31 October, 2020

CoViD 2019 Vaccination

I usually have an emotional response to something which motivates me to write a post. After last weeks post, I am becoming increasingly sensitive to this aspect of my behaviour.

With that said, this post is just a post. It is not emotionally motivated.

I am not stating the following as fact. I am stating that the following needs some research. Public funded research. Not research funded by those who get paid by those who profit from vaccination creation. So, that won't be happenning any time soon.

Let me start with the annual flu vaccine that we give to old and vulnerable people. Does it work? I suppose it depends upon the meaning of the word 'work'. It generates lots of profit for those who manufacture it. Should it ever prove to be harmful, I am confident that the manufacturers will not be held liable. So, it works very well indeed for those who sell it. Does it work for those who take it? No, it doesn't. It has no beneficial effects and makes the takers more vulnerable to other virus.

Now, as CoDID 2019 is a flu virus too, it isn't especially difficult to imagine that this rather rushed vaccine has no beneficial use either. It is likely that those who take it are more vulnerable to other virus's for several months too. I see no reason to believe that this CoVID vaccine will 'work' any differently to the annual flu vaccine.

I suppose you may be wondering if we actually need an annual flu vaccine and / or a CoVID vaccine. The simple answer is no. Anything that is worse than useless is not useful, in my humble opinion. However, those who produce the vaccines will want to sell it. Government will be keen to buy it, with our wealth. Distributing it to the vulnerable who will be ever so grateful and thankful that their government is taxing the workers to provide the vulnerable retired with free stuff. Nobody sems to care that the annual flu vaccine causes more harm than doing nothing. Perhaps I am completely missing the psychological components of this farce. In actual fact, this is just an example of how our society works.

The CoVID 2019 health scare is a fundraiser for the hi-tech pharma companies and a way of government promoting itself as valuable.

To be fair, the first quarter, we had no idea of how violent this 'new' flu virus would impact upon us. The lock downs and other precautions were both sensible and reasonable. As I write this late on Tuesday 18th of August 2019, the current lockdown I am experiencing is utterly pointless as is my govt buying 100 million doses of 'potential' vaccine.

Again, how am I defining the word 'pointless'? It might be very important, psychologically speaking, for all members of society and govt to believe that this is not 'pointless'.

In summary, I have given you a very clear example of how believing in 'society' is harmfull to your health. However, your psychological health may be very dependent upon you not believing this post.

To that end, believe that I am about right, or believe that I am wrong, you will be right anyway.

This gentleman has a lot to say about CoVID, so consider listening to him.


J.C. on a Bike: A Brief History of Gain of Function Viral Research

18 Aug 2020

Take care

24 October, 2020

Mental Health & Emotional Intelligence / Control

I have been giving emotional control a great deal of thought.

Obviously, I am not the only one.

I suggest you watch every video this man sees fit to produce.

This one made think, ponder, consider and smile.



17 October, 2020

National Health

In the UK we have the NHS - which was a National Health Service. Health has little to do with our modern way of life. I say this as our life expectancy is now falling. So health, has perhaps not been a priority for decades, if ever.

This is a brief plug to my 90 days book. Buy it, read it, be healthy.

The NHS is a great example of govt control. I cannot get the medicines I wish to have. I must have a prescription from a Dr who loses his lucrative job if he doesn’t follow the rules.

I am using covid as an example to everything because you are likely to be aware of it. I know of three effective covid treatments. Two require govt approval via a prescription from a Dr in the NHS. The UK Govt have refused to give this permission and the NHS have not fought them on this.

The treatments won’t harm health and have proven themselves, to my satisfaction, to work effectively. My 90 day book gives advice on how to be healthy. Covid has next to no impact upon the healthy. Neither the NHS or any govt really cares about anything other than a vaccine that they themselves control.

The third effective treatment is available and I have a supply. If the govt found out, they would very quickly change this. This suggests to me how much the govt actually cares for anybody who doesn’t believe in govt.

I feel as though I am ranting, so I must be ranting. I choose to continue.

The govt does not care about your health despite funding the NHS. This seems to disprove my theory but the govt remains fully in control of the NHS. Govt is all about control and our belief in their right to control.

Feel free to research an effective covid treatment but then realise that your Dr will not have permission to approve it. You thought your Dr looked after your health? Sort of. Mostly your Dr believes he is worth all the currency he is paid. He will not want to risk this flow of wealth for something as unimportant as your health.

That is how society, health and govt works. Banking is just as bad and all I want is to take one of your currency units in exchange for my 90 day book which promises the world and delivers what?

What I intend my books to do is none of your business. Perhaps I just want one of your currency units. I do. Thanks. I also believe that my books represent unbelievable value. My posts are a simple reflection of my current thoughts. The books are eternal.


10 October, 2020

The beatings will continue...

until morale improves.

I keep hearing appalling lies and then the shoulder shrug of ‘because of covid 19’.

I am not saying that govt officials are lying. I am happy to say that I believe, govt officials try very hard not to lie. I am not saying that govt experts are lying. An expert cannot be held responsible for their own delusions.

However, govts take vast amounts of wealth from us and generally tend to give some small portion of it to experts that tend to provide the necessary facts for govt to do that which it wants to do. If there is any blame, it is with us. Govts believe in authority and experts believe that their opinions are somehow factual. We must believe both too. The deluded few will always exist but we intentionally choose to believe in them. Well, we have been conditioned for generations to believe. I just don’t. I understand why and feel no great desire to explain it here.

I have mentioned a concern about WWIII. I thought it imminent. Well, within my lifetime. Sometime around 2020 to 2030. USA vs the rest of the world. Luckily, covid 19, is proving to be just as good. Most people think in a linear fashion. A few don’t. Thus the majority will struggle to comprehend much of what I write. Don’t worry yourself about that. You only need read the words and ponder anything that pops up into your own imagination. What I write is nothing compared to that which you ponder for yourself. So, prepare yourself for a non-linear thought demonstration.

Govt needs your compliance. Govt needs our obedience. Govt needs your wealth. Wars are supposed to galvanise the public response and increase belief in our necessary compliance with govt for the good of everybody. Recently, the UK govt have failed to get a UK public consensus about the IRAQ war or Syria war or whatever war. I don’t sufficiently believe to even bother knowing the names of the countries we are warring with.

Govt enjoys creating wars with other countries and in increasing friction between various groups. Govt has enjoyed funding feminism for decades. As young male suicides surge, govt could not care less. As marriage rates collapse, as men go MGTOW and women go girl-power, govt gets to impose more and more rules on us. Govt power grows and our collective need of govt grows with it. Govt itself is composed of to main groups, encouraging us to pick a side and blame the other for all injustices of govt. This is the way of things. This is the shape of society. It is unbelievable, at least to me.

Covid has delayed the onset of WWIII. That is my opinion. Govt have tried to use covid as an excuse to start a war with China mainly and with Russia too. Fortunately, social media is monitored by the military and used by intelligence agencies the world over. The owners of these social media outlets like to impose their own rules too. The result of this is, the public are not getting behind any of the wars. However, internal strife is being manufactured. Pubs opening or closing, schools opening or closing, masks or no masks. All of it is the govt gauging our obedience to them. Govts generally like to increase our fear of a thing and then tell us that only govt is powerful enough to control that thing. Providing we comply with govt requests, rules or laws.

As our govt obedience diminishes, the more the govt will wish a war into existence to regain our belief in govt. Who else will protect us from Russia or China? Or perhaps the Germans, again. In my opinion, this covid thing may be the last chance our govts have of getting us to believe in govt. I’d rather have govt trying to get us to believe covid will kill 3% of us than govt launching nuclear missiles at Russia and China because of cheap imports and low cost gas.

Currently Trump and Boris are the most powerful men in the world. Really? The press are grubby little fear mongers and they have no respect for Boris or Trump. Why should I?

Covid is running out of steam but our govts still need to instil fear in us. We must ask our govt for protection against eight year old children playing in a neighbours paddling pool. Once we realise how stupid such requests are, the quicker we get to think for ourselves and the faster we develop our common sense.

The biggest threat to govt is our collective common sense. The biggest threat to us is our own govt.

Let us mix common sense with covid. It is a highly developed flu which we haven’t been exposed to before. It is similar to another new covid we got 12 years ago. That one is now part of our seasonal flu team as this new one will become too. I know of three effective treatments. Two of which are tightly controlled by our govts and so would the third if they knew about it.

Govts are hoping to alleviate our fear with a vaccine when it arrives. Unfortunately, by the time a vaccine is available, we won’t need it. That will not stop the govt from trying to whip up our fear to fever pitch and giving us the vaccine if we comply with monitoring and anything else that increases our belief in govt. Please expect our govts to have us demand of them compulsory vaccination. Excluding those who refuse the vaccine from society.

Fear, fear and fear. Fear is the main output of our govt. It is not necessary. I would say that fear is detrimental to our collective health. Perhaps my next post ought to be about our National Health, which is awful, in my non-expert knowledgeable opinion.

03 October, 2020

Follow the Rules

Our Govts and experts have told us what we can and can’t do. We don’t need to think as they have performed this onerous task on our behalf.

There is a problem with govts and experts. Govts think the answer to every problem is more govt control and more public obedience. Experts think that their opinion is above and beyond your opinion.

There are higher order implications to both these incorrect assumptions. For govts, there is a need to maintain control especially when they have lost control. Govts must always maintain public obedience and increase it via force when our obedience tends to diminish.

H. L. Mencken - The whole aim of practical politics is to...

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

Experts are a strange sort. They intensely dislike being shown to be wrong. Which is only matched by their desire to explain to you why they are right.

Now, the extremely knowledgable do not even like the word expert. We prefer to say that we have ‘some experience’ in this area. The answer to even simple questions is, truthfully, it’s complicated. It all boils down to opinion. Experts are liked by governments as they have answers. The truly knowledgeable have no such simple answers. Our immediate response is, ‘well, it depends’.

My area of experience is none of your business. I am knowledgable in many areas as I am one of natures natural researchers. Knowing nothing is preferable to being an expert, in terms of understanding something. For example, all the experts agreeing on something is a massive warning of a potential catastrophic error. Ten knowledgeable people will have ten different opinions, as should ten people who know nothing.

I am knowledgable on this current pandemic. The problem with govts and experts is that they are not knowledgable. Govts wish to maintain public obedience to them and experts want their consensus opinion to be unchallenged, especially by reality. The covid response was initially fantastic, at least here in the UK. It is now becoming more of a compliance test to govt authority and a major source of cognitive dissonance in attempting to believe the experts rather than your own common sense.

Herd immunity is said to be around 75%, so say the experts. The govt bases it’s responses and policy based on the experts consensus opinion. We all must comply or be fined. The media enjoy creating fear and drama. The problem with this expert consensus opinion is that they refuse to believe any research that points to herd immunity being achieved at around 25%. I am knowledgable, herd immunity in covid is currently looking like 20%. I am not stating that it is, the public information / reality currently suggests that herd immunity is more or less here – now.

I could list the research and ‘explain’ my opinion of the publicly available data. I cannot be bothered. This blog has the title – critical thought. I wish to encourage you to do your own critical thinking, not expect me to do it for you for free.

If you are worried about covid then read my book ‘90 days’ and think about the nonsense contained within it. One major currency unit and twenty minutes of your time will be required, as well as an amazon account.

If my current opinion on covid is correct then we are passed the worse and this winter will see a no worse than 2018 flu season. Covid becoming a natural component of our flu season.

If I am wrong, then reality will quickly let me know. Only experts have the required level of cognitive dissonance to ignore reality. Govt don’t really care about my opinion, they will just insist on my continued obedience and compliance to their own belief in their own authority.

Does any of this matter? I can only give you my opinion. I am enjoying working three weeks on and three weeks off. This is a good trade off for me against the other inconveniences imposed upon me by our govt. This nonsense will be destroying pension wealth and the value of our wages. I don’t mind. You might. Like I say, I am enjoying the time off.

Govt is always destroying pension wealth and the value of our wages. At least I am getting some time off.

The time off is a short term view. Longer term, my quality of life will be diminished as costs of the basics will rise. Well, my ability to save will diminish. I have an excess of currency. I don’t get paid a lot. I just don’t spend it all. My quality of life will not change. Yours might.

Property might crash by 30%. I might consider buying one.

Pension wealth might crash by 30%. I still won’t consider buying one.

Lots of things might happen. Same as it ever was.

That was my current knowledgable opinion. You may have your own. You may listen to the experts. Same as it ever was.