How does the world actually work? (7/30)
I have mentioned 'trivial' examples of critically thinking in action. I have mentioned large things but I haven't mentioned huge things.
Huge things would be too big to fail banks, governments and the on going global financial crisis. Critical thinking is vital to gaining an understanding of these massively complex systems.
However, I might be at a significant advantage as I am a systems analyst and design engineer but I doubt it. Before you can understand such huge complicated topics you must overcome what you already know. This puts me at a huge disadvantage as I thought I already knew a great deal. Apparently, what takes me years of self directed research, others know intuitively. I am attempting to get people to understand what they know. Once the many understand how the few steal from them, the stealing ends, instantly.
Anyway, the point of this blog is to encourage critical thought. Many people believe they can and do think critically. Fine, not a problem. Then why do we have too big to fail banks? Almost immediately I get the same set of answers from a wide range of people. Thus proving a lack of critical thinking in the majority of people. Not everyone, a few have critically thought about banks, governments and the economy. These are people I spend my time with.
I am probably alienating most readers at this point. You may be asking yourself who do I think I am? Who I am is unimportant, this blog is about you.
Let us start with what you call money. After three months critical thought on money I found out what you already know. I understood how the banks are robbing us blind. It was the same with governments, large corporations and the wealthy few.
Critical thinking, pointed in the correct direction, means that I now understand how we are being robbed and you non-critical thinkers already know that we are being robbed.
The point of critical thinking is that it allows us to understand things, rather than simply know things.
Henry Ford once said that if the people understood the financial system then they would immediately destroy it. We all know the banks are greedy. Yet we allow them to continue, we even bail them out because knowing something is different from understanding it. Henry Ford is correct.
Hopefully, I have just proved to you that the vast majority of people haven't even critically thought about money.
Now that you have some idea of critical thought, try critically thinking about money. Remember, YouTube is your friend when it comes to research. YouTube is a wealth beyond measure, so use it.
Once you understand money, you will be in a far better position to critically think about banks and government.
Obviously, I could just tell you but this blog is about critical thought. I want to get as many people as possible critically thinking. I have my reasons.
So, stop reading this nonsense and critically think about money. I will give you a clue but it is something that you already know. Please understand that knowledge is the greatest barrier to understanding anything. Are you ready? What you call money are just fancy bits of paper with writing on them. See, you already knew that.
Understanding money is the first step to understanding the world and your place in it. It is the first step in changing the world from what we have into something altogether more beautiful.
I am here to offer guidance in critical thinking only. I just thought you might like to try something huge. Understanding the world. Nearly everyone one knows what the world is, very few understand it.
A wise man, once said, pure logical analysis is not the key to understanding. It is merely a step in the journey.
Another said, once you can destroy a thing, then you control that thing.
The working class can destroy a great many things - I wrote that. Re-read what I wrote about Henry Ford.
More to follow. Peace out.
The Royal bank of Scotland, massive talking point. Was Eighty four percent owned by taxpayers (government) bailout.
Now it's seventy three percent government owned. RBS are back in the red after paying back a dividend payment of £1.2bn to the uk government.
I ask is this a case of bad management, or a case who cares. This one is simple and unfortunately it's legal. The top executives are still feathering their own nest. Moral of the story is its easy to spend somebody's else's money. On a matter of opinion is it right or wrong the shareholders get nothing. Who cares but unfortunately RBS can't go into liquidation......
Hi John, there are lots of talking points and this is a fine example. Put simply, the few are taking as much as they can from the many. If the many continue to be unresponsive, the few will take even more. This leads to WWIII or a bloody revolution / civil war. I do hope mankind chooses to do something entirely different. You have a great weekend.
Hi David,
I have kept the word fraudulent out of my vocabulary but what's the difference between embezzlement (Joe bloggs) and corporate theft..answer both stealing from the employer. The outcome is the same but on different magatunes....theft is theft £1 to £10bn..
On a human level, we can grasp the concept of theft when it is thousands or millions. Once you get passed a billion the human brain cannot grasp it. Recently, there was an orchestrated attempt to steal one billion from the U.S. central bank. They 'only' got 81 million dollars. One chap walking away with 30 million dollars in physical cash. Not the sort of robbery that makes the news is it? I say news but all I see is propaganda.
Fraud. Big word. The world is based on it. We accept it. I accept it. Fraud and fraudulent wars. I am effervescent with rage.
I put annual fraud perpetuated against the UK public at 800 billion a year. So, John, that's about £13,000 from you. The fraud is systemic. It increases every year. The opportunity cost, bit complicated, could easily double that.
Somebody stealing £13,000 from me? Annually? For my entire adult life? Now you might appreciate why my rage is effervescent. I once, mistakenly, thought a friend had taken ten pence from me. It was a serious matter, very serious.
£13,000 a year! And these people ask me to vote for them. Words fail me.
You take care and remember, it is me that is deluded according to my Doctor. Bear in mind, he does quite well out of this systemic fraud. As do politicians and top bankers. Rant over. You touched a bit of a nerve there John. Well done. Get the heart pumping without the bother of exercise.
Hi, thanks for the link. However, red on a background is not something I can read. I did struggle to read a few paragraphs, very insightful, you keep at it Ed.
How many people understand the difference between money and currency.
This will be addressed. The fact that it isn't covered at school by everybody or even anybody is an utter disgrace.
Money is an idea.
Gold is the money of kings
Silver is the money of gentlemen
Barter is the money of free men
Currency is the money of slaves.
So, that is your answer but you knew that and were just making sure I did. Well, I do. It will be covered later despite its fundamental importance and unbelievable, literally, significance.
Thanks for checking in on me. Perhaps steer some traffic this way if you feel the site deserves it.
What a bizarre question what is the difference between money and currency and how many understand it? Thank God you were anonymous. Currency is what ever continet or country your in. UK is pound sterling, New Zealand is dollar. USA is American dollar. The Russian ruble, and finally the European euro.
Hi John. The difference between money and currency is a very deep question. You listed a great many currencies. Currencies are basically vouchers or store credit. Beer tokens, if you will. Re-read what I just wrote about gold, silver, barter and currency.
JP Morgan once said only gold is money, the rest is credit. He is correct.
The pound is the mechanism through which the elite both control and steal from the many.
This stuff goes against everything you KNOW.
Once you UNDERSTAND it you will have a chuckle about your innocence. Then you will no longer accept the control and theft.
Hopefully, you will keep reading the blog to assist you in breaking the conditioning you have endured for six millennia. You deserve it. Allow the blog to guide you in this very difficult process.
Hi David,
I'm just confused who are the elite and in what way are they are stealing from the many?
A year or two ago a couple of gentleman meticulously researched that over 80% of the world's financial assets were controlled (not owned) by interlocking directorship and cross holdings and shell companies and so on by about 200 families. So, the elite I mentioned would be the heads of these wealthy families.
In 1970, 30% of the world's GDP was the sum total of financial assets value. Now it is 300%.
Now, the ability to borrow currency below the rate of inflation is a massive financial advantage that you do not have. Another one is that the credit lines to these financial families is limitless.
You give me these two advantages and will own the world within a decade. Of the true Elite, I am one.
Now, this ultimately means that 200 men have access to whatever quantity of currency they want, whenever they want it, for whatever they want. All the markets bear their grubby fingerprints. The forex market, rigged. The stock market, rigged. The gold price, rigged. Derivatives, their latest and greatest scam, rigged.
John, you are a honest man. These elite are devious sub humans. You may not grasp how they do it, that is because you are human and these elites are not. You have family and friends you care for. These sub humans have positions, duties and obligations.
I am furious. You John have a family, these sub humans have dynasties.
I call them sub humans, simply to make the point as to how disappointed I am in them.
They are massively outnumbered but they do control the mass media and governments. They can be defeated without effort should the masses ever cooperate with each other.
They don't control the internet yet. Or me.
£100 million is all it takes to buy me.
John, I suggest you have a whip round.
One Elite, me, £100,000,000 and the cooperation of the masses ends the slavery that only a few can see. Mankind deserves whatever it gets. It learns to critically think or it doesn't.
Hence the importance of this blog.
Bear in mind, my only flaw, is excessive modesty.
A quick example of taking from the many by Mr Green, not an elite, just a greedy little man.
BHS, goes bankrupt and 500 million tax payer pounds will go into the BHS pension pot.
Another 500 million pounds sits in the bank account of Mrs Green. I am sure nothing illegal has occurred.
Mr Green owned BHS and took 500 million out of the business. Then sold it for a pound. Now it is bankrupt.
Sorry, I am tired. Make up your own story about what has happened. Like I say, I am furious but this story is about 500 million. I was on about trillions earlier and more importantly, the dangerous path mankind has taken.
there are thirty of these blogs. Let us all pace ourselves and not race ahead. The phrase 'human race' should not exist.
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