08 August, 2020

Cognitive Balance (leg 3)

Cognitive Balance

I don’t know what this is. I feel that it must exist as it is part of the three aspects of self and as they have a balance, so must this. There must also be a synergy between the other two. I don’t know what that is either.
I often mention society being a reflection of us and that society also moulds us. There must also be a balance between us and the collective us aka society.
In not knowing a thing, I can see it’s outline by looking for it even if I cannot see it.
Cognitive balance is about control. Are we in control of our thoughts? Are worriers in control of their thoughts? I would say no. Cognitive balance involves a control of our thoughts but not a control of our feelings. When we think of a thing, we may have an emotional response. We are to allow this response and value it. We consider our emotional response, we weigh it and balance it against that which we think we know. Control of our thoughts is retained but no such control is needed with our emotions. I would suggest that controlling emotions won’t end well. We ought to focus our efforts on controlling our actions. Our physical self and emotional self will help with that if we are properly ‘balanced’ in all three aspects of ourselves.


With proper balance comes proper control. We now get to be who we thought we were all along. We get to be the best us that is possible. We achieve our genetic potential, our human potential. We realise our potential. We self actualise – which is known and has been written about extensively. This then has transformed into a guide on how to achieve self actualisation. Which is convenient but does mean that my next goal is now already achieved.


Words are very powerful things in that they guide our thoughts without our awareness of how this is achieved. With cognitive balance we have greater mental clarity, as our awareness has been restored.
I cannot stress enough how linked we are within our cognitive, emotional and physical selves and there is the same connection to everyone else collectively and individually. As examples arise, I will relate them to you weekly as promised.

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