31 July, 2021

Assertion of Control

I write this post after numerous consultations with my father. All errors are my own.

Many bosses become bosses as they have an innate need to assert control over others. These people are ‘broken’ and cannot be mended. They are best avoided. I suggest you prepare a ‘no contact / no response’ procedure once you have identified these individuals.

Internet trolls are ‘broken’ and easy to both identify and then avoid. You may be a very intelligent person and believe that you can debate with such a broken person and you are incorrect. A broken person will be unable to accurately track reality. They are strangers to logic and common-sense. Their memory will serve them and change as circumstances dictate. They are broken and will not know this or ever be able to recognise that they are broken. (A very small proportion are self aware but they don’t care.)

How do such ‘broken’ people ever be promoted to become bosses? They are amazingly self confident based upon next to no basic skills. They can talk endlessly about how brilliant they are based upon no ability to track reality. Their memory will rewrite and become whatever is required in the moment. They assert control with the belief that they are the right people to assert that control. Human Resource people are most likely similarly blessed and like to recruit others of their kind. Not that they realise what they are, or the broken people that they seek to promote.

It is easy to spot these broken people once you understand that they always seek to assert control. Logic means nothing to them. What they said previously means nothing. What they currently say means nothing either. They are simply asserting control. That is all they do because they are broken.

If you wish to more fully understand this phenomenon, look up H G Tudor on YouTube.

I stated in a previous blog that I believe that society is becoming ever more broken and I still hold to that statement. Our government is broken as it is overly represented by broken people. Good, decent and honest people are not broken and they do not seek to assert control over others. However, their wills can be bent by those that are broken. All it takes is time.

These broken people seek power but shirk accountability. This is not a good combination but it is a characteristic of these broken people. In the moment, these broken people are driven to assert control and then the moment passes.

A favoured strategy of these broken people is intimidation, implied threat and the raising of voices. Please remember, all they seek is the assertion of control. Superficially agree and the moment passes. Then do as you see fit. A gentle nod, a smile and a cheery, ‘well, you are the boss.’ will save you a great deal of stress. Then avoid these broken people wherever possible and minimise any necessary interactions.

‘Once you know, you go.’ - H G Tudor

1 in 6 people are broken and are completely unaware of this.

Society itself is infested with broken people who will inevitably corrupt those that are not broken. All it takes is time.

How do I know this? Know is a strong word. I don’t know, I understand because I am 'painfully' aware.

All very circular logic, sorry. All that matters to you is what you think. So, continue to critically think and become ever more self aware. Thanks.


24 July, 2021

Generalist vs Expert


We all somehow know that the expert wins every time. Providing that we are in the experts area of expertise. Generally speaking, how often are we in the experts area of expertise?

Today, experts have such a narrow focus of expertise that we must exercise ever greater care over that which we ask of them.

In fact, in order to ask an expert a relevant question, we must be extremely knowledgeable in their area of expertise. We all know all this. A ‘Doctor’ is a general practitioner of medicine. When you are unwell, he or she will investigate an area of concern and direct you to a series of experts. The ‘Doctor’ reviews all their findings and determines a course of treatment. Perhaps a cost effective one or an expensive one, depending upon how this is all going to be financed.

In the above example, the ‘Doctor’ is the general expert who manages all the other very narrowly focussed experts on your behalf. Be very mindful of the fact that the ‘Doctor’ will give you a choice of treatments. The ultimate decision is yours. Being able to research the problem and analyse the information will enable you to make an educated choice or you can just go with your feelings.

The system described above works well. Now let us scale it up. In the UK we have a PM and he has a range of high ranking experts to liaise with. Imagine he has the entire country as a patient and is being presented with a new problem to deal with. For this example, let us say that there is a new flu about which appears to be far more aggressive than normal flu. You may not believe how many different sorts of experts opinion need to be consulted on this one. To make things worse, even experts in the same narrow field disagree on more things than you would be comfortable with.

Now, it is important to know how the PM expert support structure is set up. Those who enjoy the top ranking ‘expert’ posts in society must give him one ‘consensus’ opinion and then choices based on that one ‘consensus’ opinion. Back to the ‘Doctor’, he doesn’t get one consensus opinion back from the experts. He gets a range of opinions to consider. Once considered, the ‘Doctor’ gives the patient his opinion and allows the patient to decide on how to proceed.

Do you see the flaws in the PM support structure? We have scaled up the Doctor / Patient relationship but then removed those key components that made it viable.

The missing key components could be re-inserted and the system would be transformed.

There are two difficulties with effecting this transformation. All of society would change and change dramatically. Fear of change is a major barrier. Fear of being made to look foolish, on a societal scale, would be impossible for many.

Could we even imagine what we would transform into, as both individuals and collectively? No, otherwise I would have been born into a far different world.

Can I give you an example? I shall try. Let us imagine the same scenario that our PM was presented with earlier in this post. A new flu, which is far more potent than our normal seasonal flu, appears. The PM seeks experts opinion and considers them all. He then gives us all a choice based on the key facts as he sees them. All the data is made public and everyone asked to analyse it, ask questions and provide feedback. News channels, magazines, corporations and private bloggers all start giving us their opinions. We all then make our own individual choices. Some will self isolate, others will wear masks, some will maintain a short physical distance from others, others will open windows for ventilation, some will seek ways of upgrading their immune systems, a few will be terrified and others not see a problem.

Imagine that the data we freely get shows that fat people are at significant risk, as are those with poor immune systems, such as those over 80 years old. Those below 60 who are not fat and in good health are unlikely to become severely ill. Those below 40 who are not fat or dying of something else are almost bullet proof. What would you do? The choice is yours. Well it is in this transformed and imagined world that I am sharing with you.

Let us make this easier to understand. Imagine playing a game where you start with 500 to 1,000 health points. Poor lifestyle choices can rapidly reduce your health score. Getting fat reduces the score. Getting old reduces the score. Stress reduces the score. Becoming ill reduces the score and so on. Normal flu gives you a sudden loss of 50 points. This new flu gives you a sudden loss of 120 points. A new and experimental mrna jab reduces this to 60 points.

That said, those with a health score of 500 to 1,000 are not going to realise that they have either normal flu or the new flu. These people will be asymptotic. They will also be less than 60, not be fat and be in good health – hence the score. Those with health scores of 100 or less will be at risk.

Let us say that the average person has a health score of 600 but is still concerned about this new flu. They may wish to do some research and then act upon it. Increasing their own health score by 100 or more, over the course of 12 months. They may wish to maintain a small physical distance from others, not share physical objects with strangers and open windows where possible. They will surely realise that shoving fingers into their own mouths and rubbing eyes is asking for trouble and so they make an attempt not to. They may or may not choose to have an experimental mrna jab. That is entirely their own concern.

I have described what would happen in my imagined world. No doubt in your world, the government response has been awesome.

I am a Systems Analyst and design Engineer. I have been educated to run teams of expert Engineers in pursuit of an established goal. Each expert Engineer would run their own team of Engineers and each of these have a team of Technicians and Contractors. You are welcome.

17 July, 2021

Inflamation and Inflation

I had stated that these posts were becoming a distraction because they are. This one is a welcome distraction, for me at least. I have written the title and now I have given myself the challenge of writing something informative and perhaps interesting about it.

The two words of the title are very misunderstood by society at large. Let us start with inflation. Imagine at birth your parents give you a huge sum of currency paid into an interest bearing account. You will now be guaranteed a life without any need to seek paid employment or develop and own productive assets. Or will you? Let us state that the interest paid is slightly less than inflation. You will have to spend slightly less over the course of your lifetime. This amounts to a slightly lower standard of living.

The general populace believe that interest, inflation and their standard of living are important but not really anything they can do much about. Perhaps they are right but do you realise that all this massive recent government spending will impact negatively on the general quality of life? Not instantly, expect a one to two year delay. There are lots of examples of ‘impending doom’ all around us but most don’t notice or realise the coming negative impact upon our collective standards of living.

One group of people will have a major downward shift in their quality of life. Currently, this group of people put their high standards of living down to their collective exceptionalism. They have been duped.

Let me just add a little value into the mix for you. Own things of value to you. Do things of value to you. Only have friends that you deem valuable. Value your own time and please be aware of that which distracts you from having valuable experiences. I am sure that you do.

What about inflammation? The standard American diet is marvellous at producing lots of inflammation in its adherents. Yes, more keto nonsense. Please be aware of your carb intake and the fact that your body is designed to be fuelled by fats, not vegetable fats.

OK, so that is both words in the title briefly discussed. Is there a connection between the two? Basically, yes as both are very complex and not fully understood by anyone on Earth. I am a Systems Analyst and Design Engineer who is a natural researcher and I do understand them because of my very specific set of ‘learning’ traits. It has taken me decades and that was to be expected. In fact, it could easily have taken me several life-times and perhaps it has.

At this point in the blog, many would expect me to suggest you send me some currency for a limited time and limited edition pdf to explain how to protect yourself. It would contain all of my blog posts and my ‘Amazon’ books. You are welcome.

Perhaps you want a quick and free one line sentence. Here it is. ‘Notice things and critically think about them.’

Now these posts have not earned me enough to cover the cost of the electricity used in writing them and I need about £200,000 to retire from paid employment. I will spend some time considering that rather than writing these blog posts. Thanks to all those who do read them for indulging me. You take care.

03 July, 2021

An Emotional Attachment

 Emotional thinking is one where our emotions hold sway over our intellect. I don’t see this as a problem, particularly when we are aware that we are thinking emotionally in real-time. It is perhaps a little easier to notice when someone else is exhibiting behaviour based upon their emotions rather than their intellect. Here we have a choice, do we trigger them further or allow them the time to ‘see sense’ and start acting in a more civilised manner.

How many of us have ready access to this level of awareness of self and awareness of others? In my experience, I can easily put most people into whichever of the two mentioned mental states I choose. Do you know that about 15% of the population are completely unaware that they spend all their waking hours attempting to put others into an emotional state of thinking? Their motivation for this is simple, they have an innate need to assert control over others. What sort of people would do that? People who have no emotional empathy.

This means that 15% of people have no emotional empathy. That is horrifically high. Luckily almost all these 15% and almost all of the remaining 85% of the population have no idea. Unfortunately for me, I am aware. Therefore, at least to me, 15% of the population are not really human beings. Imagine being a child and ‘knowing’ that 15% of people are not human beings, they are inhuman. Well, as horrific as that thought is, it was far worse for me.

I thought that everyone was like me. I have no emotional empathy. None. Which is why I thought that we had rules and laws and police and courts and prisons. Basically, I believed that we had society because it was absolutely necessary.

I write these blogs from a reasonably rare point of view, I have self awareness of having no human empathy and have been aware of this from childhood. I know exactly what horrors I am capable of and thought that everyone on the planet was the same. Imagine being a child on a planet where everyone is inhuman. Welcome to my world. Imagine being an adult on a planet where everyone is inhuman. Welcome to my world.

The 15% who have no empathy are easy to spot and it is recommended that you avoid them. They are unaware of having no empathy and it is not possible to ‘explain’ their behaviour to them. I used the word ‘innate’ and this was appropriate. They cannot be changed and will never see why they need to change and will not accept that they are not human. Well, that they have no human empathy. It is me that has decided that those without human empathy are not human.

The 15% without human empathy seek control over others and I believe that this trait has led us to where we are now. The institutions that make up society are led by and infused with those without empathy. Society now lacks any human empathy. In my terms, Society has become inhuman. I can recognise societies inhumanity as clearly as I see my own inhumanity.

This is quite a conundrum. 15% of people are unaware of their own inhumanity / lack of empathy. Most are unaware that so many people have no empathy. Most people have many anecdotes about societies lack of empathy but have not really understood that society completely lacks empathy and is inhuman. No doubt, most people will quickly recite the same ‘explanation’. This in itself should be a concern to all.

I do not have any human empathy and I am fully aware of this. I like to think that I have developed my other senses to compensate. So, there you have it. In very basic terms, you have free will and hold deeply held beliefs that you would rather die than change. You will have deeply held beliefs about society and they will not change. What makes me different is that I have no empathy for myself. I can change a deeply held belief because I don’t have any empathy for myself. This is why I no longer believe that you are all the same as me. That you are all inhuman just because I am.

Now, if 85% of the population are actually human, then these 85% have no need of society. They will naturally form friendships and groups to take care of themselves, each other and their environment. Most of the 15% would go along with this and those that don’t will endure brutish and short lives. This is not anarchy, it is a human civilisation.

The society we have now is one that 15% of the population that aren’t human have corrupted for their own ends. Which is to gain control over others.

To enable you to understand this post more clearly, it is important for me to relate to you that I have no need, wish or desire to control anyone.

All members of society have an emotional attachment to society. Discuss. :-)