26 November, 2021

Global Governance

Past, present and future are all connected, as is everything else. Future events are born out of our collective choices, actions and inactions. Our political leaders love to assert control and refuse to accept any responsibility or accountability for the ever present ‘unintended consequences’.

Do you recall World War II? I don’t as I was born in the last gasps of the sixties. Apparently, the duly elected German Government managed to kill six million people for the greater good. These people we known to be vermin and responsible for the rest of Germany’s poor economic situation. I have also read that another 10 million people were also slaughtered because they were also a strain on the economic purse. Apparently, according to the Nazi’s, black lives did not matter.

Despite ridding themselves of 16 million vermin, Germany still lost. Many of those who carried out the legal orders of the legitimate German Government, to cull the vermin, stated at trial that they had not broken any laws and were only obeying orders.

This led to some new legislation above that of any government. Basically, no Government law can ever ‘trump’ human rights. Currently, most major governments of the world are violating the human rights of their populations. This is not a good thing.


I have noticed that Trump supporters were called vermin as are those who are ‘vaccine hesitant’. This is not a good thing.

How about this recent United Kingdom development;-

Public Health England has been rebranded as UK Health Security Agency and Office for Health Improvement and Disparities.

Forgive me for this but has the Nazi mentality fully infected our UK Government? Clearly, the Aussies have gone full Nazi but the current leaders appear to be the Italian Government.

Many people may believe that ‘forced vaccinations’ are for the greater good, for UK Health Security. This is a Nazi mindset. I believe that the Nazi’s were the designated ‘bad guys’ of World War II and not deemed as suitable role models for the 21st Century.

Am I over playing this?

If it acts like a Nazi, talks like a Nazi and follows, or creates, laws which contravene my human rights, then please expect me to treat you as a Nazi because you are one.

Are you physically and mentally prepared for our global march towards a thousand years of peace under the care of our next generation Nazi overlords? Will you accept each milestone along the way? Do you have any hard limits?

I wonder, if the Nazi’s had managed to rid themselves of all their vermin and actually won, who would have been declared vermin next?

Nazi vermin in order are or were:-




Mentally ill


Would the list have ended there?

Of course not.

All the none whites, except those working for and accepting of the superiority of Germanic blood.

Single mothers

Whores, except those giving comfort to the defenders of the righteous Reicht.

The unemployed.

The third phase would see the poor, uneducated and down on their luck all rebranded as vermin and then ended in a waterless shower.

The final solution would be DNA sequencing for everyone and the execution of those not meeting the criteria laid down by our glorious and infallible party protectorate, for the good of all.

Sieg hiel. Sieg Hiel. Sieg hiel. Sieg Hiel. Sieg hiel. Sieg Hiel. Sieg hiel. Sieg Hiel.

Do please consider giving that some critical thought, or not.

I do have the human right to be wrong. I do hope that I am wrong but it matters not. My choice has already been made and this had made me very ‘anxious’ recently. This was erroneous on my part, the Nazi ought to be anxious about me. I am an anti-nazi nazi, one of the best. Blue eyes, intelligent and the rest. Best of luck to you.

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