15 August, 2020

Society and its Members


I have stated that society is a reflection of its members. When anyone comments on society, they are most likely commenting upon themselves. That said, society does not reflect the best of us. Society rarely brings out the best in us either.

I believe that the above paragraph is obvious and explaining it to be pointless. However, if we all knew that. Or, more to the point, if we all knew everyone else knew that, then society becomes so much more in an instant.

An example

Let us use Justice as our topic. Collectively we all believe in fair play. Our police, prisons and Justice system is ferociously expensive but we are fearful that without it chaos will result. Not because of you the reader, as you are a pleasant and engaging human being. But the others will take advantage. Government then provides a pitiful and pathetic illusion of justice and we all just go along with it. An example of society reflecting that which we individually believe everybody else is.

Those of us with some experience of the world will have countless examples of atrocious miscarriages of justice. Yet we continue with a flawed system as we cannot imagine anything better but we can readily imagine something far worse. Not because you the reader would suddenly become a cheating, violent ne’er do well but because of the ‘others’. Well, you are one of the ‘others’.


Generally speaking, government reflects our collective fear of other people. We perhaps fear that ‘others’ might forcefully or stealth fully take something from us. The government comes to our rescue by taking far more.

Banks reflect our collective fear of ‘others’ taking our portable wealth. The financial solution to this is to create a pretend currency and gently take our wealth anyway, with inflation.

There is no alternative

Apparently, we all know that government and banking isn’t perfect but it is OK and things could be far worse. The alternative is in becoming the person I mentioned in the three legs of human development and civilisation. Government can only do that which we, collectively, allow them to do. I believe that there is an expression that you get the government that you deserve and we have.

Believe what you will. Things could be worse but they could be a whole lot better too.

Reflection of developed humans

If society is an accurate reflection of what we individually believe everyone else to be. Then what would the society be like if everyone was as good as you? Or at the very least, no worse. Next imagine that you are the best possible version of you. No bad days. Always behaving as you would have us believe that you are. No imagine everyone being about the same. What would a reflection of that be? I would call a reflection of that a civilisation. Hence the name of the blog post, the three legs of human development and civilisation.

The future civilisation

Once you have developed into an advanced human being aka become the very best possible version of you in all circumstance. Then you automatically live in a civilisation. No-one else has a choice in this because none of their societal games now work. They are forced to act in a civilised manner because as an advanced human being, you are intrinsically powerful.

This is incredibly important. You don’t have to wait for everybody else to become ‘civilised’ to usher in a ‘civilisation’.

The world is your oyster

The world becomes far easier to understand and navigate once you have developed your ‘three legs’. The covid thing transforms into that which it actually is rather than that which government think it is. Finance transforms into that which it actually is rather than that which banks would have you believe. Anyway, me explaining reality to a member of society is unlikely to be received with any favour.

Perth Mint Example

Let me give you a recent example of two rather large banks picking on a smaller bank for their own gain. Rather like two bullies in a school yard taking a younger child's food from them. That type of injustice is unacceptable but society is likely to fully support it.

Perth Mint gets some supply of it’s freshly mined gold from one of the worlds least developed countries. (Papua New Guinea.) Imagine you live in this country and get to sell your gold to the worlds largest newly mined gold refiner. Two of the worlds largest banks suggest that Perth Mint is supporting unsustainable mining and children are being exploited. If Perth mint stop buying this gold, someone else will. Someone with no morals who will use lots of force and will pay less and want more. No justice. No fairness. All legal. The two large banks are using whatever words are necessary to divert a flow of gold from the Perth Mint to somewhere else.

Remembering now that banks have been caught and found guilty of money laundering for drug cartels. I am not suggesting that these banks are behaving illegally but I won’t ever be using their services as they are abhorrent to me. Yet your society gives them hundreds of billions of dollars when their outlandish gambles don’t pay off.

Sorry about the rant. The ‘unintended’ consequence of this Perth Mint psyop will be having ‘exploited’ children's parents being threatened with a gun to the back of the head. More gold for less currency or the kids get orphaned. Well what do you think, yes, no, may be, but things could be worse? Imagine you are one of the ‘exploited' children, things are going to get a lot worse. I feel sick.


We can do much better, easily.

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