22 August, 2020

How society shapes us

Perth Mint example

Last week I mentioned Perth Mint and Papua New Guinea. Most won’t believe my version of it because they cannot. They will say it cannot happen because it is ‘illegal’. Well, the word ‘illegal’ and the word ‘justice’ are not the same. Illegal is whatever your government says it is. Justice is whatever your soul tells you it is.

Thus, one of the more corrosive effects of society is to ‘encourage’ you not to think about these sorts of things.

What can you do?

Well imagine you live in a world where almost everyone is better than you are on your best day. You would remove your wealth from the two predatory banks. You would not do it quietly either. You will be talking about it to anyone who will listen. Most will listen and all that do will remove their funds too. Some of which will be sent to Perth Mint in exchange for some of their wares with a letter expressing your concern about them no longer supporting Papua New Guinea.

Can you see how quickly the world could change, if only we did?

How does society shape us?

School sets the tone for our adult life. Listening to bells, obeying those in authority, working hard for government issued bits of paper called certificates.

Work, for most of us, is the same as school. Be at work on time, listen to those above you, work hard for bank issued bits of paper called currency.

The press and traditional media sell vastly more copies when fear is high. So wars are good and so I covid. Fear is deliberately fanned by these outlets and we provide them with more wealth the more fear they are able to generate within us. How utterly bizarre.

I Russia still the enemy or is it Trump? What about the bloke with the haircut? Has the Japanese nuclear thing been cured? Are we all vegans yet?

You need to be aware of how society shapes you otherwise you are not really you are you?

Chicken or egg

Which comes first, society or members of society? Again, I find this quite trivial. We were once ‘savages’ aka ‘cavemen’ and things are so much better now because we are so advanced. Really?

Guess how hard feeding your family was back in ‘cave man times’? It was easy. Man has sweat glands and most animals do not. Go out at midday to a shady spot and then jog after whichever animal you like the look of. It will soon collapse from heat exhaustion.

How easy is it to provide for your family today? Well, two incomes and a large mortgage for most. Is it getting easier? When house prices start to ‘soften’ I expect covid will be blamed. Not the fact that houses were priced extremely high due to the predatory nature of our financial system.


Greater awareness comes with greater human development. Without this awareness you won’t be able to live your life to the best of your ability. Your life will be far less than what it would have been. That is the price that society demands from you without your knowledge or the slightest glimmer of understanding from society either. It is a funny old game. I believe that it is called the ‘real world’.

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