24 August, 2024

Fear and Anger

 The world can be viewed as a complex system with 8 billion components. With people being the 8 billion components. Even this is a simpification as I have ignored everything else on the planet, which is a complex system with far more components.

To control a system with just two components, you need to add three more components to it. The same idea means that to control two people, you need t o add an additional three people.

Government is becoming increasingly about control. More control rather than less. Yes, there are many reasons given for each new control measure. EASILY REMEMBERED 'SOUND BITES' FOR THE NON-CRITICAL THINKERS TO REGURGITATE AT WILL

The main feature of a system with 8 billion components is complexity. Simple explanations for each 'media event' never really tackle any level of complexity. We get unintended consequences for a great many of our governments policy changes. This is a feature of a complex system, they are impossible to control.

Government is becoming more controlling but will never gain full control. At some point, control will be lost. This 'fear' drives our governments to ever more draconian measures to sustain control.

Thanks for reading this far, I read something recently and one sentence stuck with me. It was 'To get a picture of how much of your wealth is being taxed, look at how much your government is spending.'

Well, our governments spend vast sums on data collection and processing via our Intelligence Communities. Part of this is used to assess the mood of the nation and to determine how information is being processed and communicated. Getting more control over this via censorship helps with increasing overall government control.

Vast sums are being spent on AI (Artificail Intelligence.) No doubt our governments are aware of how this can be used to gain more control over their electorate.

The title of this piece is 'Fear and Anger'. I notice that the UK Government and the US Government are really ramping up on aggressive speaches. For many years  have actively tried not to listen to the news but even I have become aware of the 'fighting talk' comng from mine and the US Govt.

Whiping up anger and fear in the populace is a very old school method of increasing control over us. A fearful and angry population wants things done and big government steps in with measures that increase their control over us.

Most do not see this, as most aren't hyper senstive to control.

I nearly titled this post as, 'When does the nonsense end?' For many of my readers, it already has.

The trick is to not react to mainstream media, social media or our Governments with fear or anger. Each 'story' that elicits fear means that you are more likely to accept a new control measure. Each 'story' that elicits anger could be 'seen' by others who fear your anger.

You can become far more aware of others attempting control over you by listening to the words they are selecting. You could play 'control bingo'. Each time they use a 'controlling word', you can mark it off your 'bingo' sheet.

The post ends here but I will list a few 'controlling' words below, to get you started.


Global Threat


Law and Order

Public safety

Emergency Measure


No doubt, you will notice many more. I really don't listen to them any more.

You take care. 

PS Fear and anger are stress responses, which shuts down many of the bodies systems, temporarily, to give you an energy boost. A consequence of this is rapid ageing.

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