27 October, 2018

Simplicity and Complexity

This post forms an unofficial trilogy with Sustainability and timing the crash.

The two core concepts covered were that society is founded upon fear and that modern day finance continues to exist due to confidence, or perhaps complete disbelief, in modern day finance,

This post covers the concept of how this 'belief system' is maintained.

For tens of thousands of years, human beings 'bartered' with each other. Friends and family would exchange gifts and favours. Excesses would be shared. Life was not hard. The streams were full of fish and the soil rich. Food grew wildly about the place and animals made out of meat wandered about looking to be eaten. Life would involve getting up once the sun had warmed up the place. Eating some fruit and berries that the children had collected the previous evening. The men would form a hunting party and just out of sight of the women, start competing with each other about who had the sharpest 'knife', best spear or just laze about playing gentle or aggressive games. The women would tend to the 'crops' and animals. In other words form groups and chat about whose husband had the sharpest 'knife' or best spear. The children would wander off playing games but keeping out of sight of the men who would find them something constructive to do or the women who would make them tend the 'crops' or muck out the animals. Mid morning, the children would continue exploring as the adults had naps. You get the picture, life was easy. Stress and excitement did exist but you had to go out of your way to find it.

You could say our ancestors had a simple life. They had no need of society, consisting of banks and government. That we have a complex life and thus we need society, consisting of banks and government. Well, that is the response that you have been conditioned to give. I write that with utter confidence as you will have never thought about an alternative or even realised that our ancestors had a far easier life than us. Our ancestors had a natural life and lived as human beings do naturally. We work forty hours a week and our ancestors around 16 hours a week. The elderly, less than half that.

Now imagine our ancestors without banks and government but with modern technology and medicine. That is our future. Food in abundance. Lots of shelter. Clothes to suit a full season of weather. Readily available tools to design and make things to share or exchange with others.

In this future, our future, humanities future, what is missing? Politicians and bankers. We are conditioned to believe that govt is powerful and that banks are wealthy. This is never questioned.

In the human civilisation I describe, either the future one or that of our ancestors, there is no govt thus the power resides within each human being. If we see someone in distress we would automatically render assistance and not wait for the authorities to do such a thing. We would take an injured child to whichever person in our group was most adept at 'medicine'. Larger groups may even have a dedicated building to help heal the injured. Without society, roads and hospitals would still exist. All good ideas would continue to exist. The written word would exist. Entertainment would exist. Would smart phones?

Quite naturally, society favours ideas that strengthen society. Banks like ideas that allow them to create bank credits and regulations that only the very largest can afford to ignore / implement. Government like ideas that give them more power and greater access to our wealth. Governments and banks love smart phones. Government and banks love social media. Thus societal wealth flows into such endevours that support society. With social media and smart phones mass surveillance becomes inexpensive. Now, let me be clear about what mas surveillance is. All individuals are not tracked and no-one cares who you slept with last night or what you are eating for breakfast. Mass surveillance means just that, 'mass surveillance'. Let us take this article, the instant I publish it four 'search engines' will 'read' it and tag the web address and label the content. One 'search engine' would be Google. This is so when you search using Google, this article is considered as a possible 'result'. It must be obvious that Google pre-searches and categorises web pages. Google doesn't read everything on the internet every time someone searches for something. Now, I mentioned that finance only exists because of our collective belief in it. I can write software and develop other metrics in an attempt to 'measure' confidence in the power of government and the confidence in the financial system. This should not be a surprise and not 'fake news' that a government agency or agencies would be doing this. The next obvious question is, 'can we change the way people view events?'. Can order be maintained, can society be strengthened, can a 'collapse' be delayed?

Well, once you decide that you would like to see if your self awareness can be enhanced, you might extend the effort required to do so. This would involve buying my books, researching better books, searching for 'meditation' guidance and perhaps you will trigger some software code that records an interest and your location. Thus if 2% or so of Kettering starts meditating, then this could be considered as a threat to society and our way of life. Not a serious threat yet but the start of the end. Should a minority commit a crime in Kettering then the news could go into overdrive and spin events so as to create fear in the minorities and the non-minorities alike. Libraries could be closed, always a good way to upset the chattering classes. The police could also be used. Should a meditation group have a member who has an unsettling sexual interest in children, then police raids on everyone, confiscating all smart phones, laptops, computers and ipads and kindles and so on, would easily disrupt the newly formed meditating group. The media could get quite a few sensational stories out of this and sell more media. I would describe this type of behaviour as 'fear tactics'.

Is this paranoia? Am I trying to scare you? No, I am not. I am calmly and politely (mostly) pointing out the world in which we live. Hopefully, painting a very vivid picture of the world we could live in. Or at least, encouraging you to imagine a far better world than this one.

Am I safe from this societal persecution? Yes and no.

Do I fear societal persecution? No.

Do I expect societal persecution should this blog be taken as a threat to society? Yes and no.

Do I fear societal persecution? No.

It takes a certain mindset to see that which I see.

It takes a certain set of experiences to mould a person into someone like me. It takes will power beyond the limits of reason.

I would simply see societal persecution as validation  and promotion for my 'work' and as a test of my humanity. I do not fear failing such a test and passing it means less than nothing to me. There will always be tests and I understand that my humanity is less than absolute anyway.

Society has already tested me in the past and they will not be in a rush to do so again.

As I have already wrote, I am far more powerful than any member of society.

That may sound like boasting and I can back it up with facts and stories that you will not believe. Thus reinforcing your view that I am boasting. Forget about me. This entire blog is about you, your world and your descendants.

Govt and banking create rules.

Human beings create everything else

Govt and banking can only exist within a framework of enforceable societal rules.

Human beings, quite naturally, recognise injustices.

For society to continue, human beings must be heavily conditioned into accepting the cost of govt and banking. To believe that the plethora of injustices are necessary unavoidable otherwise we would have 'anarchy'.

By delaying the collapse of finance and then govt, we simply delay the dawn of civilisation.

With the dawn of a true human civilisation, we would experience 'abundance' created by our technological brilliance and the freedom (and necessity) to be both creative and productive.

I shall give one example and then have my breakfast. Imagine a council estate with a family of unproductive, uncooperative and aggressive members of society. We pay for their home and their food. We pay for their medical care and schooling. We pay for the police and social workers. We pay for the council to monitor their noise output and we pay for people to clear up their mess and graffiti. We have no power to do anything but must pay our taxes and pay for their chosen lifestyle. Subtract government and banking from this picture. When their children fall ill, it is likely that a member of the community will help them. A disheveled child is likely to be fed and clothed. Would the man be forced to crime to support himself? Well, either that or find something useful to do. So, he may become a productive human being and contribute to his community. However, he could choose crime. Perhaps stealing food from others. Many would tolerate this. However, he does risk stealing from someone who would physically punish him for his act. Who may even physically punish him for any theft, even from others. A productive man can always pay for his own medical care. It is difficult to steal medical care. Thus the former aggressive man turned criminal would soon see that his chosen lifestyle is unbelievably difficult to maintain. Without the support of his neighbours, his life becomes both nearly impossible and physically dangerous. The easy option would be to ask for help in trying to be productive. Thus our society enables him to be aggressive. Society tells us that it protects us from him. Society cares only for society. Society is rules. Humanity would naturally and with little effort and no cost, help the aggressive member of society to develop into a productive human being.

Society has you believing that the complex is simple and that the simple is complex. That you are weak and that they are strong. That banks are wealthy and that you are not. Our society is based upon believing a great many impossible things. This is not a healthy state of being.

If you have read this post without fear, you will see a seed of truth within yourself.

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