31 October, 2020

CoViD 2019 Vaccination

I usually have an emotional response to something which motivates me to write a post. After last weeks post, I am becoming increasingly sensitive to this aspect of my behaviour.

With that said, this post is just a post. It is not emotionally motivated.

I am not stating the following as fact. I am stating that the following needs some research. Public funded research. Not research funded by those who get paid by those who profit from vaccination creation. So, that won't be happenning any time soon.

Let me start with the annual flu vaccine that we give to old and vulnerable people. Does it work? I suppose it depends upon the meaning of the word 'work'. It generates lots of profit for those who manufacture it. Should it ever prove to be harmful, I am confident that the manufacturers will not be held liable. So, it works very well indeed for those who sell it. Does it work for those who take it? No, it doesn't. It has no beneficial effects and makes the takers more vulnerable to other virus.

Now, as CoDID 2019 is a flu virus too, it isn't especially difficult to imagine that this rather rushed vaccine has no beneficial use either. It is likely that those who take it are more vulnerable to other virus's for several months too. I see no reason to believe that this CoVID vaccine will 'work' any differently to the annual flu vaccine.

I suppose you may be wondering if we actually need an annual flu vaccine and / or a CoVID vaccine. The simple answer is no. Anything that is worse than useless is not useful, in my humble opinion. However, those who produce the vaccines will want to sell it. Government will be keen to buy it, with our wealth. Distributing it to the vulnerable who will be ever so grateful and thankful that their government is taxing the workers to provide the vulnerable retired with free stuff. Nobody sems to care that the annual flu vaccine causes more harm than doing nothing. Perhaps I am completely missing the psychological components of this farce. In actual fact, this is just an example of how our society works.

The CoVID 2019 health scare is a fundraiser for the hi-tech pharma companies and a way of government promoting itself as valuable.

To be fair, the first quarter, we had no idea of how violent this 'new' flu virus would impact upon us. The lock downs and other precautions were both sensible and reasonable. As I write this late on Tuesday 18th of August 2019, the current lockdown I am experiencing is utterly pointless as is my govt buying 100 million doses of 'potential' vaccine.

Again, how am I defining the word 'pointless'? It might be very important, psychologically speaking, for all members of society and govt to believe that this is not 'pointless'.

In summary, I have given you a very clear example of how believing in 'society' is harmfull to your health. However, your psychological health may be very dependent upon you not believing this post.

To that end, believe that I am about right, or believe that I am wrong, you will be right anyway.

This gentleman has a lot to say about CoVID, so consider listening to him.


J.C. on a Bike: A Brief History of Gain of Function Viral Research

18 Aug 2020

Take care

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