I have been 'modelling' the global pandemic since inception. As a Systems Analyst and Design Engineer, this is not difficult. I won't be mentioning sources as this is a meta analysis on a global scale, thus my sources are everyone everywhere, analytically speaking.
Let us start with some good news. The Delta variant was very infectious but not as deadly as previous variants. I would rank it somewhere between a cold and the flu. The many adverse reactions to the vaccine would mean that most to all healthy under fifties would be better off without it. The risk / benefit ratio getting increasingly worse for healthy people the younger they are.
The Omicron variant is likely to have been 'born' in a vaccinated person with ongoing problems with their immune system. A healthy young unvaccinated person is the least likely source, analytically speaking.
Now some really good news. The Omicron version is likely to be... This post is based soley on my 'model' and as new data is processed into information and fed into my model, this analysis will change. My 'model' will also be revised as I see fit too. Anyway, that said / written, the Omicron strain is likely to be the most transmissable respiratory infection in the history of the world, so far. My model rates it as fierce as a very mild flu / heavy cold. (But very transmissable.)
The current vaccines risk / benefit is likely to be far worse than it was. The adverse outcomes easily being worse than getting a mild flu / omicron variant.
You will have a choice of getting a second 'tweaked' booster. If most accept this then we will be getting new variants and new 'tweaked' boosters every few months or whenever those in charge wish us to have another 'distraction'. However, my model sugggets that the general poplulation is becoming increasingly 'tired' of vaccines and so the pharma profit people may switch it to a pill, a sugar coated one that slips down the throat with ease.
Sorry, I have lost interest in the Omicron strain and the writing of this short post. Just do whatever you believe to be appropriate to boost your natural immune function. The incredible infectiousnes of this variant will make avoiding it extremely difficult.
Now my 'model' is not God and it may need 'tweaking'. However, the general direction of the development of this pandemic is as discussed. The main risk to 'things' going wrong is that we keep injecting ourselves with novel substances that don't really work properly. The virus will react to this and could become deadly to another group of people if we are unlucky. So, instead of the elderly who are already dying of something else being the high risk group. Extensive use of 'leaky' vaccines could evolve the virus into one which targets young children.
Give that some critical thought before following the science as brought to you by politicians, pharma profit people and the fear mongering press corp.
A few words about my 'model'. None of your business.
I have nothing to say about your individual situation and those of your nearest and dearest.
Fear shuts down your immune function.
Sunshine and smiles boosts your immune function.
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