America has enough laws, statutes, regulations in effect that a few months (if it takes that long) without a functioning legislature would not be catastrophic for the nation.

The real power of democracy is when the majority of people recognize their individual liberties and freedoms are being sacrificed to political parties and special interest groups so they can continue with their self-serving corruption. The people must have this option to reject the electoral system completely and that can only be peacefully accomplished by counting "None of the Above". We must end the elitists reign of terror and debt servitude by reclaiming our democracy in totality.

Dissolve it, start over!