What is happening with UK energy prices?
From £1200 per annum to £5000 per annum in about a year is quite significant. I would call it a good example of a non-linear change, as discussed in other posts.
Our Prime Minister is quiet on the subject of how we are supposed to pay to heat our homes this winter. As is our Central Banker, the WEF and our other Central Planners who want to run the entire show but not be responsible or accountable for anything.
Obviously, it is Putin and Climate Change and we just ought to suck up any and all costs associated with our home heating bills. This may well shutter the smaller business that Covid lock-down did not destroy. Shrugs all round, what can you do?
Who is to blame?
Our Central Governments and our Central Bankers have either through incompetence, or a simple desire to assert control over us all have had generations to create a fair and just society for all. They have failed. When we can no longer afford to heat our homes, then they have failed absolutely.
Root cause analysis
Our currency is much the same as everyone else's but we call ours ‘pounds’. Twelve hundred of these pounds used to be able to be exchanged for sufficient energy to heat my home for a year. This energy was sourced from countries who were happy to swap their energy for my currency.
Now, my currency is no longer worth what it once was. A general 2% per year decline in the value of my currency is something that we have grown used to. This faster change is beyond the imagination of most of us, including me, to comprehend.
UK Society is made up of three basic units, Central Government and Central Bankers form ‘them’ and the third group is ‘us’, the people. After many decades of ‘deficit spending’ without any apparent ‘ill effects’, we are beginning to notice the ‘ill effects’. High home heating costs are just one of many ‘ill effects’.
I look forward to seeing how the Government spins this ‘home heating’ crisis.
I look forward to seeing how the Central Bank spins this ‘home heating’ crisis.
I look forward to seeing how the IMF spins this ‘home heating’ crisis.
I look forward to seeing how the legacy media spins this ‘home heating’ crisis.
I look forward to seeing how the Climate Change Crew spins this ‘home heating’ crisis.
I look forward to seeing how the UK population views this ‘home heating’ crisis.
The actual reality of our five times higher gas / elec prices
Who is responsible for maintaining the value of our currency? NOBODY
Who is responsible for increasing the value of our currency? NOBODY
I state this because those who can effect the value of our currency have chosen to devalue it. They aim for 2% per year. Currently, this devaluation is running at 10%. In terms of maintaining a pleasant temperature in our homes this winter, our currency value is simply ‘crashing’, why do I need to give it a number? Next winter is likely to prove twice as expensive as this one in terms of energy bills.
The big picture
I have attempted to ‘enable’ you all to critically think. Those who can have monitored my journey. I have simply logged my journey with these posts.
I am certain that the big picture is not something that can be explained to non-critical thinkers. Simply know this, if you don’t know what is happening then you are the ‘mark’.
Operation fear
Operation fear continues. Our government has supplied no framework on how we are going to survive this winter or the next one.
Bretton Woods III
Our global financial system is simply breaking down and a new one is being birthed.
UK standard of living crisis
The new global financial system is highly likely to mean a substantial reduction in the standard of living of most UK residents.
Does it have to be this way?
It certainly looks like it.
Can this crash in the value of our currency be avoided?
No, it has already happened. We are so far away from reality that avoiding the consequences of avoiding reality is becoming increasingly difficult.
What will my future look like?
2021 combined gas / elec bill of £1200
2022 combined gas / elec bill of £3600
2023 combined gas / elec bill of £7200
2024 combined gas / elec bill of £15,000
In 2024 your biggest concern will be food.
What will I do?
I am good for this winter, thanks. For 2023 I am more worried about food.
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