27 June, 2020


I write these blogs because I am trying to understand 'something'. What the 'something' was I didn't know. Simply put, I 'feel' that something is very wrong.

It could be me that is wrong but I very rarely believe that. I have decided that there is a strong link between people and society. The relationship is based on fear. A member of society is fearful of a collapse of society because of a fear of what other people will do without ‘authority’ to punish the ‘wicked’.

People are fearful of a great many different things and society makes a promise to minimise those imagined and real threats. This forms the relationship between society and it’s members.

Now, that took forty years of thought. I cannot really prove this theory of ‘society being founded on fear’ because it is a belief. Only you can question your own beliefs.

As a thought experiment, let us simply accept that society is founded on fear and see where that takes us. We are born and society conditions us into accepting society by unnecessary stimulating the fear centres of our brain. This need not be done intentionally or even excessively. The fear need not be high, just a slight ‘niggle’ is sufficient to gently alter the decisions of millions and billions of people. Society is just a collection of millions and billions of people, overly fearful people.

Some people are very sensitive to the cumulative effects of this fear and become very anxious. Often requiring medication and are labelled as mentally ill. Most people are in a state of mild mental illness due to this over active fear response. Fear being a much shorter lived version of anxiety. Both of which burn us out and have negative effects on our enjoyment of and satisfaction with life.

Continuing with the thought experiment… With awareness of the overstimulation of our fear centres, we can seek ways of reducing our general level of low level anxiety and reducing the intensity and duration of our fear response. As an example, regularly feeling annoyed with others, yourself and inanimate objects is a common symptom of this ‘society created anxiety’.

By actively seeking measures to reduce low level fear and background anxiety, I have noted the beginnings of changes in my perception. I no longer see the world I saw. This means that society means something completely different to me now. Society no longer reflects my beliefs. I am no longer a member of society. Society fades away and I am left with the question, what am I now?

My thought processes have changed. The pathways in my nervous system are functioning very differently to what they were. This will be difficult to describe because we have no frame of reference. This is not cutting edge or even bleeding edge. It is new. I have a thought and I consider actioning it. Should I choose to act on this thought, the sensation of well being is considerable. The well being increases as I make modifications to better reflect what I wanted to achieve. Words like ‘mistake’ and ‘failure’ fade away. Phrases such as ‘not quite right’ and ‘well, that didn’t work’ take their place.

This change in words may seem trivial. My statement that society is based on fear may well be ‘wrong’. However, the word ‘wrong’ is no longer part of my thought pathways. The word ‘wrong’ is simply replaced with the phrase, ‘work in progress’ combined with ‘something to ponder’.

That said, I will describe how this difference ‘feels’. The higher functions of my brain ‘feel’ synchronised with the more base functions of my nervous system. My nervous system is not punishing me for ‘mistakes’. My nervous system is rewarding me for being creative and trying new things that may or may not prove to be pleasant or beneficial. I feel the opposite of guilt / fear / worry / anxiety.
I suppose I could say that I ‘feel free’. I do but mostly I feel curious. I feel interested. I feel optimistic. I feel genuine concern for others but as they have free will, I am not actually responsible for them.

I don’t believe, I know. I was a member of society and my higher cognitive functions were tightly linked with the fear response of my central nervous system. I am now not a member of society and my higher cognitive functions are tightly linked with the well being response of my central nervous system. I don’t believe that this is a coincidence, I know society and fear are tightly coupled based solely on my response as detailed in this blog post.

What you know is your own concern. ‘Know’ is not the right word. It is a remnant from my lifelong immersion in societal conditioning. A more suitable phrase would be, ‘self evident to me’.

The concepts discussed in this post are neither right nor wrong. They are simply self evident to me. I am no longer part of society but I am a member of the human race.

I wanted to think deeper about my new condition and I used the writing of this post to do just that. I have been this way for less than a week but I have seen glimpses of it throughout my life. Consistently staying in this new mindset whilst being saturated in society will be, I imagine, challenging. I am not particularly concerned about how I will perform, merely interested.

Thanks for reading.

I am curious as to what, if any, changes this internal change has on those around me. I have no way of knowing, so we are back to belief.

Do you believe that I am right? Wrong?

Could I be right? Am I nearly right?

I am simply curious.

Perhaps give yourself some time to critically think about whatever you wish.

Catch you later

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