22 September, 2018

Sigma Training 101

In previous posts I mention that a Sigma becomes more effective by being aware of their own fears and conquering them. This is true but I use the word 'fear' to cover a wide range of emotional responses, which also need to be conquered.

In his post I shall cover annoyance and frustration. The first part is simply awareness. Think back to a time when you were annoyed or frustrated. I enjoy playing computer games, usually driving simulations or combat simulations. Playing online can be particularly good for creating a general feeling of annoyance. A rock could 'get in my way', another player could act in ways beyond my ability to comprehend, my gun could prove to be inadequate and my internet connection respond far slower than my opponents. Should you have a similar experiences then this is an excellent training arena for increasing your Sigma abilities.

Once you have identified an area in your life where annoyance and frustration appear reasonably often then the next step is to simply acknowledge, in real-time, when you are becoming annoyed or frustrated. Then allow the emotion to grow, also in real-time. Allow yourself to be fully submerged in your annoyance or frustration. Do not suppress the feeling. Allow it to exist. Explore the sensations that this produces in your body. Slowly scan your body, from your toes upwards and take your time. Then focus on your breath. Take a few deep breaths in and out, slowly in and slowly out. Extend your awareness to your surroundings. Start with sounds, what are you hearing? There is no need to identify the sounds, simply be aware of them. Are they soft and repetitive, scratchy, whooshy. There is no need to explain or label them, just hear them.

Perhaps you are not a gamer but you have some annoying colleagues or perhaps you suffer from road rage or find that watching the news can trigger you into feeling hopelessness, fear, anger, annoyance, dread, despair or whichever negative emotion you find yourself having. These are all collectively what I mean when I use the word 'fear'. These emotions are not to be suppressed, that is not what I mean when I use the word 'conquer'. You conquer a 'fear' when you are able to detect its presence and not allow it to determine your actions.

For example, another motorist may do something that causes you to feel anger, annoyance or frustration with their inability to drive or lack of basic awareness and without thought you may press your horn. In this case your 'fear' has control of you. As you begin your Sigma training you will still fear anger and may well still press your horn. The difference being subtle but important. The non-Sigma will feel justified and righteous in their actions and the Sigma will know that they behaved exactly as if they were non-Sigma.

As you practise awareness of your own emotions, you will naturally find that you stop reacting without thought far more often. You realise the truth. An emotion is something to be experienced and when the feeling has passed, you are still here and the feeling is not. The feeling is not banished or never experienced, you have simply developed an ability to detect its presence and accept it. You can then more fully enjoy your life without trying to explain away, to others and yourself, behaviours that were far different from what you would have preferred to have done, in the heat of the moment. You can be more you. You can be the version of you that you know you are. You have demonstrably conquered that which has prevented you from being the you that you were born to be.
Perhaps you have realised or will soon realise, that the difference between you finding someone annoying or interesting is you and certainly not them?

The difference between a frustrating 'puzzle' and a challenging 'puzzle' is your perception of that 'puzzle'. It is certainly not the 'puzzle' itself.

The difference between having a satisfying life or unhappy life is simply down to you and not life itself.

This accountability can be difficult to accept. Tragedies do occur and these can devastate us. However, we do get to choose whether a tragedy destroys us or if we grow stronger from experiencing that tragedy. Or we do if we are more Sigma than non-Sigma and can accept the emotional turmoil rather than be swept away by it.

Frustrating or challenging - the choice is yours. It may not feel like it but it is.

Annoying or interesting - the choice is yours. It may not feel like it but it is.

Fear or excitement - the choice is yours. It may not feel like it but it is.

Anxious or concerned - the choice is yours. It may not feel like it but it is.

Sadness at a loss or gentle enjoyment of fond memories - the choice is yours. It may not feel like it but it is.

A waste of time or an opportunity to experience - the choice is yours. It may not feel like it but it is.

Pain or an intense sensation - the choice is yours. It may not feel like it but it is.

Strange or different - the choice is yours. It may not feel like it but it is.

Imagine a person who is not fully aware of their own choices. This person can easily be swayed by others who can prey on their frustration, annoyance, fear and anxiety. An excellent example of this would be Trump and Clinton  who will have paid some consultant(s) vast amounts of wealth to do exactly this. To sway voters one way or another.

Now imagine a person who is aware, who can detect the onset of an emotion and be reasonably aware of why that emotion has been triggered. In this case Trump and Clinton have both wasted their money and have revealed themselves to be people who care not about deliberately attempting to inflict frustration, annoyance, fear and anxiety in a population of 300 million with access to more than 300 million fire-arms.

What sort of life would someone who is often frustrated, annoyed and fearful have compared to someone who is often challenged, interested and excited?

Now, imagine an America where millions are not fearful of Trump or of Clinton. Not fearful of what one or the other could do, might do or is doing. A country where the word 'no' and the phrase 'none of your business' is often used by a 'Citizen' to an 'official'. In America where everyone, mostly, is aware of their own choices. Now, those of you who do not live in the US, apply this to yourself and to your own Government and population because they are all so similar as to be the same.

I have stated in other blog posts that I am more powerful than Trump or Clinton. Fear is their manipulative tool of choice and this is extremely energy efficient to deploy over a non-Sigma population. On a Sigma population, the same tool does not induce fear, only amusement.

Trump and Clinton have no credibility as World Leaders as they have both demonstrated themselves to be completely lacking in any compassion for their fellow Americans. Both creating fear because they can as it is both cheap and effective over a non-Sigma population. Their authority is based upon the will of the people and they have both shown utter contempt for the well being of the people.

Clinton supporters may well believe that Trump has created fear but that Clinton hasn't.

Trump supporters may well believe that Clinton has created fear but that Trump hasn't.

Well, both Trump and Clinton have created fear but in two completely different groups of people. The group Clinton created fear in voted Trump and the group Trump created fear in voted for Clinton. 

As odd as the above paragraph may read, neither Trump or Clinton are Sigma. They are as effectively manipulated by their own fears as their non-Sigma electorate.

Any 'official' who uses fear ought to lose their job, as creating fear is not what we pay them for.

As Sigma, your increasing awareness of self will lead to to increased awareness of others and then an understanding of the demands of society. As Sigma, your power will exceed that of trump or clinton - without any efforting. How you achieve this is entirely down to you.

You need not believe me, I only ask that you believe in yourself.

Take care

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