Generally, this is easier to do in childhood rather than as an adult enduring a brutal war, or some such like. Fear of the dark is far less life threatening than trying to take out an enemy tank with some C4, a sock and some mud. However, the fear each induces will be the same.
I self identify as Sigma but I still have the capacity to feel fear. I have suffered from travel stress anxiety - which is a fear. The last two cars I bought were old and had faults. I felt fear in that I had made an error of judgement. I acknowledged that fear and discussed it with a mechanic. I discussed it with friends and colleagues. Eventually overcoming that fear.
At work, I may make a mistake and fear that I have let a customer or colleague down. I felt fear last week when the VSA / ABS light lit up on my car. Fear hat I had bought a 'lemon'. Fear that I couldn't easily afford a repair. Fear that I would crash without electronic help from the car. Fear that my ABS wouldn't save me from a collision. Fear. Fear. fear. One hour ago the VSA / ABS light did not come on whn I started my car. So, I deliberately switched off the VSA system. Facing my fear and overcoming it.
As a Sigma, I recognise a fear and then feel compelled to conquer that fear. So, I do.
A beta male may sfeel fear and then seek the calming influence of an alpha male.
An alpha male does whatever they do, over react probably. Demonstrating strength or projecting power. The fear is still with them and will drive them to ever more violent displays.
Anyway, this is about me. Fear is something under the control of the ancient parts of my brain and back in the day, helped my ancestors to survive. Within me is the ancient animal brain and my modern human brain. The animal brain is far stronger and quicker than my human brain and can generate debilitating amounts of fear and panic. The human part of my brain has the capacity to develop new technologies, new ideas and better ways of doing things. Or at least evaluate different ways of doing things.
Thus, there is the animal part of me, driven by fear.
There is the human part of me.
A Sigma, or more specifically me, will try to dampen down the (negative) animal instincts and reinforce the (positive) human characteristics. Positive animal instincts can be encouraged too, as well as damping down any negative human characteristics. Whatever I deem to be beneficial to me is what I will encourage regardless of the views of others. You may perceive this as arrogance, I perceive this as none of your business.
That is how I see myself. Everybody else is somewhat similar. Collectively, we make up 'society'.
Society is merely a collection of people.
The next logical question in my opinion, is how does society help me, a member of society develop into a productive, loving, kind, compassionate and caring human being. Well, to be brutally honest, it doesn't. At every possible opportunity government simply projects an illusion of power. At every possible opportunity banks project an illusion of wealth. The three main components of society being government, banking and people. The government wishes you to feel weak and powerless without them. The banks wish you to feel poverty without them. They do this by intentionally or not stimulating the ancient parts of your brain to create continuous low level fear, with a few brief periods of intense fear to keep you feeling powerless without the government and poor without the oversight of banks.
Now, I am not saying that people in banking and government do this deliberately. However, anyone skilled at making people feel fear will do well in a government or banking role. Think back to your schooling. Any teacher capable of inducing fear into his pupils will control them with remarkable ease and may well enjoy (ab)using this ability.
Creating fear is a very effective controlling mechanism as it readily over powers the higher human functions of your victims. Basically, when inducing fear in another you are destroying their humanity.
Now recall instances in your childhood where a teacher deliberately induced fear into you. Perhaps to try and get you to do as you are told to pass exams and get a decent job. Recall instances where government employees induced fear into you as an adult, fear of punishment or fear of not getting the help you need. There have been many recent government announcements inducing fear, fear of Putin and his targeted use of rare radioactive elements or even rarer toxic chemicals. Fear of terrorism.
Are these fears grounded in useful information? Apparently, Putin has only killed a handful of people with his over the top James Bond Baddie style theatrics. So, no threat at all. How about the amber terrorist alert? Should we really be scared? No, more people die driving cars than get injured by terrorists. No, all these government announcements are designed to do, is to keep you believing that they are powerful and you are weak.
Recently, a muslim woman wearing a burkha or whatever has run amok in Barnsley (UK) with a knife. Nobody, tackled her. Armed police did turn up but didn't bother retrieving their fire-arms from the boots (trunk) of their high powered and expensive tax payer paid for BMW's. Actually, shooting the deranged woman would have just put her on incapacity benefits for life, so in this instance the police did us a favour. American police may well have shot and killed her but they are an out of control menace and a symptom of an out of control government and society.
I would say, the deranged woman running about with a knife and stabbing people did not encounter any Sigma Males. A Sigma Female would most likely have protected those closest to her. A Sigma Male would have had a major choice to make. To put the woman down with a very effective level of force and face the wrath of the police, media, friends and co-workers or to decide that they did not wish to be inconvenienced.
The Government would want you to hide (in fear) and call the police for them to determine the correct level of force (power) to be used. In this instance the government announced within minutes that this was not a terrorist attack. As a Sigma, I don't care what someone in government thinks about this attack. I would have thought the police would investigate and make an announcement within a week or so. But, this is the real world and the government gets to tell us instantly whether or not this is a terrorist attack or something that Putin has arranged for no logical reason whatsoever.
I may have drifted off topic, slightly. The point that the above paragraph is attempting to make is that government does use fear as a tactic brutally often. This makes us victims to society in that fear is a very effective method of control that also destroys our very humanity.
This post is all based upon how I view myself and then scaled up to include millions of people just like me. Then I simply added in the effects of what government does. Banking works in a similar fashion. Combining the effects of banking and government and you end up with a system / society that very effectively destroys our innate humanity. As we become less human, government calls for ever more power to control us further. destroying whatever remains of our humanity, far faster.
It is therefore in my own best interest to encourage my own humanity as best I can. To encourage humanity in my friends, neighbours and colleagues. For those I am not in direct contact with, write this blog.
You are welcome
Our society is based on fear, a civilisation will be based on our humanity
I have given you a view of myself and extended that to include you. By including the 'influence' of banks, government and mainstream media, I have presented you with a model of our society and its basic function - to induce fear which destroys or at least hinders the development of our individual and collective humanity. I hope to have conveyed to you that the opposite of society is not anarchy but civilisation.
You have apart to play in either allowing society to continue to make us less human. Or to become more human by your own efforts.
To become more human, be aware of your own fears
Take note of which individuals and organisations attempt or succeed in inducing fear in yourself
Limit your exposure to these things.
Take note of which individuals and organisatons attempt or succeed in making you feel confident, happy about life in general and give you hope for the future
Deliberatey expose yourself to these influences
Take note of your behaviours and how they effect both yourself and others. Are you increasing fear or radiating a calm sense of confidence.
Alpha males are very adept at creating both fear and calmness in others. I ask that you use fear sparingly and as a last resort before committing to actual physical violence.
To put this very bluntly indeed. Avoid that which causes you fear and embrace that which you love
I have noticed that Trump induces fear in a lot of Americans and that Hilary induces fear in a similar number of different Americans. This de-humanizes most Americans which allows for more and stronger government control and higher government debt / spending. This reinforces society at the expense of our health, wealth, happiness and is very corrosive to our individual and collective humanity.
In the UK we have Brexit, which most of us aren't interested in. The media and government and banks are trying to frighten us with horror stories about Brexit but we mostly, aren't interested. Hence the Putin attack angle is being widely promoted. We mostly don't care about that either. Our prime minister, very publicly, changed the colour of the terrorist threat level some months ago and we mostly found that funny. Our UK government mentioned arming all our police and we said no because we aren't in fear of terrorists or Putin. The lesson there is that if there is no public support for something or worse, public resistance, then the government risks a great deal by attempting to do it anyway. Indicating quite clearly, that governments only have the illusion (or delusion) of power.
Just to be quite clear, arming the entire UK police force would make all the police redundant. We British do not do fear half as well as we do anger. Armed police would not be requested or tolerated. Threatening a white English man with violence, sanctioned by government, will quickly lead to no government at all. Civilisation will be ushered in at an incredible rate. I Only hope that non-white English men share the same core, I am sure they do.
Compare and contrast the view presented in the previous paragraph with the average American allowing another American to physically abuse them before boarding a plane. The only real difference is 911
During and immediately after the events of 911, did the American government and media project confidence and calmness into the American people. Reminding them of their resilience, their ingenuity and ability to withstand hardship. Or was fear induced at every opportunity? Please remember the bravery of the first Responders, that is what America is. The America portrayed by the media and the threats they face are not based on reality but simply used to induce fear and destroy the humanity of the American public. The first Responders had deep reserves of humanity and this is the primary lesson to be learned from 911. The second lesson is the (fear inducing) behaviour of the US press and government.
It is quite clear to me that humanity is rising and society (government and banking) is failing
A rising humanity will naturally and instinctively create a human civilisation of great beauty, elegance, resilience and with the confidence to reach for and expand into the galaxy, enduring whatever hardships are necessary along the way.
(I have decided to leave any and all errors intact. I wrote this from the heart and do not wish to change any of it for any reason.)
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