20 November, 2021

Society and kindness

I have stated that our society is founded on fear. I stand by that. I also believe that our current society is based on fear. Without fear, our society dissolves and many fear that too.

Let us view society through the lens of kindness. First we must be kind to ourselves before we can extend a portion of that kindness to others.

We must be double jabbed and those that aren’t are a direct threat to the well being of all. Well, that is the fear I mentioned in my initial paragraph. If you feel that being double jabbed is a kindness to yourself then do get double jabbed. If not, then don’t.

Those requiring you to be double jabbed, are they asking from the point of view of kindness or are they attempting to coerce you? I notice a few talking heads that are going with coercion, as is our elected UK government. My immune system is excellent and flu is not a life threatening concern for me. I do not wish to compromise my naturally strong immunity with a rushed and novel injectable substance. That wouldn’t be a kind thing to do to myself.

I see very little kindness in our institutions. I see very little kindness in our celebrities and the main stream media. This all contaminates the minds of the general public. Fear is a great motivator but it should be a personal thing and not the go to tool of society. It is effective but abhorrent to actual human beings.

In being kind to yourself you become sensitised to kindness. You are then able to choose to spend your time with better human beings and immerse yourself in content from better human beings who publish vlogs and perhaps blogs. In doing this, you are being kind to yourself.

Perhaps more importantly, you will readily recognise those who use fear to manipulate you to their own ends. Mostly, those using fear to control you aren’t concerned with the greater good or objectives, just your compliance. The more you comply the more illogical the requests become as control is sought rather than anything of value.

1/6 of us like to do this. Society is becoming increasingly based on the collective fears of the 1/6 of us that will never be sated. They will require ever more control of everything and still be fearful and objectionable creatures. This 1/6 of the population spread fear like a cancer throughout all of us.

My question is simple, what if 5/6 of us could recognise the other fearful and controlling 1/6? Within seconds, we would have a society that wasn’t based upon fear. It would be based on the opposite of fear.

Instead of having a society based on attempting to alleviate the imagined fear of 1/6 of us. Imagine a society based on the opposite of fear. A society based on the 5/6 of us that are actual human beings and not the 1/6 that are, to be blunt, damaged.

At the very least, we could stop voting for the 1/6 of us that use excessive controlling behaviours in the mistaken belief that their fears will be eased. We could remove ourselves from the influence of the 1/6 of us that are ‘emotional vampires’, ‘without empathy’ and ‘destructive’. We could stop marrying and having children with these broken people. Saving ourselves and our children from the emotional turbulence created by these fearful creatures who seek dominion over us all.

When being kind to ourselves, we automatically protect ourselves from the 1/6 of us who use our own emotions against us. They do this instinctively, without awareness. I don’t much care for them and I will be limiting my exposure to them, out of kindness for myself. Out of kindness to you, I share this ‘opinion’ freely. Do with it what you will.


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