11 August, 2024

The End Game

Many people wonder why or what their Government is up to. I live in the UK and many wonder what exactly our PM is up to. Conspiracy theories often become far too complex and complicated in their attempt to capture every detail. I will keep this simple.

You may have heard of Think Tanks, which were founded to help governments invest tax payer wealth into projects that would generate the greatest benefit for all.

Think Tanks make for very valuable targets for people who like the idea of controlling other peoples wealth. A small subset of these people really like the idea of controlling entire populations.

Our society does not readily identify this type of person. Sheer persistence and luck means that some think tanks have been captured by those who seek control.

These corrupted think tanks then have the opportunity to waste public wealth for their own aims. Perhaps worse, they encourage government to enact laws which further centralise power.

The End Game is for populations to fully accept each government policy change because it is based on expert opinion guided by Think Tanks.

Any vocal opinion that does not allign with the official government expert opinion is damped down and the person involved will find themselves experiencing sustained bad luck.

This starts with an individual with an inate need for control and a complete lack of humanity. We don't have a word for such a person and so they are invisible to us. Such a person seeks centres of control and then use that control to accumulate more control. The End Game for them is to seek ever more control until the day they die.

We are in a very unfortunate situation where many of these 'control people' have got levels of control, which combined with their lack of humanity, makes for interesting times.

I like Science Fiction and many of you may be familiar with Blade Runner. Special Police Officers were tasked with just one role. Seek out synthetic humans and decommision them. Perhaps we ought to consider seeking out the individuals I describe above and retire them.

We could seek them out very easily and then ask them the 'Blade Runner' style questions to determine if they lack humanity. If they are deemed lacking then we retire them. By retire, I mean that they contiue to draw their salary for the remaining length of their contract but they no longer do anything. An unintended consequence of this may mean that we are more careful about who we hire to these powerful roles.

I realise that a lack of humanity is a little vague. That was a technique I employed to engage your imagination rather than have you judge the merit of this blog before pondering it. The part of humanity that these beings lack is empathy for their fellow man.

Perhaps I can make this really simple. 

Do you or can you believe that some people have zero empathy?

Do you or can you believe that some people always seek control over others?

Do you or can you believe that there are some people with no empathy, that in any given situation will always seek control over others?

As time goes by, the accumulated effects of these rare people increases. A tipping point will be reached where they cannot be removed. The End Game being societal collapse.

Bonus section.

The people discussed above are rare but subconsciously, around 15% of the population will help them to achieve their goals. The remaining 85% of the population do have empathy and this blinds them to the antics of those who don't.

Anyway, I am good and I hope that you are too.

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