17 October, 2020

National Health

In the UK we have the NHS - which was a National Health Service. Health has little to do with our modern way of life. I say this as our life expectancy is now falling. So health, has perhaps not been a priority for decades, if ever.

This is a brief plug to my 90 days book. Buy it, read it, be healthy.

The NHS is a great example of govt control. I cannot get the medicines I wish to have. I must have a prescription from a Dr who loses his lucrative job if he doesn’t follow the rules.

I am using covid as an example to everything because you are likely to be aware of it. I know of three effective covid treatments. Two require govt approval via a prescription from a Dr in the NHS. The UK Govt have refused to give this permission and the NHS have not fought them on this.

The treatments won’t harm health and have proven themselves, to my satisfaction, to work effectively. My 90 day book gives advice on how to be healthy. Covid has next to no impact upon the healthy. Neither the NHS or any govt really cares about anything other than a vaccine that they themselves control.

The third effective treatment is available and I have a supply. If the govt found out, they would very quickly change this. This suggests to me how much the govt actually cares for anybody who doesn’t believe in govt.

I feel as though I am ranting, so I must be ranting. I choose to continue.

The govt does not care about your health despite funding the NHS. This seems to disprove my theory but the govt remains fully in control of the NHS. Govt is all about control and our belief in their right to control.

Feel free to research an effective covid treatment but then realise that your Dr will not have permission to approve it. You thought your Dr looked after your health? Sort of. Mostly your Dr believes he is worth all the currency he is paid. He will not want to risk this flow of wealth for something as unimportant as your health.

That is how society, health and govt works. Banking is just as bad and all I want is to take one of your currency units in exchange for my 90 day book which promises the world and delivers what?

What I intend my books to do is none of your business. Perhaps I just want one of your currency units. I do. Thanks. I also believe that my books represent unbelievable value. My posts are a simple reflection of my current thoughts. The books are eternal.


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