28 August, 2021

The Great Reset

Same again?

Sounds like a good idea.

How about something new, exciting and different?

Sounds like a good idea.

The Great Reset is what the elites want. They are quick to explain how this benefits us. Is anyone buying this? Critical Thought is hard and common sense is rare but surely no-one but the elite will benefit from the elites Great Reset?

Society is made up of three things, in my opinion, Govt., banks and people. The elite influence Govt. and banks and people. They do this without compassion or empathy and they do it for their own benefit. Does a Great Reset designed by these elite sound like a good idea?

For something new we would have to ignore the influence of the elite. Which means not letting them influence you. Ignoring the influence of the banks which is itself directed by the elite. Finally, ignore the influence of your Govt. which is directed by the elite.

Does that sound difficult? Try not watching the news, not embedding yourself in ‘social media’ and actively being actually social. Which obviously means talking to people. Having actual conversations. I suggest you start off gradually and build up to something meaningful.

What next? Nothing really. The change has already been effected. In time, we will have something new, exciting and different.

Those with great awareness and the ability to perceive reality, will nod sagely.

What of the elites and their unaware foot soldiers? They do not like change and will resist. Which is why we are where we are now. A thought for another day.

Take care

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