09 July, 2020

Covid 19

No doubt we share a great many concerns and a major concern is #BLM and in the UK #BAM

BLM is a synonym for black lives matter and the correct response is ‘Yes.’ Regardless of whether this is a statement or question.

BAM is a synonym for black and mixed race. There is a great deal of concern that covid is targeting black people. It appears that, relatively, twice as many black people are dying as white people.

‘Many’ are very concerned with what the Government are doing about this. ‘Many’ are unable to critically think.

I am not black but I am a man. Men have a 50% greater chance of dying from covid as women. I am not asking what Government can do for me but what I can do for myself.

Thus regardless of your gender or skin colour, what would a critical thinker do to improve their own odds of surviving an encounter with covid?

You could try protesting, asking for compensation, getting drunk, getting high, getting stressed or becoming increasingly angry and violent. None of this will help as covid is a virus.

Minimising your chances of covid exposure is a great start to not dying from covid. Avoid poorly ventilated rooms and close contact with others outside of your household. Washing hands with soap before and after touching your ‘wet’ areas such as nose, eyes and mouth.

The other is improving your own immune system. I suggest you determine how best to do this for your own personal circumstances. I’ll give you a quick overview, such that you have topic headings to ‘google’ or ‘duckduckgo’.

The main ones are food, sleep and stress.


Your body is made out of protein, fat and minerals. So consider consuming good sources of protein, fat and minerals. Make an effort to drink high quality water.


During sleep your body de-stresses itself as well as repairing and building new tissues. Make an effort to get good quality sleep


Stress is something to be aware of. Your stress response to twitter comments, criticism from a loved one or ‘boss’, angry people, losing your keys or breaking a mug can all have us either calmly smiling with great wisdom or have our blood boil. The more often you calmly smile, the greater capacity you will have to fight covid.
I exercise which is a very specific form of stress. As we all no doubt know, a little of something can do us good but an excess can cause great harm.

Immune response

If we are able to improve our food, sleep and our response to ‘stress’, then we naturally improve our immune response. Covid becomes less and less of a fatal threat to us.

90 days

I don’t mention covid in my book but the information contained within it all helps reduce the risk of death from covid by improving your own resilience. You might consider spending 30 minutes reading it.

The very latest research

Your higher cognitive functions have potent neurological links to the base systems of your body. As this research is only a few weeks old, the implications of it are not widely understood and won’t be for years. One man has led the research and another is beginning to realise the importance of it. Let me give you my thoughts...
Starting with critical thought, you ponder an issue of importance. You decide what needs to change and then deliberately change those things that you can change. Your body and mind reinforce each other and the changes are made without apparent effort. You don’t feel powerless to effect change, you feel powerful because you can effect change.
There will be some effect to eating better foods, having less stress and sleeping better. However, if you are the one deliberately manipulating these important aspects of your own life, then the realised benefits will be huge.


Yes, black lives matter.
Anyone can increase their resilience to covid.

Links to the latest research and initial understanding:-

I don’t normally give links to my research sources so please interact with the people below appropriately. (Which means with courtesy, respect, politeness and kindness. Realise that it is quite natural to have opposing or different views.)

The Mind-Body Problem: Circuits That Link the Cerebral Cortex to the Adrenal Medulla

Gigaohm News: Journal Club on a Bike! (The Mind-Body Connection, ACC, and Strick Lab)

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