28 December, 2022

Predictions for 2023


More of the same?

Some say that a group of psychopaths are intent on ruling the world. We must be very careful when describing such a scenario.

Obviously, Bill Gates, Fauci, the WEF and others do have plans to save humanity. The young girl, Greta, is very passionate about saving humanity and where her thoughts overlap with the others, she is heavily promoted. People who hold opposing views are not heavily promoted.


What we actually have is a society which is largely made up of normal, pleasant human beings who fail to notice the other 15% who are not normal, pleasant human beings. That is quite a bold claim and I ask that you practice critical thought and assume that this is and isn’t true. Spend some time considering it.

The 15% are also unaware that they are not normal, pleasant human beings. The big difference between these two basic types of people is that one set continually attempt to assert control over others. These people are NOT psychopaths or sociopaths. Society fails to identify this type of person correctly both generally and specifically.

The Future

Bill Gates, Fauci, the WEF and others do believe that they have plans to save humanity. They could be right or they could be wrong. Unfortunately, they are unaware that what they really seek is control over others. These type of people, 15% of us all, are not logical creatures. They just seek control over others.

More of the same?

If we continue to be largely unaware of this quite simple ‘truth’, then the general population will continue to be worried about ‘Climate Emergencies’ and other ‘hot button’ topics. We will be happy, own nothing and not have petrol or diesel vehicles. Or we might be cold and hungry, who can know such things.

Something new?

Collectively, we need to be able to spot the 15% of us that continually assert control over others. Remembering that these people are not concerned about reality, truth, others or what they may have said merely moments before. 15% of us simply seek control in the moment. No amount of control will ever sate their innate need to assert control over others.


I find observing those who assert control over others, fascinating. (Sometimes annoying.)

I find observing those who assert control over society, fascinating. (Sometimes annoying.)

23 October, 2022


High energy prices?

Perhaps many consider these high energy prices to be transitory. I have given this some critical thought. How about high inflation? This is no longer considered to be transitory.

Currency Strength

If our currency had a certain robustness to it, then prices would remain largely constant. I have given some critical thought to what increases the strength of our currency and what weakens it.

Cost of living crisis

This is being portrayed as transitory too but is it? I would say that the main components of this are the currency and energy topics mentioned above.

My Conclusion?

Oh dear. What a mess. None of this is remotely transitory. We are living with the consequences of ignoring reality for decades. Most of us are continuing to ignore reality. This winter will, most probably, be difficult but the following winters will require major cultural shifts.

Cultural Shifts

A weakening currency leads to high basic living costs such as food and heating our homes. So, when rent / mortgages cost around the same as our home energy bill then the people at the edges of our cultural bell curve will make some similar looking decisions. Some will move to smaller homes. Those in small homes may move to a larger home and share it with others who have chosen the same path. This will influence the decisions of others and slightly shift the bell curve.

What will the solution look like?

Well it won’t involve solar panels, wind turbines, feminism and electric cars. If you think it does, then you are not a critically thinking engineer. You are a wishful thinker and have been let down by those who have influenced you for their own benefit and not yours.

UK Solution (part one)

We will need to open up our gas and oil reserves and use that energy for transport and for implementing the actual solution to our cheap energy scarcity problem.

UK Solution (part two)

We need lots of too cheap to meter electricity to heat and light our homes. Those with electric cars, ebikes and escooters will benefit from this very inexpensive solution. The solution is going to take twenty years and it is Nuclear Energy. We may well need to re-open our coal mines whilst transitioning to our energy rich future.


Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Expect your home heating to cost the same as your rent and mortgage starting Winter 2023 / 2024.

Future Implications

House prices are something lots of people are concerned about. Well, they are going to weaken. Banks take into account your outgoings before advising you of the amount that they will lend. Financial asset prices are already softening and these will continue to weaken. The logic behind this is astonishingly simple but not linear. Most people cannot handle non-linear logic.

Interest rates, house prices and financial asset prices

These are all ‘managed’ as are our responses to any changes in their valuations. Energy has been added to the list and so will food before much longer. Critical Thought takes you out of the ‘managed’ category and into a different category.


Believe what you will and do what you wish to do, freely allowing others the same.

07 September, 2022

UK Narrowboat Electrical System


Traditional System

Generation of energy comes from a 12V alternator, perhaps pumping out 150 amps.

Storage comes from 2, 3 or 4 Lead Acid batteries, perhaps storing 100 Ampere hours each.

A typical boating electrical energy useage is 80 Ampere hours, of which half of that goes on running a Fridge.

Right, first things first. Let us use more modern units of measurement.

The 12V Alternator can produce around 2kW of electrical energy.

The batteries can store around 4kW of electrical energy, with half of that being available to use.

80 Ampere hours is 1kW

Modern System

This does not just add solar and intermittent use of an inverter. Not in my opinion.

Energy generation could be upgraded with effort to an AC alternator of perhaps 4kVA with twin ‘V’ belt drive. An inverter capable of accepting a generator input would be required. This turns the boats ICE engine into a generator.

Ideally, storage of electrical energy could be LiFEPO4 at 48V. Narrowboat owners with existing systems may simply choose to add a 12V LiFEPO4 battery. I will discuss reasons for this later.

With carefully chosen hardware, we now have a modern system capable of storing and releasing enough energy to run modern household appliances. Standard domestic washing machines, coffee machines and kettles can be run without any issues.

Energy Generation

An alternator providing 2kW of energy will also be producing 2kW of waste heat energy. A combined load of 4kW on the engine. Might as well get a 4kVA AC alternator.

Solar panels with a MPPT controller would be very beneficial for three of the four UK seasons. Try for 1.2kW minimum up to 1.8kW at the upper end. Bearing in mind there is only a limited amount of roof on a narrowboat.

1.2kW of panels ought to provide 2.5kW hours of energy at a minimum, except in winter where 0.5kW hour is likely. 0.5kW hour will keep the inverter alive but nothing else.

Energy Storage

LiFEPO4 are happy to charge or discharge at 50% of their kW rating. Lead Acid batteries prefer 5%.

So, to run a standard house kettle of 2kW from an inverter requires a 4KW hour LiFEPO4 battery bank or a 40kW hour bank of Lead Acid batteries. (This is 3,200 Ampere hours or 32 standard Lead Acid batteries.)

For those adding a 12V LiFEPO4 battery to their existing set up. I would get a battery and kettle with matching kW ratings. You will lose a couple of years from 15 years the LiFEPO4 will likely last but you buy 50% less batteries.

Let me be clear here, whatever the highest load is that you wish to apply, get the battery to suit. Many narrowboat owners will not see the need for a domestic kettle and that is a perfectly acceptable attitude to hold. Those who like the idea of a 1kW coffee machine need only buy a 1 or 1.2kW 12V LiFEPO4 battery. Modern narrow boaters call this mix of Lead Acid and LiFEPO4 a hybrid system.

With a new system I would consider 48V as the battery will be far cheaper and so will the cabling costs.

Basic Modern System

4kVA AC alternator professionally fitted

2 * 2.2kW / hr 48V LiFEPO4 battery

3kW Victron MultiPlus II

1.5kW of solar with a MPPT

With this system you get 4 times the daily energy budget of a standard narrowboater. You can use normal household appliances. You can have a normal fridge. A normal freezer. A coffee machine. A washing machine. Best of all, you can use any of them without the need to run the engine or be hooked up to a landline.

In summer this all runs from the solar panels. Autumn and spring will require running the engine at a specific speed for a while. Winter will require a set engine speed for 2 hours each day for the full 4kW / hours of energy replenishment. Traditional narrowboat users will be doing that anyway.

Advanced Modern System

6.5kVA AC alternator professionally fitted

1 or 2 * 5kW / hr 48V LiFEPO4 battery

5kW Victron MultiPlus II

1.5kW of solar with a MPPT

With this system you get 7 times the daily energy budget of a standard narrowboater. You could consider going gas free with an electric oven and induction hobs.

In summer this all runs from the solar panels. Autumn and spring will require running the engine at a specific speed for a while. Winter will require a set engine speed for 2 hours each day for the full 7kW / hours of energy replenishment. Traditional narrowboat users will be doing that anyway.


Brand new narrowboaters ought to go for 48V from the start. It will be cheaper and better, which is a rare combination. Those with 12V systems will need to think hard about the cost of replacing existing equipment. A hybrid system would be my recommendation.

Connecting a 12V LiFEPO4 battery to an existing bank of 12V Lead Acid batteries requires a competent person who knows what they are doing.

Fitting an AC alternator requires someone who can make physical changes to swap from a standard belt drive to either a V belt, twin V belts or something even more robust.

The main problem for narrowboaters is that standard cruising will not charge the house batteries as the AC alternator output varies greatly with engine rpm. The Inverter will require a very specific engine speed which will likely mean that this isn’t feasible whilst cruising.

Traditional narrowboaters will scoff at this ‘preposterous’ idea but it means next to nothing in terms of being a disadvantage. It is really more of something to be aware of.

Additional Information

You can use more batteries if you want more capacity. You can use more solar if you have space.


Well, five times more daily energy useage needn’t cost five times more for your system.

3 large solar panels will cost more than the one a traditional boater has but the MPPT will be of similar cost if 48V is chosen for the house / leisure battery. A traditional boater does not have a large inverter and you needn’t unless you want to run power hungry AC devices.

Comparing 48V LiFEPO4 with 12V lead Acid batteries

A 2.2 kW/hr LiFEPO4 is about equal to 4 Lead Acid batteries, in terms of useable capacity.

The LiFEPO4 will be double the cost with double the lifetime. (More or less.)

In this like for like comparison, the LiFEPO4 can comfortably power a 1,000W piece of equipment and charge at 1000W too. The Lead Acids will be happier operating at 100W. In my opinion, 100W is not good enough. The LiFEPO4 could go to 2,000W and only ‘age’ 20% faster. A very beneficial trade off, again in my opinion.

05 September, 2022

The Birthing of a new Global Financial System

In my last blog post I mentioned a new Global Financial System and then fail to explain what it is. I am happy to provide additional information for you.

Our current system is based on a medium of exchange that we collectively call ‘currency’. A person may hold a personal bank account containing something that we call ‘bank credit’ which we could make withdrawals from and hold physical ‘currency’.

Don’t Follow the money

First of all, don’t mistake your national currency for money because it isn’t money. You could do yourself a massive favour and not use the word money again. Get comfortable saying bank credit and paper currency.

For example, I have a job and each month I notice a transfer of bank credit from my employer. I can then exchange this bank credit for goods and services. My main outgoing is rent. I transfer some of my bank credit to my Landlord such that he continues to allow me to enjoy his property.

Follow the Value

I do stuff for my employer in exchange for bank credits. Each month I transfer a fixed number of these credits to my Landlord. The value here is my time and labour in exchange for shelter. The exchange of value, from my perspective, is shelter for my time and effort.

The Global Financial System

Same as described above. There is no difference between a person and a country.

For example, Russia has lots of energy reserves and is happy to let another country have some of it, in exchange for something of else of value. The G7 would like Putin to accept a bank credit of 70 units, or so, for this barrel of Russian oil but Putin is insisting on something of value.

If your are a UK resident, please let me know what you think we have of equal value to exchange.

If you are a resident of Europe or the United States, please let me know what you have of value to exchange for oil and / or gas / and or lots of other potentially useful resources.

Nothing of Value to exchange?

From a UK perspective, I cannot think of anything that we have of value to exchange for another countries energy reserves. Which explains why my energy bill is surging from around 120 bank credits per month to, perhaps, 600 in less than 12 months. This is rather unfortunate. This means that the value of my wage is diminishing quickly.

Three new Global Financial Systems are now in play

1) Gates and the WEF want to control everything and let us know what we can and can’t do.

2) We start thinking about how we could exchange value with other countries. The countries without anything of value to trade will have to rely upon themselves.

3) Global thermonuclear war

I can’t see number one gaining more traction and number three isn’t really the type of exchange that a Global Financial System ought be proud of. This leaves number two, the key word here being ‘Value’.


It perhaps seem a little harsh that countries, without value to trade with others, will have to rely upon themselves.

However, is it fair for countries without anything of value to trade use force and threats, in order to take value from others?


Europe and the UK need to import energy.

Is the offered method of payment acceptable?

01 September, 2022

UK Fuel Bills

 What is happening with UK energy prices?

From £1200 per annum to £5000 per annum in about a year is quite significant. I would call it a good example of a non-linear change, as discussed in other posts.

Our Prime Minister is quiet on the subject of how we are supposed to pay to heat our homes this winter. As is our Central Banker, the WEF and our other Central Planners who want to run the entire show but not be responsible or accountable for anything.

Obviously, it is Putin and Climate Change and we just ought to suck up any and all costs associated with our home heating bills. This may well shutter the smaller business that Covid lock-down did not destroy. Shrugs all round, what can you do?

Who is to blame?

Our Central Governments and our Central Bankers have either through incompetence, or a simple desire to assert control over us all have had generations to create a fair and just society for all. They have failed. When we can no longer afford to heat our homes, then they have failed absolutely.

Root cause analysis

Our currency is much the same as everyone else's but we call ours ‘pounds’. Twelve hundred of these pounds used to be able to be exchanged for sufficient energy to heat my home for a year. This energy was sourced from countries who were happy to swap their energy for my currency.

Now, my currency is no longer worth what it once was. A general 2% per year decline in the value of my currency is something that we have grown used to. This faster change is beyond the imagination of most of us, including me, to comprehend.

UK Society is made up of three basic units, Central Government and Central Bankers form ‘them’ and the third group is ‘us’, the people. After many decades of ‘deficit spending’ without any apparent ‘ill effects’, we are beginning to notice the ‘ill effects’. High home heating costs are just one of many ‘ill effects’.


I look forward to seeing how the Government spins this ‘home heating’ crisis.

I look forward to seeing how the Central Bank spins this ‘home heating’ crisis.

I look forward to seeing how the IMF spins this ‘home heating’ crisis.

I look forward to seeing how the legacy media spins this ‘home heating’ crisis.

I look forward to seeing how the Climate Change Crew spins this ‘home heating’ crisis.

I look forward to seeing how the UK population views this ‘home heating’ crisis.

The actual reality of our five times higher gas / elec prices

Who is responsible for maintaining the value of our currency? NOBODY

Who is responsible for increasing the value of our currency? NOBODY

I state this because those who can effect the value of our currency have chosen to devalue it. They aim for 2% per year. Currently, this devaluation is running at 10%. In terms of maintaining a pleasant temperature in our homes this winter, our currency value is simply ‘crashing’, why do I need to give it a number? Next winter is likely to prove twice as expensive as this one in terms of energy bills.

The big picture

I have attempted to ‘enable’ you all to critically think. Those who can have monitored my journey. I have simply logged my journey with these posts.

I am certain that the big picture is not something that can be explained to non-critical thinkers. Simply know this, if you don’t know what is happening then you are the ‘mark’.

Operation fear

Operation fear continues. Our government has supplied no framework on how we are going to survive this winter or the next one.

Bretton Woods III

Our global financial system is simply breaking down and a new one is being birthed.

UK standard of living crisis

The new global financial system is highly likely to mean a substantial reduction in the standard of living of most UK residents.

Does it have to be this way?

It certainly looks like it.

Can this crash in the value of our currency be avoided?

No, it has already happened. We are so far away from reality that avoiding the consequences of avoiding reality is becoming increasingly difficult.

What will my future look like?

2021 combined gas / elec bill of £1200

2022 combined gas / elec bill of £3600

2023 combined gas / elec bill of £7200

2024 combined gas / elec bill of £15,000

In 2024 your biggest concern will be food.

What will I do?

I am good for this winter, thanks. For 2023 I am more worried about food.

14 August, 2022



What is stagflation?

The economy is readily understood once you ignore all the worlds economists and politicians. The economy is made up of two basic parts:-




What we really mean here is oil. For GDP growth we need more oil extraction this year than last year. Forever, or the ‘economy’ / society as we know it collapses / ‘resets’.


What we really mean here is productive people. Each year the productive people need to produce more, collectively, or the ‘economy’ / society as we know it collapses / ‘resets’.

Stagnant Economy

This is the ‘stag’ part of stagflation. This means that we are failing to ‘pump’ more oil than last year.

High Inflation

This is the ‘flation’ part of stagflation. This is where total productivity is lower than last year.


What a world we live in. Each year we must be more productive than the year before or our standards of living decline. Each year, we must burn more oil than last year or our standards of living decline.

1970’s Stagflation

We got out of our last battle with stagflation by the use and development of computers, which made us, collectively, far more productive. Also, a deal with Saudi led to the resumption of the increases in oil production.

2020’s Stagflation

Last time it was the rise of computers. This time it needs to be the rise of robots and artificial intelligence. Plus, as oil supply can no longer be increased we need to increase some other supply of energy. You may see evidence of China burning ever more coal and this helps reduce the necessity to burn oil. Thus increasing energy supply, albeit not oil which has been the traditional method.

The World Economic Forum

Their solution is for us all to reset quickly down to the standards of living we had in the fifties and sixties. This solution, drastic as it is, only lasts for 30 – 40 years. Then we perhaps reset back to the 1850’s and perhaps get to play the game for 15 – 20 years before another reset.

Critical Thought

Perhaps we can do something much better instead? Perhaps.

Now we know how important it is that people are ‘productive’ we can perhaps identify unproductive sectors and reduce them.

Now we know how we must continue increasing energy production, we might need to re-think ‘net carbon neutral’. Instead of using fossil fuels, perhaps we increase our nuclear energy capabilities.

This buys us time to restructure society such that we have a system where we don’t continually require more energy use than last year and more productivity than last year, just to maintain our standards of living.

Financial Literacy

Once you fully understand the above, you will know more about how the world works than most politicians and more about how the economy works than most economists.


The very low number of people who have demonstrated an understanding of both parts of ‘stagflation’ is embarrassing.

09 July, 2022

Once you know you go...

 I have disengaged from the core 'narratives' that our empathy free, logic free, central planning overlords wish us to waste our precious time discussing. Our overlords use these narratives as they cost almost nothing to say and give our overlords the illogical assertions of control which they desperately need.

Should you have reached a similar conclusion then we must deeply consider the advice of H G Tudor, which is, once you know you go.

So, where have I gone? I am considering retiring to live on a boat. Instead of simply buying one I am spending my time considering buying a sailaway and fitting it out myself. I have no DIY experience. This is very demanding of my time but may well lead to me acquiring many valuable skills.

Contrast that with spending my time engrossed in the 'narratives' of our overlords as described above. 9 years considering the 'narratives' was perhaps a little more than necessary. The boat thing will be two years of planning and a six month build.

In Enginering terms, the world is entering a period of a great many non-linearities. Almost entirely due to the illogical assertions of control of our political leaders. The non-linearities are due to the difference between reality and the assertions of control based on the emotional needs of our overlords.

Whatever... Energy prices could easily be ten times more than they are now within the next two years. Can you guess the 'narrative' will 'explain' that? The skills I am learning may be more valuable than even I anticipate. It matters not if I am wrong, either to you the reader or me the writer.


11 June, 2022

Net Carbon Neutral


The General Idea

Make the world a better place for our collective children. How can we argue with such a noble idea? Those who mainly think emotionally will not entertain any thoughts of not complying with this net neutral carbon initiative. Anyone who gives this some critical thought will not be entertained by the masses, the media or our institutions.

Whose Idea is it?

The financial masters of the universe are pushing the idea hard. These are the people that are currently bringing us high fuel prices, high food prices and generally reducing our standards of living.

Net neutral carbon could easily be used as a smokescreen, such that the masses believe they are sacrificing their standard of life for a better world, rather than the impact of the accumulative errors of our financial masters.

Net neutral carbon is also a scapegoat that our financial overlords can point to when other obvious targets lose their lustre. Covid was one such target and then Putin came into prominence. Notice that Covid and Putin are the problem and not our financial overlords response to Covid and to Putin.

Can this be true?

It depends what we might mean by ‘this’. What sort of people would use Covid, Putin and Net Neutral Carbon as cover for their failed financial system. Well, obviously, the sort of people who are our financial masters. These people believe in the financial system and their greatness, so how can they be possibly to blame for inflation, fuel prices and food prices. With only a little more power, they believe that they can iron out all the wrinkles. With net neutral carbon and a 2050 deadline, they will have the time to make the situation even worse but will still blame others.

Human Nature and Society

Net Neutral carbon, or whatever phrase comes into our collective vocabulary, is at the same time a good idea and the largest scam ever presented to the human race. The current largest scam is the Financial System. How near collapse is our financial system that the next big scam is being pushed hard by the very same set of creatures?


For the masses, this will mean noticing and then reducing their Emotional Thinking. Then having a good go at Critically Thinking. Then each of us can determine that net neutral carbon is a good thing and make our own personal choices as best we can.

I cannot prove this because it isn’t science, fact or even basic Engineering. It is just a collective belief system. What do we collectively belief about our financial systems and our governments? What do we personally believe about our financial systems and our governments? What do we believe that everyone else believes about our financial systems and our governments?


We are being asked to believe that the Financial Elite have become Environmental Elites, almost overnight.

The basic argument is that net neutral carbon will require vast amounts of wealth that only the financial elites control.

The foundation of ‘this’ is that our collective standards of living will fall but it is for the common good of all.

Our current Financial Elite are transforming into Environmental Elites before our very eyes.

What ever will they become next?

21 May, 2022

Dis-engagement update


Critical Thought vs Emotional Thinking

H G Tudor, over on YouTube, mentions emotional thinking quite often. His work scales up from individual relationships, to the entire global population, in my opinion.

Certain people, 15% of us, will naturally attempt to induce emotional thinking in others in order to make them far easier to control.

Perhaps, in the upper echelons of the political world, this figure is around, or even above, 50%. Imagine such a world, where half or more of our politicians induce emotional thinking in others to more effectively control them. The others being everybody else. That world would look exactly like ours.

Critical Thought is the absence of Emotional Thinking. This is perhaps why Critical Thought is so difficult to initiate and maintain. We are saturated in Emotional Thinking from birth. At school, poor behaviour can be written into our PERMANENT RECORD. As adults, poor behaviour can easily result in a CRIMINAL RECORD. You know all this, so I won’t continue this thought.

My previous posts were about dis-engaging and this post was intended to be an update on where I am. I thought I would briefly explain why dis-engagement ought to be pursued.

So, WW3, monkey pox, inflation and famine. There are lots of topics being thrown at the general population in order to induce Emotional Thinking. The why of this is for more control over the general populations via the creation of ‘new’ global entities to ‘solve’ these global problems.

The tiniest amount of actual Critical Thought places a quote into my conscious mind. Repeating the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the basic definition of INSANITY. Feel free to research where I got that quote from.

If you are unaware of H G Tudors body of work, he explains that the seeking of control over others is not based on any logic whatsoever. Only the control is needed. The ‘why’ is unimportant as are the stated ‘goals’ of these control seeking people. These people are almost all unaware of their innate need to seek control over others. They truly believe that they are ‘saving’ us all from ‘threats’.

I am sensing an increase in my own Emotional Thinking, so I will end this post here.

14 April, 2022

Not quite disengaging yet...


It’s the Economy Stupid

Hello everybody. I have disengaged a little but not a lot. Well, mostly disengaged.

Do western governments running deficits for decades matter? It doesn’t seem to.

Apparently, the health of the economy determines whether the current political party is kept on or changed.

It appears that many people would welcome one world government, one world army, one world currency, one world media and only the one world government sanctioned opinion. These people are not critical thinkers.

The current crop of chaos, known as current affairs, will get far worse fairly quickly. Central planning has got us into this mess and an increase in central planning will make the mess even worse.

Government deficits create inflation and our accumulative collective efforts to make things better cause deflation.

I notice that the worlds greatest financial minds have completely failed to grasp the significance of recent significant changes. Putin has recommended that Russians store some of their wealth in gold so as not to be affected, too much, by foreign governments crashing the value of the rouble. He then did two further things to assist with this. The first was to remove the 20% VAT from gold purchases AND put a number that the central bank would buy gold for. In other words, a minimum price that your gold would be purchased by the Russian Central Bank. The second thing was to PRICE Russian gas in roubles.

What this means, going forward, could be significant. As western governments continue to run deficits the rouble. price of gas / oil etc. could well remain fixed. In that there won’t be any (rouble.) price increases. However, it will take more and more euros and pounds to buy the Russian gas. Home heating and fuelling the car will cost more and more. Our governments will blame evil Putin for what? Not increasing the price in roubles.?

Whatever, what about the gold thing? What about it?

As the Europeans and British face brutal and continual price increases in energy costs, Russians will enjoy no increase in any energy prices. As German Industry crashes as gas becomes scarce and expensive, Russian businesses enjoy price stability. How is Evil Putin achieving such acts of dark magic? Simple, he is not accepting the consequences of our western governments continuing to run vast deficits. Will our own governments admit that forty years of deficits have consequences or will they merely point at Putin and state that he is the monster.

Whatever, what about the gold thing? What about it?

I had a silver position, until last week. I liquidated it because people are as stupid as I thought they were. The gold price, or rather the western perception of gold is carefully managed. I wrote a post about public perception management. The public are carefully fed whatever is necessary to produce the required general response.

What about the gold thing? As all currencies are linked via currency exchanges, Putin has put a floor on the price of gold. His Central Bank is happy to buy gold when it falls to a certain price in roubles. On June 30th this price will be revised. Follow the value. Russia is selling valuable gas and so wealth ought to be flowing into Russia. As soon as the financial experts notice that gas priced in roubles. remains constant and that gas prices in pounds and euros gets ever more expensive, the world realises that Putin is financially incentivising them to hold roubles. over the other more mainstream currencies.

Putin is a brilliant strategist.

That is only a taste of what is to come.

Did I mention gold? Did I mention that Putin is a brilliant strategist? Anyway, whatever.

Disengage, disengage, disengage.

As gold falls in price in roubles., Putin will, every three months, decide not to change the price his central bank will buy gold for. This will, very effectively, stop the price of gold falling in roubles.

Anyway, critically think or wait to be told how evil Putin is. That forty plus years of deficit spending is not the problem. That our collapsing economies are collapsing because of Putin and not because of forty years incompetence by our own bunch of Political overlords.

Unless you are a greater strategist than Putin, for example me, then you don’t know who your enemies really are. I suggest you disengage. I shall continue to attempt to disengage.

Take care.

02 April, 2022


The world we live in is based upon the few making some really big decisions for the many.

For this to work, the few have to feed us some really big problems and tell us what the really big solutions are.

They do this via 'The Narrative'. Views counter to 'The Narrative' are conspiracy theories. Critical Thinking about 'The Narrative' is psychologically difficult because 'The Narratives' are essentially nonsensical.

I'll give one example. A colleague at work told me that Putin was losing because his Generals weren't telling Putin how poorly they were doing in Ukraine. Really? Really?

How do we know what Putins Generals are telling Putin?

Only Putin knows what his actual goals are and he doesn't share them with the our mainstream media.

Anyway, I said dis-engage. I say disengage because the mainstream media and your government are feeding you 'The Narrative'. The truth has far more nuance and detail. 'The Narrative' is what the few want the many to believe. The few do not believe 'The Narrative' because they crafted it.

Now that you are thinking about dis-engaging, what should you engage with? How about friends, family, neighbours, yourself and your community?

Back to Putin, does he get his intelligence reports about his millitary efforts by reading western mainstream media? No, he gets his intelligence from elsewhere and so should you. If you wish to spend your limited time and resources on something that will take you more than one lifetime to fully comprehend, then please do so. Or you can spend your one lifetime improving your own and others lives by engaging with your own senses. Primarily, your own eyes and your own ears and using your own Critical Thinking skills.

Governments continually strive to assert control over their own populations with nonsensical narratives. Providing that our Governments get the control, the narratives are disposable. What a bizarre world we have allowed to develop.

Final Putin mention... There you go, I disengaged.

I shall go and create my own narrative. Consider doing the same.

03 March, 2022

Why so quiet?

Bill Gates and the WHO appear to have no opinion on the Ukrainian incident. The World Economic Forum, the IMF have nothing to say about the merging of Russia and Ukraine.


These people have an agenda, they seek to share dominion over the world. I say dominion but they say ‘shape’ or some other neutral word.


They will say something when the dust settles that forwards their agenda. What they will never do is have an opinion or position that could be seen as wrong. If the population repeatedly see them fail or be wrong then they will never be allowed to control / shape our reality.


After the fact, the above groups will state what they would have done or could have done, if they only were part a new Global Government. The majority will agree and that is by design.


This is not a conspiracy theory but something that I have noticed. I have also noted how poor the worlds governments covid response was and as that fizzles out Macron and Putin started having chats.


Both Putin and Macron are former World Economic Forum Leadership program participants. It occurs to me that Putin may be part of forwarding the World Economic Forum ‘shaping’ agenda. He may be fully aware of his role, not be aware that he is being manipulated or attempting to thwart the World Economic Forums ‘shaping’ agenda.


So, no conspiracy theory there either because I don’t know or care. Did I make a point? My point is that these people who would be kings want power without responsibility or accountability. These people wish power but do not use the power they already have for the betterment of mankind but they WILL if we gave them far more power. Really? Logically, these would be kings do not make any sense but they are not aware of their own illogic. For clarity, these would be kings are Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates.


The lack of awareness in these people is what I find unbelievable and that is why I wrote three short books about awareness, it really is that important that mankind grasps the concept of awareness. Once you are sensitive to awareness you will understand what you see and hear with far more clarity.


So, what is my take on the Ukrainian conflict? I don’t have one. I am watching to see how the World Economic Forum, IMF and Bill Gates use it to forward their ‘shaping the world’ agenda.


My question is simple, are you a big fan of Klaus and Bill running your life? Is Putin part of the new world order / Great Reset / ‘shaping society’ or attempting to stop it?

Plenty there to consider and even if these ‘Leaders’ want a thing is doesn’t mean that they will get that thing.

The ‘War’ is not simply Ukraine and Russia, we are and have been in a world war for at least twenty years. Not that ‘hot’ yet but warming a little. I suppose that I should explain myself but like Putin, I don’t care too. I suggest that you attempt to increase your awareness and critical thought faculties, as best you can. Or at least have some fun, when circumstances allow.

I have just had a lovely meal and watched Chris Martenson Economic Warning YouTube vlog from / by Peak prosperity. I did that for a reason. I mentioned this for a reason too.

We are about to have some amazing financial shocks based on the planets inability to provide sufficient GROWTH in energy / oil supply. This is going to hit us all, except the billionaires, very hard indeed. Very hard. Putin and the response to Putin is bringing this forward by two weeks.

I expect the World Economic Forum and the IMF have a rescue plan. This plan is the Great Reset, which is not a conspiracy theory as I read about it on the World Economic Forums website.

The main problem for the World Economic Forum is whether or not Putin is still their man but a skilled man does not need luck.

Putin is a skilled man and Klaus Schwab is not.

The future is hard to predict but what is coming is obvious. Our societal system is not sustainable because of its flaw / feature of being unsustainable. Klaus wants the game to start again with him ‘shaping’ our collective futures.

Putin is playing a different game. The game will start again but Putin is going to change the initial conditions. Well, he is giving it his best shot.

If I am right, the coming pain will be worth it. If I am wrong, the coming pain will endure for generations.

Well, that was a little intense and heavy. Now is the time to engage any awareness you posses.

22 February, 2022

The World Economic Forum


This is a legal entity created by a man for reasons only known to himself.

The title is rather grandiose as is its mission statement, cut and pasted below from their website, the comments represent my genuine personal opinion.

Here goes:- Their words are underlined and mine aren’t.

The World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.

Again with the grandiose language. The man in charge obviously thinks very highly of himself. The public-private cooperation needs to be closely watched, as this may simply mean that our collectively wealth is deployed in whatever way the owner of this legal entity sees fit.

The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

Well, there you have it. Straight from the horses mouth. The owner wishes to have his viewpoint asserted over the rest of mankind. Here we have yet another Bill Gates. A man seeking control over the rest of humanity by directly influencing the centres of control.

Give this some thought. What normal person would want to wield such power over us all?

It was established in 1971 as a not-for-profit foundation and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It is independent, impartial and not tied to any special interests. The Forum strives in all its efforts to demonstrate entrepreneurship in the global public interest while upholding the highest standards of governance. Moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.

Just words selected for their ability to evoke your trust in their brilliance and compliance in their follies.

Our activities are shaped by a unique institutional culture founded on the stakeholder theory, which asserts that an organization is accountable to all parts of society. The institution carefully blends and balances the best of many kinds of organizations, from both the public and private sectors, international organizations and academic institutions.

There is no accountability. The World Economic forum interferes in everything it can.

We believe that progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of life who have the drive and the influence to make positive change.

Pure nonsense with which to recruit and exploit a certain type of person.

I won’t be quoting anything else from the W.E.F.

Most people on this blue orb have empathy for family members, friends and loved ones. These will not see the W.E.F. for the abhorrent creature that it is. The owner will have zero empathy for anybody on the planet. The successful recruits will also have zero empathy. Now, that is a strong statement. How would I know? I have zero empathy for every one too. My lack of empathy also extends to myself. Weird but true. Therefore, I have attempted to translate the words of a zero empathy person to the words that most could understand.

Let me be clear, most people with zero empathy – 1 in 7 of us, have no idea that we have zero empathy. I do realise that I have no empathy. See H G Tudor on YouTube for masses of insight on this zero empathy personaility type.

Let us discuss two people who have been ‘developed’ by the W.E.F. Justin Trudeau and Jacinda Arden. Have you realised that these two ‘World Leaders’ have zero empathy for any of their country men and women?

Let us discuss me and what I would do and why. I would create a similar vehicle to the W.E.F. and call it The Global Shepherds.

The global shepherds

Our / my mission statement would be to lead mankind into the future it deserves. (That wouldn’t be a lie.)

I would recruit damaged human beings, mostly by telling them that they are special and never using the word ‘damaged’. These people would have zero empathy, none. Initial ‘programming’ would be intense then just once a year meetings to ‘synchronise’ group think. To align them with my views of what people should and should not be doing.

Basically, it would do exactly what the W.E.F. actually does rather than the distraction of words that they say they do.

Why am I different?

I am not except for one thing, which is crucial. The zero empathy people also fear not being in control. They permanently seek control as without it they are utterly lost. I detest these weak and fearful creatures. Yet, these broken people seek positions of power and normal human beings allow this. No wonder the world is as it is, broken.


The conclusion is yours. I do not seek power over you. These blogs and books exist to do just one thing. Encourage you to think without empathy, for me that is just thinking but it is what I describe as ‘Critical Thought’ for you.

Final Thoughts

I can clearly see what Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and Jacinda and Justin are up to. Painfully clearly. In theory, these damaged humans are seeking to improve the state of the world. They will believe this.

However, in theory, practise and theory are the same but in practise they are not.

These damaged humans may mean well but they will always revert to their basic nature, which is to seek control over others regardless of the consequences. Not having control is beyond their ability to cope with.

I really don’t know where to go from here. I have freely given you everything you need to be able to think critically, to think without the fog of empathy. You need not do this all the time but thinking critically / thinking without empathy allows you to accurately analyse whatever you choose to.

For the hard of understanding

Control for these damaged humans / zero empathy people is necessary to not feel lost / frightened / fearful or whatever it is that these creatures feel.

For me, control is an illusion. I detest anyone wishing to assert any sort of control over me. These damaged people continually attempt to assert control over anything and everything. At least consider not voting for them, giving them your time or money. At a minimum, maintain your distance from them.

06 February, 2022

Public Perception Management

 Public Perception Management

This is what brand managers, advertising agencies and lobbyists do.

A great example of when the higher ups do this is the UK Government and their operation fear campaign to gain compliance with their Covid rules. We will have to wait and see what the long term damage of this is, I would guess at extensive.

Low level examples would be the 1/15 of us that operate personal facades to bewilder and beguile those unfortunate enough be in their presence. Most of these won’t be aware that they do it. (See H G Tudor on YouTube for expert level analysis of this particular phenomena.)

Our society allows a few to control the many. The few realise that public perception management is crucial to maintain and even increase their power at the cost of some wealth. When done successfully both their power and wealth increase, which is nice for them.

The few wish to create a better planet, a better planet under the stewardship of the few. Hence all the electric car, green power and no more petrol / gas vehicles after 2030 or whatever year they have pulled from somewhere. Population control is also very much a theme of the currency wealthy few. The few want fewer of us. The few want fewer people capable of critical thought.

Now that I have given this ‘scam’ a name, Public Perception Management (PPM) let me give you an example I have been considering for many months. There are many women who ‘enjoy’ their twenties and then hit thirty without a husband. These women ‘date’ for the entirety of their twenties and then decide that they are excellent wife material in their thirties. Unfortunately, the PPM people have misled them. These women rate themselves as highly valuable to the men they seek to marry. These women have nice cars, nice apartments, nice clothes, are highly educated and see themselves as quite the catch. They also complain endlessly that the men they seek don’t value them properly. These women generally see their value as increasing each year as they accumulate knowledge, wealth and resources. The PPM people have convinced a generation or more of women that they can have it all but at thirty they hit what men call ‘the wall’. The men they seek for husbands or perhaps some fun, no longer choose to spend time with them. What has gone wrong?

Nothing. These women are less likely to have children. The population shrinks, just as the planet stewards deemed necessary. The skill of this ruse is breath taking. It is a basic divide and conquer move that forwards the agenda of our self elected planet stewards forward at pace.

PPM makes the attractive and well educated women value themselves highly in their twenties but even more valuable at thirty, when they may seek more than just ‘dating’. The men they seek (for marriage, children and stability) do not view these women, at thirty or so, as valuable but as cheap whores.

This cuts both ways as most women deem 80% of men as below average. A rather obvious example of the success of this one thread of PPM.

This is very disruptive to our society. PPM is Critical Thought and execution at a level beyond the imagination and comprehension of nearly all of us. Are you able to see it? Or is it just me?

For the record, I don't approve of PPM by the few. If the few make a mistake, the many pay the price.


29 January, 2022

Bret Weinstein asks, 'What just happened?'

I mention Bret as he inspired me to write this piece. He also asks, 'Who are they?' and 'Can we prevent this happening again but far faster and far worse?'. If you don't know, he is referencing the last two years of Covid pandemic response.

I am happy to answer these three very important questions, in this one blog post. If you aren't familiar with his DarkHorse podcast clips then please do consider searching them out on YouTube.

Before I start, this is just a demonstration of Critical Thought at 'my level', whatever that is.

Another caveat is that I will be mentioning Bill Gates. Now, I am not judging his intentions. I have no idea what his intentions are. I am not judging his ability to critically think, be self aware or have any awareness whatsoever about the unintended consequences of how he directs the flow of his wealth. He is perhaps just unlucky or I am simply wrong. He has the human right to be wrong as do I.

Let us start with who 'they' are. Easy, 'they' are Bill Gates and he manages this by flowing wealth to key points within the system known as Society. Research this yourself as I cannot be bothered to do this, at my expense. An unintended consequence of this is the lack of critical thought aimed at Bill Gates and his foundation from those receiving this flow of wealth. He is buying a great deal of goodwill and multiplying his influence on the world fairly easily.

Due to this influence the pandemic response was largely orchestrated by Bill Gates. In answer to the question, ‘What just happened?’, we reacted exactly as Bill Gates wished us to.

My question would be, was the Covid virus as dangerous as Bill feared? This is key because the pandemic response was appropriate if the virus was as deadly as we originally feared. The UK has recently stated that of the 150,000 UK covid deaths, 17,000 were from Covid in healthy under 65 year olds. These numbers indicate that the virus was far weaker than Bill Gates feared. Which means that our pandemic response was inappropriate. The first 2 week lock down gave us the time determine how deadly the virus was and those in power determined that the virus was deadly when the data actually indicated that it wasn’t.

Most of the human race, possibly including Bill Gates, don’t really understand how the world works. More specifically, most do not understand that complex systems are prone to reacting to simple inputs with unintended consequences. The Bill Gates Foundation gives grants to those who most embody the principles of the Gates foundation. That seems fair. Before funding a single epidemiologist, perhaps one hundred are interviewed, seeking out the one or two who are the best fit to the Gates ideology. These one or two then receive a flow of wealth that their peers do not get. The societal power of those receiving the wealth grows. Thus Bill grows his influence in a legal and ethical manner. What could possibly go wrong? Well, you have witnessed what could go wrong for two years. A pandemic response that is not proportionate to the pandemic threat.

Perhaps I need to further explain why the pandemic threat was low. Very few healthy children and adults died. The average age of a covid death is higher than the average UK life expectancy. More young people have killed themselves than covid did. 5 times more.

That is not a full explanation and never will be. I have indicated why the response was so severe from a pandemic expert point of view. Many vocal and well listened too experts have access to Gates Foundation wealth. The Press also helped tremendously with pumping up the fear because this sells newspapers. What about the medical press? Again, lots of Gates Foundation Wealth finds its way into medical researchers pockets who share Bills fear of global pandemics. Lots of Bills wealth goes to the press of all flavours. Lots of wealth flows, from Bill into politicians follies. This all amplifies Bill Gates opinions and fears. One of which is, most likely, a global pandemic.

I hope that gives some indication as to how Bill Gates generosity may lead to an unintended consequence of a global over reaction to a virus. No bad players or ill intentions are required from anyone for this to have happened. None.

Yes but… There will be a great many ‘yes but’ questions. Perhaps one is, ‘Why did so many world leaders join in?’. Well, they all have their reasons but they did join in with great vigour. That answers the question, ‘What just happened?’

Can we prevent this sort of thing happening again? Yes and no. Each of us needs to begin the long process of learning to critically think and whatever else my book titles, available at Amazon, suggest we need.

We learned nothing from the 2008 financial crash and this covid nonsense is largely a similar sort of opportunity for change, which we will largely ignore. Bill Gates will carry on spreading his fear of global pandemics to all, stating that this time we were lucky. Bill and I will probably disagree forever over whether we were lucky this time or treated appallingly by those paid by us to do their jobs for us.

Bret suggests we remove from power, people like ‘Fauci’. Great idea but people like ‘Fauci’ will disagree. This can be done, easily. I can do it. I strongly suggest that the human race does not walk down this path.

Let me give you some good news. Anyone can, on their own, prevent this type of thing happening again. Read my books and develop the seeds of wisdom in them. In essence, do not give your power away. Definitely do not give me the power to remove the ‘Fauci’ people from power. I can do it and I will do it if asked. This will violate my ‘do not give your power away’ rule. You will be violating it and not me, so that is your decision. I am happy to carry out your collective wishes.

Have I missed anything? Yes, loads.

Hello Heather, you are upset / concerned about those who will perform a gentle 180 degree turn on their covid beliefs and say that they ‘knew’ this wasn’t as bad as suggested all along. They will but these people, 1 in 7 of us, cannot help themselves. You might as well be upset that water is wet. Fauci is, on the balance of probabilities, a great example of the type of person who is never wrong. A person for who you are both wrong and rude to suggest that they are not brilliant people. These people seek power with far greater effort than a normal person. They are largely unaware of why they seek such power. These 1 / 7 people truly believe that they are right. Gates and Fauci are, in this aspect, identical.

A bit about me. Not important. I bashed at a keyboard writing utter nonsense for three hours and this rubbish was the result.

Bret and Heather, you take care, you are the good guys and always were. You cannot be anything else.