04 September, 2021

The Unaware

Most people have no schooling into self awareness, awareness of others or a basic awareness of society. Most people have no awareness of their own lack of awareness. Most people will state, with mild agitation, that they are indeed aware. Why would I think otherwise?

Try having meaningful conversations with a great range of people. As you bring up various topics you will be met with the same basic responses. They generally start, ‘Yes, but...’ and a generic response is regurgitated. These are the unaware foot soldiers of the elite.

These unaware foot soldiers may be rich and powerful or not. They all want the same thing. To be free from fear. In wanting this, they will never experience it. Elite use fear freely as it works well. These unaware foot soldiers will be fearful of any change not authorised by the elite.

The elite don’t want people to be aware as it is not in their interest. Hence all the unaware people.

The Elite are perhaps not who you think they are. You may be thinking of old families with old wealth. Think of them more as custodians. No, the elite are those at the top of the societal pile. They really do not want any challenges to their societal power. They believe that they are the right people at the right place doing the right job, mostly. They are deluded. One man cannot make decisions for many people. Well, simple decisions. Easy decisions. Obvious decisions. Perhaps but we are well passed that.

We are locked in a brittle society that is incapable of change. Locked in a decade long financial collapse. No change is being suggested, only a reset.

Instead of a Great Reset, would you like to experience Great Awareness? A mass awakening of the masses?

The top 2%, or less, want a reset. The 98% who aren’t aware are not aware of even having a choice. They will want a reset, eventually, which is what they will get. Which is just sad.

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