17 July, 2021

Inflamation and Inflation

I had stated that these posts were becoming a distraction because they are. This one is a welcome distraction, for me at least. I have written the title and now I have given myself the challenge of writing something informative and perhaps interesting about it.

The two words of the title are very misunderstood by society at large. Let us start with inflation. Imagine at birth your parents give you a huge sum of currency paid into an interest bearing account. You will now be guaranteed a life without any need to seek paid employment or develop and own productive assets. Or will you? Let us state that the interest paid is slightly less than inflation. You will have to spend slightly less over the course of your lifetime. This amounts to a slightly lower standard of living.

The general populace believe that interest, inflation and their standard of living are important but not really anything they can do much about. Perhaps they are right but do you realise that all this massive recent government spending will impact negatively on the general quality of life? Not instantly, expect a one to two year delay. There are lots of examples of ‘impending doom’ all around us but most don’t notice or realise the coming negative impact upon our collective standards of living.

One group of people will have a major downward shift in their quality of life. Currently, this group of people put their high standards of living down to their collective exceptionalism. They have been duped.

Let me just add a little value into the mix for you. Own things of value to you. Do things of value to you. Only have friends that you deem valuable. Value your own time and please be aware of that which distracts you from having valuable experiences. I am sure that you do.

What about inflammation? The standard American diet is marvellous at producing lots of inflammation in its adherents. Yes, more keto nonsense. Please be aware of your carb intake and the fact that your body is designed to be fuelled by fats, not vegetable fats.

OK, so that is both words in the title briefly discussed. Is there a connection between the two? Basically, yes as both are very complex and not fully understood by anyone on Earth. I am a Systems Analyst and Design Engineer who is a natural researcher and I do understand them because of my very specific set of ‘learning’ traits. It has taken me decades and that was to be expected. In fact, it could easily have taken me several life-times and perhaps it has.

At this point in the blog, many would expect me to suggest you send me some currency for a limited time and limited edition pdf to explain how to protect yourself. It would contain all of my blog posts and my ‘Amazon’ books. You are welcome.

Perhaps you want a quick and free one line sentence. Here it is. ‘Notice things and critically think about them.’

Now these posts have not earned me enough to cover the cost of the electricity used in writing them and I need about £200,000 to retire from paid employment. I will spend some time considering that rather than writing these blog posts. Thanks to all those who do read them for indulging me. You take care.

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