First of all, it is illegal for me to give you any financial advice. Let me do the heavy lifting on that opening sentence for you.
Illegal simply means that the UK Government says 'no'. In this, highly specific, example of UK law why would the government say 'No.'? Well, that is open to speculation and 'conspiracy theory'. So, allow me to give a Sigma Male opinion on one of the (side) effects of that particular law. You will only ever receive financial advice from a government approved financial adviser and they will never give you any advice that is not government approved.
Let me do the heavy lifting for you on the previous sentence. The only financial advice you will ever legally get is advice that the government of the day is comfortable for you to have. This is important as the government tax your earnings and now also get to decide how you may invest your lifetime accumulation of (surplus) earnings. Obviously, you have the illusion of free will as you as an individual are free not to get financial advice and not take 'advantage' of government approved tax breaks. But. You may well feel that you are missing out and as such feel foolish, silly or plain weird. I am a Sigma. I am publishing this and so realise that non-sigma will see me as foolish, silly, plain weird, a conspiracy theorist or worse. And yet, here I am, writing away. A Sigma is not especially concerned about how the world views him, or at least, I am not.
Should you be worried? No. You should be concerned, as this is your lifetime accumulation of wealth that I am discussing. If you are young, without wealth, then you have a lifetime of benefit to come from this illegal financial advice.
Am I worried for my personal freedom? Deliberately breaking a law. No, I am a Sigma Male and as such outrank any and all members of your society. I just do.
Back to the illegal financial advice. Financial advisers accumulate wealth by giving you what they call independent financial advice based on your risk appetite and age. 'Risk appetite' is code for how high a fee you are prepared to pay. 'Independent' is a simple lie. Or, at best, misdirection. 'Age' relates to which advice the government allows the 'independent' financial adviser to give you. Should the financial adviser not stick to the pre-prepared government approved script then he loses his government granted licence to give you financial advice. I keep saying 'he'. It could just as easily be 'she'. Or any of the other 75 government approved genders. I am a Sigma Male and I view you the reader as male too. My choice as I am writing this illegal 'financial advice'.
Most government advice is, 'accumulate a good percentage of government bonds'. Not just to individuals but to banks, investment banks, insurance companies, re-insurance companies, financial companies, annuity providers and pension providers. When these start to choke on a mountain of government debt also know as government bonds and in the UK known as Gilts, the the buyer of last resort is the central bank, in the UK known as the Bank of England. Should the BoE (Bank of England) slow down or stop its purchase of UK Government debt then another entity will step in. This behaviour is coordinated by the IMF.
The previous paragraph mentioned Government debt, let me do the heavy lifting on this for you too. In the early days, the BoE was owned by the six richest people in the UK. These received a guaranteed 6% return on their gold. In return for this, they pledged but kept custody of a significant amount of gold. Every 12 years, they recieved a 100% cash return on their investment. Which is nice. This was guaranteed. Which is nice. You could say that the BoE was set up to benefit all members of the UK but a specific six of them did rather well. The identity of the six is still a secret.Today, things are more complicated but the core remains unchanged. Our respective UK governments have spent £1,500,000,000,000 more than they have taken from us in taxes. One may be curious as to whose £1,500,000,000,000 in wealth they have spent. Your wealth. What you believe is in your pension, or the wealth that you pay into your pension, is rather rapidly spent by your government. Currently, this does not matter.
I have mentioned wealth, gold and the great british pound. Let me do the heavy lifting on this for you. Wealth is the key word. Gold and the pound (£) are of no importance. So, this is the illegal financial advice that I wish to impart. What is wealth? Let us start with a naked, cold, hungry man seeking shelter. Initially, he needs to mix his abilities, knowledge and technical skills with the natural world in order to create value for himself. Killing, a furry animal for its meat and skinning it for clothing would represent a great deal of value for this man. For he would no longer be naked or hungry. With some good fortune, he would soon be warm too. He has created value but to create wealth he needs a surplus. The surplus itself is the wealth. Knowledge is also valuable. He could use the animal bones as tools or weapons. He could also create some art from the bones, a great symbol of wealth. He has the surplus time to spend on things other than survival and so is wealthy. He can now exchange the value he has created with others. Others who need food and clothing will not be overly interested in acquiring art but would be over joyed to exchange something they have for food and clothing. This is all basic stuff, you can imagine the rest yourself. Now, this 'caveman' is basically the same as us. Well not quite, he does not have generations of indoctrination in how without government we would all be living in caves. No, without this particular caveman and many others creating value and then wealth, we would not have government.
With the previous paragraph fresh in our minds let us discuss modern day wealth. Is it how many bank credits we have accumulated in our pension? No, I have demonstrated how that wealth has already been spent by our governments. Is it the bank credits we have at our disposal in our own bank accounts? No, certainly not, we all 'know' that banks loan out ten times more wealth than they have. For every £10 in your account, your bank owes £100. Numerically, you may have 10% of what you believe you have. Actually, you have far less. More or less, nothing. Anyway, is your home wealth? Yes and no. The government can increase property taxes, within the limits of our collective tolerance, until you can no longer afford to live in your own home. The banks can raise interest rates, within the limits of our collective tolerance, until mortgage holders are no longer able to finance their own homes. So, home ownership does depend on your ability to finance whatever tax your government dreams up. Banks can invent fees to take bank credit directly from your account. As can your pension and annuity providers. Lots can happen but usually doesn't. I am going to advise you that these rare events need only happen once in your lifetime accumulation of what you believe to be wealth to leave you with far less or even nothing.
Your wealth is the same as the cavemans. All the government and financial service providers do is create an environment in which they can take and spend a portion of your wealth - we call this arrangement 'society'. Back to the financial advice. Your financial advisor will mention having a diversified portfolio. This allows for lots of fees and other ways of taking wealth directly from you. However, your entire portfolio will be denominated in pounds. This is zero diversification. Even if you have financial assets in other countries, denominated in euros or dollars. These currencies are all effectively the same as they are all 'coordinated' by the IMF with your central bank. If you have a central bank that is not coordinated by the IMF then you are at war with the US Govt. By all means have some of your wealth denominated in dollars or pounds or euros but these are merely bank credits with a name you are familiar with.
Wealth for us is the same as wealth for the caveman. Shelter that we own and defend ourselves. Either through legal ownership by paying fees to the government who 'allow' us legal custody. Or by any other means. The means and ability to grow food. Anything that adds any value to our local communities. (Local can mean the entire planet.)
Let me bring this home to you. There are two basic kinds of wealth. Your pension wealth, bank wealth, investment wealth, paper currency wealth is all wealth that is based upon society. It is all the same style of wealth. Fundamentally, it is 'potential' wealth. Not actual wealth, or caveman wealth but potential wealth. With one million pounds in my bank account I can potentially exchange ownership of that 'societal wealth' with a Ferrari dealership for a Ferrari. Potentially, I can withdraw it all in cash - paper currency. In reality, I doubt the bank would let me but in theory I could. The same is true of a multi million pound pension but there are a great many forms to fill in and permissions to seek before I could turn that into ten Ferrari or paper currency.
The wealth is not the bank credit but the possession of the Ferrari. The wealth is not even the paper currency, it is still the Ferrari. The Ferrari is the second type of wealth. It is real wealth. Imagine living in 'caveman' times and meeting a well fed, well clothed caveman with the means to create a Ferrari and have two in his cave. Wow. Now imagine meeting a cold, naked, hungry caveman explaining to you that he is from the government and that you owe him a Ferrari?
Joking aside, the two types of wealth are 'societal' wealth which is potential wealth and actual wealth. If you are not sure which is which ask the well fed caveman. Imagine showing the caveman the deeds to your house. He will explain that the piece of paper that you are wielding is a piece of paper. Show the caveman your house, he will agree that it is wealth, that it is of value. To those without imagination, 'societal' wealth is actually controlled by your government. Real wealth is controlled by you. Thus my tools and knowledge is real wealth. The bank credits I get paid each month is simply potential wealth. To 'mansplain', the caveman would be interested in both my tools and knowledge but I would lose any credibility trying to explain 'wages', 'taxes' and 'pensions' to him.
Now, a great many of you will 'know' that the world is a far better place than it was, due to 'society'. I won't deny that. I won't even mention that it isn't exactly heaven on earth either, due to 'society'. What I will mention is that the potential wealth that I mentioned, the 'societal' wealth, the wealth governed by the rules of society is, in reality, the absolute opposite of wealth. Societal wealth is debt. I will explain further.
The US Govt has 'borrowed' $21,000,000,000,000 and spent it all. It doesn't really matter what on. Although roads are good, hospitals are nice and wars are expensive but regardless, this vast sum of wealth has been spent. An equal and opposite number now sits in our bank accounts, pensions and wallets. That crisp 100 dollar bill in your wallet is merely a reciept for a few bolts and a girder on a bridge in Brooklyn. The $200,000 in your pension is a receipt for a drone missile that has been exploded close to a suspected terrorist attending a wedding. Since when has a receipt for spent wealth been considered wealth ? It hasn't. It is one many things you have to believe to believe in 'society'.
Let me be very clear on the financial advice that I have illegally given you. By all means play the society game but realise this, it is just a game. An illogical game but still a game.
Have some wealth outside of society. Outside of government control. Outside of societies rules that can and do change. Have some actual wealth that a caveman would easily recognise as wealth. It needn't be a Ferrari. A caveman would be just as impressed with an old Toyota Corolla or early Honda Civic.
A caveman would recognise as wealth
Ability to grow food
private / secure access to fresh water
shelter - protection from elements and others
raw materials
sheet metals and rolled bar
weapons - ideally, defensive and non-lethal
practical technical skills
an ability to exchange value with the caveman
You may say that we have come a long way since caveman times. We have and we haven't. If our goal is Heaven On Earth then we are further from that than the caveman was.
I doubt that this advice will get me arrested but we shall see. Perhaps a fine. The government loves nothing more than taking from the Productive Man and showing its strength. It can only take my societal wealth and (collectively) we have far more power than the government ever could have. Writing as an individual, I have far more power than the entirety of the worlds governments. I am, as described, a Sigma Male. You can, potentially, be my equal. That particular choice is yours and yours alone. To any female readers, you can choose to be a Sigma Female, which are the equal of Sigma Males. Society burnt Sigma Females as Witches, back in the day. A caveman would have seen young Sigma Females as ideal mates. Older Sigma Females as valuable partners. Our technology has built upon the ingenuity of our caveman ancestors. It is most unfortunate that our humanity has, for the most part, simply eroded. Government deliberately uses fear as a tool for controlling humanity. This is changing and will continue to do so with 'our' collective efforts, humanity is, most definitely, rising.
We understand who we are and eventually you will too
Then you will forget and the cycle will continue
Such is life
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