Hi Gang,
I trust you are all well.
Our western world is based upon a great many unspoken assumptions and some very uncomfortable unacknowledged truths.
This is the point where I list them and then you 'decide' how you feel about my credibility in these areas. Unless, you are a critical thinker, in which case you spend a few hours contemplating my ideas and then revise your own but only if you believe that this is necessary.
Let me take a different route. Let us imagine that I am very wealthy and I wish to use my wealth to make sure that my family stay very wealthy for generations. I have two very potent enemies, public (opinion) and government. Public opinion could go against me and government could tax or imprison me based upon 'classified' and non-public 'facts'. Would you expect me to nothing?
So, what would I do? You already know. Let us face the reality that you always choose to not acknowledge. I would set up 'charities' to promote a public agenda but the 'unintended' consequences would be my personal and very real objective for that charity.
Better still, I would not foot the bill for these acts of self preservation, I would spend a small sum, a few million, lobbying the government and by advertising with a few media outlets, get a few stories in print to help sway government perception of public opinion. In this way, the public would pick up the bill and suffer the 'unintended' consequences - a far bigger bill.
Eventually, you end up with a population believing a reality that simply does not exist. In other words, you end up with what we have. Is this as good as it gets? No.
Your entire life, from cradle to grave, is based upon the 'real world' which is completely un-tethered from reality. Obviously, rather than face the possibility of this, it is much easier to label me as insane. Deluded. Or whatever.
I'd suggest that most people have no idea whatsoever on how to achieve this almost complete manipulation of billions of people. However, all it takes is time.
Currently, several billionaires are attempting to do this. The CIA have been attempting to do this for close to one hundred years. Yet, no-one seems to be comfortable even accepting that this is happening or even possible.
Let me make up a silly example. In order to stay wealthy and powerful it makes sense to weaken your enemies. It makes even more sense to set your enemies against each other. To remain wealthy, it is even better to get your enemies to pay for this very real battle. As mentioned above, the enemies are government and public opinion. How would I set up and maintain this battle? Easily. Very easily.
It is far easier to corrupt something that exists than to create something. I would corrupt education. I would corrupt the feminist movement. I would corrupt the 'Human Resources' movement. By corrupt, I am not talking about first and second order effects. I am talking about higher order effects. These higher order effects / 'unintended' consequences can only be seen by those who are able to critically think about higher order effects. Or by normal people who can instinctively realise or know that these higher order effects exist but without, currently, being able to be identify the source.
This isn't conspiracy theorist stuff. It is (un)common sense. As a wealthy person you will promote or give money to any group or movement that has higher order effects that benefit you and yours. Provided, of course, that you have high order critical thinking skills or someone on staff that does. if all else fails then 'trial and error' is a good fall back position.
Well done on reading thus far. This should be food for thought rather than 'trigger' you into an emotional state such as fear, hate, annoyance or whatever. Your emotions are yours and yours alone. In the context of reading this, if you are having an emotional response then these emotions are hindering your ability to reason and to think.
So, what is my high order critical thinking about the trifecta corruption of schooling, feminism and 'human resources'? Well, simply put, it has already happened. We live in a world where this corruption is not acknowledged. The public pay the ongoing bill and the far larger price for the effects of this corruption.
I ought to charge around one million currency units for this next paragraph.
Are you ready for the truth?
Can you handle the 'truth'?
Of course not. Allow the truth to slowly infuse your body and soul.
Now, my difficulty is in selecting the correct level for my million currency units explanation.
1) Always attempt to homogenise the population.
- feminism attempts to homogenise men and women
- schooling attempts to homogenise the children
- human resources attempts to homogenise the work force
This creates internal tensions in the public. Thus the vast power of the public is turned in upon itself.
If you recall, I stated that my two enemies were government and public (opinion)
2) Always support increases in government power
This does not make sense in either first or second order thinking / effects. However, it becomes obvious at higher levels / unintended consequence level.
- powerful government can exert massive forces to help further both goals of homogenising the population and to make this homogenisation incredibly difficult.
- in terms of feminism, create lots of new laws
- in terms of schooling, make it free and available for all, Discourage homeschooling. Make it all the same - the very definition of homoginisation.
- make all companies over 100 staff members employ a human resources person, this person to have government approved credentials.
There you go. I have described the world to you. Your real world. An unnecessarily harsh world. A world where internal struggles are (unnecessarily) intensified and government is artificially made increasingly powerful at our expense. Have I described this simply enough for you to grasp my basic point and for you to independently identify areas where your life is made harder, simply to guarantee the wealth of one in five hundred million of us?
There are consequences for ignoring the content of this blog post for the human race.
You might wonder at what this achieves for the wealthy few? Or perhaps, how this enables the wealthy few to stay wealthy?
- the internal stress created within the population stops them from being able to critically think. Their human responses are diminished and their animal responses amplified. Thus creating a perceived / very real need for far stronger government to protect us from each other.
- a more powerful government can more easily enforce laws to create a self reinforcing cycle of dehumanisation created by enforcing homogenisation.
This is not a doom and gloom end of the world post. Yes, we are heading down a very dark path. We have done for hundreds of years. No, this post hopes to explain why the world is as it is and how it can be changed in a heart beat. Deep breath in. Accept the truth. Don't accept lies.
The truth is we are all different. Men are different to other men. Women are different to other women. Children are different from each other. Men, women and children are not the same. People from other cultures are different. Even our friends and neighbours are different. There are six billion of us and we are all different. We have different skills, abilities and preferences. At eight years old we learn that not everyone likes icecream and this is a big lesson to learn. The lesson being, we are not all the same. Not bully those who are different from us. On some level, everyone is different to us and so why waste a life-time battling them?
In summary, the first and second order effects of government, school, feminism and the rest are basically sound. Unfortunately, each has a flaw. The higher order effects are not beneficial to the creation and development of a humane civilisation. The higher order effects are to create exactly what we have and this is not as good as it gets.
At this point it does not matter if the heads of thirteen families are deliberately attempting to control six billion of us or not. At this point the system / society would run as it is without them. Simply realise the truth, the system / society does act against your own best interests. Believe in yourself, not what someone in 'authority' tells you to believe of yourself. Just be you.
In the UK, Brexit is a good example of Government action. Spend years telling us how bad brexit is. Have 50% of the population arguing with the other 50%. Release fear story after fear story. Fear being an effective mind killer. Fear being able to easily suppress the humanity within each of us. Then if we begin to question the point of having such an ineffective government, release news stories saying that we have nearly got a good deal. All the while, our governments will be carefully monitoring social media and the rest. Or rather, listening to what the billionaires who control social media are telling them is happening. Or, perhaps, listening to what the carefully selected and groomed CIA assets are telling the governments. It all gets rather preposterous quite quickly. Yet, this is what the few billionaires and the CIA are attempting to do, all without letting the public in on the truth. This truth being that we are far more powerful than them and that this nonsense stops as soon as we say it stops.
We live in a 'real' world that is so far removed from reality that it is utterly insane. We can let our animal instincts create that which it fears the most. Or let our humanity shine through. These are individual decisions that immediately change the world around us.
Silly example. I drove my car down a one mile long straight road behind two women drivers. The lead car got muddled whilst turning right and inconvenienced the woman behind her and me. I simply accepted the situation and waited. The woman in front of me went into a rage of arm waving. Within a few moments the woman in front of me got muddled in exactly the same way, inconveniencing me for a second time. I just laughed, the enraged woman doing exactly the same thing as the other woman a few hundred yards earlier. Fearful members of society are easily triggered into rage by the most inconsequential of inconveniences. We really ought to accept such inconveniences as simple probable events.
The above paragraph is a silly example of how easily our view of the world impacts upon our experience of the world. The second woman viewed the first woman as less than human. As some sort of idiot that cannot or shouldn't be allowed to drive. The second woman then behaved in the same manner. Her ability to think being compromised by her rage. Now, if we all simply accept that we are all different, then the second woman need only believe that the driving skills of the first woman are not as honed as her own. The second woman would naturally and instinctively allow the first woman more time to complete her right turn. Naturally, I already knew both the drivers were woman and had expected them to have poor driving skills relative to my own. I wasn't surprised by either of their actions. I also accept that I get muddled from time to time and that this is not a 'real' problem. I will inconvenience others, from time to time as we are all sharing the same road network. Recently, I thought I was getting out of the way of another motorist but as he slowed and shouted 'dick head' at me I realised that he thought differently. Which I simply accepted. I did not much care for the level of aggression he showed me but he did not wait around for my response.
I am perhaps drifting a little off topic, in your opinion. In mine this and everything else are all connected. My root cause analysis is that by not encouraging our own and others humanity we make our own lives far more difficult than they need to be. Far, far more difficult. In fact, mostly, we simply believe that we are human without ever contemplating what being human means or if we ought to attempt to improve our own humanity, over the course of our entire life-time. This is not taught in schools for a reason people!
There you go, take care and have fun because life is fun
extra bit
For those of you unable to believe in yourselves or perhaps your fellow man, you are simply slaves to your fears and perfect examples of so-called 'members of society'. You will not allow yourself to entertain any of the concepts introduced in this blog post. You, effectively, force your children to be slaves to their own fears. Not just your children but your friends, colleagues, parents and others you are not even aware of. A few billionaires cannot hope to control us all, so you do it for them. This control of the many (billions) by the few (13) is all done, quite subtly, by and through fear. Fear is rapidly destroyed by love, just as darkness is chased away by light.
By making a conscious decision to chase away your fears, to embrace your own inner humanity, you will in time neutralise the efforts of the many who unknowingly perpetuate fear and the few who do so deliberately. You will then be part of the development of a humane civilisation, founded not on fear but love. You will create a better life for yourself, your loved ones, your children and everyone on the planet. Upon your death, you will have made the world a far better place.
You have free will and you have choice. Real choices. Your own choices. Choose to remain a slave if you wish. Choose to become that which you are. It really is up to you.
Higher order effects / unintended consequences
In Engineering terms, you control a first order system with a second order control system
You control a second order system with a third order control system and that is about it.
A system with two components capable of storing energy are second order
A system with only one component capable of storing energy is first order.
A person can be considered to be capable of storing energy
A system is not just a collection of inanimate objects. It can also include people. Government is basically a control system. Govt attempts to control its population. Govts make up laws and rules governing property ownership and how much tax is required and how much needs to be borrowed. For this government / 'control' system to function, its population has to be homogeneous. The millions of people need to be fairly similar. Perhaps with just two basic types of people, the public can be modelled as a second order system which can then be effectively 'managed' / 'governed' / 'controlled' by government using third order control.
I hope Control Engineers can understand this as well as ordinary members of the public. None of this has ever been taught publicly, not even to politicians.
So a basic population of 300 million people can only be effectively governed if they basically fall into two types of person - Republicans and Democrats, perhaps. In control terms, 150 million people or things with the same characteristics can be consider as one unit.
This is very advanced mathematics but not magic or witch craft. It simply means that governing large numbers of people requires that the people are basically the same or of two basic types.
Now let me tell you what happens when you try to control a third (or higher|)| order system with a third order control system. With absolute certainty, it will go bang. Or in Engineering terms, control will be lost. Moments before control is lost, the energy requirements of the system become infinite. In other words, the control system requires more and more power to maintain control.
I hope you have an inkling of how this effects you. I hope you realise what this means for our society?
Let me back track a little. Practically all Engineers, even Control Engineers, will never have considered the govt as a control system and the public as the system under control. It isn't how most Engineers think and it most definitely is not taught. Now, do ordinary members of the public consider the govt to be a system of control? Govt give us rules, laws and guidelines: so I hope you can get a sense of them being a controlling group of people. I used the word 'control' in the Engineering sense and the control can be brutal or gentle. The control can be beneficial and just but remember that it forces us into two basic types of people for the govt to be successful.
Hopefully, you have a general feel for the concepts I am attempting to convey. One very basic concept is that the controlling system has to be more complex than the system it is controlling. In terms of govt and the public, the government must be a collection of near God-like humans - otherwise it will end badly - eventually.
Another concept is the massive amount of energy a control system consumes when it tries to control a system of equal or greater complexity. In terms of a govt control system, they will need more and more of our wealth in order to provide a control system that is certain to fail catastrophically.
An easily understood example of control in the manner described above is a Shepherd and his well trained dog. This is a second order control system. It has two components / actors capable of storing energy. the Shepherd is one and the dog is the other. Now the sheep may well outnumber them but this is unimportant. What is important is that the sheep behave the same, thus they can be considered to be a single order system. Control is both effective, easy and sustainable. The sheep can be herded wherever the Shepherd wants.
Now, imagine the same second order control system of one man and his dog but exchange the first order system of sheep with two cats. Each cat is fiercely independent, so they are a second order system. Control of the cats is never really going to work. Two cats are not going to be controlled by one man and his dog. Controlling three or more cats is beyond our imagination to concieve as even possible. If there was only one cat, then yes control would be achievable.
Now you can use these concepts however you see fit and think of our world however you choose too. I personally believe and this is a belief, that government only functions if it continually exerts a force attempting to turn each independent human being into the role of 'member of society'. I believe that this is a bad thing. A dehumanising thing. A thing which brings out the worst in us. A thing which exchanges our own sense of justice and morality into that which the govt of the day says it is. My inner sense of morality and justice says that this is wrong. That this allowed method of government control encourages our animal instincts at the expense of our humanity.
Anyway, unintended consequences are what happens when you try and control a system of equal or greater complexity than the controlling system. In other words, not only is our societies adherence to a government system wrong but that it doesn't and cannot ever work anyway. The human race is simply wasting its finite resources by running ever faster for less reward. It is beyond stupid.
Perhaps you want an alternative. How about you do as you please provided your actions or inactions do not impact negatively upon others or their property? Repeated failure to adhere to this simple concept will see you struggle to positively engage with your local community. Good luck providing for all your needs without trading with others. No govt control is required. No local sheriff is required. All that is needed is a community deciding to live without external control.
Anyway, you don't need anyone else to agree to this simple concept. You needn't explain it to them. Just live it. For example, I have agreed to work for someone else. So I do. I have a car which needs to be taxed, so I tax it. I am happy to make a contribution to the roads. The fact that most of my payment is squandered elsewhere is just how govt 'works'. I know this. I understand this. I have tried to explain this to the public. The public are, mostly, not interested. Good luck with that. Perhaps you will recall that only govts can start world wars but you have perhaps forgotten about World War One and World War Two and will be surprised at a World War Three?
Finally, those who say that without govt we have anarchy. Have you ever considered that without govt we have Heaven on Earth?
It is all down to belief and currently our humanity is suppressed. Only our humanity can create Heaven on Earth. Our animal instincts, currently brutally stimulated, will create that which it fears the most - anarchy.
Take care, nurture your own humanity and everything good will flow from that
I won't be editing this piece. I ought really have staff. Have fun.
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