28 August, 2021

The Great Reset

Same again?

Sounds like a good idea.

How about something new, exciting and different?

Sounds like a good idea.

The Great Reset is what the elites want. They are quick to explain how this benefits us. Is anyone buying this? Critical Thought is hard and common sense is rare but surely no-one but the elite will benefit from the elites Great Reset?

Society is made up of three things, in my opinion, Govt., banks and people. The elite influence Govt. and banks and people. They do this without compassion or empathy and they do it for their own benefit. Does a Great Reset designed by these elite sound like a good idea?

For something new we would have to ignore the influence of the elite. Which means not letting them influence you. Ignoring the influence of the banks which is itself directed by the elite. Finally, ignore the influence of your Govt. which is directed by the elite.

Does that sound difficult? Try not watching the news, not embedding yourself in ‘social media’ and actively being actually social. Which obviously means talking to people. Having actual conversations. I suggest you start off gradually and build up to something meaningful.

What next? Nothing really. The change has already been effected. In time, we will have something new, exciting and different.

Those with great awareness and the ability to perceive reality, will nod sagely.

What of the elites and their unaware foot soldiers? They do not like change and will resist. Which is why we are where we are now. A thought for another day.

Take care

21 August, 2021


 SAD – Stress, ageing and death

A colleague of mine has told me that stress induces the body to shut down and allow you to die. It does this as an act of kindness.

I have had an interest in health and fitness for four decades. Combined with all my other interests, this gives me an insight into ageing and how not to accelerate the ageing process unnecessarily.

It all boils down to attitude, which in itself is a small part of perception and awareness.

I have written books about awareness but not mentioned perception. How you perceive life is as important as what you eat and your genetics. I have mentioned food before and our genetics are fixed at the moment of conception.

The body and mind and our environment are all linked. The body is made up of two basic systems – the sympathetic and the para-sympathetic. The mind is a mixture of many things but here I am exclusively considering awareness and perception. How we perceive our environment, how we perceive ourselves and how we perceive our interactions with others all impact upon the balance between our sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems.

We can model this far more simply. We are an adaptive nervous system which continually responds to the food we eat and our perception of the world around us. Do you eat crap and take crap from all those around you? Do you eat like a King and are treated like a King by those around you? One will age far faster than the other. In other words, one will live far longer than the other.

Hopefully, this is resonating with you.

That is why a little stress is good for you. You grow and adapt to suit whatever lifestyle you are living. Choose to live a more active lifestyle and you will adapt to it.

I can give a current and pertinent example. Whether you are able to perceive the truth of it is beyond my ability to control. I shall try. The ‘new flu’ is good at killing very fat people. I could explain why but I shall just say that stressed and anxious people are almost as easy to kill, by the ‘new flu’, as the very fat people. I cover age later.

I suggest you don’t unduly accelerate your ageing process, you make an attempt not to be very fat and you perceive things as not stressful. Not quite as easy as you may think but not impossible either.

Many people are being stressed out and feeling anxious about the ‘new flu’. Mainly because their Gov presents the ‘new flu’, with the help of media in a very dramatic fashion. You can choose to perceive all their arm flapping and mouth noises as the nonsensical rambling of buffoons and deluded societal experts. The effect of this is nearly as good as not being very fat.

How is your awareness? Did you notice that in the last paragraph I have stated that state of mind / perception has a massive effect on your immune system? Did you also notice that your Gov, preferred media outlet and the ‘experts’ don’t actually care about your actual health? They say they do and they probably mean it. They are simply lacking awareness and this impacts on their ability to perceive reality. I could explain this further but this should be enough to prompt some critical thought of your own.

Be safe.

Let them eat cake

 I mentioned narcissist (narc) people a while back and that 1/6 of the population are narc people but almost all do not know that they are narc and most non-narc people know nothing about the narc people. I made two key remarks, the first was that society creates that which benefits society, which is both narc people and people who know nothing about narc people. The second point was to search for H G Tudor on YouTube and allow him to educate you.

Now, Marie-Antoinette was supposed to have said, ‘let them eat cake’ which sparked the French Revolution, or some such like. Now, Marie-Antoinette probably said quite a lot of stupid things. Historians noted the step change in French society, called it a revolution and decided that the cake statement was the cause. How very simple and child like, yet we believe it without thought or simply realise that history is a childish representation of what really happened.

Now Marie-Antoinette could easily have been a narc and these people have no real grasp of reality. They only concern themselves with themselves, their needs and their desire to gain control of those around them. Control is the key issue. A narc cannot simply enjoy life, they seek to control it.

Now, if Biden is a narc and he certainly acts like one, in my non-expert opinion. Has he uttered his version of let them eat cake yet? He mutters a great deal of nonsense which the media is keen to explain away or simply ignore. Not this time. I am referring to the Afghan withdrawal. Narc Biden only wishes to assert control. He has said that things could not have happened any differently because of Trump and the Afghan military. The media and US people appear to be struggling with that statement.

Things could be happening differently. Narc Biden could give control to the on-the-ground military personnel. Listen to H G Tudor and you will know that this is the last resort of a narc. If things get too messy narc Biden will simply become ‘very ill’ and walk away. Well, he will likely walk away very dramatically on a gurney with drips and men with guns ‘protecting him’ from accountability.

He also said that only the US can project military power half way across the world and then prove that they can’t. That may be the eat cake statement. He talks a great deal of nonsense, any of which could be chosen by historians claiming to know what exactly sparked a step change in the US, in hindsight obviously.

I notice that the UK has told the UK armed forces to go in and retrieve 5,000 people. On the ground, they have been told to retrieve all those who need retrieving and the paperwork will be sorted out later. For those who don’t understand the nuance of the English language, this means retrieve all those you believe need to be retrieved.

The US military would like the same orders but haven’t got them. This is probably for the best. Narc Biden is not capable of seeing reality as his narc lens will not allow it. Most people are incapable of recognising they have a narc president. When they do, the US Revolution starts and ends within seconds.

The French revolution was not caused by some goof-ball muttering about cake but when the French people used their eyes and ears and realised that goof-balls were running the show.

Narc people are goof-balls. They don’t know that they are goof-balls and 5/6 who aren’t goof-balls are unable to recognise a goof-ball when it is behaving as a goof-ball, talking non-sense and disagreeing with what is obvious to everyone else. That is what I call normal for a society but it is not optimum.

A non-goof-ball Biden could do things differently and agree that there are many ways to handle this ongoing situation. Ladies and gentlemen, your Commander in Chief is a goof-ball.

14 August, 2021


 I have heard a few of our Financial Elites saying that they are doing Gods work. Which is nice but is this an actual fact or an opinion?

What if they are actually in Service of the Devil but simply unaware of this fact?

Let us think about this. Are our financial elites, on balance, good for society or not?

That is a poorly constructed question. We have involved the word society.

Let us think more about the question. Are our financial elites, on balance, a force for the collective good or not?

At this point, your conditioning will be kicking in. Go and meditate. Read on when you are centred.

What is it that our financial elites do? Again your conditioning will be fogging your mind. Go and meditate. Read on when you are centred.

I didn’t ask what do the financial elites think they do or what you think they do or what your economics teacher said they do or what Dave down the pub says they do. I asked, what is it that the financial elites do?

This is a simple question and I ask that you provide a simple answer. Go and meditate. Read on when you are centred.

The primary goal of the financial elite is to ensure that you believe that they are financial elites. Their primary goal is to manipulate you. Their secondary goal is to manipulate the flow of credit.

Let us ignore what I called a primary goal as that is perhaps my opinion rather than a fact, in your opinion.

The financial elite hope to have an effect on the flow of credit. They do this with silence as well as making noises with their mouths. Funds are channelled to agreeable idiots / think tanks. They make serious attempts not to argue in public, so they have closed door meeting where views can be synchronised. I used the word ‘views’ instead of opinion. Their opinions of what it is they do are biased. The word ‘view’ is used to describe the ‘optics’ they wish to put forward to the non-financial elites.

Now, before you start shrieking, ‘conspiracy theorist’. Go and meditate. Read on when you are centred.

What is it that these people actually do? As Jesus said, ‘Have you not got eyes and ears?’. Now, before you roll your eyes. Go and meditate. Read on when you are centred.

I have suggested that you meditate a great deal in this post. I doubt that you will have because of reasons. Anyway, what do these financial elites do?

Easy, they do whatever it is that they do. In the last 18 months they have done rather a lot. A great deal more than they normally do. Before you start, we are not considering the ‘new flu’ here. So, what is the key fact that I am asking you to consider?

Go and meditate. Read on when you are centred.

I the last 18 months, in my opinion, the key fact that shows exactly what it is that the financial elites do is…

Go and meditate. Read on when you are centred.

Increase the wealth of billionaires from 5 trillion to 13 trillion.

Go and meditate. Read on when you are centred.

What do the financial elites do? (simple question)

They funnel the wealth of the masses to a select few. (simple answer)

You can argue all you want. The opinion of the financial elites is just mouth noises. The Gov financial ministers opinion is just a vibration of vocal chords. The think tank / useful idiots opinion are nothing but back ground noise. Your mate Dave down the pub is correct, the financial elite are ‘robbin basteds’.

Go and meditate. Read on when you are centred.

So, whatever it is that anyone thinks the financial elite do, including themselves, is likely mistaken. When the financial elites find themselves dealing with a crisis, somehow 8 trillion dollars finds its way over to the 5 trillion dollars that the wealthy elite had already accumulated.

Seriously, meditate for twenty minutes, twice a day for at least two years before you even think about questioning me. Feel free to question anybody else as you see fit.

The financial system has a bug / feature which amplifies wealth inequality which, history repeatedly tells us, will eventually destroy society. No wonder the financial elites want a reset rather than a new system.

I can be a little harsh. It is in my nature. I am not kind or loving. I am abrasive. I am also modest but most incorrectly believe that to be a jest.

I shall leave this one there.

07 August, 2021

Science Fiction

I do like science fiction, particularly alternative realities. They give me an opportunity to exercise my critical thought faculties. That said, I would also like to write one. This would require a great expenditure of effort, so I will just write this instead.

Imagine a world exactly like our own. Focus on the last two years of the ‘new flu’. Now forget about your own concerns and think globally. Think internationally. Follow the money.

Let us start with the 2008 – 2009 financial malarkey, where those in the know expressed concern that the financial system had only a few hours more life left in it. Oh dear. Two or three from prestigious financial institutions met up with two or three from the financial wing of the US Gov and had a discussion. Something had to be done and the Gov types were panicking. The financial people smiled or sneered and spoke aloud the largest figure they could think of that the Gov could provide. The Gov agreed.

From that day on, it is difficult to know who exactly is running the financial wing of our governments but it isn’t the governments. The financial people have needed vast injections of currency for over a decade. So far, so good, sort of. Inflation of the basics in the US is quite high but the Gov disagree with these high figures. Now that inflation is becoming painfully high, those in charge have changed their tune. They agree that inflation is high and that this is transitory and so worry more about the ‘new flu variant’.

Why all the focus of attention on the ‘new flu’ for almost two years? What are we supposed to not be looking at? The most important thing for our government is the continuation of government. The most important thing for the financial elite is the continuation of the financial system. Perhaps the people come in third place? My alternative reality is that I place myself and everybody else, first. Government must serve the people and so must the financial system. Most people on the planet don’t like this alternative reality. They really don’t.

So during this ‘new flu’ reality have you noticed what our financial overlords are up to? I am sure you have. They are creating unimaginably vast amounts of new currency. The reasons given for this are memorised by the masses. The elites are currently doing their best to divide us. To get us to be annoyed with each other. To create fear and distrust. To stop us realising the truth.

In my alternative reality the truth is straight forward. The Govt. of the world have pushed their luck a little too far. The financial elites believe their own hype. Twenty years ago, Gordon Brown, announced that he had conquered the business cycle through his own sheer brilliance and then he sold half our gold. Thatcher unshackled our banks a decade earlier and has unfortunately died before realising her error. These people think that they are cunning and clever and they are simply deluded.

Currently, China Gov is selling gold to its own citizens which is putting a downward force on the price of gold. China is putting lots of ‘new flu’ restrictions on it’s ports. Trade will slow and shipping costs increase. There is a big picture here that we are not noticing. Henry Kissinger would have noticed and be massaging things along to benefit of his handlers, the US people indirectly benefiting, sort of. An extended transitory benefit which is coming to an end.

So, which of the above ‘facts’ are relevant? It depends. It always does. Be advised that complex systems do not always behave linearly. There will always be non-linearities and discontinuities. The Gov and financial elites will not accept accountability for any non-linearity or discontinuity. They will eagerly blame the ‘new flu’, Russia or China. The non-critically thinking masses will not like conspiracy theorists offering up a plethora of alternative theories. A Gov. answer requires no thought and will be easy enough to regurgitate at will. A multitude of conspiracy theories will require lots of conscious thought. The horror of having to have an opinion that may prove to be incorrect. The loss of face is unimagineable to many of those who have blagged even the smallest handhold of societal power.

Anyway, this is an alternative reality. In this reality, I run a global intelligence network which anyone can do. (The internet.) The problem with data is analysis. Everything always boils down to opinion. Others may say running a global intelligence network is nice but what impact can I have on the world? This is the same problem all intelligence networks have. The basis of this problem is that the world is a complex system that does not behave linearly because people don’t always behave linearly. Complex systems do not behave linearly.

Am I rambling? Possibly but are you getting anything of value from your own musings of my nonsense?

My alternative reality is that this ‘new flu’ thing is a distraction from the ongoing financial collapse. Our own Gov is a major benefactor of the financial system and a collapse of finance means a collapse of Gov too. Yet again, people come last. Instead of a controlled transitioning we are heading for a discontinuity. For those who aren’t engineers, a discontinuity is a major shock. As in major. Your Gov and financial elites would rather we all experienced a ‘major shock’ than smoothly dismantle many major institutions and base our earthly experience more on reality and less on belief of Gov.

My alternative reality is one where we are heading for a reset. The Gov and financial elites wish the game to continue as long as it can. The people have a major shock. Gov and financial elites carry on with the same game. In this reality, the average quality of life suffers a major shock and is reset to a level lower than most realise. (Imagine no foreign holidays, no car and far less discretionery spending.)


The Gov and financial elite suffer the shock. The people have a transitory shock but after a few years, we realise that we are now living in the ‘paradise’ of the information age. A revolution of greater impact than the industrial revolution.

I could go on and I shall but not now. I have chosen my path. As has everybody else. The difference between me and most can be summed up in a single word, awareness.

You might be thinking of a different word. Good luck with that.


Bye for now.