21 September, 2018

Summary of Sigma Club Benefits

I chose this title as it amused me. The Sigma rarely join clubs. However, there are benefits to becoming Sigma.

Remembering now that a Sigma seeks out his fears and conquers them. You could also say that a Sigma is sensitive to their own fears, takes the time to understand these fears and does not yield to them.

Unfortunately, our egos are very good at suggesting to us that we are fine and that our fears are genuine and that confronting them would be both silly and potentially dangerous. Our egos will scan this piece looking at ways to dismiss its contents and besides, the author is obviously mentally ill.

I don't really see any problems with looking silly, acting silly or being silly. You may believe me to be 'silly' but I will just be having some harmless fun. For me, a far more powerful word than 'silly' is 'failure'. I do tend to fear failure. This is something that I am aware of but it can sometimes take a while for me to realise that I have altered my behaviour due to a fear of failure. I say 'me' but it is probably my ego that has interfered with whatever it was that I was doing.

Obviously, fear of a bridge structurally failing whilst crossing it is a different thing entirely than fear of rejection from a potential mate or potential job. You must choose your battles with care.

Fears do restrict your options and a major Sigma benefit is the often practised and repeated ability to conquer fear. I would suggest that this one benefit alone is worth the efforts of becoming Sigma. Reduced fear, leads to increasing options and to a far more productive and interesting life.

A great many people are concerned with what other people think of them. I would call this a fear. A fear of being perceived as strange or weird or 'not one of us'. This is what drives many people to constantly ask questions about clothes, holidays and cars. A permanent and ongoing task to see where you fit in. Have you the right brand clothing, watch and car. Do you holiday in the right places and if you are fifty or so, does the word 'manager' appear in your job title? Would you believe that to a Sigma that this is all inconsequential? Unless you have a good reason as to why you 'have what you have' and 'do what you do', then a Sigma will not be interested

For example, perhaps you drive a one year old VW Golf. All a Sigma takes from this is that you own a car. To a Sigma, owning a 1995 Honda Civic is as at least as 'impressive' as owning a brand new one. To a Sigma, having a low level job that you enjoy is far more impressive than having a high level job that you hate. The status of the job itself is meaningless to a Sigma. As is the value of your car or home or how attractive your spouse is.

In the UK, most people will agree with the above paragraph. Provided that they have the more expensive car, watch or house in question. Should they own are far less expensive product then they merely feel like failures or the ego steps in and reminds them that spending 'that sort of money' on a watch is foolish. The 'more money than sense' line pops into their head. As a Sigma, all this nonsense is simply amusing.

What this basically means is that a Sigma wishing to build up a successful business won't be wasting his time wondering if an Omega watch or Rolex watch more better aligns with his core values. He will be building his business or doing whatever it is he has decided to do.

This does get complicated but I do hope that you have got the key point. Fear does impact upon us all the time. A Sigma notices this fear whereas most others would not. A Sigma would then address the fear, whereas others have already ignored it. You can avoid a fear but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding that fear.

The other benefits can be considered to be similarly important. One is effective intelligence and the other is ageing. Fears, worries and concerns, if not addressed, will rapidly age you. I believe that cortisone levels is the key to this one but the research is left entirely up to you. As a Sigma, this is obvious. When one finds out that another person is far older than they look, I might state that they must have had a very hard paper round as a lad. This is merely a polite way of saying that they must have had a very hard life. In actual fact, it is likely that they have merely struggled with life rather than enjoy it.

Effective intelligence is far different from IQ which is about tests but effective intelligence is about using whatever time, knowledge and skills you have in an effective way. The ability to understand a problem, devise a few methods of solving the problem and then getting stuck in, without fear. Perhaps, all your initial ideas will fail. Without fear, this is not a problem. You will re-evaluate the initial problem and with your additional knowledge, gained from multiple failures, you will devise a few more methods of solving the problem and get stuck in, again. You will even be more aware of the actual problem itself rather than what you thought the problem was. Contrast this with a fearful man. He will be spending his entire efforts frantically trying to cover up his mistakes.

So Sigma club membership includes, slower ageing, increased effectiveness and productivity with more life choices, a great deal more 'silly' fun and more enjoyment of life itself

Being Sigma is basically having the life you want rather than continually working towards having the life you want. A simple example would be, a Sigma needs less money than they earn. Non-Sigma earn less money than they need. I went to University because I wanted to. I studied engineering because I wanted to. A non-Sigma would go to University otherwise they would not achieve the lifestyle they wanted - in the future, without a degree. A non-Sigma would study whichever degree offered them the right initial job in order to climb up to the career level they needed to have whatever lifestyle they thought they wanted - in the future. This is not to say that Sigma are not motivated. They can be incredibly focussed on a task or goal. Combining focus with highly effective intelligence and things most definitely do get done.

Fewer than 2% of the worlds (western population) are Sigma. This has lead to the society we all live in. This brings me to a another Sigma benefit. Within each of us is a little Sigma. Within each of us is a little non-Sigma. The proportions change moment to moment. Thus when reading this, you may well be calm and relaxed. In which case, your Sigma : to non-Sigma ratio may well be high and you will feel as though you are Sigma and you are. If, when reading this, you feel outrage, anger, fear or annoyance. Then your Sigma : to non-Sigma ratio will be low and you will be non-Sigma and as such believe all this blog post and blog to be a waste of your time and ought to be ignored. You will probably believe me to be in need of psychiatric help. My Doctor falls into the camp believing me to be in need of psychiatric care, as a matter of some urgency. My doctor and I have different belief systems. I understand his but he does not understand mine.

Anyway, a strong Sigma has a good chance of getting the person he is talking to into Sigma mode. A strong Sigma could go the other way and get the person he is talking to into non-Sigma mode. This allows the Sigma to more easily achieve his own objective rather than the objective of the other person. The key difference here is that in Sigma mode rules are more easily ignored, bent or broken. In non-Sigma mode rules and societal norms are more easily enforced. This is very advanced stuff and so should be attempted with great thought and care or in trivial circumstances of no great consequence.

For example, just kidding. people do not like to feel that they are being manipulated. More accurately, they like to pretend that they aren't continually manipulated and won't enjoy the pretense being broken.

Which leads me to an important point. I naturally became Sigma and this did not help me integrate with society. This did not help me achieve any success in society. Simply because I did not know that I was Sigma or that others were not. Hopefully, as you become more aware of what Sigma is or isn't, you will forge your own path and become that which you were born to be.

The more powerful a Sigma you become, the more benefits you will discover and ultimately - create.
A powerful Sigma is somebody who is very difficult to instill a sense of fear into. (Or just stupid?)

As suggested, benefits accrue along with your Sigma development and I have given you a sense of what these benefits are. Giving actual examples will be counterproductive, should my Sigma level be higher than yours, as your ego will easily dismiss them as nonsense.

I will leave you with a thought, earlier I mentioned that status symbols such as cars, watches and houses mean nothing to me, a Sigma Male. In the previous paragraph, I mention Sigma level and infer that mine is very high indeed, with well practised abilities that are likely to be beyond your ability to believe. In previous blog posts I have stated that I am more powerful than any member of society. Are my 'Sigma concepts' something you ought more fully explore?

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