28 November, 2021


I have been 'modelling' the global pandemic since inception. As a Systems Analyst and Design Engineer, this is not difficult. I won't be mentioning sources as this is a meta analysis on a global scale, thus my sources are everyone everywhere, analytically speaking.

Let us start with some good news. The Delta variant was very infectious but not as deadly as previous variants. I would rank it somewhere between a cold and the flu. The many adverse reactions to the vaccine would mean that most to all healthy under fifties would be better off without it. The risk / benefit ratio getting increasingly worse for healthy people the younger they are.

The Omicron variant is likely to have been 'born' in a vaccinated person with ongoing problems with their immune system. A healthy young unvaccinated person is the least likely source, analytically speaking.

Now some really good news. The Omicron version is likely to be... This post is based soley on my 'model' and as new data is processed into information and fed into my model, this analysis will change. My 'model' will also be revised as I see fit too. Anyway, that said / written, the Omicron strain is likely to be the most transmissable respiratory infection in the history of the world, so far. My model rates it as fierce as a very mild flu / heavy cold. (But very transmissable.)

The current vaccines risk / benefit is likely to be far worse than it was. The adverse outcomes easily being worse than getting a mild flu / omicron variant.

You will have a choice of getting a second 'tweaked' booster. If most accept this then we will be getting new variants and new 'tweaked' boosters every few months or whenever those in charge wish us to have another 'distraction'. However, my model sugggets that the general poplulation is becoming increasingly 'tired' of vaccines and so the pharma profit people may switch it to a pill, a sugar coated one that slips down the throat with ease.

Sorry, I have lost interest in the Omicron strain and the writing of this short post. Just do whatever you believe to be appropriate to boost your natural immune function. The incredible infectiousnes of this variant will make avoiding it extremely difficult.

Now my 'model' is not God and it may need 'tweaking'. However, the general direction of the development of this pandemic is as discussed. The main risk to 'things' going wrong is that we keep injecting ourselves with novel substances that don't really work properly. The virus will react to this and could become deadly to another group of people if we are unlucky. So, instead of the elderly who are already dying of something else being the high risk group. Extensive use of 'leaky' vaccines could evolve the virus into one which targets young children.

Give that some critical thought before following the science as brought to you by politicians, pharma profit people and the fear mongering press corp.

A few words about my 'model'. None of your business.

I have nothing to say about your individual situation and those of your nearest and dearest.

Fear shuts down your immune function.

Sunshine and smiles boosts your immune function.

26 November, 2021

Global Governance

Past, present and future are all connected, as is everything else. Future events are born out of our collective choices, actions and inactions. Our political leaders love to assert control and refuse to accept any responsibility or accountability for the ever present ‘unintended consequences’.

Do you recall World War II? I don’t as I was born in the last gasps of the sixties. Apparently, the duly elected German Government managed to kill six million people for the greater good. These people we known to be vermin and responsible for the rest of Germany’s poor economic situation. I have also read that another 10 million people were also slaughtered because they were also a strain on the economic purse. Apparently, according to the Nazi’s, black lives did not matter.

Despite ridding themselves of 16 million vermin, Germany still lost. Many of those who carried out the legal orders of the legitimate German Government, to cull the vermin, stated at trial that they had not broken any laws and were only obeying orders.

This led to some new legislation above that of any government. Basically, no Government law can ever ‘trump’ human rights. Currently, most major governments of the world are violating the human rights of their populations. This is not a good thing.


I have noticed that Trump supporters were called vermin as are those who are ‘vaccine hesitant’. This is not a good thing.

How about this recent United Kingdom development;-

Public Health England has been rebranded as UK Health Security Agency and Office for Health Improvement and Disparities.

Forgive me for this but has the Nazi mentality fully infected our UK Government? Clearly, the Aussies have gone full Nazi but the current leaders appear to be the Italian Government.

Many people may believe that ‘forced vaccinations’ are for the greater good, for UK Health Security. This is a Nazi mindset. I believe that the Nazi’s were the designated ‘bad guys’ of World War II and not deemed as suitable role models for the 21st Century.

Am I over playing this?

If it acts like a Nazi, talks like a Nazi and follows, or creates, laws which contravene my human rights, then please expect me to treat you as a Nazi because you are one.

Are you physically and mentally prepared for our global march towards a thousand years of peace under the care of our next generation Nazi overlords? Will you accept each milestone along the way? Do you have any hard limits?

I wonder, if the Nazi’s had managed to rid themselves of all their vermin and actually won, who would have been declared vermin next?

Nazi vermin in order are or were:-




Mentally ill


Would the list have ended there?

Of course not.

All the none whites, except those working for and accepting of the superiority of Germanic blood.

Single mothers

Whores, except those giving comfort to the defenders of the righteous Reicht.

The unemployed.

The third phase would see the poor, uneducated and down on their luck all rebranded as vermin and then ended in a waterless shower.

The final solution would be DNA sequencing for everyone and the execution of those not meeting the criteria laid down by our glorious and infallible party protectorate, for the good of all.

Sieg hiel. Sieg Hiel. Sieg hiel. Sieg Hiel. Sieg hiel. Sieg Hiel. Sieg hiel. Sieg Hiel.

Do please consider giving that some critical thought, or not.

I do have the human right to be wrong. I do hope that I am wrong but it matters not. My choice has already been made and this had made me very ‘anxious’ recently. This was erroneous on my part, the Nazi ought to be anxious about me. I am an anti-nazi nazi, one of the best. Blue eyes, intelligent and the rest. Best of luck to you.

20 November, 2021

Society and kindness

I have stated that our society is founded on fear. I stand by that. I also believe that our current society is based on fear. Without fear, our society dissolves and many fear that too.

Let us view society through the lens of kindness. First we must be kind to ourselves before we can extend a portion of that kindness to others.

We must be double jabbed and those that aren’t are a direct threat to the well being of all. Well, that is the fear I mentioned in my initial paragraph. If you feel that being double jabbed is a kindness to yourself then do get double jabbed. If not, then don’t.

Those requiring you to be double jabbed, are they asking from the point of view of kindness or are they attempting to coerce you? I notice a few talking heads that are going with coercion, as is our elected UK government. My immune system is excellent and flu is not a life threatening concern for me. I do not wish to compromise my naturally strong immunity with a rushed and novel injectable substance. That wouldn’t be a kind thing to do to myself.

I see very little kindness in our institutions. I see very little kindness in our celebrities and the main stream media. This all contaminates the minds of the general public. Fear is a great motivator but it should be a personal thing and not the go to tool of society. It is effective but abhorrent to actual human beings.

In being kind to yourself you become sensitised to kindness. You are then able to choose to spend your time with better human beings and immerse yourself in content from better human beings who publish vlogs and perhaps blogs. In doing this, you are being kind to yourself.

Perhaps more importantly, you will readily recognise those who use fear to manipulate you to their own ends. Mostly, those using fear to control you aren’t concerned with the greater good or objectives, just your compliance. The more you comply the more illogical the requests become as control is sought rather than anything of value.

1/6 of us like to do this. Society is becoming increasingly based on the collective fears of the 1/6 of us that will never be sated. They will require ever more control of everything and still be fearful and objectionable creatures. This 1/6 of the population spread fear like a cancer throughout all of us.

My question is simple, what if 5/6 of us could recognise the other fearful and controlling 1/6? Within seconds, we would have a society that wasn’t based upon fear. It would be based on the opposite of fear.

Instead of having a society based on attempting to alleviate the imagined fear of 1/6 of us. Imagine a society based on the opposite of fear. A society based on the 5/6 of us that are actual human beings and not the 1/6 that are, to be blunt, damaged.

At the very least, we could stop voting for the 1/6 of us that use excessive controlling behaviours in the mistaken belief that their fears will be eased. We could remove ourselves from the influence of the 1/6 of us that are ‘emotional vampires’, ‘without empathy’ and ‘destructive’. We could stop marrying and having children with these broken people. Saving ourselves and our children from the emotional turbulence created by these fearful creatures who seek dominion over us all.

When being kind to ourselves, we automatically protect ourselves from the 1/6 of us who use our own emotions against us. They do this instinctively, without awareness. I don’t much care for them and I will be limiting my exposure to them, out of kindness for myself. Out of kindness to you, I share this ‘opinion’ freely. Do with it what you will.


13 November, 2021

Future Shocks

Past, present and future are all connected as is everything else. Future shocks are born out of past choices, actions and inactions. Our political leaders love to assert control and refuse to accept any responsibility or accountability for the ever present unintended consequences.

Where does the value associated with our currency come from? It comes from those who labour productively and those who can add to this productivity. Those whose labour is unproductive destroys the value of the currency. Those who increase the level of unproductive labour destroy the value of the currency. I see a great deal of this.

However, nature itself has a rule of diminishing returns. The easy oil fields have been drained, leaving the more difficult ones to be drilled. That sentence was crucial. More and more of our productivity is engaged in retrieving the same amount of oil. More and more currency is spent looking for more oil fields. We are expending more and more value and getting less and less value in return. This is not a linear relationship, it is exponential. Linear relationships do not provide future shocks but exponential ones most certainly do.

Rapidly increasing energy prices are all the rage in the UK and Europe. This is a strong hint at what lies ahead. Perhaps we can delay this shock because we are getting very good at throwing currency at difficult problems. Currency can be created from nothing and thrown at any problem but are we solving a problem productively or simply transferring value from elsewhere to the problem?

If our Government throws currency at the energy producers in order to reduce prices then this is simply transferring value from where it is now to somewhere else. This value is coming out of our savings and wages and being used unproductively to temporarily reduce energy prices. This is unproductive use of our collective wealth.

If we used the currency to build new power plants, then that would be a productive use of our currency, which our children could enjoy for their entire lifetimes. Perhaps you disagree but the point is we need to use this zero value currency to create future value for our selves. Otherwise, this zero value currency takes value from our wages and savings.

We are all getting a taste of the future shocks that lie ahead and how our governments are simply wasting the value in our wages and savings by creating value less currency and not using it to create future value. The Government are keen to assert control over us but have no regard for whatever unintended consequences this creates. Unintended consequences will be future shocks that shake each of us to our very core.

In other words, this transitory inflation is just a sample of the real inflation that lies ahead. Wasting value less currency to delay the inevitable, simply extinguishes the value of our wages and savings faster.

The basic choice over energy is simple, do we subsidise it now and have shortages later? Or accept the consequences of not protecting the value of our currency?

Only those who work productively and those who can productively guide the work of others add any value to our currency. These people increase the value of our wage currency and increase the value of our saved wage currency.

Future shocks that shake us to our core will be entirely due to our collective efforts to avoid any type of critical thought.

1/6 of the population cannot critically think and these people tend to do well climbing corporate and political ladders. They do well memorising things for tests. They do especially well at unbalancing those who can critically think. They use our own emotions as weapons against us and they will never change as they are not and cannot ever be, self aware.

A few future shocks for you to be aware of. The value of your wages will be going down far quicker than you will believe is possible. The average pension wealth is rapidly approaching 10% of what it is believed to be worth. House prices will tumble only once we stop allowing the creation of value less currency to be wasted on value less projects. Life is going to get very hard and this will be a good and necessary thing. We may learn something from it but I am not hopeful, then we get the great reset which we have been told is coming for a while. Notice that it is called a great reset and not a great change?

Have I managed to write this blog post with kindness? I believe that I have.

Future shocks will be the same as what we have experienced in the last year and a half, just worse.

The seed of each future shock has already been planted by allowing those who are unable to critically think to make decisions for us all. With zero accountability for any and all unintended consequences, especially future shocks.

Are you physically and mentally prepared for the coming future shocks?

Do please consider giving that some critical thought.


06 November, 2021

Consider being kind to yourself...

In last weeks blog post, I mentioned kindness. I am not big on kindness as I believe that others will view me as being weak, if I were to exhibit kindness.

Then I gave the matter some critical thought.

I have decided to act with kindness just to see what happens. I aim to give it a few weeks and log my journey here.

Week One

Rather bizarrely I have quickly realised that I am not particularly kind to myself. No wonder that I do not suffer fools gladly. I have seen it written, ‘I haven’t got an anger management problem, I have a working with idiots problem.’ and I chuckled, ‘me too.’

Now that I have noticed that I am not especially kind to myself I have relaxed a little. My personal stress levels have dropped which is a win for the ‘being kind’ protocol. A large enough win for me to maintain this for life. (Yes, I do have that much will power.)

Today, a colleague sent me an email which would have caused me a great deal of anger. It caused me none whatsoever. I have been trying not to become angry with my colleagues for several weeks, if not longer. My director is aware of my self stated challenge and he has provided me with gentle encouragement, as has an additional member of staff. Now, as I am trying to be kind, I saw the email as a challenge rather than challenging. How to reply in a kind manner was the thrust of my thoughts. The fact that the email was ‘unpleasant’ was of no real interest to me. The only thing I sought to do was answer with kindness.

Answering with kindness took me around twenty minutes as I struggled with the concept of being kind. Being kind is not a natural state of being for me. Anyway, an email battle ensued and I continued to be kind. I did not experience any concern over my actions or any anger or even the slightest tinge of any emotion at all. I saw it as a great training ground for being kind.

As far as personal stress goes, this being kind thing is amazing. My personal stress is down to zero.

Now, I mentioned weakness earlier. This was a major concern, I believed that acting in a kind manner would be interpreted as weakness. Well, nothing could be further from the reality of the situation. I don’t care if others see it as a weakness, they will soon find out that they are mistaken. To be fully open and honest about this, I sense that they aren’t even aware of my effort to be kind.

I suspect that when people get used to this ‘new me’ they will just see a calm and powerful individual. I am sure that they will appreciate the calmness, self control, confidence and assurance. The word ‘kind’ is not likely to be used by them and I won’t be mentioning it any time soon.

Week Two

This is becoming somewhat unreal. Reality, as I understood it, has pivoted. Ongoing problems appear to have solved themselves. Unrelenting immovable objects have just been walked around.

We have a hard working colleague who I thought could be more useful. Let us try that again with kindness. I have complained endlessly about a colleague who could be more useful, the colleague tends to agree. His caveat is that he must have the right training. After 18 months of stress and anger, we now have calmness. As he never quite gets the ‘right training’ we have decided that he simply cannot do the extra things that would help me. So, we changed the situation to suit the capabilities of our colleague. Wait, what? Really? That was just one unsolvable problem walked around, there were others.

Let us forget about work and consider my forty-four years of weight training with no visible results, in my opinion. I never knew when to train hard, train really hard, give a maximum effort or take a day off. Do I do low reps, medium reps or max reps. How often do I train to failure and how much should I eat. What utter nonsense. Train with kindness and your body will manage the rest for you.

In forty-four years I have tried everything I have ever read about so even if this kindness training doesn’t work it doesn’t matter because nothing ever has anyway. After three days I have nothing to report except that my muscular pains have receded to nothing. Not a great surprise as my workout intensity has been ‘low’.

That is the two main aspects of my life this week covered but I do think a lot. I saw a film, many years ago, where the main character was not Jesus but he did keep popping up. In one scene the main character is being force marched across a dry and dusty area and is begging for water. His guard keeps hitting him and stating to all that no water is to be given.

Jesus appraises the situation and as an act of kindness presents the thirsty man with a cup of water which he accepts greedily. The guard moves to stop this and Jesus shines him a Mona Lisa style smile. The guard stops being aggressive and drops the ‘no water’ rule.

Why do I have this very strong feeling that kindness and weakness are inseparable. Jesus demonstrated that kindness was a more potent form of being than armour, a job title, a short sword and an aggressive manner Why did I fail to see this? Why do I see kindness as something a weak and frail old lady relies upon? Perhaps the old lady has wisdom or saw the same film as me and realised it’s message far sooner?

That was week two and it was a marked improvement upon a ‘normal’ week.

One potentially important thing to realise is that I was kind to myself first in all situations. If I found myself in a situation that I didn’t much care for, I was kind to myself and spared no such thoughts for others. Only once I was happy with a situation did I then extend kindness to others.

I do realise that this sounds selfish and perhaps it is. I have chosen to view it as ‘extending kindness’ and as such, the kindness should be actively present in me before I can give it. This simply means that kindness begins at home or simply put, kindness starts with yourself.

Well that was week two and I look forward to more of the same. I am also curious as to what the long term benefits could be, not just for me but others around me too. Very curious and hopeful of good things to come. Perhaps things could go backwards, who could know such things.

Week Three

No downsides to this ‘kindness’ experiment, which I didn’t expect. To explain further, I am being actively self aware viewed through a lens of kindness.

The primary goal is to be kind to myself and once that is achieved, in any given situation or moment, I can then extend kindness to others.

How others are perceiving this is beyond me. I have also noticed that this kindness lens also helps with listening to other people and understanding them.

I mentioned that I had some concern about presenting to others as weak. I feel that I am presenting to others as powerful. Perhaps it may be more accurate to say that I am displaying no weakness.

I suspect that I have stumbled upon a little known truth, aggression may well be based upon fear. The flight or fight reflex being far too easy to activate. Whereas, true power may well be based upon kindness. Fear is not a stable base upon which to build anything. Fear is temporary. Kindness can be forever and is a solid base upon which to build your life and legacy.

I am not suggesting that ‘kindness’ is the thing that you may wish to embody. It might as easily be respect, thoughtfulness or any other sense of being.

My thoughts regarding how others are perceiving my kindness is that they are presented with a calm, relaxed and thoughtful being. Someone who is not easily upset or offended by others thoughts, concerns or actions. In extending kindness to others, their flaws and weaknesses are not seen as annoyances but simply things I have noticed. (See all but judge nothing.) The word ‘flaw’ is unkind as is the word ‘weakness’. In pointing out and labelling another persons flaws you will no doubt reflect the same mentality at yourself, at some point. Being kind to others reinforces the kindness that I am showing to myself.

Anyway, I have noted no disadvantages to this way of being but noted a great many advantages.


Very interesting that I believed that kindness was somehow directly linked to weakness. When I think of kindness I always visualise an old woman, a grand motherly figure.

I now believe that kindness comes from strength. That strength could be physical, emotional or spiritual. Critically thinking about that last sentence, it may be that strength is amplified by kindness. Well, it is if you believe it is and I do.

Perhaps consider running the same or a similar experiment for yourself?

Thanks for your time.

30 October, 2021

Transitory Inflation

Inflation is a technical word but let us freely ignore whatever our banking overlords believe inflation to be. Let us freely ignore whatever our political overlords believe inflation to be.

Inflation is an erosion of our average standard of living. Increasing taxes is an erosion of our average standard of living. Shortages also have a negative effect upon our average standard of living, which are hopefully short lived shortages.

Many of us are aware of shortages of chips, steel, lumber, chicken, fresh produce and whatever it is that you have personally noticed or friends have informed you of. A builder friend of my father is unable to complete various projects as the basics he needs are randomly unavailable. Bags of plaster were available recently, not at the normal £5 but at £30. How does he price his projects accurately?

We are led to believe that these shortages will go away soon but soon has become a while, which has become a year which will soon morph into a couple of years. That is quite a hit to our collective standards of living that we haven’t collectively noticed yet.

Another major impact to our standards of living is the price of holidays and their availability. Due to ‘reasons’ many haven’t had a holiday. That is a major hit to our collective standard of living that we collectively think is temporary but this may prove to be the ‘new normal’ we keep hearing about. Did you get a holiday? Did it cost two or three times more than normal? This could also prove to be the new price of holidays rather than a ‘glitch’.

We are told that inflation is currently high but that this is transitory and inflation will go down soon. Predicting the future is difficult but our political and financial overlords do this frequently and then update these predictions regularly because they are generally ‘inaccurate’.

Now are these transitory price increases and shortages the ‘new normal’ or a ‘temporary glitch’?

If we are all suddenly much more productive then the price increases will ‘stick’ but inflation will go down rather than up.

If we are all going to do 50 hours work in 40 hours for 30 hours pay, then prices will go back to where they were and inflation pootle along at or around 2%

What if we are less productive, extending a decades long trend? Well then the price increases stay with us as do the intermittent shortages. Worse than that, inflation remains high.

Well, that is bad news for us all as our collective standard of living remains where it is now, less than what it was before the global pandemic response.

Brace, brace, brace. It could get worse if our collective central banks start creating currency and exchange it for ‘impaired assets’ at ‘non-impaired asset’ prices. It could get much worse if our collective central banks start creating vast amounts of currency, gifting it to our collective governments in exchange for whatever nonsense you wish to believe.

Unfortunately, all this is already happening and has been happening since the 2009 financial misstep. However, we are now at ludicrous speed and about to invent another word for accelerating this currency creation even harder.

This ‘temporary glitch’ depressing our collective standard of living is only temporary if several impossible things happen as described above. It is not temporary and is likely to accelerate. By accelerate, I mean a speeding up in the crushing of our collective standard of living.

Most members of the public will be very slow to understand this. Most members of the public will simply shrug and say ‘well covid this and that’. Well, not really. Covid is just the current scapegoat. Our next scapegoat could well be those who aren’t double jabbed. The scapegoat after that could be those who aren’t triple jabbed. The actual scapegoat is unimportant.

As our collective standard of living falls our political overlords and financial overlords will be pointing fingers at various scapegoats that they have just invented. In the end, should we get there, the final scapegoat for our political overlords will be the financial overlords. The final scapegoat for our financial overlords will be the political overlords and the ‘great reset’ will finally, if not before, be ushered in. We will be assured that none of this will ever happen again.

Normally, my motivation for actually writing a blog post is anger, frustration and outrage. This will likely make itself felt in my word choices and sentence construction. I have written this from a point of view of kindness. This will likely all come to pass and history will show that it was all definitely the scapegoats fault. So be it. I was going to publish this as soon as I do a spell check. It is currently the day after 9/11. I could publish this in a years time and it will still be considered to be ‘fake news’ or whatever the main stream media deem clear views of actual reality to be.

Anyway, thanks for reading and be observant.

Perhaps have a critical think about what would increase our collective standard of living.

Perhaps have a critical think about what would decrease our collective standard of living.

More importantly, how can you increase your own enjoyment of life?

For myself, I am attempting to treat all of you with kindness. This includes our financial overlords, political overlords, members of the press, members of the public but more importantly – me.

Some will view my kindness as weakness. Most will appreciate it. How others react will merely ‘show me their hand’.

I might be wrong, let us hope so but be prepared for me to have undersold the ‘difficulties’ because I have. Do please be observant.

Thanks for your time.

23 October, 2021



My last blog post concerned itself with the concept of weightless weight training and in it I mention food and sleep as foundational. I ought to have mentioned stress.


When a lion is chasing us or the office printer jams, many of us release a potent cocktail of hormones which breakdown the body to supply us with immediate fuel and some natural protective ‘circuits’ are over ridden. Thus the pregnant lady can overhead press a car that we about to crush her toddler. Well, something like that.

Repeated stress, repeats the above and over time we are effectively shutting down the very functions that keep us alive. Repeated stress ages us rapidly towards an early death.

Weight training and even my weightless weight training covered in last weeks blog post also count as stress. As does poor sleep and poor quality food, like what the American people eat.

Conquering stress

If you would like to age far slower then you must sensitise yourself to when you are feeling stressed. I am going to try and be kinder to other people. Particularly those I work with, which will be challenging. Very challenging. Probably impossible. However, in attempting to be kinder I am less likely to respond to them with anger. I am likely to find them less stress inducing. Well, practising being kind ought to be something we do anyway. Especially me.

I have noticed that my ‘focussed movements’ / physical training does produce an effect, a stressful like effect upon me. I have been acknowledging this and gently breathing through it. I am training myself not to have a flight or fight response to physical exertion and I am being successful.

My point is that there is a fine line between a stress response to a stimulus and a purely positive adaptive response. We need to identify which is which and increase the one and decrease the other as we see fit.


You cannot control all external events but you can have an effect on how you perceive them. I have conditioned my body / central nervous system to view my physical training as a stimulus to adaptation rather than a stress to temporarily overcome.

You might not have critically thought about that statement but imagine a pair of identical twins who are indeed identical. They both lead identical lives and train identically. One perceives the training as stressful and reacts accordingly to it. The other views the training as a pleasurable way to enjoy their own body. One ends up looking more like Woody Allen and the other starts to look more like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Please be aware of how your perception alters both your physical and mental state which are one and the same anyway.

Adaptive systems

We are all adaptive systems. No-one is able to actually understand how all our systems iperceivewith each other. Sensitise yourself to yourself, others and your environment and realise that you have a conscious system, an unconscious system and automated systems. All intertwined in ways beyond the comprehension of all. Go with your gut instincts and notice when you appear to be correct and when you are not. As you get more sensitive you can tend towards being right more often than wrong.

You are an adaptive system which has perfectly adapted to your environment and how you percieve that environment. With some critical thought you can determine if you wish to make changes and how to achieve those changes, all it takes is time and critical thought.

You take care

16 October, 2021


 I started exercising at the age of eight after seeing Arnold Schwarzenegger win Mr Universe, or some such like. At age fifty I had tried it all and got nowhere.

You could say that I am a hard gainer, why is that?

I wrote a book about food and exercise and after reading it, I read the other books that I wrote.

I changed my diet by eliminating processed carbohydrates for three months and then intentionally keeping them quite low. I made a better effort to sleep well. I attempted to ‘listen’ more to my body.

None of this is easy. I found listening to my body to be impossible. I tried some new training philosophy that was centuries old, light dumbbell exercises. For two years my joints hurt from the light dumbbell exercises.

Physical changes were slight to none and I was getting increasingly unhappy with continuous joint pain. I thought the unthinkable. I continued with the light dumbbell exercises (Eugene Sandow) but didn’t use the light dumbbells.

So, after 44 years I listened to my body. After two intense years of attempting to listen to my body, I actually listened. Via pain my body informed me to stop using the 3kg dumbbells. I used 2kg dumbbells. The pain continued. I listened. I used 1kg dumbbells. The pain continued. I listened. I have not used dumbbells. for six months. My gains have been slight but better than the previous 44 years.

This is a critical thought blog, what I describe above is a true and accurate record of events but how can weight training without weights work when nothing I have tried in 44 years did anything?

Food and sleep are likely good foundations but exercise is needed to stimulate the body to make physical changes to adapt to the exercise. Is weight training without weights sufficient stimulus? It must be because my body has adapted, a little.

I am going to explain my modest success as a combination of three things-

1) Conscious thought

I don’t just wave my arms about ‘curling’ fresh air. I move my limbs in traditional weight lifting patterns with great focus of thought. This is known as the ‘mind-muscle’ link. I contract my muscles with as great a force as they can muster and move them throughout their full range of motion. I also ‘listen’ to my body in real-time. I don’t contract my muscles hard enough to cause pain. I don’t push my limbs beyond their pain free range of motion.

This develops a two way communication between my conscious will and my body. I deliberately contract a muscle whilst noting how that contraction feels.

2) Unconscious thought

My body has it’s own mechanisms for monitoring itself, as does yours. Medical science is beginning to realise how little it actually knows but the general population is beginning to notice. That said, these focussed movements reveal to the body / unconscious thought which parts of the body are working correctly and where resources are needed the most.

This is the adaptation to exercise that I am after. Do my nerves need to be ‘upgraded’, are my energy systems impaired in some way, do I need more brain neurons involved in movement, are my muscle cells arranged in the right plain, the right direction, are they tangled and knotted? Are my tendons springy and properly fed with nutrients and oxygen?

These focussed movements allow the bodies systems to recognise that various systems are lacking and which are most in need of resources. Then respond accordingly.

3) There must be a third thing. There always is.

Proprioception, YouTube search ‘The Bioneer’, this is where the body takes feedback from its environment and from within itself. The body will always seek to protect itself as best it can. Take my poor joints. Perhaps I am a hard gainer because my joints were never supple, springy and strong. Perhaps Arnold Schwarzenegger always had really good joints, a really good central nervous system, lots of brain neurons involved with movement and a whole host of really good mental and physical systems. Arnold would move a heavy weight and his body would green light everything but determine that larger muscles were required and so he would get them. I would lift a heavy weight and my body would have sirens sounding, klaxons blaring, red lights across the board and have my energy systems crashing and my body going into an emergency shut down. How would larger muscles be the answer to that ‘stimulus’?

If you are a successful weight lifter, body builder, ballerinist or just happy with your physical condition then my ‘focussed movements’ should not be traded for whatever it is that you are doing. You could use focussed movements as a pre-workout to really activate the ‘mind-muscle’ connection. Or perhaps post-work out to really stress the muscles to the max. Or use the focussed movements when you are away from suitable equipment or in solitary confinement for a misdemeanour of some sort.

If you are a hard gainer then perhaps one or more of your bodies systems is compromised and these focussed movements, without weights, will allow your body address these issues.

If you are old, infirm or not as good as you would like to be, try these weightless focussed movements for three to six months. Remembering that any pain or discomfort is a signal to amend what you are doing to not be in pain or discomfort.

After six months, what next?

This is my reason for writing this blog post, as I am at the six month marker and wish to read about what to do next.

I do three reps of about 20 exercise movements daily I do a mixture of one exercise when convenient and another later, when convenient. Or the entire workout in one go, if that is convenient to me. What next? Should I do six reps or more? Do the movements twice a day? Both?

No, this would make my muscles larger as they would need to store more energy to do more reps. I would like larger muscles but not as a ‘pack animal’ to do more work. I want to be physically stronger and effortlessly exert a large force ‘on demand’.

Critical thought has allowed me to fully understand my goal(s) and the solution is obvious to me. Well the solution for me is obvious to me. You will be considering how all this may or may not be true and if you can use and modify any of it to benefit yourself.

Moving forward, I shall be contracting my muscles harder throughout the full range of pain free movement that each of my limbs is capable of. I will be purposefully generating as large a force as possible. I will monitor how this feels. I can do this because I have six months experience of doing this. I thought I was contracting my muscles powerfully. I will make a greater conscious effort to contract them harder. For those who know their stuff, I expect this will mean, over time, doing each movement slower, thus increasing time under tension.

I will consider making a YouTube video demonstrating the twenty or so movements and I will put the link here when that happens. I have no equipment, dislike being photographed or filmed and have no desire to be seen shirtless – so it may not happen.

Do or do not, there is no try—Yoda

09 October, 2021

Mark Twain

Hi Gang

I trust that you are all well.

I recently came across one of my favourite Mark Twain comments and I wish to add a little of my own flavour to it. Here goes.

If you read the press, then you are mis-informed. - Mark Twain

This includes mainstream media, government announcements and the rest. You are likely to be in a higher state of anxiousness than you otherwise would be. Slightly more stressed than you need to be and this is 24/7/365. This is not good for your long term health and will increase the frequency of your momentary losses of emotional control. This is not good.

If you don't read the press, then you are uninformed. - Mark Twain

You will be likely less stressed than the average Joe and more in control of your temper, reactions and actions. You may well be considered as 'simple' by the mis-informed masses. As a man, you are likely to carry more muscle than the continually slightly stressed average Joe and be known as a 'hunk' to women who are atracted to such calmness. As a woman, men will find you more attractive as you will be far nicer to spend time with. You will be a better person regardless of whichever of the three million gender profiles you more closely relate too.

Twain and I agree on which is the better situation, not just for you but for the general population at large.

You all take care - of yourselves and each other.


02 October, 2021


 Most believe that reality is fixed and never give it another thought. Perhaps we ought to give it a few moments of critical thought.

I work with ‘big characters’ and as such our collective work reality is created by these ‘big characters’. After talking with each of these ‘big characters’, you would form your own opinion of our work reality. You would also notice that each of these ‘big characters’ views our collective work reality differently. Therefore, even this small example should be sufficient to give you a moments pause, to think about your reality. In an ever changing set of circumstances and events also known as life, reality is not fixed and is subject to opinion.

Each of my ‘big character’ colleagues have their own version of our collective work reality. Should you develop your own personal awareness, awareness of others and an awareness of reality, then you can develop a greater awareness of your own realities.

For example. My ‘big character’ colleagues have all decided that if I work harder, then their own work lives would be a little easier. This has created a work reality where it is collectively believed that I don’t work hard and I am also unhelpful.

It has been a difficult situation for me and this ‘reality’ of my ‘lazy unhelpfulness’ seems impossible to resolve but is it? I suppose that it is just a reputation but still, it is also our work reality.

I have had the following thought, if perceived reality and reality are closely matched then all is well. However, what if the widely held belief of my work reality is not closely matched to reality then much energy is wasted maintaining the false reality as actual reality.

More importantly, reality will impose itself every time the false reality falters. The ‘big characters’ will ignore all these impositions of reality because they don’t match up with what they believe reality to be. They will collectively explain them away and back up each others collective beliefs.

Can anything be done?

Aligning yourself with reality requires no energy, whereas the mental gymnastics required to believe unbelievable things is vast. In time, my ‘big character’ colleagues will become increasingly stressed and unflinchingly believe unbelievable things. It will become increasingly obvious for any outside observer to notice that the ‘big characters’ are behaving increasingly ‘odd’.

Basically, the further away from reality my ‘big character’ colleagues drift, the more anxious they become, the more stressed and the more bloody minded that they are correct.

The more I ground myself in actual reality, the more content I become. The further away from reality my ‘big character’ colleagues travel, the more they throw themselves under the bus.

My ‘big character’ colleagues are throwing themselves under the bus with alarming regularity. I have done nothing and I need do nothing.

Can anything be done?

I need do nothing. They will eat themselves. All I need to do is not be dragged into their collective false reality and that has taken me a year to understand.

That small example readily scales up to cover your country and the entire global population.

This wasted energy is also known as time and money. In a business these losses will be felt as a loss of profit and ultimately destroy the business. In a country these losses will be felt as a loss of productivity and ultimately be felt as high and then very high inflation. Globally, we can hide all this waste for decades then we will experience crashes in confidence if institutions and ultimately, the currency.

Good luck with that.

You are welcome.

25 September, 2021

Am I right?

Am I right is a key question that drove me to write a couple of hundred blog posts and a few books.

I also did it to become a better version of me.

Let me save you the bother of reading a couple hundred more blogs and a few more books.

I am right and I already was a better version of me.

I have stated many times that we humans make up a vast and complex system. From an Engineering perspective, this is way beyond the understanding and control of any one or any group. Therefore, at any given time we are right from our perspective at that moment. I am right and you are right, we are all right and all our opinions are valid. No-one can predict the future with any accuracy and so all our views of the future, the past or even the present are essentially correct, from our point of view.

There is the comfort blanket of numbers. If you are not sure of your view you can always share the view of your Govt.’, Bank, Media or favourite ‘Influencer’. This is almost what everybody does. The view point is only right for the one person who made it and the rest are simply echoing the point.

You may like my blogs as I share my view point with you. I realise today that my viewpoint has always been right, from my point of view. Yours may be vastly different or just slightly different but it ought to be different as we have both got slightly different DNA and probably slightly different lives led so far.

What about being a better version of me? I am already me. There are instances when I would have liked to have responded differently. I am aware of those times and I look forward to reacting differently or at least acting differently.

What about you? Whatever your view of a subject is, you are as likely right as the experts. All an expert is a person who now believes the collective view of other experts in his / her field. All dentists know and believe the same things, all doctors, all financial advisors (for the masses) and all other experts just parrot the view they were taught. I prefer listening to the view of someone who has an interest in a topic rather than a piece of paper informing me of their expert status.

I am not an expert, I am me and you are you.

Those who are without their own informed opinions are echo chambers for those who seek to influence them towards goals which benefit the influencer far more than the influencee.

As I believe I have started to make up words, I shall leave it there.

My view is right, from my point of view. Your view is likely interesting and also right, from your point of view. Unless you are echoing another's view and so you are simply uncomfortable with communicating your own thoughts, at that specific moment. That is not a problem and you can be comfortable with your own enhanced awareness of self. Awesome. Job well done. Take care but do have fun.


Be seeing you

18 September, 2021

Crimes against Humanity

In the UK we have a Govt. and Sage. These are made up of a very small percentage of our population. A few dozen people have decided what we can do and not do for over a year. In my opinion, that is a crime against humanity in itself.

I don’t care if they are right or wrong. They are guilty.

It is clear to me that most people do not consider themselves to be capable human beings. This must be due to their education and based upon their many adult interactions with other people. Based on this I am happy to state that the very existence of our society is a crime against humanity.

I’ll give on example, herd immunity is achieved when more than 70% of us have been vaccinated. This is a lie and based upon information that is 50 – 70 years out of date. No doubt some of the humans within Sage know this but the collective output of Sage is not that of a human. The collective output of Sage is just a statement. A collection of words that no human being on the planet is accountable for. Where is the incentive for these humans to actually review current data and determine what they believe is the right way forward? None. They risk their reputation and livelihoods. They risk the nice dinners and those who admire the letters after their names and titles.

Anyway, that’s them, what about us? Well, why don’t we all start acting as though we are capable human beings because we are. My readers are undoubtedly very patient, tolerant and capable human beings. The rest are when and only when, they are treated as such.

Society does not treat it’s members as capable human beings. It just doesn’t. To give you financial advice I need a piece of paper from our Govt. Then I need to give Govt. sanctioned advice or I lose the piece of paper. I cannot give you advice on what to eat because I haven’t the piece of paper from Govt. allowing me to do this. If I did have the piece of paper, I would have to stick to the Govt. approved advice.

What if you are all mostly wrong? You are.

Correct use of eyes and ears are all that is necessary for capable human beings to understand that society does not treat them as capable human beings.

Superficially, we are all members of society and we understand our place in it as well as Sage and Govt. However, when I speak with strangers, the superficiality dissolves.

I hope a few ideas are forming within your consciousness.

As society is not an actual human being, no-one but yourself is accountable for following any of societies rules. I suggest you do behave as a capable human being and you will become a capable human being. Relative to members of society, capable human beings are devastatingly effective.

Capable human beings are not fearful creatures. A 2011 research paper on sarcov1 gives a treatment protocol in its conclusion. I have that protocol in my home as I am a capable human being. Sage has not mentioned the paper or the protocol because Sage is neither a capable human being or even a human being at all. I have noted other medical studies which, in my opinion, suggest that the sarcov1 protocol also works very effectively on all variants of sarcov2.

As a capable human being I have spent a year deliberately improving my probability of having an asymptotic reaction to Covid19. I spent many hours talking to a nurse who was very miserable and who insisted she hadn’t got Covid despite being ill with a flu in the middle of summer.

Anyway, you all know how brilliant I believe myself to be and how stupid I believe society, Govt. Sage and the banking sector are. I will ignore all members of society and their infantile institutions to the best of my ability whilst interacting with people only as the capable human beings that they truly are. Those who insist on forcing me to believe the same nonsense that they do will not be entertained. A capable human being has no need of Sage advice or Govt. guidance. None.

Capable human beings create their own groups and opt in and out of other groups at will.

 The Executive Summary

Society has become a crime against humanity. The masses have allowed this by deliberately sabotaging themselves by not allowing others to percieve them as the capable human beings that they are.



11 September, 2021

The Future is unavoidable

What sort of future has appeared on our collective horizon? What exactly are we heading towards and why? Obviously, we can change tack but that would involve some effort. A stitch in time saves nine but a voluntary stitch now does involve effort now.

The first tool of Govt. is fear and they are really going to town with fear. The second tool is divide and conquer. I am seeing that being used incessantly. Trans issues, gender issues, black lives matter, feminism, inappropriate statues, what someone said twenty years ago, what someone mentioned this morning, a joke, a witty comment, a pithy response, sarcasm and white supremacy are all being promoted and argued about by our media and talking heads. Normal people, by which I mean EVERYBODY else is not arguing with each other.

Now we are being assailed with a combination of both tools of Govt. I am referring to the vaccinated vs the non-vaccinated. Feel free to have an opinion that differs from my own.

I have mentioned it before and I mention it again because it is crucial. There are people who will use anything and do anything for an advantage over others. A simple observation of their actions reveals that they have no empathy for anyone else. Well, simple for those with enhanced awareness who are able to critically think.

The current mindset of our Govt. is that they know best. If only we obeyed promptly and with good cheer, everything would be better. Mistakes are covered up because accountability and people who believe that they know best do not co-exist. Our Govt. are led by people without empathy, who believe that they know best but feel no accountability for errors. These ‘far less than’ humans truly believe all mistakes are due to us, the masses, not doing as we are instructed promptly.

Now, this is obviously an alternative reality and just a (critical) thought experiment. Based upon the above assumptions where are we headed with covid passports?

You may wish to stop reading and have a ponder.

Another topic needs to be aided into the mix. Finance. The Govt. have thrown vast quantities of freshly created currency at the covid panic. Much of it has gone to bailing out the ‘friends’ of the Govt. Lobbyists are the ‘friends’ of Govt. Banks are ‘friends’ of the government. It is rather like the 2008-2009 crash but on steroids with the tag line covid rather than bank failure. I won’t leave that thread alone. Let us ignore that then and concentrate on where the wealth came from that backed all the new currency creation. There was an enormous amount of currency creation without apparent ill effect. Well, the ill effects are going to materialise in the form of a reduced standard of living for the masses. The wealth that backed the vast amount of currency creation comes from those who create the wealth, which is us – the masses.

We have quite an atrocious combination of circumstances facing us. A financially punishing covid response, seeds of discord everywhere and a vaccine passport. How will those who think they know best, who will not accept any responsibility for anything negative, without empathy for others abuse our trust in a vaccine passport?

Let us start at the start. The vaccine passport started life as an app to let us know if we had been close to someone who had tested positive for covid. How very useful and innocent, thought most but not all. Many were unhappy and were laughed at for being unhelpful.

This ‘innocent’ app has transformed into a vaccine passport and those ‘less than’ humans in charge want us all to accept it, for the greater good. We now get to argue amongst ourselves as to whether or not this is a good idea or not. The greater good is mentioned often as is how appalling are the people who refuse the covid panic vaccine.

Well, the vaccine passport will transform as much as the ‘less than’ humans in-charge can get away with. Imagine a world where cash has been outlawed because only ‘criminals’ use it anyway. Currency is linked to our vaccine passport. This is so those who wish to harm society by not vaccinating are not allowed to enjoy the benefits of society. Which is fair in the minds of the ‘less than’ humans and those who are fearful due to the Govt. and media driven covid panic. What else could be added on? How about your ‘health status’. Perhaps just a few relevant details to begin with. Such as your age because the elderly are more at risk of a covid fatality. How about your gender because men are at more risk. How about your skin colour / color as dark skinned people are at higher risk. My favourite? How about your body weight?

Imagine a future where you enter a ‘convenience’ store to purchase some ‘food’. Your up to date vaccine passport which is now your credit / debit card allows entry due to some blue tooth / local Wi-Fi link acceptance. You pick up a ‘snickers bar’ and your phone bleeps. Fauci has decided that you are too fat to buy a ‘snickers bar’. This is probably a good thing and so I support it. You pick up some water and your phone makes a ‘power up’ noise, this means that Fauci approves of your decision. You leave the shop with your water and the fee to use the shop, the cost of the water and a deposit on the plastic bottle is taken from your vaccine / health passport account.

You walk passed a gym and your phone bleeps. You have a text message. Fauci thinks that 30 minutes of cardio is required. You do have a choice. Do the cardio in the gym or not have the ‘daily fitness fee’ of 100 dollars deposited into your vaccine passport account or whatever they call it now. However, the water cost you 20 dollars and you need the currency. You also need to dispose of the water bottle responsibly or face a 100 dollar fine. We do need to save the oceans and climate change too, think of the children.

I think that I have changed my mind. The vaccine passport will readily transform into a tool for the greater good. Experts can decide how many calories we can consume and if we have behaved socially responsible enough, for a month, to have a meal at a nice restaurant and a small (1 ounce) servicing of Budweiser, assuming you wish to pay 1000 bucks for it. Which is only 10 days of free Govt. currency for maintaining a Fauci approved fitness regimen at a gym which costs 5000 dollars a month membership.

I hesitate to guess exactly what you are pondering at this moment. Is it, ‘what about the really wealthy?’ well, they don’t need the Govt. financial incentives for healthy eating, exercise or whatever else someone thinks up. No, these people are important and will need to travel freely on private jets.

Ultimately, you will do a job but your pay will be insignificant relative to all the Govt. financial incentives for being a good citizen. All this for the greater good. Surely, only a psychopath would think this wasn’t the best idea in the world, ever.

I am sure all my readers realise that the only way forward from this particular future is an acceleration in the decline in the standard of life for the masses. Those who think otherwise are wrong. That is just my opinion and I might be wrong too. Luckily, our collective future involves doing whatever Fauci thinks best in terms of health. What Yellen thinks is best for productive work. What Greta Thunberg decides is best for the environment. Those who think differently are not members of the caring and thoughtful society I have just described and so are criminals.

Get your jabs, get your ‘electronic’ papers and KNOW that your are a good member of society because you are.

This article was a test of your loyalty to the greater good and you passed. Congratulations – you no longer need to concern yourself with critical thought.

04 September, 2021

The Unaware

Most people have no schooling into self awareness, awareness of others or a basic awareness of society. Most people have no awareness of their own lack of awareness. Most people will state, with mild agitation, that they are indeed aware. Why would I think otherwise?

Try having meaningful conversations with a great range of people. As you bring up various topics you will be met with the same basic responses. They generally start, ‘Yes, but...’ and a generic response is regurgitated. These are the unaware foot soldiers of the elite.

These unaware foot soldiers may be rich and powerful or not. They all want the same thing. To be free from fear. In wanting this, they will never experience it. Elite use fear freely as it works well. These unaware foot soldiers will be fearful of any change not authorised by the elite.

The elite don’t want people to be aware as it is not in their interest. Hence all the unaware people.

The Elite are perhaps not who you think they are. You may be thinking of old families with old wealth. Think of them more as custodians. No, the elite are those at the top of the societal pile. They really do not want any challenges to their societal power. They believe that they are the right people at the right place doing the right job, mostly. They are deluded. One man cannot make decisions for many people. Well, simple decisions. Easy decisions. Obvious decisions. Perhaps but we are well passed that.

We are locked in a brittle society that is incapable of change. Locked in a decade long financial collapse. No change is being suggested, only a reset.

Instead of a Great Reset, would you like to experience Great Awareness? A mass awakening of the masses?

The top 2%, or less, want a reset. The 98% who aren’t aware are not aware of even having a choice. They will want a reset, eventually, which is what they will get. Which is just sad.

28 August, 2021

The Great Reset

Same again?

Sounds like a good idea.

How about something new, exciting and different?

Sounds like a good idea.

The Great Reset is what the elites want. They are quick to explain how this benefits us. Is anyone buying this? Critical Thought is hard and common sense is rare but surely no-one but the elite will benefit from the elites Great Reset?

Society is made up of three things, in my opinion, Govt., banks and people. The elite influence Govt. and banks and people. They do this without compassion or empathy and they do it for their own benefit. Does a Great Reset designed by these elite sound like a good idea?

For something new we would have to ignore the influence of the elite. Which means not letting them influence you. Ignoring the influence of the banks which is itself directed by the elite. Finally, ignore the influence of your Govt. which is directed by the elite.

Does that sound difficult? Try not watching the news, not embedding yourself in ‘social media’ and actively being actually social. Which obviously means talking to people. Having actual conversations. I suggest you start off gradually and build up to something meaningful.

What next? Nothing really. The change has already been effected. In time, we will have something new, exciting and different.

Those with great awareness and the ability to perceive reality, will nod sagely.

What of the elites and their unaware foot soldiers? They do not like change and will resist. Which is why we are where we are now. A thought for another day.

Take care

21 August, 2021


 SAD – Stress, ageing and death

A colleague of mine has told me that stress induces the body to shut down and allow you to die. It does this as an act of kindness.

I have had an interest in health and fitness for four decades. Combined with all my other interests, this gives me an insight into ageing and how not to accelerate the ageing process unnecessarily.

It all boils down to attitude, which in itself is a small part of perception and awareness.

I have written books about awareness but not mentioned perception. How you perceive life is as important as what you eat and your genetics. I have mentioned food before and our genetics are fixed at the moment of conception.

The body and mind and our environment are all linked. The body is made up of two basic systems – the sympathetic and the para-sympathetic. The mind is a mixture of many things but here I am exclusively considering awareness and perception. How we perceive our environment, how we perceive ourselves and how we perceive our interactions with others all impact upon the balance between our sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems.

We can model this far more simply. We are an adaptive nervous system which continually responds to the food we eat and our perception of the world around us. Do you eat crap and take crap from all those around you? Do you eat like a King and are treated like a King by those around you? One will age far faster than the other. In other words, one will live far longer than the other.

Hopefully, this is resonating with you.

That is why a little stress is good for you. You grow and adapt to suit whatever lifestyle you are living. Choose to live a more active lifestyle and you will adapt to it.

I can give a current and pertinent example. Whether you are able to perceive the truth of it is beyond my ability to control. I shall try. The ‘new flu’ is good at killing very fat people. I could explain why but I shall just say that stressed and anxious people are almost as easy to kill, by the ‘new flu’, as the very fat people. I cover age later.

I suggest you don’t unduly accelerate your ageing process, you make an attempt not to be very fat and you perceive things as not stressful. Not quite as easy as you may think but not impossible either.

Many people are being stressed out and feeling anxious about the ‘new flu’. Mainly because their Gov presents the ‘new flu’, with the help of media in a very dramatic fashion. You can choose to perceive all their arm flapping and mouth noises as the nonsensical rambling of buffoons and deluded societal experts. The effect of this is nearly as good as not being very fat.

How is your awareness? Did you notice that in the last paragraph I have stated that state of mind / perception has a massive effect on your immune system? Did you also notice that your Gov, preferred media outlet and the ‘experts’ don’t actually care about your actual health? They say they do and they probably mean it. They are simply lacking awareness and this impacts on their ability to perceive reality. I could explain this further but this should be enough to prompt some critical thought of your own.

Be safe.

Let them eat cake

 I mentioned narcissist (narc) people a while back and that 1/6 of the population are narc people but almost all do not know that they are narc and most non-narc people know nothing about the narc people. I made two key remarks, the first was that society creates that which benefits society, which is both narc people and people who know nothing about narc people. The second point was to search for H G Tudor on YouTube and allow him to educate you.

Now, Marie-Antoinette was supposed to have said, ‘let them eat cake’ which sparked the French Revolution, or some such like. Now, Marie-Antoinette probably said quite a lot of stupid things. Historians noted the step change in French society, called it a revolution and decided that the cake statement was the cause. How very simple and child like, yet we believe it without thought or simply realise that history is a childish representation of what really happened.

Now Marie-Antoinette could easily have been a narc and these people have no real grasp of reality. They only concern themselves with themselves, their needs and their desire to gain control of those around them. Control is the key issue. A narc cannot simply enjoy life, they seek to control it.

Now, if Biden is a narc and he certainly acts like one, in my non-expert opinion. Has he uttered his version of let them eat cake yet? He mutters a great deal of nonsense which the media is keen to explain away or simply ignore. Not this time. I am referring to the Afghan withdrawal. Narc Biden only wishes to assert control. He has said that things could not have happened any differently because of Trump and the Afghan military. The media and US people appear to be struggling with that statement.

Things could be happening differently. Narc Biden could give control to the on-the-ground military personnel. Listen to H G Tudor and you will know that this is the last resort of a narc. If things get too messy narc Biden will simply become ‘very ill’ and walk away. Well, he will likely walk away very dramatically on a gurney with drips and men with guns ‘protecting him’ from accountability.

He also said that only the US can project military power half way across the world and then prove that they can’t. That may be the eat cake statement. He talks a great deal of nonsense, any of which could be chosen by historians claiming to know what exactly sparked a step change in the US, in hindsight obviously.

I notice that the UK has told the UK armed forces to go in and retrieve 5,000 people. On the ground, they have been told to retrieve all those who need retrieving and the paperwork will be sorted out later. For those who don’t understand the nuance of the English language, this means retrieve all those you believe need to be retrieved.

The US military would like the same orders but haven’t got them. This is probably for the best. Narc Biden is not capable of seeing reality as his narc lens will not allow it. Most people are incapable of recognising they have a narc president. When they do, the US Revolution starts and ends within seconds.

The French revolution was not caused by some goof-ball muttering about cake but when the French people used their eyes and ears and realised that goof-balls were running the show.

Narc people are goof-balls. They don’t know that they are goof-balls and 5/6 who aren’t goof-balls are unable to recognise a goof-ball when it is behaving as a goof-ball, talking non-sense and disagreeing with what is obvious to everyone else. That is what I call normal for a society but it is not optimum.

A non-goof-ball Biden could do things differently and agree that there are many ways to handle this ongoing situation. Ladies and gentlemen, your Commander in Chief is a goof-ball.

14 August, 2021


 I have heard a few of our Financial Elites saying that they are doing Gods work. Which is nice but is this an actual fact or an opinion?

What if they are actually in Service of the Devil but simply unaware of this fact?

Let us think about this. Are our financial elites, on balance, good for society or not?

That is a poorly constructed question. We have involved the word society.

Let us think more about the question. Are our financial elites, on balance, a force for the collective good or not?

At this point, your conditioning will be kicking in. Go and meditate. Read on when you are centred.

What is it that our financial elites do? Again your conditioning will be fogging your mind. Go and meditate. Read on when you are centred.

I didn’t ask what do the financial elites think they do or what you think they do or what your economics teacher said they do or what Dave down the pub says they do. I asked, what is it that the financial elites do?

This is a simple question and I ask that you provide a simple answer. Go and meditate. Read on when you are centred.

The primary goal of the financial elite is to ensure that you believe that they are financial elites. Their primary goal is to manipulate you. Their secondary goal is to manipulate the flow of credit.

Let us ignore what I called a primary goal as that is perhaps my opinion rather than a fact, in your opinion.

The financial elite hope to have an effect on the flow of credit. They do this with silence as well as making noises with their mouths. Funds are channelled to agreeable idiots / think tanks. They make serious attempts not to argue in public, so they have closed door meeting where views can be synchronised. I used the word ‘views’ instead of opinion. Their opinions of what it is they do are biased. The word ‘view’ is used to describe the ‘optics’ they wish to put forward to the non-financial elites.

Now, before you start shrieking, ‘conspiracy theorist’. Go and meditate. Read on when you are centred.

What is it that these people actually do? As Jesus said, ‘Have you not got eyes and ears?’. Now, before you roll your eyes. Go and meditate. Read on when you are centred.

I have suggested that you meditate a great deal in this post. I doubt that you will have because of reasons. Anyway, what do these financial elites do?

Easy, they do whatever it is that they do. In the last 18 months they have done rather a lot. A great deal more than they normally do. Before you start, we are not considering the ‘new flu’ here. So, what is the key fact that I am asking you to consider?

Go and meditate. Read on when you are centred.

I the last 18 months, in my opinion, the key fact that shows exactly what it is that the financial elites do is…

Go and meditate. Read on when you are centred.

Increase the wealth of billionaires from 5 trillion to 13 trillion.

Go and meditate. Read on when you are centred.

What do the financial elites do? (simple question)

They funnel the wealth of the masses to a select few. (simple answer)

You can argue all you want. The opinion of the financial elites is just mouth noises. The Gov financial ministers opinion is just a vibration of vocal chords. The think tank / useful idiots opinion are nothing but back ground noise. Your mate Dave down the pub is correct, the financial elite are ‘robbin basteds’.

Go and meditate. Read on when you are centred.

So, whatever it is that anyone thinks the financial elite do, including themselves, is likely mistaken. When the financial elites find themselves dealing with a crisis, somehow 8 trillion dollars finds its way over to the 5 trillion dollars that the wealthy elite had already accumulated.

Seriously, meditate for twenty minutes, twice a day for at least two years before you even think about questioning me. Feel free to question anybody else as you see fit.

The financial system has a bug / feature which amplifies wealth inequality which, history repeatedly tells us, will eventually destroy society. No wonder the financial elites want a reset rather than a new system.

I can be a little harsh. It is in my nature. I am not kind or loving. I am abrasive. I am also modest but most incorrectly believe that to be a jest.

I shall leave this one there.

07 August, 2021

Science Fiction

I do like science fiction, particularly alternative realities. They give me an opportunity to exercise my critical thought faculties. That said, I would also like to write one. This would require a great expenditure of effort, so I will just write this instead.

Imagine a world exactly like our own. Focus on the last two years of the ‘new flu’. Now forget about your own concerns and think globally. Think internationally. Follow the money.

Let us start with the 2008 – 2009 financial malarkey, where those in the know expressed concern that the financial system had only a few hours more life left in it. Oh dear. Two or three from prestigious financial institutions met up with two or three from the financial wing of the US Gov and had a discussion. Something had to be done and the Gov types were panicking. The financial people smiled or sneered and spoke aloud the largest figure they could think of that the Gov could provide. The Gov agreed.

From that day on, it is difficult to know who exactly is running the financial wing of our governments but it isn’t the governments. The financial people have needed vast injections of currency for over a decade. So far, so good, sort of. Inflation of the basics in the US is quite high but the Gov disagree with these high figures. Now that inflation is becoming painfully high, those in charge have changed their tune. They agree that inflation is high and that this is transitory and so worry more about the ‘new flu variant’.

Why all the focus of attention on the ‘new flu’ for almost two years? What are we supposed to not be looking at? The most important thing for our government is the continuation of government. The most important thing for the financial elite is the continuation of the financial system. Perhaps the people come in third place? My alternative reality is that I place myself and everybody else, first. Government must serve the people and so must the financial system. Most people on the planet don’t like this alternative reality. They really don’t.

So during this ‘new flu’ reality have you noticed what our financial overlords are up to? I am sure you have. They are creating unimaginably vast amounts of new currency. The reasons given for this are memorised by the masses. The elites are currently doing their best to divide us. To get us to be annoyed with each other. To create fear and distrust. To stop us realising the truth.

In my alternative reality the truth is straight forward. The Govt. of the world have pushed their luck a little too far. The financial elites believe their own hype. Twenty years ago, Gordon Brown, announced that he had conquered the business cycle through his own sheer brilliance and then he sold half our gold. Thatcher unshackled our banks a decade earlier and has unfortunately died before realising her error. These people think that they are cunning and clever and they are simply deluded.

Currently, China Gov is selling gold to its own citizens which is putting a downward force on the price of gold. China is putting lots of ‘new flu’ restrictions on it’s ports. Trade will slow and shipping costs increase. There is a big picture here that we are not noticing. Henry Kissinger would have noticed and be massaging things along to benefit of his handlers, the US people indirectly benefiting, sort of. An extended transitory benefit which is coming to an end.

So, which of the above ‘facts’ are relevant? It depends. It always does. Be advised that complex systems do not always behave linearly. There will always be non-linearities and discontinuities. The Gov and financial elites will not accept accountability for any non-linearity or discontinuity. They will eagerly blame the ‘new flu’, Russia or China. The non-critically thinking masses will not like conspiracy theorists offering up a plethora of alternative theories. A Gov. answer requires no thought and will be easy enough to regurgitate at will. A multitude of conspiracy theories will require lots of conscious thought. The horror of having to have an opinion that may prove to be incorrect. The loss of face is unimagineable to many of those who have blagged even the smallest handhold of societal power.

Anyway, this is an alternative reality. In this reality, I run a global intelligence network which anyone can do. (The internet.) The problem with data is analysis. Everything always boils down to opinion. Others may say running a global intelligence network is nice but what impact can I have on the world? This is the same problem all intelligence networks have. The basis of this problem is that the world is a complex system that does not behave linearly because people don’t always behave linearly. Complex systems do not behave linearly.

Am I rambling? Possibly but are you getting anything of value from your own musings of my nonsense?

My alternative reality is that this ‘new flu’ thing is a distraction from the ongoing financial collapse. Our own Gov is a major benefactor of the financial system and a collapse of finance means a collapse of Gov too. Yet again, people come last. Instead of a controlled transitioning we are heading for a discontinuity. For those who aren’t engineers, a discontinuity is a major shock. As in major. Your Gov and financial elites would rather we all experienced a ‘major shock’ than smoothly dismantle many major institutions and base our earthly experience more on reality and less on belief of Gov.

My alternative reality is one where we are heading for a reset. The Gov and financial elites wish the game to continue as long as it can. The people have a major shock. Gov and financial elites carry on with the same game. In this reality, the average quality of life suffers a major shock and is reset to a level lower than most realise. (Imagine no foreign holidays, no car and far less discretionery spending.)


The Gov and financial elite suffer the shock. The people have a transitory shock but after a few years, we realise that we are now living in the ‘paradise’ of the information age. A revolution of greater impact than the industrial revolution.

I could go on and I shall but not now. I have chosen my path. As has everybody else. The difference between me and most can be summed up in a single word, awareness.

You might be thinking of a different word. Good luck with that.


Bye for now.