Hello Everybody,
As we live through these interesting times I thought it may be an idea to 'imagine' how much more interesting 'things' could get.
Let me be clear, I cannot predict the future. What I can easily do is interpret the world around me and then point out what is obvious to me.
At school, when I was around 8 or 9, I remember the salient points but not the detail as to how an important vaccine was developed. Some well intentioned genious / evil monster injected a small furry animal with a dangerous disease and it died. A small blood sample from this poor unfortunate creature was injected into another perfectly healthy small furry animal and it died too. A small blood sample from this poor unfortunate creature was injected
into another perfectly healthy small furry animal and it died too. A small blood sample from this poor unfortunate creature was injected
into another perfectly healthy small furry animal and it died too. A small blood sample from this poor unfortunate creature was injected
into another perfectly healthy small furry animal and it died too. A small blood sample from this poor unfortunate creature was injected
into another perfectly healthy small furry animal and it died too. A small blood sample from this poor unfortunate creature was injected
into another perfectly healthy small furry animal and it died too. A small blood sample from this poor unfortunate creature was injected
into another perfectly healthy small furry animal and it died too. So far, so horrific. I am sure you are geting bored of reading the same sentence over and over. Imagine reading it 100 times.
Eventually, the small furry animals started dying slower and slower, then one survived. Blood from this one was injected into other fury animals, who were dying and some survived the unsurvivable. Fom this painstaking research / inhuman behaviour came a cure for a terrible disease.
That man is apparently some sort of hero but I refuse to recall his name or honour him in anyway. Instead of creating a cure, he may have decided to make an even more deadly virus. He would have injected the virus into a healthy animal, waited until it was really ill then injected some blood into another healthy animal. Read that sentence 100 times.
The difference between the two was one was developing a cure and the other making a virus far more deadly. The difference in action is just the moment at when the blood is drawn. One when the animal has exhausted itself battling the disease, the other when the disease is gaining the upper hand.
This was all hundreds of years ago and we are far more advanced today. We have computers and scientists and labs all over the world funded by the people. However, these computers and scientists are still less effective than simply infecting small furry animals with a virus and then injecting another small furry animal with its infected blood.
About a decade ago, 'we' succeeded. Wealth from the people was scooped up by our government and given to scientists to deliberate create really nasty viruses capable of wiping out a great many people. This was not an intentionally created bio weapon. Although it is an effectve bio weapon. This deadly virus was created, using the small furry animal method, so we could study influenza. The final aim being to sell the vaccine back to the people who funded it. What could possibly go wrong.
In 2000 / 2001 Porton Down in the UK was studying 'foot and mouth' disease. The word 'studying' requires some careful thought, some critical thought. Studying means finding a really virulent form of the disease. 'Finding' means creating a very deadly form of the disease by using the small furry animal method discussed above. Then producing this new form of the disease in quantity. What would take nature many thousands of years, if ever, can take just months in a well funded 'state of the art' labarotory. Anyway, this particular strain got out. That many cows were culled that we struggled to burn and then bury the bodies. I know, I watched it unfold as I watch this 'thing' unfold today.
Anyway, ten years ago we created a strain of the flu that one of the scientists involved called the worst thing you could ever imagine. Now, let us take her advice and imagine what that may look like. Or we could watch the news.
This is not a conspiracy theory. This is, as the title states, a discussion about how bad things could get. The worse thing that I can imagine is an airborne virus that spreads very easily via breathing within 2m of someone else who is also breathing. 80% of those who get it don't know they have it and spread it around for about 14 days. This virus, the one I am imagining, attacks the lungs and scars them for life. The virus suppresses the immune system and this damage is also permanent. The virus then goes on to attack the hosts blood. The virus disrupts the ability of the red blood cells to transport oxygen. The virus has one final trick. It attacks the brain and central nervous system. Taste and smell are initially impacted in the young who quickly regain this as they are full of life energy. Those who are not young have an imporant part of their brain targetted for destruction, the one that regulates breathing. Perhaps up to 5% of the population go from feeling OK to breathing out a pink spray before dying in about three hours, just for a dramatic flair. The psychological impact of this on family members, friends and the front-line Health workers would be dramatic.
Quite imaginative aren't I?
As far as I can tell, the worse thing that I can imagine looks like the thing we are all up against now. Hopefully I am wrong.
The young may not be dying in round one of this 'thing'. However, they may be acquiring a great deal of damage to their developing brains, central nervous systems, blood and immune systems. Which if correct, is far more devastating than old people dying.
Just to be clear, I know nothing more than any one of you. I have eyes that see and ears that hear. I have an imagination that is free from fear.
I am not saying the 'thing' we are up against now was created in a US govt funded lab a decade ago. I am saying that anyone of us could have created it by understanding the small furry animal story when we first hear it. A story that is over one hundred years old. The 'thing' we are up against has cousins in labs the world over. Some are more potent and others less so. Any one of these hundreds of labs can produce the 'thing' we are up against in quantity in hours. The 'thing' was not created by some 'Hitler' as a biological weapon. However, the 'thing' is not technically alive and is incapable of caring whether or not Mother Theresa created it or Mr Hitler. It was created by us to help us find a potent vaccine for flu. Of the hundreds of labs consuming billions of dollars, one of these 'things' has got out. In 2001 it was here in the UK. Today, it looks like China. It could have been anywhere.
The logic of deliberatley creating potent virus in order to study them produces results no different from acts of deliberately creating and then using, without thought, potent biological weapons. The same labs that create these unnatural horrors using vast quantities of our wealth, will be supplied with ever larger quantities of our collective wealth to create a cure.
Perhaps our curent problem is not as large as I imagine it to be. If it isn't, without change, be in no doubt that it is only a matter of time before even my imagination is overwhelmed by reality.
Those of you who have followed my blogs and perhaps read my books, can read all this without fear. I wrote this post without fear and I do believe that this 'thing' is as bad as I have imagined it could be.
It didn't have to be this way and it shouldn't be this way. If I am correct, this 'thing' will usher in the Dawn of A New Civilisation and that is something to look forward to. Getting there is going to be, if I am right, brutal.
For the record, I don't care either way.
It didn't have to be brutal but it will be. Either this 'thing' creates change or something even worse does. Unfortunately, it looks like both man and mankind would rather die than change a generations held belief.
If not this 'thing', how brutal do things need to be before we do change?
We can change in a heart beat. A literal heart beat.
Or we can choose to allow this 'thing' or a worse 'thing' to brutally force the change.
What change you may ask. I ask that you give it some critical thought, if capable. Or learn how if you cannot.
PS I wrote this in one go and I wrote it from the heart. I am not going to spell check it or grammar check it. I am not even going to bother reading it before publication. It is what it is.
You can ignore reality all you like. Good luck ignoring the consequences.
1 comment:
hi, good stuff, thank you.
your health journey is very interesting, i'll be coming here for a bit to read more. food! it's not only fuel and tasty, happens to be the only medicine we ever needed, maybe....and very good writings on the cancer. i smile and shake my head when i see an auto with a bumper sticker saying F``` CANCER.......a plethora of them it seems. they don't hear me but i tell them they probably won't like that experience. be well, thanks again for putting thought to screen.
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