21 August, 2021

Let them eat cake

 I mentioned narcissist (narc) people a while back and that 1/6 of the population are narc people but almost all do not know that they are narc and most non-narc people know nothing about the narc people. I made two key remarks, the first was that society creates that which benefits society, which is both narc people and people who know nothing about narc people. The second point was to search for H G Tudor on YouTube and allow him to educate you.

Now, Marie-Antoinette was supposed to have said, ‘let them eat cake’ which sparked the French Revolution, or some such like. Now, Marie-Antoinette probably said quite a lot of stupid things. Historians noted the step change in French society, called it a revolution and decided that the cake statement was the cause. How very simple and child like, yet we believe it without thought or simply realise that history is a childish representation of what really happened.

Now Marie-Antoinette could easily have been a narc and these people have no real grasp of reality. They only concern themselves with themselves, their needs and their desire to gain control of those around them. Control is the key issue. A narc cannot simply enjoy life, they seek to control it.

Now, if Biden is a narc and he certainly acts like one, in my non-expert opinion. Has he uttered his version of let them eat cake yet? He mutters a great deal of nonsense which the media is keen to explain away or simply ignore. Not this time. I am referring to the Afghan withdrawal. Narc Biden only wishes to assert control. He has said that things could not have happened any differently because of Trump and the Afghan military. The media and US people appear to be struggling with that statement.

Things could be happening differently. Narc Biden could give control to the on-the-ground military personnel. Listen to H G Tudor and you will know that this is the last resort of a narc. If things get too messy narc Biden will simply become ‘very ill’ and walk away. Well, he will likely walk away very dramatically on a gurney with drips and men with guns ‘protecting him’ from accountability.

He also said that only the US can project military power half way across the world and then prove that they can’t. That may be the eat cake statement. He talks a great deal of nonsense, any of which could be chosen by historians claiming to know what exactly sparked a step change in the US, in hindsight obviously.

I notice that the UK has told the UK armed forces to go in and retrieve 5,000 people. On the ground, they have been told to retrieve all those who need retrieving and the paperwork will be sorted out later. For those who don’t understand the nuance of the English language, this means retrieve all those you believe need to be retrieved.

The US military would like the same orders but haven’t got them. This is probably for the best. Narc Biden is not capable of seeing reality as his narc lens will not allow it. Most people are incapable of recognising they have a narc president. When they do, the US Revolution starts and ends within seconds.

The French revolution was not caused by some goof-ball muttering about cake but when the French people used their eyes and ears and realised that goof-balls were running the show.

Narc people are goof-balls. They don’t know that they are goof-balls and 5/6 who aren’t goof-balls are unable to recognise a goof-ball when it is behaving as a goof-ball, talking non-sense and disagreeing with what is obvious to everyone else. That is what I call normal for a society but it is not optimum.

A non-goof-ball Biden could do things differently and agree that there are many ways to handle this ongoing situation. Ladies and gentlemen, your Commander in Chief is a goof-ball.

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