31 July, 2021

Assertion of Control

I write this post after numerous consultations with my father. All errors are my own.

Many bosses become bosses as they have an innate need to assert control over others. These people are ‘broken’ and cannot be mended. They are best avoided. I suggest you prepare a ‘no contact / no response’ procedure once you have identified these individuals.

Internet trolls are ‘broken’ and easy to both identify and then avoid. You may be a very intelligent person and believe that you can debate with such a broken person and you are incorrect. A broken person will be unable to accurately track reality. They are strangers to logic and common-sense. Their memory will serve them and change as circumstances dictate. They are broken and will not know this or ever be able to recognise that they are broken. (A very small proportion are self aware but they don’t care.)

How do such ‘broken’ people ever be promoted to become bosses? They are amazingly self confident based upon next to no basic skills. They can talk endlessly about how brilliant they are based upon no ability to track reality. Their memory will rewrite and become whatever is required in the moment. They assert control with the belief that they are the right people to assert that control. Human Resource people are most likely similarly blessed and like to recruit others of their kind. Not that they realise what they are, or the broken people that they seek to promote.

It is easy to spot these broken people once you understand that they always seek to assert control. Logic means nothing to them. What they said previously means nothing. What they currently say means nothing either. They are simply asserting control. That is all they do because they are broken.

If you wish to more fully understand this phenomenon, look up H G Tudor on YouTube.

I stated in a previous blog that I believe that society is becoming ever more broken and I still hold to that statement. Our government is broken as it is overly represented by broken people. Good, decent and honest people are not broken and they do not seek to assert control over others. However, their wills can be bent by those that are broken. All it takes is time.

These broken people seek power but shirk accountability. This is not a good combination but it is a characteristic of these broken people. In the moment, these broken people are driven to assert control and then the moment passes.

A favoured strategy of these broken people is intimidation, implied threat and the raising of voices. Please remember, all they seek is the assertion of control. Superficially agree and the moment passes. Then do as you see fit. A gentle nod, a smile and a cheery, ‘well, you are the boss.’ will save you a great deal of stress. Then avoid these broken people wherever possible and minimise any necessary interactions.

‘Once you know, you go.’ - H G Tudor

1 in 6 people are broken and are completely unaware of this.

Society itself is infested with broken people who will inevitably corrupt those that are not broken. All it takes is time.

How do I know this? Know is a strong word. I don’t know, I understand because I am 'painfully' aware.

All very circular logic, sorry. All that matters to you is what you think. So, continue to critically think and become ever more self aware. Thanks.


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