10 July, 2024

More of the same?

Hello there, I trust that you are well.

My perspective (odd) and my writing style (difficult) are very much different to the 'norm'.

The main reason for this is that I don't naturally reason linearly and most people do.

Mark Twain said, "If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed."

Currently, one of many 'distractions' is the 'will Biden run for re-election in 2024?' but there are plently more.

I refer to these as distractions because they consume a great deal of humanities collective energy. I feel that this energy ought be invested far more wisely.

An example of my non-linear mind has just been given above. It starts with 'Mark Twain' and ends with 'wisely'. You might wonder if I am making a point or three similar points. No, I am making more points than can be listed.

At this point, I am perhaps expected to explain these 'many' points. Many will be dismayed to find that my perspective (odd) differs.

Your spare energy might be better invested in becoming more useful to others and a far more pleasant human being.

Let us stop there for a moments reflection.

Let's use Biden as an example. There are many aspects to each of us. For Biden we will go with Head of the largest armed forces to ever exist, a family man, a loyal Democrat and a human being.

Now, please remember that we are practising being pleasant. As a fellow human being he ought really have done at least one thing you can give him some respect for, whether you know about it or not. He has been a loyal democrat, that is part of his legacy, so leave it intact. He is a family man. I would hope the armed forces wouldn't carry out a Biden order without considering it first. If they would, the fault lies more with American society than with Biden, in my humble opinion.

So a few moments of reflection on Bidens current position, rather than hours of debate and argument.

We should treat Biden exactly how we ought to allow people to treat us.

This next bit is not a leap for me but the middle part of this post comes next. The UK Government employed 'Nudge' specialists to help the UK public conform to various covid policies.

Now, we hit the final part of this blog post. Potentially, should we start, individually, deliberately  'nudging' others, then we will be effective. (I have assumed the 'nudge' campaign worked.)

The end (beginning?)

If you got it, well done. If not, perhaps re-read it? Ask someone else for their take?

There were many points to get. if you got one, then is it useful to you or not?

Basically, even if I counted how many points I just made, the number would differ on my mood, the time of day, how comfortable I am and how much free reign I gave my imagination. The only point was, did you find this useful or perhaps a pleasant read?

My initial takeaway is, should you choose to be pleasant about the Biden situation, then you are 'nudging' other people into responding more pleasantly to a great many other situations too.

An example of this could be two neighbours, each having opposing views on the Biden situation. Instead of arguing about some aspect of Biden, they can be pleasant about each others view and then each of them go and do something useful or pleasant for their loved ones.

Are you forming an opinion about the power of the 'nudge' yet?

Can you see any benefit to 'nudging' your family, friends, colleagues, local community and others?

Which way are you going to 'nudge' them?

Angry, frightened and such?

Pleasant, relaxed and that?

Bonus part for reading this far- which way do you allow others 'nudge' you?

For example, Imagine your local public meeting spot contains the angry Biden or Trump hater or supporter which directly opposes your view. He button holes you and makes a spittle rich statement that he believes with all his heart. Your response, a gentle and relaxed smile and before moving on you could say, 'Nothing can be hidden from God.'

There are many layers to that interaction. Actually, the layers themselves depend upon you and the angry man. There are many layers between me and you too. How can I list them all? As the layers themselves depend as much on who you are now as they do on who I am when I wrote this.

That is non-linear thought in action, it is impossible to write a single linear version of it. Many linear interpretations can be created, that truthfully reveals an aspect of this post but that is all you could ever hope for.

I hope you enjoyed this, whatever this is.

Should anyone feel motivated to write their own version of this, please do so. I only ask that you leave a link to this post, if you are able to. Have fun and leave a link in the comments to your version, if you want.


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