28 November, 2021


I have been 'modelling' the global pandemic since inception. As a Systems Analyst and Design Engineer, this is not difficult. I won't be mentioning sources as this is a meta analysis on a global scale, thus my sources are everyone everywhere, analytically speaking.

Let us start with some good news. The Delta variant was very infectious but not as deadly as previous variants. I would rank it somewhere between a cold and the flu. The many adverse reactions to the vaccine would mean that most to all healthy under fifties would be better off without it. The risk / benefit ratio getting increasingly worse for healthy people the younger they are.

The Omicron variant is likely to have been 'born' in a vaccinated person with ongoing problems with their immune system. A healthy young unvaccinated person is the least likely source, analytically speaking.

Now some really good news. The Omicron version is likely to be... This post is based soley on my 'model' and as new data is processed into information and fed into my model, this analysis will change. My 'model' will also be revised as I see fit too. Anyway, that said / written, the Omicron strain is likely to be the most transmissable respiratory infection in the history of the world, so far. My model rates it as fierce as a very mild flu / heavy cold. (But very transmissable.)

The current vaccines risk / benefit is likely to be far worse than it was. The adverse outcomes easily being worse than getting a mild flu / omicron variant.

You will have a choice of getting a second 'tweaked' booster. If most accept this then we will be getting new variants and new 'tweaked' boosters every few months or whenever those in charge wish us to have another 'distraction'. However, my model sugggets that the general poplulation is becoming increasingly 'tired' of vaccines and so the pharma profit people may switch it to a pill, a sugar coated one that slips down the throat with ease.

Sorry, I have lost interest in the Omicron strain and the writing of this short post. Just do whatever you believe to be appropriate to boost your natural immune function. The incredible infectiousnes of this variant will make avoiding it extremely difficult.

Now my 'model' is not God and it may need 'tweaking'. However, the general direction of the development of this pandemic is as discussed. The main risk to 'things' going wrong is that we keep injecting ourselves with novel substances that don't really work properly. The virus will react to this and could become deadly to another group of people if we are unlucky. So, instead of the elderly who are already dying of something else being the high risk group. Extensive use of 'leaky' vaccines could evolve the virus into one which targets young children.

Give that some critical thought before following the science as brought to you by politicians, pharma profit people and the fear mongering press corp.

A few words about my 'model'. None of your business.

I have nothing to say about your individual situation and those of your nearest and dearest.

Fear shuts down your immune function.

Sunshine and smiles boosts your immune function.

26 November, 2021

Global Governance

Past, present and future are all connected, as is everything else. Future events are born out of our collective choices, actions and inactions. Our political leaders love to assert control and refuse to accept any responsibility or accountability for the ever present ‘unintended consequences’.

Do you recall World War II? I don’t as I was born in the last gasps of the sixties. Apparently, the duly elected German Government managed to kill six million people for the greater good. These people we known to be vermin and responsible for the rest of Germany’s poor economic situation. I have also read that another 10 million people were also slaughtered because they were also a strain on the economic purse. Apparently, according to the Nazi’s, black lives did not matter.

Despite ridding themselves of 16 million vermin, Germany still lost. Many of those who carried out the legal orders of the legitimate German Government, to cull the vermin, stated at trial that they had not broken any laws and were only obeying orders.

This led to some new legislation above that of any government. Basically, no Government law can ever ‘trump’ human rights. Currently, most major governments of the world are violating the human rights of their populations. This is not a good thing.


I have noticed that Trump supporters were called vermin as are those who are ‘vaccine hesitant’. This is not a good thing.

How about this recent United Kingdom development;-

Public Health England has been rebranded as UK Health Security Agency and Office for Health Improvement and Disparities.

Forgive me for this but has the Nazi mentality fully infected our UK Government? Clearly, the Aussies have gone full Nazi but the current leaders appear to be the Italian Government.

Many people may believe that ‘forced vaccinations’ are for the greater good, for UK Health Security. This is a Nazi mindset. I believe that the Nazi’s were the designated ‘bad guys’ of World War II and not deemed as suitable role models for the 21st Century.

Am I over playing this?

If it acts like a Nazi, talks like a Nazi and follows, or creates, laws which contravene my human rights, then please expect me to treat you as a Nazi because you are one.

Are you physically and mentally prepared for our global march towards a thousand years of peace under the care of our next generation Nazi overlords? Will you accept each milestone along the way? Do you have any hard limits?

I wonder, if the Nazi’s had managed to rid themselves of all their vermin and actually won, who would have been declared vermin next?

Nazi vermin in order are or were:-




Mentally ill


Would the list have ended there?

Of course not.

All the none whites, except those working for and accepting of the superiority of Germanic blood.

Single mothers

Whores, except those giving comfort to the defenders of the righteous Reicht.

The unemployed.

The third phase would see the poor, uneducated and down on their luck all rebranded as vermin and then ended in a waterless shower.

The final solution would be DNA sequencing for everyone and the execution of those not meeting the criteria laid down by our glorious and infallible party protectorate, for the good of all.

Sieg hiel. Sieg Hiel. Sieg hiel. Sieg Hiel. Sieg hiel. Sieg Hiel. Sieg hiel. Sieg Hiel.

Do please consider giving that some critical thought, or not.

I do have the human right to be wrong. I do hope that I am wrong but it matters not. My choice has already been made and this had made me very ‘anxious’ recently. This was erroneous on my part, the Nazi ought to be anxious about me. I am an anti-nazi nazi, one of the best. Blue eyes, intelligent and the rest. Best of luck to you.

20 November, 2021

Society and kindness

I have stated that our society is founded on fear. I stand by that. I also believe that our current society is based on fear. Without fear, our society dissolves and many fear that too.

Let us view society through the lens of kindness. First we must be kind to ourselves before we can extend a portion of that kindness to others.

We must be double jabbed and those that aren’t are a direct threat to the well being of all. Well, that is the fear I mentioned in my initial paragraph. If you feel that being double jabbed is a kindness to yourself then do get double jabbed. If not, then don’t.

Those requiring you to be double jabbed, are they asking from the point of view of kindness or are they attempting to coerce you? I notice a few talking heads that are going with coercion, as is our elected UK government. My immune system is excellent and flu is not a life threatening concern for me. I do not wish to compromise my naturally strong immunity with a rushed and novel injectable substance. That wouldn’t be a kind thing to do to myself.

I see very little kindness in our institutions. I see very little kindness in our celebrities and the main stream media. This all contaminates the minds of the general public. Fear is a great motivator but it should be a personal thing and not the go to tool of society. It is effective but abhorrent to actual human beings.

In being kind to yourself you become sensitised to kindness. You are then able to choose to spend your time with better human beings and immerse yourself in content from better human beings who publish vlogs and perhaps blogs. In doing this, you are being kind to yourself.

Perhaps more importantly, you will readily recognise those who use fear to manipulate you to their own ends. Mostly, those using fear to control you aren’t concerned with the greater good or objectives, just your compliance. The more you comply the more illogical the requests become as control is sought rather than anything of value.

1/6 of us like to do this. Society is becoming increasingly based on the collective fears of the 1/6 of us that will never be sated. They will require ever more control of everything and still be fearful and objectionable creatures. This 1/6 of the population spread fear like a cancer throughout all of us.

My question is simple, what if 5/6 of us could recognise the other fearful and controlling 1/6? Within seconds, we would have a society that wasn’t based upon fear. It would be based on the opposite of fear.

Instead of having a society based on attempting to alleviate the imagined fear of 1/6 of us. Imagine a society based on the opposite of fear. A society based on the 5/6 of us that are actual human beings and not the 1/6 that are, to be blunt, damaged.

At the very least, we could stop voting for the 1/6 of us that use excessive controlling behaviours in the mistaken belief that their fears will be eased. We could remove ourselves from the influence of the 1/6 of us that are ‘emotional vampires’, ‘without empathy’ and ‘destructive’. We could stop marrying and having children with these broken people. Saving ourselves and our children from the emotional turbulence created by these fearful creatures who seek dominion over us all.

When being kind to ourselves, we automatically protect ourselves from the 1/6 of us who use our own emotions against us. They do this instinctively, without awareness. I don’t much care for them and I will be limiting my exposure to them, out of kindness for myself. Out of kindness to you, I share this ‘opinion’ freely. Do with it what you will.


13 November, 2021

Future Shocks

Past, present and future are all connected as is everything else. Future shocks are born out of past choices, actions and inactions. Our political leaders love to assert control and refuse to accept any responsibility or accountability for the ever present unintended consequences.

Where does the value associated with our currency come from? It comes from those who labour productively and those who can add to this productivity. Those whose labour is unproductive destroys the value of the currency. Those who increase the level of unproductive labour destroy the value of the currency. I see a great deal of this.

However, nature itself has a rule of diminishing returns. The easy oil fields have been drained, leaving the more difficult ones to be drilled. That sentence was crucial. More and more of our productivity is engaged in retrieving the same amount of oil. More and more currency is spent looking for more oil fields. We are expending more and more value and getting less and less value in return. This is not a linear relationship, it is exponential. Linear relationships do not provide future shocks but exponential ones most certainly do.

Rapidly increasing energy prices are all the rage in the UK and Europe. This is a strong hint at what lies ahead. Perhaps we can delay this shock because we are getting very good at throwing currency at difficult problems. Currency can be created from nothing and thrown at any problem but are we solving a problem productively or simply transferring value from elsewhere to the problem?

If our Government throws currency at the energy producers in order to reduce prices then this is simply transferring value from where it is now to somewhere else. This value is coming out of our savings and wages and being used unproductively to temporarily reduce energy prices. This is unproductive use of our collective wealth.

If we used the currency to build new power plants, then that would be a productive use of our currency, which our children could enjoy for their entire lifetimes. Perhaps you disagree but the point is we need to use this zero value currency to create future value for our selves. Otherwise, this zero value currency takes value from our wages and savings.

We are all getting a taste of the future shocks that lie ahead and how our governments are simply wasting the value in our wages and savings by creating value less currency and not using it to create future value. The Government are keen to assert control over us but have no regard for whatever unintended consequences this creates. Unintended consequences will be future shocks that shake each of us to our very core.

In other words, this transitory inflation is just a sample of the real inflation that lies ahead. Wasting value less currency to delay the inevitable, simply extinguishes the value of our wages and savings faster.

The basic choice over energy is simple, do we subsidise it now and have shortages later? Or accept the consequences of not protecting the value of our currency?

Only those who work productively and those who can productively guide the work of others add any value to our currency. These people increase the value of our wage currency and increase the value of our saved wage currency.

Future shocks that shake us to our core will be entirely due to our collective efforts to avoid any type of critical thought.

1/6 of the population cannot critically think and these people tend to do well climbing corporate and political ladders. They do well memorising things for tests. They do especially well at unbalancing those who can critically think. They use our own emotions as weapons against us and they will never change as they are not and cannot ever be, self aware.

A few future shocks for you to be aware of. The value of your wages will be going down far quicker than you will believe is possible. The average pension wealth is rapidly approaching 10% of what it is believed to be worth. House prices will tumble only once we stop allowing the creation of value less currency to be wasted on value less projects. Life is going to get very hard and this will be a good and necessary thing. We may learn something from it but I am not hopeful, then we get the great reset which we have been told is coming for a while. Notice that it is called a great reset and not a great change?

Have I managed to write this blog post with kindness? I believe that I have.

Future shocks will be the same as what we have experienced in the last year and a half, just worse.

The seed of each future shock has already been planted by allowing those who are unable to critically think to make decisions for us all. With zero accountability for any and all unintended consequences, especially future shocks.

Are you physically and mentally prepared for the coming future shocks?

Do please consider giving that some critical thought.


06 November, 2021

Consider being kind to yourself...

In last weeks blog post, I mentioned kindness. I am not big on kindness as I believe that others will view me as being weak, if I were to exhibit kindness.

Then I gave the matter some critical thought.

I have decided to act with kindness just to see what happens. I aim to give it a few weeks and log my journey here.

Week One

Rather bizarrely I have quickly realised that I am not particularly kind to myself. No wonder that I do not suffer fools gladly. I have seen it written, ‘I haven’t got an anger management problem, I have a working with idiots problem.’ and I chuckled, ‘me too.’

Now that I have noticed that I am not especially kind to myself I have relaxed a little. My personal stress levels have dropped which is a win for the ‘being kind’ protocol. A large enough win for me to maintain this for life. (Yes, I do have that much will power.)

Today, a colleague sent me an email which would have caused me a great deal of anger. It caused me none whatsoever. I have been trying not to become angry with my colleagues for several weeks, if not longer. My director is aware of my self stated challenge and he has provided me with gentle encouragement, as has an additional member of staff. Now, as I am trying to be kind, I saw the email as a challenge rather than challenging. How to reply in a kind manner was the thrust of my thoughts. The fact that the email was ‘unpleasant’ was of no real interest to me. The only thing I sought to do was answer with kindness.

Answering with kindness took me around twenty minutes as I struggled with the concept of being kind. Being kind is not a natural state of being for me. Anyway, an email battle ensued and I continued to be kind. I did not experience any concern over my actions or any anger or even the slightest tinge of any emotion at all. I saw it as a great training ground for being kind.

As far as personal stress goes, this being kind thing is amazing. My personal stress is down to zero.

Now, I mentioned weakness earlier. This was a major concern, I believed that acting in a kind manner would be interpreted as weakness. Well, nothing could be further from the reality of the situation. I don’t care if others see it as a weakness, they will soon find out that they are mistaken. To be fully open and honest about this, I sense that they aren’t even aware of my effort to be kind.

I suspect that when people get used to this ‘new me’ they will just see a calm and powerful individual. I am sure that they will appreciate the calmness, self control, confidence and assurance. The word ‘kind’ is not likely to be used by them and I won’t be mentioning it any time soon.

Week Two

This is becoming somewhat unreal. Reality, as I understood it, has pivoted. Ongoing problems appear to have solved themselves. Unrelenting immovable objects have just been walked around.

We have a hard working colleague who I thought could be more useful. Let us try that again with kindness. I have complained endlessly about a colleague who could be more useful, the colleague tends to agree. His caveat is that he must have the right training. After 18 months of stress and anger, we now have calmness. As he never quite gets the ‘right training’ we have decided that he simply cannot do the extra things that would help me. So, we changed the situation to suit the capabilities of our colleague. Wait, what? Really? That was just one unsolvable problem walked around, there were others.

Let us forget about work and consider my forty-four years of weight training with no visible results, in my opinion. I never knew when to train hard, train really hard, give a maximum effort or take a day off. Do I do low reps, medium reps or max reps. How often do I train to failure and how much should I eat. What utter nonsense. Train with kindness and your body will manage the rest for you.

In forty-four years I have tried everything I have ever read about so even if this kindness training doesn’t work it doesn’t matter because nothing ever has anyway. After three days I have nothing to report except that my muscular pains have receded to nothing. Not a great surprise as my workout intensity has been ‘low’.

That is the two main aspects of my life this week covered but I do think a lot. I saw a film, many years ago, where the main character was not Jesus but he did keep popping up. In one scene the main character is being force marched across a dry and dusty area and is begging for water. His guard keeps hitting him and stating to all that no water is to be given.

Jesus appraises the situation and as an act of kindness presents the thirsty man with a cup of water which he accepts greedily. The guard moves to stop this and Jesus shines him a Mona Lisa style smile. The guard stops being aggressive and drops the ‘no water’ rule.

Why do I have this very strong feeling that kindness and weakness are inseparable. Jesus demonstrated that kindness was a more potent form of being than armour, a job title, a short sword and an aggressive manner Why did I fail to see this? Why do I see kindness as something a weak and frail old lady relies upon? Perhaps the old lady has wisdom or saw the same film as me and realised it’s message far sooner?

That was week two and it was a marked improvement upon a ‘normal’ week.

One potentially important thing to realise is that I was kind to myself first in all situations. If I found myself in a situation that I didn’t much care for, I was kind to myself and spared no such thoughts for others. Only once I was happy with a situation did I then extend kindness to others.

I do realise that this sounds selfish and perhaps it is. I have chosen to view it as ‘extending kindness’ and as such, the kindness should be actively present in me before I can give it. This simply means that kindness begins at home or simply put, kindness starts with yourself.

Well that was week two and I look forward to more of the same. I am also curious as to what the long term benefits could be, not just for me but others around me too. Very curious and hopeful of good things to come. Perhaps things could go backwards, who could know such things.

Week Three

No downsides to this ‘kindness’ experiment, which I didn’t expect. To explain further, I am being actively self aware viewed through a lens of kindness.

The primary goal is to be kind to myself and once that is achieved, in any given situation or moment, I can then extend kindness to others.

How others are perceiving this is beyond me. I have also noticed that this kindness lens also helps with listening to other people and understanding them.

I mentioned that I had some concern about presenting to others as weak. I feel that I am presenting to others as powerful. Perhaps it may be more accurate to say that I am displaying no weakness.

I suspect that I have stumbled upon a little known truth, aggression may well be based upon fear. The flight or fight reflex being far too easy to activate. Whereas, true power may well be based upon kindness. Fear is not a stable base upon which to build anything. Fear is temporary. Kindness can be forever and is a solid base upon which to build your life and legacy.

I am not suggesting that ‘kindness’ is the thing that you may wish to embody. It might as easily be respect, thoughtfulness or any other sense of being.

My thoughts regarding how others are perceiving my kindness is that they are presented with a calm, relaxed and thoughtful being. Someone who is not easily upset or offended by others thoughts, concerns or actions. In extending kindness to others, their flaws and weaknesses are not seen as annoyances but simply things I have noticed. (See all but judge nothing.) The word ‘flaw’ is unkind as is the word ‘weakness’. In pointing out and labelling another persons flaws you will no doubt reflect the same mentality at yourself, at some point. Being kind to others reinforces the kindness that I am showing to myself.

Anyway, I have noted no disadvantages to this way of being but noted a great many advantages.


Very interesting that I believed that kindness was somehow directly linked to weakness. When I think of kindness I always visualise an old woman, a grand motherly figure.

I now believe that kindness comes from strength. That strength could be physical, emotional or spiritual. Critically thinking about that last sentence, it may be that strength is amplified by kindness. Well, it is if you believe it is and I do.

Perhaps consider running the same or a similar experiment for yourself?

Thanks for your time.