18 April, 2020

One Million Deaths (UK edition)

Actually, this is meant as an uplifting post.

The current 'thing' could easily kill one million UK citizens. Hence the title. For those in the US, the title ought to read Four Million Deaths.

These numbers come from two general observations:-

80% of us aren't really in any danger from this thing.

20% of us will become seriously ill and 10% of those will die.

CFR is therefore just 2%

If our health systems do get overwhelmed then CFR will rise to 3% Thus matching the Spanish Flu 100 years ago.

So, why are our Governments freaking out with these lockdowns?

Well, we may start to question why we bother with Government if they are so ineffective at dealing with actual problems. The WHO for example, give guidance to Govt who then repeat it without thought back to the populations. In this example Govts are seen to be pointless and the WHO guidance has been woeful fairly often in this crisis.

All the Govt can do, to look powerful and / or useful, is to keep deaths closer to 2% rather than 3%. The lockdowns are there to 'save' around half a million UK souls. Or 2 million US souls. The deaths are not important. Government itself is merely trying to survive this crisis.

Simply put, Government is like vvery expensive car / auto insurance that only ever pays out small claims. Despite grand claims to 'protect' you, large claims are dismissed because of reasons.

So, the lockdowns are there to protect just 1% of the population.

Psychologically speaking, lockdowns are necessary as 3% of the population dying in the next two months would be massively significant and very distructive of the public trust in government. So, the longer government can drag this thing out for, the more chance that the public trust remains reasonably intact.

This may shed some light on why some governemts are trying to blame the Chinese govt for this pandemic rather than their own botched attempts at preventing it gaining a foot hold in their geographical location.

Hopefully that dose of reality hasn't overwhelmed the ancient parts of your brain / central nervous systems and you are in a position to hear the good news?

There are millions of Doctors who follow their Govt guidelines to the letter. Remembering that a few at the WHO write up these guidleines. however, some Doctors have ideas of their own. Some Doctors have come up with their own guidelines and are using known medicines to create effective treatments for their patients. I can think of two at the moment, one of which Trump likes the sound of.

The Governments want the ventillator treatment to be the 'one' official treatment along with Lockdowns as this combination has us all belieiving in the value of government and obeying police officers.

As more of us start discussing 'alternative' treatments on facebook and then posting stuff about how they helped a loved one. The Government position will magically change. The unofficial treatments will become official. Studies will be released that our governments will readily take credit for. The death rate of 2% falls below 0.2% and lockdowns are magically lifted for all but the most vulnerable.

This is not the fault of government. We are forcing them to play this role. This is just a consequence of the 'real world' that we insist we live in. A world where there is always someone to blame. Personal accountability and responsibility are not held in high regard. Compliance with those in authority is what we are all taught by everybody else. Fear of non-compliance stops most Doctors from prescribing effective treatments and preventatives to their patients. The same fear stops us, the patient, from demanding these effective treatments.

Fear will kill 2-3% of us.

Confidence in our selves and others would reduce the deaths by more than 90%

Was that uplifting or not?

I suppose it depends upon whether or not you are fearful.

Normally, vacines take four years to come to market. When government survival is at stake, this will drop to six months. Assuming we are technologically competent enough to produce a vacine at all. We already have the necessary medications to reduce the CFR to 0.2% of us, so I am not overly concerned with government propaganda and displays of power.

The actual intended uplifting tone of this piece is entirely dependent upon you, the reader, being in control of your fear responses. Master your fear and you will be able to acquire preventatives in a matter of hours or days. Wait until the government tells you what to do and experience shortages and delays of months.


I have mentioned a CFR, how many of us will potentially die, of 2% as my base line. This is entirely dependant upon this being a natural virus. If some clowns developed it in a lab, a clown is a US dollar funded and trained scientist, then expect that 2% to climb up towards 10% within a year and hopefully be less than 100% in this decade. There will be no recovery from such a virus, merely temporary survival.

For example, our Boris survived the thing but will he recover? Has he lost a third to half of his lung function. How damaged is his heart and liver? How compromised is his immune system? By how much has his life expectancy reduced? I suggest 50% loss is likely and he will not be immune from getting it again and again.

That wasn't quite so uplifting but it goes to show that allowing our governments to be in charge of us might end up proving to be somewhat difficult to survive.

Obviously, I suggest reading my books but that's all I ever do.

Take care and make an attempt to conquer your fears in any way you choose

PS No spell checker, no checking grammar and no proof reading. My time is as valuable as yours.

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