25 September, 2021

Am I right?

Am I right is a key question that drove me to write a couple of hundred blog posts and a few books.

I also did it to become a better version of me.

Let me save you the bother of reading a couple hundred more blogs and a few more books.

I am right and I already was a better version of me.

I have stated many times that we humans make up a vast and complex system. From an Engineering perspective, this is way beyond the understanding and control of any one or any group. Therefore, at any given time we are right from our perspective at that moment. I am right and you are right, we are all right and all our opinions are valid. No-one can predict the future with any accuracy and so all our views of the future, the past or even the present are essentially correct, from our point of view.

There is the comfort blanket of numbers. If you are not sure of your view you can always share the view of your Govt.’, Bank, Media or favourite ‘Influencer’. This is almost what everybody does. The view point is only right for the one person who made it and the rest are simply echoing the point.

You may like my blogs as I share my view point with you. I realise today that my viewpoint has always been right, from my point of view. Yours may be vastly different or just slightly different but it ought to be different as we have both got slightly different DNA and probably slightly different lives led so far.

What about being a better version of me? I am already me. There are instances when I would have liked to have responded differently. I am aware of those times and I look forward to reacting differently or at least acting differently.

What about you? Whatever your view of a subject is, you are as likely right as the experts. All an expert is a person who now believes the collective view of other experts in his / her field. All dentists know and believe the same things, all doctors, all financial advisors (for the masses) and all other experts just parrot the view they were taught. I prefer listening to the view of someone who has an interest in a topic rather than a piece of paper informing me of their expert status.

I am not an expert, I am me and you are you.

Those who are without their own informed opinions are echo chambers for those who seek to influence them towards goals which benefit the influencer far more than the influencee.

As I believe I have started to make up words, I shall leave it there.

My view is right, from my point of view. Your view is likely interesting and also right, from your point of view. Unless you are echoing another's view and so you are simply uncomfortable with communicating your own thoughts, at that specific moment. That is not a problem and you can be comfortable with your own enhanced awareness of self. Awesome. Job well done. Take care but do have fun.


Be seeing you

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