25 April, 2020

Ultra Advanced Critical Thought

OK people, my Covid 19 stuff is harsh. It is designed that way because after reading the previous 150 posts I assume you wish to progress further and / or test your new found skills.

I will alternate between publishing and unpublishing the Covid posts as Google ask me to.

Critical Thought requires several skills. One of which is decent emotional control. Reading a 'scary' Covid article without fear is proof of emotional control.

Emotional control is important as this shows an ability to withstand the fear inducing media coverage of mostly everything. The media sensationalise most things as that generates interest and revenue. This proves that most people lack an ability to critically think as they allow the press to do it for them. These same people allow 'experts' to tell them what to think. My critical thought posts are there to provoke thought, critical thought. Not just about the posts but about the topics the post addresses.

The Government and banking sectors both use fear to maintain control over the uncritical thinking masses. They just do and always will. Without the element of fear banking and government both collapse to negligible entities.

That was a warm up. Critical Thought differs from regimented 'scientific discovery' in that it explores a great many ideas at speed. What might take the scholars 100 years can be done far quicker with a population of critical thinkers.

Let us assume that Covid 19 is thirty times more deadlier than the seasonal flu. Is this a problem? Is Covid 19 as deadly as the Spanish Flu from 1918. Is that a problem?

Your risk tolerance is entirely your own affair. A Government doesn't have the right to decide for you, yet they do and will if you let them.

Let me direct this post towards the Covid 19 exit strategy.


First of all, the UK banks and government are doing an excellent job. They just are. As is Boris Jonhson and his Covid 19 team.

The concepts I will discuss next are likely but more data will be needed to ensure that they are reasonable. You ought to be able to follow the logic of my nonsense and compare it to unfolding events up until June 1st 2020.

Come June 1st 2020, the exit strategy will likely be those with the high risk comorbidities need to take additional care.

Aged 40 or less, go about your life as normal without restictions.

Aged 50 or less, try and eat healtier and do some exercise. Other than that, go about your life without restrictions.

Aged 60 and over or 40 and over with risky comorbidities, you need to self isolate until this thing is effectively over.

So, what about the over sixties with kids at school? Not mine or societies problem. Covid 19 may well 'solve' this particluar cicumstance. As it will many others.

This all based on Covid 19 being 30 times more deadly than the flu. Are the under 40's concerned about dying from the flu? What about flu that is 30 times more deadly to them? I wouldn't think so.

Those who are 60 and over will likely have cause to think about getting a flu vaccine. These people will be concerned about Covid 19 if it is 30 times more deadly. Self isolation is justified. As would being furloughed for life.

An effective vaccine would make Covid 19 far less deadly and so there would be no need for any restrictions.

This all comes to me based on doing lots of research and using critical thought to synthesise an obvious response. Today is April 25th 2020. Let us see what happens for the next few weeks and if I have 'stumbled' upon the 'facts' let us see what is implemented from 1st June 2020.

Now, with Critical Thought that is free from fear comes confidence in your own opinion and the ability to detect the truth in others statements. Which is nice. I have stated my assumption, that being covid 19 being 30 times deadlier than the flu. This may or may not be correct. My Covid 19 exit strategy is based on various age groups opinion of nomal flu. It isn't difficult.

So, if covid 19 is less than 30 times more deadlier than 'flu', then my exit strategy still makes sense.

So, if Covid 19 is even 100 times more deadlier than the 'flu', then my exit strategy still makes sense as the under forties would still not be overly concerned.

My point here is that my Covid 19 coverage is not sensationalist and is not going to cause anyone any concern. However, taking a few sentences out of context or not actually critically thinking will create anxiety. For example, I did write that Covid 19 could be 100 times more deadly than the flu. Actually, I wrote that it wouldn't really matter if it was as my suggested exit strategy still functions reasonably well.

My proposed exit strategy does not depend upon effective treatments or a vaccine. That won't impress government, bankers and the health industry.

Government want a solution that makes them look powerful

Banks want a solution that requires lots of loans to various large institutions underwritten by government.

The health industry want a solution that will generate a great deal of revenue for the health industry.

Considering those three requirements then my proposed exit solution is woefull.

I simply suggest you pay attention over the coming five weeks and see who says what and have a critical thought about why they might say it.

That said, have a critical thought about what I have just written. None of it requires any research. Perhaps meditate for ten minutes and then direct your thoughts towards this post, without fear. Does the truth of it resonate with you or do you have a better proposal?

If you have a better solution, discuss it with others, comment below, get on youtube, do something. I don't care if I am right or wrong. I truly don't.

If this Covid 19 is 100 times more deadly than the flu, I don't care. My odds of dying from the flu is, as far as I am concerned, zero. 100 times zero is still zero. I am 51, so I might be wrong. I accept that and my reasons for doing so is none of you business.

That said, I will unpublish the 'Covid' posts as this platform is owned by others and it is reasonable for me to comply with their wishes. I will also re-publish them, from time to time.

Take care and have some fun

The serious comorbidities are high blood pressure and diabetes so sort yourselves out. You can achieve this however you wish. I have provided help in my books, you may or may not find this help valuable. That is your own business.

Be seeing you

(I am not going to proof read this or spell check it as I am hungry and there are better uses for my time, finite as it is.)


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