Inflation is a technical word but let us freely ignore whatever our banking overlords believe inflation to be. Let us freely ignore whatever our political overlords believe inflation to be.
Inflation is an erosion of our average standard of living. Increasing taxes is an erosion of our average standard of living. Shortages also have a negative effect upon our average standard of living, which are hopefully short lived shortages.
Many of us are aware of shortages of chips, steel, lumber, chicken, fresh produce and whatever it is that you have personally noticed or friends have informed you of. A builder friend of my father is unable to complete various projects as the basics he needs are randomly unavailable. Bags of plaster were available recently, not at the normal £5 but at £30. How does he price his projects accurately?
We are led to believe that these shortages will go away soon but soon has become a while, which has become a year which will soon morph into a couple of years. That is quite a hit to our collective standards of living that we haven’t collectively noticed yet.
Another major impact to our standards of living is the price of holidays and their availability. Due to ‘reasons’ many haven’t had a holiday. That is a major hit to our collective standard of living that we collectively think is temporary but this may prove to be the ‘new normal’ we keep hearing about. Did you get a holiday? Did it cost two or three times more than normal? This could also prove to be the new price of holidays rather than a ‘glitch’.
We are told that inflation is currently high but that this is transitory and inflation will go down soon. Predicting the future is difficult but our political and financial overlords do this frequently and then update these predictions regularly because they are generally ‘inaccurate’.
Now are these transitory price increases and shortages the ‘new normal’ or a ‘temporary glitch’?
If we are all suddenly much more productive then the price increases will ‘stick’ but inflation will go down rather than up.
If we are all going to do 50 hours work in 40 hours for 30 hours pay, then prices will go back to where they were and inflation pootle along at or around 2%
What if we are less productive, extending a decades long trend? Well then the price increases stay with us as do the intermittent shortages. Worse than that, inflation remains high.
Well, that is bad news for us all as our collective standard of living remains where it is now, less than what it was before the global pandemic response.
Brace, brace, brace. It could get worse if our collective central banks start creating currency and exchange it for ‘impaired assets’ at ‘non-impaired asset’ prices. It could get much worse if our collective central banks start creating vast amounts of currency, gifting it to our collective governments in exchange for whatever nonsense you wish to believe.
Unfortunately, all this is already happening and has been happening since the 2009 financial misstep. However, we are now at ludicrous speed and about to invent another word for accelerating this currency creation even harder.
This ‘temporary glitch’ depressing our collective standard of living is only temporary if several impossible things happen as described above. It is not temporary and is likely to accelerate. By accelerate, I mean a speeding up in the crushing of our collective standard of living.
Most members of the public will be very slow to understand this. Most members of the public will simply shrug and say ‘well covid this and that’. Well, not really. Covid is just the current scapegoat. Our next scapegoat could well be those who aren’t double jabbed. The scapegoat after that could be those who aren’t triple jabbed. The actual scapegoat is unimportant.
As our collective standard of living falls our political overlords and financial overlords will be pointing fingers at various scapegoats that they have just invented. In the end, should we get there, the final scapegoat for our political overlords will be the financial overlords. The final scapegoat for our financial overlords will be the political overlords and the ‘great reset’ will finally, if not before, be ushered in. We will be assured that none of this will ever happen again.
Normally, my motivation for actually writing a blog post is anger, frustration and outrage. This will likely make itself felt in my word choices and sentence construction. I have written this from a point of view of kindness. This will likely all come to pass and history will show that it was all definitely the scapegoats fault. So be it. I was going to publish this as soon as I do a spell check. It is currently the day after 9/11. I could publish this in a years time and it will still be considered to be ‘fake news’ or whatever the main stream media deem clear views of actual reality to be.
Anyway, thanks for reading and be observant.
Perhaps have a critical think about what would increase our collective standard of living.
Perhaps have a critical think about what would decrease our collective standard of living.
More importantly, how can you increase your own enjoyment of life?
For myself, I am attempting to treat all of you with kindness. This includes our financial overlords, political overlords, members of the press, members of the public but more importantly – me.
Some will view my kindness as weakness. Most will appreciate it. How others react will merely ‘show me their hand’.
I might be wrong, let us hope so but be prepared for me to have undersold the ‘difficulties’ because I have. Do please be observant.
Thanks for your time.
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