I am close to fifty years of age and as such I grew up with the 'communist threat' which means nothing to nobody so it was spun into global thermo nuclear war. Phrases such as intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear fall-out and radiation sickness induced fear into me as an eight year old child. I remember watching incredibly graphic and chilling videos at school that were bone chillingly frightening. The printed media maintained the theme and so did Hollywood and the other film studios.
So what is 'communism'? Normally, I leave you to ponder what I write but today I feel like giving my own point of view. Not that my point of view out ranks yours, I merely wish to visit it upon you consciousness. 'Communism' is a point of view, an idea. As is 'Capiltalism'. The threat of an idea to me is zero. You can be a gay vegetarian and mention this to me and I won't feel any 'peer' pressure or threat. Therefore, 'communism' isn't actually anything to be scared of or to fear. Neither is 'capitalism.'
This makes me wonder why we had such a fuss about communism in 1950's America and why we lived the eighties in fear of an extinction level event of mans own making. I needn't wonder for long, for a government to survive it needs its population to believe in roughly the same sort of things. Thus a 'capitalist' govt must have a mainly 'capitalistic' population. A population that has alternative ideas to their own government will prove extremely difficult for the govt to manage.
So, in the fifties, the Russian idea of communism was only a threat to capitalist governments. In the UK, my government thought this reason enough to terrify me with the threat of nuclear war. This is not something that I am happy about.
If you have read my three incredibly concise books and are beginning to see the world for what it actually is then you will have a basic idea of why governments do this. For the rest of you, I will explain why. Governments like to take the credit for all that is good. Roads, bridges, communications, hospitals, prosperity and rule of law. This all costs a great deal of actual wealth and so when the economy dips or starts to dip, our govts have spent a great deal of our collective wealth on making sure that they are not seen as the culprits. Currently, it is Mr Putin that our govt wishes us to believe is the villain. Also, in lesser roles, Iran and Syria. That bloke in N.Korea and the terrorists that we armed and funded for about a decade. Perhaps China will be more heavily blamed when we can no longer afford even the low end tat that they ship over to us.
I believe that I have made my point but this is a very large point that we manage to overlook everytime we watch the news or discuss a significant event. Fear. Fear and fear. A happy and relaxed man will not react to you telling him that Putin has ordered the death of an ex double agent that he released from prison years ago. The releaxed man may ask if the agent was stabbed or strangled. No, pollonium was used or some Russian nerve agent. How bizarre. Why would you believe that, the happy man might ask. A fearfull man will believe that Putin was happy to spend around a million dollars to have someone killed in a rather theatrical and over the top way. In a way that leads directly back to Putin himself. This level of fear was apparent in America in the fifities and the UK in the eighties. Obviously, in nineties, communism collapsed and was allowed to stay collapsed. Just as in the 2000's, our version of capitalism collapsed. However, the corpse was re-animated and we continue to live with the consequences.
I suppose I must now explain why I believe that capitalism has collapsed and why our financial system is not a viable entity but a Zombie. This would be counter productive as it all comes down to belief. Do you believe that house prices are likely to be up 50% in the next ten years, much the same or down 50% Most residents in the UK will have an opinion on house prices. I can tell you that even commercial property owners expect them to start shooting up any time now. This is important, should house and commercial property prices actually collapse then a great deal of blame will be directed at Putin and China by our own UK govt. Some will be aimed at brexit voters.
This is all political. By that I mean that govt only wish to continue their skim of taking wealth from their population in exchange for a non-existent 'parental' oversight. In short, a long con(fidence) game.
In this article I have mentioned two rather significant events that our media has failed to cover. The collapse of our version of capitalist govt and the death of our financial system. We all carry on as if this were not the case. Capitalism has failed in the same way and for the same reasons that communism failed. Our idea of government does not work. Our financial system is coupled to our government system. Our idea of finance does not work.
I suppose I now must explain why our concepts of both government and finance do not work and how our media serve government and finance and not us, the people who pay for all this nonsense. Basically, there is a massive difference between society and civilisation. We live in a society.
Society is based on fear and over stimulates the amygdalla and other ancient parts of our brains. From this we get a hierrcharchy of systems based on alpha / beta relationships. This is what we call society.
A civilisation is not based on fear and does not stimulate the amygdalla and other ancient parts of our brains. From this we get a collection of best practice ideas that we are free to pick and choose from.
So what is a Sigma male? In childhood, a fear is identified and considered unacceptable. That fear is repeatedly faced until conquered. Mine was a fear of the dark and a particularly dark lane that I walked down after watching 'video nasties'. You may question what my parents were doing during this period. That is because you are not Sigma.
This will not be easy reading. I have told you that your fundamental beliefs are based on fear. Your so called 'real world', your 'society' of govt and finance is merely a mechansim of slavery. That you are in fact a dumb-ass slave when you could be so much more. As could I.
Is this actually a problem? Well, 'most people would rather die rather than reverse a deeply held belief' - apparently. Let us change that to, 'most members of society would rather die than reverse a deeply held belief.'
Society has a great many deeply held beliefs.
1) Law and order
2) Banks loan wealth
3) Without government we have anarchy
Law and order is not Justice.
Banks loan out ten time more 'wealth' than they have. So, 90% of what they loan is not wealth.
Without government we have far less fear and thus our humanity is freed
We are back to beliefs. Do you believe humanity is cruel and needs govt control. If yes, then please realise that govt is the perfect place for damaged humans to create chaos for everyone.
You take care.
to be continued
Now, let us indulge in a thought experiment. Let us imagine a govt full of do-gooders, of the best and brightest who are full of good intentions and ideas. They take 20% of our wealth and spend it in the best possible way. We get to vote and we get listened too. What could possibly go wrong? Nothing, at least for a good few years. Perhaps we all agree that 25% would allow even more to be done, so we vote in a 25% tax. At some point we hit the dreaded 'marginal return on investment'. This simply means that for every pound or dollar we invest, we only really get 50p or 50c of return. Which, you could argue, is still reasonable. At this point, our fictitious government would say, let us reduce tax to 5% just to maintain what we have because our ideas are still good but are simply not generating as much value as they used too.
We all know that even this fictitious government, filled with the best and brightest, with the very best intentions for all, would not simply cut itself down to size. They would ask 1,000 academics for advice and only listen to those who said, 'you need to tax more'. The government would note who its friends were and make sure that they were looked after. Those who asked awkward questions would be marginalised. The government would believe they were still doing gods work / the best possible outcome for as many as possible but they would be wrong.
Now noting how government hands out favours for its friends, imagine a few business men, crooks and swindlers getting into powerful positions. Or even some simple soul in government being duped occasionally. It all gets very real and very messy very quickly. Unfortunately, our govts are control centres. Vast wealth flows throughout government and can be directed to whatever projects the govt think are best. Even the very best of govts will make errors and mistakes. Each mistake multiplied a million fold as they direct 20% of the collective wealth of tens of millions of people.
Now, the govts I have described above are not that different from our own. We know that they are not the best idea ever but without them we believe things would be worse, far worse. It would be anarchy, perhaps like the Dark Ages in England where for hundreds of years life continued without govt. Note the name 'Dark Age' as it is known now. It could easily be renamed as the 'First Age of Enlightenment' should society collapse give way to an actual civilisation.
I know that it is quite a risk. Allowing society to collapse and hoping that a civilisation springs up in its place rather than anarchy. Those who are fundamentally controlled by others via your amygdalla and ancient portions of your brain will KNOW that anarchy comes after societal collapse. This is mainly due to the fact that you will create anarchy in your own minds and then act upon it. Those who have control of themselves will know that a civilisation comes next and it will. Those who are ruled by fear will not be able to work productively with others and so will be unable to support themselves, their family and their local communities. Those kind souls who are not ruled by fear will work with others and be productive.
This, dear readers, is the world we live in. Society and civilsation co-exist. Society and civilisation exist within each of us. At our (individual) worst, fear drives us and we are in the thrall of society. At our (individual) best, we are without fear and we produce great art, great entertainment and great feats of engineering. All of which society is quick to falsely take the credit for.
As individuals, we can tune out our governments. In this way, we allow fear to drain from our lives. We can stop watching the 'news'. A tightly controlled and specific range of stories chosen to create fear within us. News has only one task to perform, to reinforce the belief that without government we would have anarchy. A story rammed down our throats from birth and drilled into our young souls with television, film and a decade or more of 'school'. Without all this fear, we would not need a government to protect us from the idea of communism. We would not fear that which was different from us, we would embrace difference and points of view contrary to our own.
Anarchy is where we do not respect the sovereignty of others or their productive work. This to me, sounds very much like government.
Without government, we have those who respect the sovereignty of others and their productive work and those who don't. One group thrives and the others would rather die than accept that their belief in government and society was a adult fairy tale.
Amusingly, the real anarchists are those who wish to restore or maintain government at any and all costs. The real anarchists are those preventing the growth of a civilisation by insisting that society is that which it is not - that society is the only way to survive. By denying that civilisation is the only way to flourish.
That said, society and civilsation exist in a balance. Due to numerous reasons, society has had a far longer run than 'expected'. Any people or companies embedded in the 'societal' approach will find life / existence becoming very difficult indeed. Those in the 'civilised' camp will find the coming years quite satisfying emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. The phrase, 'traditional values' may start to appear far more often than 'reality TV'.
This blog aims to make the transition (from society to civilisation) far more easier for far more people. Should sufficient numbers of people be able to make the transition smoothly then the transition will be smooth.
For those unable to understand (the concepts behind) anything I ever write , the transition will be felt as a discontinuity. One of such magnitude that they will never survive it intact. They will quietly die, madly thrash about for a period - like a fish out of water or give the appearance of being a Zombie.
Back to Hollywood, there are those who work for the government and those who work for civilisation. There are far fewer who know what side they are on.
I think that is the end of this particular post.
You take care and remember, I might not be that which I appear to be. You are responsible for interpreting my work, I am only responsible for publishing it.
Have fun, I am
I have recently had this link pointed out to me and it gives excellent guidance
I am in full agreement with its core principles
Make of it what you will
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