25 September, 2021

Am I right?

Am I right is a key question that drove me to write a couple of hundred blog posts and a few books.

I also did it to become a better version of me.

Let me save you the bother of reading a couple hundred more blogs and a few more books.

I am right and I already was a better version of me.

I have stated many times that we humans make up a vast and complex system. From an Engineering perspective, this is way beyond the understanding and control of any one or any group. Therefore, at any given time we are right from our perspective at that moment. I am right and you are right, we are all right and all our opinions are valid. No-one can predict the future with any accuracy and so all our views of the future, the past or even the present are essentially correct, from our point of view.

There is the comfort blanket of numbers. If you are not sure of your view you can always share the view of your Govt.’, Bank, Media or favourite ‘Influencer’. This is almost what everybody does. The view point is only right for the one person who made it and the rest are simply echoing the point.

You may like my blogs as I share my view point with you. I realise today that my viewpoint has always been right, from my point of view. Yours may be vastly different or just slightly different but it ought to be different as we have both got slightly different DNA and probably slightly different lives led so far.

What about being a better version of me? I am already me. There are instances when I would have liked to have responded differently. I am aware of those times and I look forward to reacting differently or at least acting differently.

What about you? Whatever your view of a subject is, you are as likely right as the experts. All an expert is a person who now believes the collective view of other experts in his / her field. All dentists know and believe the same things, all doctors, all financial advisors (for the masses) and all other experts just parrot the view they were taught. I prefer listening to the view of someone who has an interest in a topic rather than a piece of paper informing me of their expert status.

I am not an expert, I am me and you are you.

Those who are without their own informed opinions are echo chambers for those who seek to influence them towards goals which benefit the influencer far more than the influencee.

As I believe I have started to make up words, I shall leave it there.

My view is right, from my point of view. Your view is likely interesting and also right, from your point of view. Unless you are echoing another's view and so you are simply uncomfortable with communicating your own thoughts, at that specific moment. That is not a problem and you can be comfortable with your own enhanced awareness of self. Awesome. Job well done. Take care but do have fun.


Be seeing you

18 September, 2021

Crimes against Humanity

In the UK we have a Govt. and Sage. These are made up of a very small percentage of our population. A few dozen people have decided what we can do and not do for over a year. In my opinion, that is a crime against humanity in itself.

I don’t care if they are right or wrong. They are guilty.

It is clear to me that most people do not consider themselves to be capable human beings. This must be due to their education and based upon their many adult interactions with other people. Based on this I am happy to state that the very existence of our society is a crime against humanity.

I’ll give on example, herd immunity is achieved when more than 70% of us have been vaccinated. This is a lie and based upon information that is 50 – 70 years out of date. No doubt some of the humans within Sage know this but the collective output of Sage is not that of a human. The collective output of Sage is just a statement. A collection of words that no human being on the planet is accountable for. Where is the incentive for these humans to actually review current data and determine what they believe is the right way forward? None. They risk their reputation and livelihoods. They risk the nice dinners and those who admire the letters after their names and titles.

Anyway, that’s them, what about us? Well, why don’t we all start acting as though we are capable human beings because we are. My readers are undoubtedly very patient, tolerant and capable human beings. The rest are when and only when, they are treated as such.

Society does not treat it’s members as capable human beings. It just doesn’t. To give you financial advice I need a piece of paper from our Govt. Then I need to give Govt. sanctioned advice or I lose the piece of paper. I cannot give you advice on what to eat because I haven’t the piece of paper from Govt. allowing me to do this. If I did have the piece of paper, I would have to stick to the Govt. approved advice.

What if you are all mostly wrong? You are.

Correct use of eyes and ears are all that is necessary for capable human beings to understand that society does not treat them as capable human beings.

Superficially, we are all members of society and we understand our place in it as well as Sage and Govt. However, when I speak with strangers, the superficiality dissolves.

I hope a few ideas are forming within your consciousness.

As society is not an actual human being, no-one but yourself is accountable for following any of societies rules. I suggest you do behave as a capable human being and you will become a capable human being. Relative to members of society, capable human beings are devastatingly effective.

Capable human beings are not fearful creatures. A 2011 research paper on sarcov1 gives a treatment protocol in its conclusion. I have that protocol in my home as I am a capable human being. Sage has not mentioned the paper or the protocol because Sage is neither a capable human being or even a human being at all. I have noted other medical studies which, in my opinion, suggest that the sarcov1 protocol also works very effectively on all variants of sarcov2.

As a capable human being I have spent a year deliberately improving my probability of having an asymptotic reaction to Covid19. I spent many hours talking to a nurse who was very miserable and who insisted she hadn’t got Covid despite being ill with a flu in the middle of summer.

Anyway, you all know how brilliant I believe myself to be and how stupid I believe society, Govt. Sage and the banking sector are. I will ignore all members of society and their infantile institutions to the best of my ability whilst interacting with people only as the capable human beings that they truly are. Those who insist on forcing me to believe the same nonsense that they do will not be entertained. A capable human being has no need of Sage advice or Govt. guidance. None.

Capable human beings create their own groups and opt in and out of other groups at will.

 The Executive Summary

Society has become a crime against humanity. The masses have allowed this by deliberately sabotaging themselves by not allowing others to percieve them as the capable human beings that they are.



11 September, 2021

The Future is unavoidable

What sort of future has appeared on our collective horizon? What exactly are we heading towards and why? Obviously, we can change tack but that would involve some effort. A stitch in time saves nine but a voluntary stitch now does involve effort now.

The first tool of Govt. is fear and they are really going to town with fear. The second tool is divide and conquer. I am seeing that being used incessantly. Trans issues, gender issues, black lives matter, feminism, inappropriate statues, what someone said twenty years ago, what someone mentioned this morning, a joke, a witty comment, a pithy response, sarcasm and white supremacy are all being promoted and argued about by our media and talking heads. Normal people, by which I mean EVERYBODY else is not arguing with each other.

Now we are being assailed with a combination of both tools of Govt. I am referring to the vaccinated vs the non-vaccinated. Feel free to have an opinion that differs from my own.

I have mentioned it before and I mention it again because it is crucial. There are people who will use anything and do anything for an advantage over others. A simple observation of their actions reveals that they have no empathy for anyone else. Well, simple for those with enhanced awareness who are able to critically think.

The current mindset of our Govt. is that they know best. If only we obeyed promptly and with good cheer, everything would be better. Mistakes are covered up because accountability and people who believe that they know best do not co-exist. Our Govt. are led by people without empathy, who believe that they know best but feel no accountability for errors. These ‘far less than’ humans truly believe all mistakes are due to us, the masses, not doing as we are instructed promptly.

Now, this is obviously an alternative reality and just a (critical) thought experiment. Based upon the above assumptions where are we headed with covid passports?

You may wish to stop reading and have a ponder.

Another topic needs to be aided into the mix. Finance. The Govt. have thrown vast quantities of freshly created currency at the covid panic. Much of it has gone to bailing out the ‘friends’ of the Govt. Lobbyists are the ‘friends’ of Govt. Banks are ‘friends’ of the government. It is rather like the 2008-2009 crash but on steroids with the tag line covid rather than bank failure. I won’t leave that thread alone. Let us ignore that then and concentrate on where the wealth came from that backed all the new currency creation. There was an enormous amount of currency creation without apparent ill effect. Well, the ill effects are going to materialise in the form of a reduced standard of living for the masses. The wealth that backed the vast amount of currency creation comes from those who create the wealth, which is us – the masses.

We have quite an atrocious combination of circumstances facing us. A financially punishing covid response, seeds of discord everywhere and a vaccine passport. How will those who think they know best, who will not accept any responsibility for anything negative, without empathy for others abuse our trust in a vaccine passport?

Let us start at the start. The vaccine passport started life as an app to let us know if we had been close to someone who had tested positive for covid. How very useful and innocent, thought most but not all. Many were unhappy and were laughed at for being unhelpful.

This ‘innocent’ app has transformed into a vaccine passport and those ‘less than’ humans in charge want us all to accept it, for the greater good. We now get to argue amongst ourselves as to whether or not this is a good idea or not. The greater good is mentioned often as is how appalling are the people who refuse the covid panic vaccine.

Well, the vaccine passport will transform as much as the ‘less than’ humans in-charge can get away with. Imagine a world where cash has been outlawed because only ‘criminals’ use it anyway. Currency is linked to our vaccine passport. This is so those who wish to harm society by not vaccinating are not allowed to enjoy the benefits of society. Which is fair in the minds of the ‘less than’ humans and those who are fearful due to the Govt. and media driven covid panic. What else could be added on? How about your ‘health status’. Perhaps just a few relevant details to begin with. Such as your age because the elderly are more at risk of a covid fatality. How about your gender because men are at more risk. How about your skin colour / color as dark skinned people are at higher risk. My favourite? How about your body weight?

Imagine a future where you enter a ‘convenience’ store to purchase some ‘food’. Your up to date vaccine passport which is now your credit / debit card allows entry due to some blue tooth / local Wi-Fi link acceptance. You pick up a ‘snickers bar’ and your phone bleeps. Fauci has decided that you are too fat to buy a ‘snickers bar’. This is probably a good thing and so I support it. You pick up some water and your phone makes a ‘power up’ noise, this means that Fauci approves of your decision. You leave the shop with your water and the fee to use the shop, the cost of the water and a deposit on the plastic bottle is taken from your vaccine / health passport account.

You walk passed a gym and your phone bleeps. You have a text message. Fauci thinks that 30 minutes of cardio is required. You do have a choice. Do the cardio in the gym or not have the ‘daily fitness fee’ of 100 dollars deposited into your vaccine passport account or whatever they call it now. However, the water cost you 20 dollars and you need the currency. You also need to dispose of the water bottle responsibly or face a 100 dollar fine. We do need to save the oceans and climate change too, think of the children.

I think that I have changed my mind. The vaccine passport will readily transform into a tool for the greater good. Experts can decide how many calories we can consume and if we have behaved socially responsible enough, for a month, to have a meal at a nice restaurant and a small (1 ounce) servicing of Budweiser, assuming you wish to pay 1000 bucks for it. Which is only 10 days of free Govt. currency for maintaining a Fauci approved fitness regimen at a gym which costs 5000 dollars a month membership.

I hesitate to guess exactly what you are pondering at this moment. Is it, ‘what about the really wealthy?’ well, they don’t need the Govt. financial incentives for healthy eating, exercise or whatever else someone thinks up. No, these people are important and will need to travel freely on private jets.

Ultimately, you will do a job but your pay will be insignificant relative to all the Govt. financial incentives for being a good citizen. All this for the greater good. Surely, only a psychopath would think this wasn’t the best idea in the world, ever.

I am sure all my readers realise that the only way forward from this particular future is an acceleration in the decline in the standard of life for the masses. Those who think otherwise are wrong. That is just my opinion and I might be wrong too. Luckily, our collective future involves doing whatever Fauci thinks best in terms of health. What Yellen thinks is best for productive work. What Greta Thunberg decides is best for the environment. Those who think differently are not members of the caring and thoughtful society I have just described and so are criminals.

Get your jabs, get your ‘electronic’ papers and KNOW that your are a good member of society because you are.

This article was a test of your loyalty to the greater good and you passed. Congratulations – you no longer need to concern yourself with critical thought.

04 September, 2021

The Unaware

Most people have no schooling into self awareness, awareness of others or a basic awareness of society. Most people have no awareness of their own lack of awareness. Most people will state, with mild agitation, that they are indeed aware. Why would I think otherwise?

Try having meaningful conversations with a great range of people. As you bring up various topics you will be met with the same basic responses. They generally start, ‘Yes, but...’ and a generic response is regurgitated. These are the unaware foot soldiers of the elite.

These unaware foot soldiers may be rich and powerful or not. They all want the same thing. To be free from fear. In wanting this, they will never experience it. Elite use fear freely as it works well. These unaware foot soldiers will be fearful of any change not authorised by the elite.

The elite don’t want people to be aware as it is not in their interest. Hence all the unaware people.

The Elite are perhaps not who you think they are. You may be thinking of old families with old wealth. Think of them more as custodians. No, the elite are those at the top of the societal pile. They really do not want any challenges to their societal power. They believe that they are the right people at the right place doing the right job, mostly. They are deluded. One man cannot make decisions for many people. Well, simple decisions. Easy decisions. Obvious decisions. Perhaps but we are well passed that.

We are locked in a brittle society that is incapable of change. Locked in a decade long financial collapse. No change is being suggested, only a reset.

Instead of a Great Reset, would you like to experience Great Awareness? A mass awakening of the masses?

The top 2%, or less, want a reset. The 98% who aren’t aware are not aware of even having a choice. They will want a reset, eventually, which is what they will get. Which is just sad.