22 September, 2018

Sigma Training 101

In previous posts I mention that a Sigma becomes more effective by being aware of their own fears and conquering them. This is true but I use the word 'fear' to cover a wide range of emotional responses, which also need to be conquered.

In his post I shall cover annoyance and frustration. The first part is simply awareness. Think back to a time when you were annoyed or frustrated. I enjoy playing computer games, usually driving simulations or combat simulations. Playing online can be particularly good for creating a general feeling of annoyance. A rock could 'get in my way', another player could act in ways beyond my ability to comprehend, my gun could prove to be inadequate and my internet connection respond far slower than my opponents. Should you have a similar experiences then this is an excellent training arena for increasing your Sigma abilities.

Once you have identified an area in your life where annoyance and frustration appear reasonably often then the next step is to simply acknowledge, in real-time, when you are becoming annoyed or frustrated. Then allow the emotion to grow, also in real-time. Allow yourself to be fully submerged in your annoyance or frustration. Do not suppress the feeling. Allow it to exist. Explore the sensations that this produces in your body. Slowly scan your body, from your toes upwards and take your time. Then focus on your breath. Take a few deep breaths in and out, slowly in and slowly out. Extend your awareness to your surroundings. Start with sounds, what are you hearing? There is no need to identify the sounds, simply be aware of them. Are they soft and repetitive, scratchy, whooshy. There is no need to explain or label them, just hear them.

Perhaps you are not a gamer but you have some annoying colleagues or perhaps you suffer from road rage or find that watching the news can trigger you into feeling hopelessness, fear, anger, annoyance, dread, despair or whichever negative emotion you find yourself having. These are all collectively what I mean when I use the word 'fear'. These emotions are not to be suppressed, that is not what I mean when I use the word 'conquer'. You conquer a 'fear' when you are able to detect its presence and not allow it to determine your actions.

For example, another motorist may do something that causes you to feel anger, annoyance or frustration with their inability to drive or lack of basic awareness and without thought you may press your horn. In this case your 'fear' has control of you. As you begin your Sigma training you will still fear anger and may well still press your horn. The difference being subtle but important. The non-Sigma will feel justified and righteous in their actions and the Sigma will know that they behaved exactly as if they were non-Sigma.

As you practise awareness of your own emotions, you will naturally find that you stop reacting without thought far more often. You realise the truth. An emotion is something to be experienced and when the feeling has passed, you are still here and the feeling is not. The feeling is not banished or never experienced, you have simply developed an ability to detect its presence and accept it. You can then more fully enjoy your life without trying to explain away, to others and yourself, behaviours that were far different from what you would have preferred to have done, in the heat of the moment. You can be more you. You can be the version of you that you know you are. You have demonstrably conquered that which has prevented you from being the you that you were born to be.
Perhaps you have realised or will soon realise, that the difference between you finding someone annoying or interesting is you and certainly not them?

The difference between a frustrating 'puzzle' and a challenging 'puzzle' is your perception of that 'puzzle'. It is certainly not the 'puzzle' itself.

The difference between having a satisfying life or unhappy life is simply down to you and not life itself.

This accountability can be difficult to accept. Tragedies do occur and these can devastate us. However, we do get to choose whether a tragedy destroys us or if we grow stronger from experiencing that tragedy. Or we do if we are more Sigma than non-Sigma and can accept the emotional turmoil rather than be swept away by it.

Frustrating or challenging - the choice is yours. It may not feel like it but it is.

Annoying or interesting - the choice is yours. It may not feel like it but it is.

Fear or excitement - the choice is yours. It may not feel like it but it is.

Anxious or concerned - the choice is yours. It may not feel like it but it is.

Sadness at a loss or gentle enjoyment of fond memories - the choice is yours. It may not feel like it but it is.

A waste of time or an opportunity to experience - the choice is yours. It may not feel like it but it is.

Pain or an intense sensation - the choice is yours. It may not feel like it but it is.

Strange or different - the choice is yours. It may not feel like it but it is.

Imagine a person who is not fully aware of their own choices. This person can easily be swayed by others who can prey on their frustration, annoyance, fear and anxiety. An excellent example of this would be Trump and Clinton  who will have paid some consultant(s) vast amounts of wealth to do exactly this. To sway voters one way or another.

Now imagine a person who is aware, who can detect the onset of an emotion and be reasonably aware of why that emotion has been triggered. In this case Trump and Clinton have both wasted their money and have revealed themselves to be people who care not about deliberately attempting to inflict frustration, annoyance, fear and anxiety in a population of 300 million with access to more than 300 million fire-arms.

What sort of life would someone who is often frustrated, annoyed and fearful have compared to someone who is often challenged, interested and excited?

Now, imagine an America where millions are not fearful of Trump or of Clinton. Not fearful of what one or the other could do, might do or is doing. A country where the word 'no' and the phrase 'none of your business' is often used by a 'Citizen' to an 'official'. In America where everyone, mostly, is aware of their own choices. Now, those of you who do not live in the US, apply this to yourself and to your own Government and population because they are all so similar as to be the same.

I have stated in other blog posts that I am more powerful than Trump or Clinton. Fear is their manipulative tool of choice and this is extremely energy efficient to deploy over a non-Sigma population. On a Sigma population, the same tool does not induce fear, only amusement.

Trump and Clinton have no credibility as World Leaders as they have both demonstrated themselves to be completely lacking in any compassion for their fellow Americans. Both creating fear because they can as it is both cheap and effective over a non-Sigma population. Their authority is based upon the will of the people and they have both shown utter contempt for the well being of the people.

Clinton supporters may well believe that Trump has created fear but that Clinton hasn't.

Trump supporters may well believe that Clinton has created fear but that Trump hasn't.

Well, both Trump and Clinton have created fear but in two completely different groups of people. The group Clinton created fear in voted Trump and the group Trump created fear in voted for Clinton. 

As odd as the above paragraph may read, neither Trump or Clinton are Sigma. They are as effectively manipulated by their own fears as their non-Sigma electorate.

Any 'official' who uses fear ought to lose their job, as creating fear is not what we pay them for.

As Sigma, your increasing awareness of self will lead to to increased awareness of others and then an understanding of the demands of society. As Sigma, your power will exceed that of trump or clinton - without any efforting. How you achieve this is entirely down to you.

You need not believe me, I only ask that you believe in yourself.

Take care

21 September, 2018

Summary of Sigma Club Benefits

I chose this title as it amused me. The Sigma rarely join clubs. However, there are benefits to becoming Sigma.

Remembering now that a Sigma seeks out his fears and conquers them. You could also say that a Sigma is sensitive to their own fears, takes the time to understand these fears and does not yield to them.

Unfortunately, our egos are very good at suggesting to us that we are fine and that our fears are genuine and that confronting them would be both silly and potentially dangerous. Our egos will scan this piece looking at ways to dismiss its contents and besides, the author is obviously mentally ill.

I don't really see any problems with looking silly, acting silly or being silly. You may believe me to be 'silly' but I will just be having some harmless fun. For me, a far more powerful word than 'silly' is 'failure'. I do tend to fear failure. This is something that I am aware of but it can sometimes take a while for me to realise that I have altered my behaviour due to a fear of failure. I say 'me' but it is probably my ego that has interfered with whatever it was that I was doing.

Obviously, fear of a bridge structurally failing whilst crossing it is a different thing entirely than fear of rejection from a potential mate or potential job. You must choose your battles with care.

Fears do restrict your options and a major Sigma benefit is the often practised and repeated ability to conquer fear. I would suggest that this one benefit alone is worth the efforts of becoming Sigma. Reduced fear, leads to increasing options and to a far more productive and interesting life.

A great many people are concerned with what other people think of them. I would call this a fear. A fear of being perceived as strange or weird or 'not one of us'. This is what drives many people to constantly ask questions about clothes, holidays and cars. A permanent and ongoing task to see where you fit in. Have you the right brand clothing, watch and car. Do you holiday in the right places and if you are fifty or so, does the word 'manager' appear in your job title? Would you believe that to a Sigma that this is all inconsequential? Unless you have a good reason as to why you 'have what you have' and 'do what you do', then a Sigma will not be interested

For example, perhaps you drive a one year old VW Golf. All a Sigma takes from this is that you own a car. To a Sigma, owning a 1995 Honda Civic is as at least as 'impressive' as owning a brand new one. To a Sigma, having a low level job that you enjoy is far more impressive than having a high level job that you hate. The status of the job itself is meaningless to a Sigma. As is the value of your car or home or how attractive your spouse is.

In the UK, most people will agree with the above paragraph. Provided that they have the more expensive car, watch or house in question. Should they own are far less expensive product then they merely feel like failures or the ego steps in and reminds them that spending 'that sort of money' on a watch is foolish. The 'more money than sense' line pops into their head. As a Sigma, all this nonsense is simply amusing.

What this basically means is that a Sigma wishing to build up a successful business won't be wasting his time wondering if an Omega watch or Rolex watch more better aligns with his core values. He will be building his business or doing whatever it is he has decided to do.

This does get complicated but I do hope that you have got the key point. Fear does impact upon us all the time. A Sigma notices this fear whereas most others would not. A Sigma would then address the fear, whereas others have already ignored it. You can avoid a fear but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding that fear.

The other benefits can be considered to be similarly important. One is effective intelligence and the other is ageing. Fears, worries and concerns, if not addressed, will rapidly age you. I believe that cortisone levels is the key to this one but the research is left entirely up to you. As a Sigma, this is obvious. When one finds out that another person is far older than they look, I might state that they must have had a very hard paper round as a lad. This is merely a polite way of saying that they must have had a very hard life. In actual fact, it is likely that they have merely struggled with life rather than enjoy it.

Effective intelligence is far different from IQ which is about tests but effective intelligence is about using whatever time, knowledge and skills you have in an effective way. The ability to understand a problem, devise a few methods of solving the problem and then getting stuck in, without fear. Perhaps, all your initial ideas will fail. Without fear, this is not a problem. You will re-evaluate the initial problem and with your additional knowledge, gained from multiple failures, you will devise a few more methods of solving the problem and get stuck in, again. You will even be more aware of the actual problem itself rather than what you thought the problem was. Contrast this with a fearful man. He will be spending his entire efforts frantically trying to cover up his mistakes.

So Sigma club membership includes, slower ageing, increased effectiveness and productivity with more life choices, a great deal more 'silly' fun and more enjoyment of life itself

Being Sigma is basically having the life you want rather than continually working towards having the life you want. A simple example would be, a Sigma needs less money than they earn. Non-Sigma earn less money than they need. I went to University because I wanted to. I studied engineering because I wanted to. A non-Sigma would go to University otherwise they would not achieve the lifestyle they wanted - in the future, without a degree. A non-Sigma would study whichever degree offered them the right initial job in order to climb up to the career level they needed to have whatever lifestyle they thought they wanted - in the future. This is not to say that Sigma are not motivated. They can be incredibly focussed on a task or goal. Combining focus with highly effective intelligence and things most definitely do get done.

Fewer than 2% of the worlds (western population) are Sigma. This has lead to the society we all live in. This brings me to a another Sigma benefit. Within each of us is a little Sigma. Within each of us is a little non-Sigma. The proportions change moment to moment. Thus when reading this, you may well be calm and relaxed. In which case, your Sigma : to non-Sigma ratio may well be high and you will feel as though you are Sigma and you are. If, when reading this, you feel outrage, anger, fear or annoyance. Then your Sigma : to non-Sigma ratio will be low and you will be non-Sigma and as such believe all this blog post and blog to be a waste of your time and ought to be ignored. You will probably believe me to be in need of psychiatric help. My Doctor falls into the camp believing me to be in need of psychiatric care, as a matter of some urgency. My doctor and I have different belief systems. I understand his but he does not understand mine.

Anyway, a strong Sigma has a good chance of getting the person he is talking to into Sigma mode. A strong Sigma could go the other way and get the person he is talking to into non-Sigma mode. This allows the Sigma to more easily achieve his own objective rather than the objective of the other person. The key difference here is that in Sigma mode rules are more easily ignored, bent or broken. In non-Sigma mode rules and societal norms are more easily enforced. This is very advanced stuff and so should be attempted with great thought and care or in trivial circumstances of no great consequence.

For example, just kidding. people do not like to feel that they are being manipulated. More accurately, they like to pretend that they aren't continually manipulated and won't enjoy the pretense being broken.

Which leads me to an important point. I naturally became Sigma and this did not help me integrate with society. This did not help me achieve any success in society. Simply because I did not know that I was Sigma or that others were not. Hopefully, as you become more aware of what Sigma is or isn't, you will forge your own path and become that which you were born to be.

The more powerful a Sigma you become, the more benefits you will discover and ultimately - create.
A powerful Sigma is somebody who is very difficult to instill a sense of fear into. (Or just stupid?)

As suggested, benefits accrue along with your Sigma development and I have given you a sense of what these benefits are. Giving actual examples will be counterproductive, should my Sigma level be higher than yours, as your ego will easily dismiss them as nonsense.

I will leave you with a thought, earlier I mentioned that status symbols such as cars, watches and houses mean nothing to me, a Sigma Male. In the previous paragraph, I mention Sigma level and infer that mine is very high indeed, with well practised abilities that are likely to be beyond your ability to believe. In previous blog posts I have stated that I am more powerful than any member of society. Are my 'Sigma concepts' something you ought more fully explore?

18 September, 2018

A Sigma Male view of himself

The general path to Sigma status, is to identify a fear, face that fear and overcome that fear. 

Generally, this is easier to do in childhood rather than as an adult enduring a brutal war, or some such like. Fear of the dark is far less life threatening than trying to take out an enemy tank with some C4, a sock and some mud. However, the fear each induces will be the same.

I self identify as Sigma but I still have the capacity to feel fear. I have suffered from travel stress anxiety - which is a fear. The last two cars I bought were old and had faults. I felt fear in that I had made an error of judgement. I acknowledged that fear and discussed it with a mechanic. I discussed it with friends and colleagues. Eventually overcoming that fear.

At work, I may make a mistake and fear that I have let a customer or colleague down. I felt fear last week when the VSA / ABS light lit up on my car. Fear hat I had bought a 'lemon'. Fear that I couldn't easily afford a repair. Fear that I would crash without electronic help from the car. Fear that my ABS wouldn't save me from a collision. Fear. Fear. fear. One hour ago the VSA / ABS light did not come on whn I started my car. So, I deliberately switched off the VSA system. Facing my fear and overcoming it.

As a Sigma, I recognise a fear and then feel compelled to conquer that fear. So, I do.

A beta male may sfeel fear and then seek the calming influence of an alpha male.

An alpha male does whatever they do, over react probably. Demonstrating strength or projecting power. The fear is still with them and will drive them to ever more violent displays.

Anyway, this is about me. Fear is something under the control of the ancient parts of my brain and back in the day, helped my ancestors to survive. Within me is the ancient animal brain and my modern human brain. The animal brain is far stronger and quicker than my human brain and can generate debilitating amounts of fear and panic. The human part of my brain has the capacity to develop new technologies, new ideas and better ways of doing things. Or at least evaluate different ways of doing things.

Thus, there is the animal part of me, driven by fear.

There is the human part of me.

A Sigma, or more specifically me, will try to dampen down the (negative) animal instincts and reinforce the (positive) human characteristics. Positive animal instincts can be encouraged too, as well as damping down any negative human characteristics. Whatever I deem to be beneficial to me is what I will encourage regardless of the views of others. You may perceive this as arrogance, I perceive this as none of your business.

That is how I see myself. Everybody else is somewhat similar. Collectively, we make up 'society'. 
Society is merely a collection of people.

The next logical question in my opinion, is how does society help me, a member of society develop into a productive, loving, kind, compassionate and caring human being. Well, to be brutally honest, it doesn't. At every possible opportunity government simply projects an illusion of power. At every possible opportunity banks project an illusion of wealth. The three main components of society being government, banking and people. The government wishes you to feel weak and powerless without them. The banks wish you to feel poverty without them. They do this by intentionally or not stimulating the ancient parts of your brain to create continuous low level fear, with a few brief periods of intense fear to keep you feeling powerless without the government and poor without the oversight of banks.

Now, I am not saying that people in banking and government do this deliberately. However, anyone skilled at making people feel fear will do well in a government or banking role. Think back to your schooling. Any teacher capable of inducing fear into his pupils will control them with remarkable ease and may well enjoy (ab)using this ability.

Creating fear is a very effective controlling mechanism as it readily over powers the higher human functions of your victims. Basically, when inducing fear in another you are destroying their humanity.

Now recall instances in your childhood where a teacher deliberately induced fear into you. Perhaps to try and get you to do as you are told to pass exams and get a decent job. Recall instances where government employees induced fear into you as an adult, fear of punishment or fear of not getting the help you need. There have been many recent government announcements inducing fear, fear of Putin and his targeted use of rare radioactive elements or even rarer toxic chemicals. Fear of terrorism.

Are these fears grounded in useful information? Apparently, Putin has only killed a handful of people with his over the top James Bond Baddie style theatrics. So, no threat at all. How about the amber terrorist alert? Should we really be scared? No, more people die driving cars than get injured by terrorists. No, all these government announcements are designed to do, is to keep you believing that they are powerful and you are weak.

Recently, a muslim woman wearing a burkha or whatever has run amok in Barnsley (UK) with a knife. Nobody, tackled her. Armed police did turn up but didn't bother retrieving their fire-arms from the boots (trunk) of their high powered and expensive tax payer paid for BMW's. Actually, shooting the deranged woman would have just put her on incapacity benefits for life, so in this instance the police did us a favour. American police may well have shot and killed her but they are an out of control menace and a symptom of an out of control government and society.

I would say, the deranged woman running about with a knife and stabbing people did not encounter any Sigma Males. A Sigma Female would most likely have protected those closest to her. A Sigma Male would have had a major choice to make. To put the woman down with a very effective level of force and face the wrath of the police, media, friends and co-workers or to decide that they did not wish to be inconvenienced.

The Government would want you to hide (in fear) and call the police for them to determine the correct level of force (power) to be used. In this instance the government announced within minutes that this was not a terrorist attack. As a Sigma, I don't care what someone in government thinks about this attack. I would have thought the police would investigate and make an announcement within a week or so. But, this is the real world and the government gets to tell us instantly whether or not this is a terrorist attack or something that Putin has arranged for no logical reason whatsoever.

I may have drifted off topic, slightly. The point that the above paragraph is attempting to make is that government does use fear as a tactic brutally often. This makes us victims to society in that fear is a very effective method of control that also destroys our very humanity.

This post is all based upon how I view myself and then scaled up to include millions of people just like me. Then I simply added in the effects of what government does. Banking works in a similar fashion. Combining the effects of banking and government and you end up with a system / society that very effectively destroys our innate humanity. As we become less human, government calls for ever more power to control us further. destroying whatever remains of our humanity, far faster.

It is therefore in my own best interest to encourage my own humanity as best I can. To encourage humanity in my friends, neighbours and colleagues. For those I am not in direct contact with, write this blog.

You are welcome

Our society is based on fear, a civilisation will be based on our humanity

I have given you a view of myself and extended that to include you. By including the 'influence' of banks, government and mainstream media, I have presented you with a model of our society and its basic function - to induce fear which destroys or at least hinders the development of our individual and collective humanity. I hope to have conveyed to you that the opposite of society is not anarchy but civilisation.

You have apart to play in either allowing society to continue to make us less human. Or to become more human by your own efforts.

To become more human, be aware of your own fears

Take note of which individuals and organisations attempt or succeed in inducing fear in yourself
Limit your exposure to these things.

Take note of which individuals and organisatons attempt or succeed in making you feel confident, happy about life in general and give you hope for the future
Deliberatey expose yourself to these influences

Take note of your behaviours and how they effect both yourself and others. Are you increasing fear or radiating a calm sense of confidence. 

Alpha males are very adept at creating both fear and calmness in others. I ask that you use fear sparingly and as a last resort before committing to actual physical violence.

To put this very bluntly indeed. Avoid that which causes you fear and embrace that which you love

I have noticed that Trump induces fear in a lot of Americans and that Hilary induces fear in a similar number of different Americans. This de-humanizes most Americans which allows for more and stronger government control and higher government debt / spending. This reinforces society at the expense of our health, wealth, happiness and is very corrosive to our individual and collective humanity.

In the UK we have Brexit, which most of us aren't interested in. The media and government and banks are trying to frighten us with horror stories about Brexit but we mostly, aren't interested. Hence the Putin attack angle is being widely promoted. We mostly don't care about that either. Our prime minister, very publicly, changed the colour of the terrorist threat level some months ago and we mostly found that funny. Our UK government mentioned arming all our police and we said no because we aren't in fear of terrorists or Putin. The lesson there is that if there is no public support for something or worse, public resistance, then the government risks a great deal by attempting to do it anyway. Indicating quite clearly, that governments only have the illusion (or delusion) of power. 

Just to be quite clear, arming the entire UK police force would make all the police redundant. We British do not do fear half as well as we do anger. Armed police would not be requested or tolerated. Threatening a white English man with violence, sanctioned by government, will quickly lead to no government at all. Civilisation will be ushered in at an incredible rate. I Only hope that non-white English men share the same core, I am sure they do.

Compare and contrast the view presented in the previous paragraph with the average American allowing another American to physically abuse them before boarding a plane. The only real difference is 911

During and immediately after the events of 911, did the American government and media project confidence and calmness into the American people. Reminding them of their resilience, their ingenuity and ability to withstand hardship.  Or was fear induced at every opportunity? Please remember the bravery of the first Responders, that is what America is. The America portrayed by the media and the threats they face are not based on reality but simply used to induce fear and destroy the humanity of the American public. The first Responders had deep reserves of humanity and this is the primary lesson to be learned from 911. The second lesson is the (fear inducing) behaviour of the US press and government.

It is quite clear to me that humanity is rising and society (government and banking) is failing

A rising humanity will naturally and instinctively create a human civilisation of great beauty, elegance, resilience and with the confidence to reach for and expand into the galaxy, enduring whatever hardships are necessary along the way.

(I have decided to leave any and all errors intact. I wrote this from the heart and do not wish to change any of it for any reason.)

Financial Advice from a Sigma Male

First of all, it is illegal for me to give you any financial advice. Let me do the heavy lifting on that opening sentence for you.

Illegal simply means that the UK Government says 'no'. In this, highly specific, example of UK law why would the government say 'No.'? Well, that is open to speculation and 'conspiracy theory'. So, allow me to give a Sigma Male opinion on one of the (side) effects of that particular law. You will only ever receive financial advice from a government approved financial adviser and they will never give you any advice that is not government approved.

Let me do the heavy lifting for you on the previous sentence. The only financial advice you will ever legally get is advice that the government of the day is comfortable for you to have. This is important as the government tax your earnings and now also get to decide how you may invest your lifetime accumulation of (surplus) earnings. Obviously, you have the illusion of free will as you as an individual are free not to get financial advice and not take 'advantage' of government approved tax breaks. But. You may well feel that you are missing out and as such feel foolish, silly or plain weird. I am a Sigma. I am publishing this and so realise that non-sigma will see me as foolish, silly, plain weird, a conspiracy theorist or worse. And yet, here I am, writing away. A Sigma is not especially concerned about how the world views him, or at least, I am not.

Should you be worried? No. You should be concerned, as this is your lifetime accumulation of wealth that I am discussing. If you are young, without wealth, then you have a lifetime of benefit to come from this illegal financial advice.

Am I worried for my personal freedom? Deliberately breaking a law. No, I am a Sigma Male and as such outrank any and all members of your society. I just do.

Back to the illegal financial advice. Financial advisers accumulate wealth by giving you what they call independent financial advice based on your risk appetite and age. 'Risk appetite' is code for how  high a fee you are prepared to pay. 'Independent' is a simple lie. Or, at best, misdirection. 'Age' relates to which advice the government allows the 'independent' financial adviser to give you. Should the financial adviser not stick to the pre-prepared government approved script then he loses his government granted licence to give you financial advice. I keep saying 'he'. It could just as easily be 'she'. Or any of the other 75 government approved genders. I am a Sigma Male and I view you the reader as male too. My choice as I am writing this illegal 'financial advice'.

Most government advice is, 'accumulate a good percentage of government bonds'. Not just to individuals but to banks, investment banks, insurance companies, re-insurance companies, financial companies, annuity providers and pension providers. When these start to choke on a mountain of government debt also know as government bonds and in the UK known as Gilts, the the buyer of last resort is the central bank, in the UK known as the Bank of England. Should the BoE (Bank of England) slow down or stop its purchase of UK Government debt then another entity will step in. This behaviour is coordinated by the IMF.

The previous paragraph mentioned Government debt, let me do the heavy lifting on this for you too. In the early days, the BoE was owned by the six richest people in the UK. These received a guaranteed 6% return on their gold. In return for this, they pledged but kept custody of a significant amount of gold. Every 12 years, they recieved a 100% cash return on their investment. Which is nice. This was guaranteed. Which is nice. You could say that the BoE was set up to benefit all members of the UK but a specific six of them did rather well. The identity of the six is still a secret.Today, things are more complicated but the core remains unchanged. Our respective UK governments have spent £1,500,000,000,000 more than they have taken from us in taxes. One may be curious as to whose £1,500,000,000,000 in wealth they have spent. Your wealth. What you believe is in your pension, or the wealth that you pay into your pension, is rather rapidly spent by your government. Currently, this does not matter.

I have mentioned wealth, gold and the great british pound. Let me do the heavy lifting on this for you. Wealth is the key word. Gold and the pound (£) are of no importance. So, this is the illegal financial advice that I wish to impart. What is wealth? Let us start with a naked, cold, hungry man seeking shelter. Initially, he needs to mix his abilities, knowledge and technical skills with the natural world in order to create value for himself. Killing, a furry animal for its meat and skinning it for clothing would represent a great deal of value for this man. For he would no longer be naked or hungry. With some good fortune, he would soon be warm too. He has created value but to create wealth he needs a surplus. The surplus itself is the wealth. Knowledge is also valuable. He could use the animal bones as tools or weapons. He could also create some art from the bones, a great symbol of wealth. He has the surplus time to spend on things other than survival and so is wealthy. He can now exchange the value he has created with others. Others who need food and clothing will not be overly interested in acquiring art but would be over joyed to exchange something they have for food and clothing. This is all basic stuff, you can imagine the rest yourself. Now, this 'caveman' is basically the same as us. Well not quite, he does not have generations of indoctrination in how without government we would all be living in caves. No, without this particular caveman and many others creating value and then wealth, we would not have government.

With the previous paragraph fresh in our minds let us discuss modern day wealth. Is it how many bank credits we have accumulated in our pension? No, I have demonstrated how that wealth has already been spent by our governments. Is it the bank credits we have at our disposal in our own bank accounts? No, certainly not, we all 'know' that banks loan out ten times more wealth than they have. For every £10 in your account, your bank owes £100. Numerically, you may have 10% of what you believe you have. Actually, you have far less. More or less, nothing. Anyway, is your home wealth? Yes and no. The government can increase property taxes, within the limits of our collective tolerance, until you can no longer afford to live in your own home. The banks can raise interest rates, within the limits of our collective tolerance, until mortgage holders are no longer able to finance their own homes. So, home ownership does depend on your ability to finance whatever tax your government dreams up. Banks can invent fees to take bank credit directly from your account. As can your pension and annuity providers. Lots can happen but usually doesn't. I am going to advise you that these rare events need only happen once in your lifetime accumulation of what you believe to be wealth to leave you with far less or even nothing.

Your wealth is the same as the cavemans. All the government and financial service providers do is create an environment in which they can take and spend a portion of your wealth - we call this arrangement 'society'. Back to the financial advice. Your financial advisor will mention having a diversified portfolio. This allows for lots of fees and other ways of taking wealth directly from you. However, your entire portfolio will be denominated in pounds. This is zero diversification. Even if you have financial assets in other countries, denominated in euros or dollars. These currencies are all effectively the same as they are all 'coordinated' by the IMF with your central bank. If you have a central bank that is not coordinated by the IMF then you are at war with the US Govt. By all means have some of your wealth denominated in dollars or pounds  or euros but these are merely bank credits with a name you are familiar with.

Wealth for us is the same as wealth for the caveman. Shelter that we own and defend ourselves. Either through legal ownership by paying fees to the government who 'allow' us legal custody. Or by any other means. The means and ability to grow food. Anything that adds any value to our local communities. (Local can mean the entire planet.)

Let me bring this home to you. There are two basic kinds of wealth. Your pension wealth, bank wealth, investment wealth, paper currency wealth is all wealth that is based upon society. It is all the same style of wealth. Fundamentally, it is 'potential' wealth. Not actual wealth, or caveman wealth but potential wealth. With one million pounds in my bank account I can potentially exchange ownership of that 'societal wealth' with a Ferrari dealership for a Ferrari. Potentially, I can withdraw it all in cash - paper currency. In reality, I doubt the bank would let me but in theory I could. The same is true of a  multi million pound pension but there are a great many forms to fill in and permissions to seek before I could turn that into ten Ferrari or paper currency.

The wealth is not the bank credit but the possession of the Ferrari. The wealth is not even the paper currency, it is still the Ferrari. The Ferrari is the second type of wealth. It is real wealth. Imagine living in 'caveman' times and meeting a well fed, well clothed caveman with the means to create a Ferrari and have two in his cave. Wow. Now imagine meeting a cold, naked, hungry caveman explaining to you that he is from the government and that you owe him a Ferrari?

Joking aside, the two types of wealth are 'societal' wealth which is potential wealth and actual wealth. If you are not sure which is which ask the well fed caveman. Imagine showing the caveman the deeds to your house. He will explain that the piece of paper that you are wielding is a piece of paper. Show the caveman your house, he will agree that it is wealth, that it is of value. To those without imagination, 'societal' wealth is actually controlled by your government. Real wealth is controlled by you. Thus my tools and knowledge is real wealth. The bank credits I get paid each month is simply potential wealth. To 'mansplain', the caveman would be interested in both my tools and knowledge but I would lose any credibility trying to explain 'wages', 'taxes' and 'pensions' to him.

Now, a great many of you will 'know' that the world is a far better place than it was, due to 'society'. I won't deny that. I won't even mention that it isn't exactly heaven on earth either, due to 'society'. What I will mention is that the potential wealth that I mentioned, the 'societal' wealth, the wealth governed by the rules of society is, in reality, the absolute opposite of wealth. Societal wealth is debt. I will explain further.

The US Govt has 'borrowed' $21,000,000,000,000 and spent it all. It doesn't really matter what on. Although roads are good, hospitals are nice and wars are expensive but regardless, this vast sum of wealth has been spent. An equal and opposite number now sits in our bank accounts, pensions and wallets. That crisp 100 dollar bill in your wallet is merely a reciept for a few bolts and a girder on a bridge in Brooklyn. The $200,000 in your pension is a receipt for a drone missile that has been exploded close to a suspected terrorist attending a wedding. Since when has a receipt for spent wealth been considered wealth ? It hasn't. It is one many things you have to believe to believe in 'society'.

Let me be very clear on the financial advice that I have illegally given you. By all means play the society game but realise this, it is just a game. An illogical game but still a game.

Have some wealth outside of society. Outside of government control. Outside of societies rules that can and do change. Have some actual wealth that a caveman would easily recognise as wealth. It needn't be a Ferrari. A caveman would be just as impressed with an old Toyota Corolla or early Honda Civic.

A caveman would recognise as wealth

Ability to grow food

private / secure access to fresh water

shelter - protection from elements and others


raw materials

sheet metals and rolled bar

weapons - ideally, defensive and non-lethal


practical technical skills




an ability to exchange value with the caveman

You may say that we have come a long way since caveman times. We have and we haven't. If our goal is Heaven On Earth then we are further from that than the caveman was.

I doubt that this advice will get me arrested but we shall see. Perhaps a fine. The government loves nothing more than taking from the Productive Man and showing its strength. It can only take my societal wealth and (collectively) we have far more power than the government ever could have. Writing as an individual, I have far more power than the entirety of the worlds governments. I am, as described, a Sigma Male. You can, potentially, be my equal. That particular choice is yours and yours alone. To any female readers, you can choose to be a Sigma Female, which are the equal of Sigma Males. Society burnt Sigma Females as Witches, back in the day. A caveman would have seen young Sigma Females as ideal mates. Older Sigma Females as valuable partners. Our technology has built upon the ingenuity of our caveman ancestors. It is most unfortunate that our humanity has, for the most part, simply eroded. Government deliberately uses fear as a tool for controlling humanity. This is changing and will continue to do so with 'our' collective efforts, humanity is, most definitely, rising.

We understand who we are and eventually you will too

 Then you will forget and the cycle will continue

Such is life

16 September, 2018

A Sigma Male view of the world

I am close to fifty years of age and as such I grew up with the 'communist threat' which means nothing to nobody so it was spun into global thermo nuclear war. Phrases such as intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear fall-out and radiation sickness induced fear into me as an eight year old child. I remember watching incredibly graphic and chilling videos at school that were bone chillingly frightening. The printed media maintained the theme and so did Hollywood and the other film studios.

So what is 'communism'? Normally, I leave you to ponder what I write but today I feel like giving my own point of view. Not that my point of view out ranks yours, I merely wish to visit it upon you consciousness. 'Communism' is a point of view, an idea. As is 'Capiltalism'. The threat of an idea to me is zero. You can be a gay vegetarian and mention this to me and I won't feel any 'peer' pressure or threat. Therefore, 'communism' isn't actually anything to be scared of or to fear. Neither is 'capitalism.'

This makes me wonder why we had such a fuss about communism in 1950's America and why we lived the eighties in fear of an extinction level event of mans own making. I needn't wonder for long, for a government to survive it needs its population to believe in roughly the same sort of things. Thus a 'capitalist' govt must have a mainly 'capitalistic' population. A population that has alternative ideas to their own government will prove extremely difficult for the govt to manage.

So, in the fifties, the Russian idea of communism was only a threat to capitalist governments. In the UK, my government thought this reason enough to terrify me with the threat of nuclear war. This is not something that I am happy about.

If you have read my three incredibly concise books and are beginning to see the world for what it actually is then you will have a basic idea of why governments do this. For the rest of you, I will explain why. Governments like to take the credit for all that is good. Roads, bridges, communications, hospitals, prosperity and rule of law. This all costs a great deal of actual wealth and so when the economy dips or starts to dip, our govts have spent a great deal of our collective wealth on making sure that they are not seen as the culprits. Currently, it is Mr Putin that our govt wishes us to believe is the villain. Also, in lesser roles, Iran and Syria. That bloke in N.Korea and the terrorists that we armed and funded for about a decade. Perhaps China will be more heavily blamed when we can no longer afford even the low end tat that they ship over to us.

I believe that I have made my point but this is a very large point that we manage to overlook everytime we watch the news or discuss a significant event. Fear. Fear and fear. A happy and relaxed man will not react to you telling him that Putin has ordered the death of an ex double agent that he released from prison years ago. The releaxed man may ask if the agent was stabbed or strangled. No, pollonium was used or some Russian nerve agent. How bizarre. Why would you believe that, the happy man might ask. A fearfull man will believe that Putin was happy to spend around a million dollars to have someone killed in a rather theatrical and over the top way. In a way that leads directly back to Putin himself. This level of fear was apparent in America in the fifities and the UK in the eighties. Obviously, in nineties, communism collapsed and was allowed to stay collapsed. Just as in the 2000's, our version of capitalism collapsed. However, the corpse was re-animated and we continue to live with the consequences.

I suppose I must now explain why I believe that capitalism has collapsed and why our financial system is not a viable entity but a Zombie. This would be counter productive as it all comes down to belief. Do you believe that house prices are likely to be up 50% in the next ten years, much the same or down 50% Most residents in the UK will have an opinion on house prices. I can tell you that even commercial property owners expect them to start shooting up any time now. This is important, should house and commercial property prices actually collapse then a great deal of blame will be directed at Putin and China by our own UK govt. Some will be aimed at brexit voters.

This is all political. By that I mean that govt only wish to continue their skim of taking wealth from their population in exchange for a non-existent 'parental' oversight. In short, a long con(fidence) game.

In this article I have mentioned two rather significant events that our media has failed to cover. The collapse of our version of capitalist govt and the death of our financial system. We all carry on as if this were not the case. Capitalism has failed in the same way and for the same reasons that communism failed. Our idea of government does not work. Our financial system is coupled to our government system. Our idea of finance does not work.

I suppose I now must explain why our concepts of both government and finance do not work and how our media serve government and finance and not us, the people who pay for all this nonsense. Basically, there is a massive difference between society and civilisation. We live in a society.

Society is based on fear and over stimulates the amygdalla and other ancient parts of our brains. From this we get a hierrcharchy of systems based on alpha / beta relationships. This is what we call society.

A civilisation is not based on fear and does not stimulate the amygdalla and other ancient parts of our brains. From this we get a collection of best practice ideas that we are free to pick and choose from.

So what is a Sigma male? In childhood, a fear is identified and considered unacceptable. That fear is repeatedly faced until conquered.  Mine was a fear of the dark and a particularly dark lane that I walked down after watching 'video nasties'. You may question what my parents were doing during this period. That is because you are not Sigma.

This will not be easy reading. I have told you that your fundamental beliefs are based on fear. Your so called 'real world', your 'society' of govt and finance is merely a mechansim of slavery. That you are in fact a dumb-ass slave when you could be so much more. As could I.

Is this actually a problem? Well, 'most people would rather die rather than reverse a deeply held belief' - apparently. Let us change that to, 'most members of society would rather die than reverse a deeply held belief.'

Society has a great many deeply held beliefs.

1) Law and order

2) Banks loan wealth

3) Without government we have anarchy


Law and order is not Justice.

Banks loan out ten time more 'wealth' than they have. So, 90% of what they loan is not wealth.

Without government we have far less fear and thus our humanity is freed

We are back to beliefs. Do you believe humanity is cruel and needs govt control. If yes, then please realise that govt is the perfect place for damaged humans to create chaos for everyone.

You take care.


to be continued

Now, let us indulge in a thought experiment. Let us imagine a govt full of do-gooders, of the best and brightest who are full of good intentions and ideas. They take 20% of our wealth and spend it in the best possible way. We get to vote and we get listened too. What could possibly go wrong? Nothing, at least for a good few years. Perhaps we all agree that 25% would allow even more to be done, so we vote in a 25% tax. At some point we hit the dreaded 'marginal return on investment'. This simply means that for every pound or dollar we invest, we only really get 50p or 50c of return. Which, you could argue, is still reasonable. At this point, our fictitious government would say, let us reduce tax to 5% just to maintain what we have because our ideas are still good but are simply not generating as much value as they used too.

We all know that even this fictitious government, filled with the best and brightest, with the very best intentions for all, would not simply cut itself down to size. They would ask 1,000 academics for advice and only listen to those who said, 'you need to tax more'. The government would note who its friends were and make sure that they were looked after. Those who asked awkward questions would be marginalised. The government would believe they were still doing gods work / the best possible outcome for as many as possible but they would be wrong.

Now noting how government hands out favours for its friends, imagine a few business men, crooks and swindlers getting into powerful positions. Or even some simple soul in government being duped occasionally. It all gets very real and very messy very quickly. Unfortunately, our govts are control centres. Vast wealth flows throughout government and can be directed to whatever projects the govt think are best. Even the very best of govts will make errors and mistakes. Each mistake multiplied a million fold as they direct 20% of the collective wealth of tens of millions of people.

Now, the govts I have described above are not that different from our own. We know that they are not the best idea ever but without them we believe things would be worse, far worse. It would be anarchy, perhaps like the Dark Ages in England where for hundreds of years life continued without govt. Note the name 'Dark Age' as it is known now. It could easily be renamed as the 'First Age of Enlightenment' should society collapse give way to an actual civilisation.

I know that it is quite a risk. Allowing society to collapse and hoping that a civilisation springs up in its place rather than anarchy. Those who are fundamentally controlled by others via your amygdalla and ancient portions of your brain will KNOW that anarchy comes after societal collapse. This is mainly due to the fact that you will create anarchy in your own minds and then act upon it. Those who have control of themselves will know that a civilisation comes next and it will. Those who are ruled by fear will not be able to work productively with others and so will be unable to support themselves, their family and their local communities. Those kind souls who are not ruled by fear will work with others and be productive.

This, dear readers, is the world we live in. Society and civilsation co-exist. Society and civilisation exist within each of us. At our (individual) worst, fear drives us and we are in the thrall of society. At our (individual) best, we are without fear and we produce great art, great entertainment and great feats of engineering. All of which society is quick to falsely take the credit for.

As individuals, we can tune out our governments. In this way, we allow fear to drain from our lives. We can stop watching the 'news'. A tightly controlled and specific range of stories chosen to create fear within us.  News has only one task to perform, to reinforce the belief that without government we would have anarchy. A story rammed down our throats from birth and drilled into our young souls with television, film and a decade or more of 'school'. Without all this fear, we would not need a government to protect us from the idea of communism. We would not fear that which was different from us, we would embrace difference and points of view contrary to our own.

Anarchy is where we do not respect the sovereignty of others or their productive work. This to me, sounds very much like government.

Without government, we have those who respect the sovereignty of others and their productive work and those who don't. One group thrives and the others would rather die than accept that their belief in government and society was a adult fairy tale.

Amusingly, the real anarchists are those who wish to restore or maintain government at any and all costs. The real anarchists are those preventing the growth of a civilisation by insisting that society is that which it is not - that society is the only way to survive. By denying that civilisation is the only way to flourish.


That said, society and civilsation exist in a balance. Due to numerous reasons, society has had a far longer run than 'expected'. Any people or companies embedded in the 'societal' approach will find life / existence becoming very difficult indeed. Those in the 'civilised' camp will find the coming years quite satisfying emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. The phrase, 'traditional values' may start to appear far more often than 'reality TV'.

This blog aims to make the transition (from society to civilisation) far more easier for far more people. Should sufficient numbers of people be able to make the transition smoothly then the transition will be smooth.

For those unable to understand (the concepts behind) anything I ever write , the transition will be felt as a discontinuity. One of such magnitude that they will never survive it intact. They will quietly die, madly thrash about for a period - like a fish out of water or give the appearance of being a Zombie.

Back to Hollywood, there are those who work for the government and those who work for civilisation. There are far fewer who know what side they are on.

I think that is the end of this particular post.

You take care and remember, I might not be that which I appear to be. You are responsible for interpreting my work, I am only responsible for publishing it.

Have fun, I am


I have recently had this link pointed out to me and it gives excellent guidance

I am in full agreement with its core principles


Make of it what you will

08 September, 2018

The shape of our future

The shape of our future is formed by the shape of our thoughts.

A solid example of this is house prices. If most imagine that house prices will continue to rise then they will. A man who believes his house to be worth 200,000 will patiently wait for a buyer and not drop his price. Another may believe his house will increase in value 50% over the next decade, so why downsize yet!  Another may spend 100,000 making his home larger so that it will be valued far higher. Our collective expectations, the very shape of our thoughts, creates the expected future.

The banking sector have enjoyed some very fat profits from the 1990's onwards from this house price inflation. As have estate agents and other financial entities. They are happy with the shape of our thoughts.

There is a great deal of money to be made from realising the shape of peoples thoughts. For example, do car makers release a new car update every two years or every three? This very much depends upon the shape of peoples thoughts. A car maker who gets this right makes more profit than one who doesn't. Thus reading the shape of our collective thoughts is a wise thing for big business to do.

The same is true of big government. If one party correctly reads the state of the nations thoughts, new policies can be ushered in and this can be enough to gain that little bit of extra support to become elected to power. Both Trump and Clinton believed that they understood the shape of the publics thoughts. One was slightly more correct in their assessment than the other.

Thus reading the public mood, in other words, judging the shape of our thoughts is a very valuable skill that can be used to gain vast power or wealth.

If one person gained the power to shape the thoughts of the population, then they would rule that population but not openly and only until the population realised that something was clearly wrong.


This blog is about critical thought. You are now supposed to think about what I have written. After a great deal of thought, you are supposed to discuss YOUR interpretation of this with others. I am giving you the power to shape your own thoughts. To realise that others are trying to gauge the shape of your thoughts for profit and that others are attempting to shape your thoughts to gain power over you.


However, critical thought is alien to most of us and thus very difficult. My three books were written to help you become more able to critically think and to realise the true nature of the reality that we call society. One of the many things that I would hope many of you will come to realise is that facebook, twitter, snap chat and the rest are all tools that can be used to assess the shape of our collective thoughts. They are not interested in you as an individual but they are interested in us the population.

As facebook and the rest, including Google, become better at reading the shape of our (collective) thoughts, they will attempt to shape them directly. This has already begun.

The problem with all this is that those who are engaging in this do not wish to improve your life, they merely wish to have some small measure of control over entire populations.

I could go on and on and give some very specific detail but that would be counter productive.


There are three types of 'elite'.

Those wishing power over you for their own benefit

Those wising power over you for your benefit.

Both these groups I oppose on the grounds that when they are wrong, we suffer and not them.

The final type of 'elite', wishes to return power back to you. To birth a human civilisation and allow the sick joke of society to slowly fade into our past.


Now, the shape of our thoughts can change in a heartbeat. Which means that the shape of our future can be changed in a heartbeat. What you may not believe or realise is that our present perception of reality also changes in that very same heartbeat and this is traumatic beyond my ability to describe.

This 'transition' is what I began this blog to understand. I have undergone the trauma twice. The first, with fear, failed. The second time, with love, succeeded.

Bear in mind that the shape of our thought can change instantaneously but the effects of this change can take years to adapt to.


I have just freely given you one hour of my time. Invest it wisely.