10 April, 2020

Interesting Times

Interesting Times

In case you didn't know, I hope you live in interesting times is a curse and not a blessing. We are living in interesting times.

Basically, we concurrently live in two distinctly different 'worlds'. One world is generally called the 'real world' and the other is called 'reality'.

In the 'real world', government is powerful and the banks are wealthy. In 'reality', are they?

This is a question for you to consider. Not just scan this text, simply to confirm your belief that I am either an idiot or an idiot savant. Whether or not I am right or wrong is unimportant.

Our 'real world' view is under attack from a 38kb strand of RNA 'reality'.

Please follow the government guidelines on social distancing and consider choosing to wear a homemade mask, when in and entering an enclosed space that isn't your home.

Are you aware of your choice to be fearful or thoughtful?

I simply ask that you recognise your fear when it arises and accept it as natural, real and of value.

Do you wish a Health Care worker to treat you in a state of fear or calm, thoughtful confidence?

My point is, fear is to be welcomed as an important visitor. When fear leaves and it will, thoughtfully consider their warnings and let your words and actions define you as calm and thoughtful.

A fearful man is percieved by others to be weak.

A calm and thoughtful man is percieved by others to be powerful.

It is your choice, do you wish others to percieve you as weak or powerful?

Take care


PS There are some people and organisations who will always try and make you fearful. Simply recognise those and consider avoiding them.

Be seeing you

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