21 August, 2021


 SAD – Stress, ageing and death

A colleague of mine has told me that stress induces the body to shut down and allow you to die. It does this as an act of kindness.

I have had an interest in health and fitness for four decades. Combined with all my other interests, this gives me an insight into ageing and how not to accelerate the ageing process unnecessarily.

It all boils down to attitude, which in itself is a small part of perception and awareness.

I have written books about awareness but not mentioned perception. How you perceive life is as important as what you eat and your genetics. I have mentioned food before and our genetics are fixed at the moment of conception.

The body and mind and our environment are all linked. The body is made up of two basic systems – the sympathetic and the para-sympathetic. The mind is a mixture of many things but here I am exclusively considering awareness and perception. How we perceive our environment, how we perceive ourselves and how we perceive our interactions with others all impact upon the balance between our sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems.

We can model this far more simply. We are an adaptive nervous system which continually responds to the food we eat and our perception of the world around us. Do you eat crap and take crap from all those around you? Do you eat like a King and are treated like a King by those around you? One will age far faster than the other. In other words, one will live far longer than the other.

Hopefully, this is resonating with you.

That is why a little stress is good for you. You grow and adapt to suit whatever lifestyle you are living. Choose to live a more active lifestyle and you will adapt to it.

I can give a current and pertinent example. Whether you are able to perceive the truth of it is beyond my ability to control. I shall try. The ‘new flu’ is good at killing very fat people. I could explain why but I shall just say that stressed and anxious people are almost as easy to kill, by the ‘new flu’, as the very fat people. I cover age later.

I suggest you don’t unduly accelerate your ageing process, you make an attempt not to be very fat and you perceive things as not stressful. Not quite as easy as you may think but not impossible either.

Many people are being stressed out and feeling anxious about the ‘new flu’. Mainly because their Gov presents the ‘new flu’, with the help of media in a very dramatic fashion. You can choose to perceive all their arm flapping and mouth noises as the nonsensical rambling of buffoons and deluded societal experts. The effect of this is nearly as good as not being very fat.

How is your awareness? Did you notice that in the last paragraph I have stated that state of mind / perception has a massive effect on your immune system? Did you also notice that your Gov, preferred media outlet and the ‘experts’ don’t actually care about your actual health? They say they do and they probably mean it. They are simply lacking awareness and this impacts on their ability to perceive reality. I could explain this further but this should be enough to prompt some critical thought of your own.

Be safe.

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