06 February, 2022

Public Perception Management

 Public Perception Management

This is what brand managers, advertising agencies and lobbyists do.

A great example of when the higher ups do this is the UK Government and their operation fear campaign to gain compliance with their Covid rules. We will have to wait and see what the long term damage of this is, I would guess at extensive.

Low level examples would be the 1/15 of us that operate personal facades to bewilder and beguile those unfortunate enough be in their presence. Most of these won’t be aware that they do it. (See H G Tudor on YouTube for expert level analysis of this particular phenomena.)

Our society allows a few to control the many. The few realise that public perception management is crucial to maintain and even increase their power at the cost of some wealth. When done successfully both their power and wealth increase, which is nice for them.

The few wish to create a better planet, a better planet under the stewardship of the few. Hence all the electric car, green power and no more petrol / gas vehicles after 2030 or whatever year they have pulled from somewhere. Population control is also very much a theme of the currency wealthy few. The few want fewer of us. The few want fewer people capable of critical thought.

Now that I have given this ‘scam’ a name, Public Perception Management (PPM) let me give you an example I have been considering for many months. There are many women who ‘enjoy’ their twenties and then hit thirty without a husband. These women ‘date’ for the entirety of their twenties and then decide that they are excellent wife material in their thirties. Unfortunately, the PPM people have misled them. These women rate themselves as highly valuable to the men they seek to marry. These women have nice cars, nice apartments, nice clothes, are highly educated and see themselves as quite the catch. They also complain endlessly that the men they seek don’t value them properly. These women generally see their value as increasing each year as they accumulate knowledge, wealth and resources. The PPM people have convinced a generation or more of women that they can have it all but at thirty they hit what men call ‘the wall’. The men they seek for husbands or perhaps some fun, no longer choose to spend time with them. What has gone wrong?

Nothing. These women are less likely to have children. The population shrinks, just as the planet stewards deemed necessary. The skill of this ruse is breath taking. It is a basic divide and conquer move that forwards the agenda of our self elected planet stewards forward at pace.

PPM makes the attractive and well educated women value themselves highly in their twenties but even more valuable at thirty, when they may seek more than just ‘dating’. The men they seek (for marriage, children and stability) do not view these women, at thirty or so, as valuable but as cheap whores.

This cuts both ways as most women deem 80% of men as below average. A rather obvious example of the success of this one thread of PPM.

This is very disruptive to our society. PPM is Critical Thought and execution at a level beyond the imagination and comprehension of nearly all of us. Are you able to see it? Or is it just me?

For the record, I don't approve of PPM by the few. If the few make a mistake, the many pay the price.


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