07 December, 2018

High status vs low status

Building upon my previous post, yesterday a low status individual attempted to start a physical fight with me.

In chronological order, he parked his scooter illegally outside of where I work.
He then tried to shoplift a pair of motorcycle gloves from the shop where I buy lunch. He failed.
He then walked back toward his scooter to find me looking at it.
'What you doing', he growled at me.

Well, he has already lost because - he just has. This is not my first day in the 'real world'.

In these circumstances you either knock them out cold or confuse them. I replied with the name of the shop he had just tried to steal from. He growled the question again. I repeated myself and then said, 'are you asking me where I am going?'. This is nonsensical which is the point. He growled, 'no' and repeated himself. I answered, 'I am looking at the scooter, what make is it?'. This calmed him and we had a chat during which he opened and drank a can of cheap lager.

Growling at me, barking questions at me, had zero effect as he is a low status, aggressive thug. I am a high status male and as such he poses zero threat. He was looking for a fight but then realised he was not talking to a lower or equal status male but a far higher one. Whether he knew this consciously or not is beyond my abilities to detect. He completely changed from a thug (seeking a physical confrontation) to someone  who was more than happy to fully answer my queries about his Vespa scooter. He even provided a good deal of information that he thought I ought to know about his 'pride and joy'. He was correct.

High status is not dependent upon having the right watch, wearing the right clothes, living in the right location and earning the right amount of money or having the right parents. High status is a gift that you give yourself. Obviously, it both is and isn't that easy.

Today, both my boss and his boss tested my 'status'. I passed. Many MGTOW complain that women continually test the 'status' of their boyfriends / husbands. I have news for the MGTOW, everyone continually tests everybody elses 'status'. It is what members of the public do. Perhaps this is something you could become more aware of? (read my second book. After reading the first one. Then read the third one. Available free over Christmas, hopefully.)

Allow me to give a further two examples of 'status' tests.

The first is 'chatting up a woman'. If you are nervous, red faced, stuttering, stuck for things to say and generally flustered, you are simply advising your intended mate that you are of low status and should be gently ignored. A high status male is confident and unconcerned with either 'victory' or 'defeat'. Neither word applies to the outcome of a high status male talking to a woman. A high status male is simply passing his time in a generally pleasant way regardless of outcome.

The second status test is a job interview. Again, a low status man will advertise this by being nervous, red faced, stuttering, stuck for things to say and generally flustered. A high status male will be none of these things. A high status male is merely considering a new position.

In all three examples, all the power resides with the high status male. He chooses whether or not to physically assault the thug, whether or not he wishes to spend any additional time with the woman or the prospective employer. Obviously, the thug could assault him anyway, the woman and employer reject him but the high status male is not bothered. A high status male knows that he cannot predict the future and not getting the job or woman might be the best outcome. Perhaps not being assaulted is a better outcome than being assaulted but in any case the high status male does not fear being assaulted. Well, I didn't.

Shall we go a little further down this particular rabbit hole? The 'status trick' discussed above works because people have been conditioned from before birth to accept 'authority'. Actually, people are conditioned to 'fear' the consequences of not accepting 'authority'. In terms of status, a member of public 'knows' exactly what their status is relative to whoever they are talking to. In fact, most conversations are solely about determining who has the higher status.

The thug, being verbally aggressive to me noticed that I reacted as though his aggression was completely absent. That he was not a physical threat. His conditioning then forces him into taking a submissive role, to demonstrate that he accepts my higher status because he fears the consequences of not accepting my 'authority' over him. Basically, he does not want to find out why I don't fear him. Actually, he fears what form my punishment might take if I choose to demonstrate my 'status'. Obviously, as we talk he tries to determine if I am bluffing, simply stupid or an ex-Mafia Enforcer. Regardless, he was very careful not to display any further aggression. He became both pleasant and informative.

I do hope that this is food for (critical) thought rather than you trying to prove to yourself that I am not high status and that I make all this stuff up. I can recall hundreds of completely unbelievable events that I was involved with in my twenties and thirties. So, yes my 'incidents' are unbelievable but so is your so called real world - which is my point. I shouldn't be able to do any of the stuff I do. We all should realise that we are ALL high status. Your high status begins when you say it does. Reading my books will help. Then give it a few years.

The title was high status vs low status. Well, low status always loses and they lose deliberately out of fear of repercussions of winning.

The title also indicates that you have a choice.

The highest social status person that I have ever met was a high ranking cabinet minister. One with a proper job title back when those things meant something. I mentioned that I would like to see him and the people round me made it happen. I should have been clearer. I simply wished to observe him. He thrust out his hand to shake mine. I looked into his eyes. There was a moments pause. Then I turned my back on him and walked away. He wasn't high status. Well, his status was far lower than mine.

Please do not tell me that society is the best that we can hope to have. That without society we have anarchy. That is simply what we are conditioned to believe. That is exactly how the low status 'see' the world. Until most of us are high status then the low status will create anarchy when society fractures.

You may wonder at how many high status human beings I know. Well, that is none of your business.
You may wonder at what I have actually done and what I am capable of doing. Just know this, fear finding out. Or not. (You do have a choice.)

Be seeing you


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