28 August, 2017

C.I.A. (part two)

Recently C.I.A. asset Biden mentioned the soul of America. Which is how the C.I.A refer to themselves and unfortunately they are correct. Biden said that America is in a war for its soul, unfortunately that is also true. A war few see or even know who their enemy is. (You see the face of your enemy everyday, when you look into a mirror.)
Until we start putting effort into behaving more like human beings (INDIVIDUALLY), our souls will be owned by others.
Should we allow the C.I.A. to own our souls? I believe not but this great recession, great depression, great war is about beliefs. Not religious beliefs but belief in ourselves. Are we monkeys with an intelligence add-on? Or are we human beings with some monkey legacy hardware? (Both. Have an awareness of your self and notice when the monkey is troubled. I have written a trilogy about such a thing - read rs, Biden mentioned the soul of America. Which is how the C.I.A refer to themselves and unfortunately they are correct. Biden said that America is in a war for its soul, unfortunately that is also true. A war few see or even know who their enemy is. (Biden knows a great deal and understands nothing.)
Until we start putting effort into behaving more like human beings (INDIVIDUALLY), our souls will be owned by others.
Should we allow the C.I.A. to own our souls? I believe not but this great recession, great depression, great war is about beliefs. Not religious beliefs but belief in ourselves. Are we monkeys with an intelligence add-on? Or are we human beings with some monkey legacy hardware? (Both. Have an awareness of your self and notice when the monkey is troubled. I have written a trilogy about such a thing - see blog below, or not. Your choice.)
Who is best suited to looking after your soul? You or the C.I.A
Who is best suited to helping you care for your soul? A loved one or the C.I.A.
Some actual information regarding what the C.I.A. are below but surely you don't need to read it? They keep you safe, don't they?
(Perhaps read The Mindfulness Trilogy on Amazon, or not. Your choice.)
Who is best suited to looking after your soul? You or the C.I.A
Who is best suited to helping you care for your soul? A loved one or the C.I.A.
Some actual information regarding what the C.I.A. are below but surely you don't need to read it? They keep you safe, don't they?

The upper echelons of the C.I.A. truly believe that they are humans with some ancient legacy wet ware. The rest of America are just monkeys with a basic intelligence upgrade. They don't attempt to wield their understanding to help you become a better and happier you. They haven't made my choice to help you help yourself. They have chosen to own you. To control you. To influence you. All to remain in power at the expense of you and your soul. All to maintain their own belief that they are superior to you.
Ultimately, the choice is yours and yours alone. The source of the power the C.I.A. wield is you. The C.I.A. uses your wealth against your interests. They do this because they believe you are not one of them, a true human being. They are essentially correct.
In this, the elite at the C.I.A. and I are one and the same. The great unwashed need to be herded, Controlled and influenced. Where I disagree with the C.I.A. is in your potential. I believe that most of us have the potential to be beautiful human beings, the C.I.A. elite have chosen to believe that you have no potential.

The C.I.A. are well resourced and funded. They will maintain belief in their own superiority even when that belief destroys them. They will endure and in time, they will ascend again.
The C.I.A. are not the problem. You are. As each of us begins to take better care of ourselves, of our souls, we take our power back from the C.I.A and their equivalents. Remembering now, that we vastly out number them. Virtually all the power is ours. It always was. We are Controlled, Influenced and Alienated for their benefit, not ours.
As we strive to become more mindful of self, more aware of others and begin to recognise the demands of society, we become the elite. Then we can choose to help others become more like us or to do as the elite at the C.I.A. has chosen to do. To control, influence and alienate to gain advantage at your expense.
This isn't about right or wrong. Good or evil. The C.I.A. believe that they deserve far more than what they take. That they give far more generously to society than they need to. They can readily justify their own existence. The fact that they exist means that they are necessary.
Leave the C.I.A. be. They are an indicator of our collective 'humanity'. Should we all choose to be more human, the C.I.A. will simply dissolve.
Numbers wise, we are looking at just 2% That is all it takes to change the world. From what it is, to what it could be. Just 2% striving to become more human.

Anyway, your beliefs either free or control you. You get to choose your own beliefs. The C.I.A and I are one and the same. We have simply reached different conclusions. The C.I.A. exists because it needs to exist. In that, the C.I.A. and I agree completely.

You can make a difference, a massive difference to yourself. This difference will not go unnoticed.
Make your choice. It is yours to make. 
I am beginning to doubt my belief in your potential. A lucrative job offer to work for the C.I.A. would be sufficient incentive for me to realise that the three blogs and the three books are a waste of my time and simply an annoyance to you.
Regardless, you take care.

27 August, 2017

C.I.A. (part one)

The C.I.A. exists to keep Americans safe and has a website, so have a look yourself.
The website is designed to make you feel safe and to accept that the C.I.A. is necessary, for your safety.
They call themselves a Central Intelligence Agency. This is true, sort of. The name helps them to do what they do. Which is, where possible, Control or failing that, Influence. If those two fail, then they Alienate.
For the C.I.A. to exist they only need two things. For Americans to believe that the C.I.A. exists to keep them safe and a large powerful government.
The number one priority of the C.I.A. is not to keep you safe, it is to continue to exist. CONTROL, INFLUENCE or ALIENATE are its three core methods of survival.
The C.I.A. is simply part of society. The function of the C.I.A. is to promote and stabilise society. Which is a good thing. Unless, you understand the difference between a society and a civilisation.
A society is what we get when the ‘monkey’ parts of our brain are over stimulated.
A civilisation is what we get when the ‘human’ parts of our brain are in control.
Therefore, the C.I.A. has a higher level function to maintain our society by ensuring the ‘monkey’ parts of our brain are continually stimulated.
Fun fact – did you know that the C.I.A. coined the phrase ‘Conspiracy Theory’, to describe any article that did not promote the ‘Government’ narrative concerning the Kennedy assassination?
Executive summary – the C.I.A. does not keep you safe, it keeps you both angry and fearful.


19 August, 2017

Why so much hate?

A simple enough question with a stunningly complex set of answers. Perhaps a better question would be, 'why is hate starting to flourish in the world?'

It is the economy, stupid.

Or more specifically, the root of all evil is money.

The answer was soon found and is simple enough for anybody to understand.

Let us go deeper, the answer remains the same but our 'seedling' of understanding can grow into a strong oak tree.

Money is just an idea, it isn't real. Modern society, an increasingly hate filled society, uses bank credit as money. These bank credits do not exist until borrowed into existence. Once the loan is repaid, the bank credits cease to exist.

Now, contrast the reality of bank credits with what society have us believe money is. Banks have money. Banks lend that money to society and if the loan is repaid, the banks can loan that money again. Also, banks are allowed to loan more of this money than they have because that is how it works.

In reality, banks simply create bank credit. This is simply a number that the bank adds to your balance, if your loan application is successful. There is no money, as money is a lie society needs us to believe.

I am progressing towards answering the increasing hate question.

So, where have all the bank credits come from that fill our pension accounts? Well, some entity must be borrowing vast sums and never repaying them. Ever. We call these entities who borrow such vast sums of bank credit into existence, governments. There is no intention of ever not borrowing more every year. For as long as society allows them to.

Government is a vast bank credit borrowing and spending machine. For hundreds of years it doubles the amount of bank credit it borrows every eight  to ten years.

Most members of society have a firm belief that bank credits are money. That saved bank credits are 'money in the bank'. This is most unfortunate.

We can determine how well the economy is performing by looking at interest rates. As our governments borrow more and more bank credits each year, they get larger and larger every year. Should the people be getting more productive each year, then no one really notices how much of their wealth the government is taking. Should productivity fail to rise quickly enough, then the people will start to notice that they are being stolen from. This creates anger but not understanding. Instead of blaming themselves for allowing their governments to grow far too large we blame jews, black people, bankers, muslims, disabled people, LGBT's, Trump, Bush, Clinton, Washington, Iraq, China, diesel cars, petrol cars, the weather or aliens. No. No. No.

We must blame ourselves for never bothering to critically think. We must blame ourselves for being members of society, rather than that which we are. Human beings capable of living in a civilisation.

Not knowing that this choice exists is our failing.

Not knowing that there is a difference between society and a civilisation is our fault.

Hate is increasing and will increase far faster and faster still, as we continue to live in a society based on viewing bank credit as money. Society allows governments to borrow without ever repaying a loan. It allows large corporations and the wealthy to borrow vast sums of bank credit at far lower interest rates than members of society.  This is simply stealing by stealth as few people are educated to the necessary level to understand it. Regardless, low interest rates indicate that the people are not being productive enough to tolerate higher interest rates.

How can society be stopped? How can all this hate be stopped?

There is the easy way and there is the hard way.

The easiest way is the hard way. We simply carry on. Society will explode in time. The explosion will be devastating. This will be hard beyond my imagination. Suicide will be the exit of choice for many.

The hard way, is the easiest. Stop thinking of bank credit as money.

This will probably need some explanation.
A home valued at 200,000 bank credits is a home.
200,000 bank credits in your pension account could be a home. BUT UNTIL IT IS, IT ISN'T

For every 3.2 million bank credits in a pension account, there is only one 200,000 bank credit home.

In simpler terms, for every sixteen retirees who believe they have enough wealth to purchase a rental property, piece of art, lump of gold, silver bullion, piece of land, etc, only one such thing exists.

Therefore, the first person to believe bank credits are not money, gets to swap them for something that is real. The other 15 get nothing.

When one person in 16, stops believing in the illusion that bank credit is money. Society ends.

Civilisation can then get underway.

Society crushes our humanity.

Civilisation encourages our humanity.

98% of people are beautiful human beings.

The other 2% are easily recognised by those living in a human civilisation.

Simply put, there is so much hate because there is so little understanding by anybody.

Anyway, good luck with your beliefs. Sorry about all the hate but that is your fault, not mine.

I finish on a cliche, as I started on several.

Human beings are wonderful creatures.
Crowds (society) is an ugly beast.

I forget the exact words but remember, I make all this up.

18 August, 2017

Monthly Musing

Helicopter money is being mentioned far more often and at ever increasing levels of 'authority'.

Now helicopter money is not a simple concept. It is a method of control within existing methods of control. It is designed to make banks look wealthy and governments look powerful. Thus it is illusory.

First, forget the word money. Money is not being distributed. Money is only an idea. Gold and silver can perform as money but these metals will not be being flung from helicopters.

Now you can also forget about helicopters, obviously.

What helicopter money is supposed to do is prolong a financial system based upon debt. All our current currencies are only ever borrowed into existence. Once the debt is repaid that currency no longer exists. Each year more currency needs to be borrowed into existence to enable previous debt to be extinguished and the interest to be paid. This works provided the public don't realise they are being scammed and that the public are prepared to be continually more productive each year, ultimately, for less and less.

Anyway, the concept of helicopter money is similar or the same as universal income. Each week or month, or perhaps randomly, funds are added to your bank account balance.

There are two ways this currency can be created. One is that the government borrows it into existence. The principal will never be repaid but a sliver of interest payment will be expected. The second method is that your bank balance is merely increased.

Many people have, as a core belief, the absolute understanding that currency is money. What complicates things is that money is only an idea. Money doesn't exist. However, we can choose to use whatever we like as money. On that basis, currency can be money. What is now crucial is how this 'money because we believe it is' is created. Our current system has us borrowing currency into existence. This has two innate structural flaws / features. It favours the rich who can borrow cheaply. It favours the government who never repay any of the debt. Helicopter money will always be introduced as a concept when the people can no longer be encouraged to borrow more currency into existence than they did the previous year.

Therefore helicopter money performs the function of delaying a deflationary collapse and extends the life of a financial system that is actually a clever mechanism for both controlling the masses as well as taking wealth from them.

What the banks and government hope is for things to soon get back to normal. Only critical thinkers who spend / waste their time analysing the global financial system / public scamming structure recognise what helicopter money is and what its 'unintended' consequences will be.

I am of course referring to you.

I have led you to the 'water'. Why are you looking at me expectantly? What is the point of me drinking it and describing it to you?

It is now time for you to give some critical thought to your own core beliefs.

Use the idea of helicopter money / universal income as your starting point. What do you feel will be the result? Which of your core beliefs guides you?

Now, bizarre as this sounds, I don't know what would happen if we did the stuff I recommend we do. I hope for a good outcome. I can see quite clearly the world as it is and where it is heading but I am not prescient.

However, I believe that humans are at least as good as monkeys. Should the dominant monkeys be removed from a group. Then the group thrives. Should a dominant monkey discover this unled group it soon discovers that the group will not tolerate its dominance.

Assuming humans are at least as good as monkeys, then the future looks bright. If we allow our leaders to lead us then the future looks far darker.

Not black and white exactly, just darker or lighter. Good or evil should you wish a simple binary choice.

After lots of critical thought, I would like to share my belief with you. I believe that humans believe in themselves. A rich human will readily believe he has worked hard, is skilful and perhaps a little lucky. A rich human can easily believe that a poor human has lacked these abilities and not expended enough effort, yet. A poor human can easily believe that the system is against them. Both are right. Both are wrong. The system is gamed. The system works far harder against the poor than the rich but it works against everybody. The system works for no one.

Certainly, the system can be exploited. However, the system seeks control and dominance over billions of people. The force it seeks to control is far more powerful than the force it wields. Those exploiting it risk exposure to forces beyond, or perhaps not, their wildest nightmares.

Exploiting the system requires access to the banking system and the political systems. There are people and groups who are currently taking advantage of the system and of our collective good nature's. No doubt they consider themselves to be clever and not greedy little pigs. They are both.

The system has no morals and has no concern as to the horrors of another world war or two. Each human owes it to themselves to give some critical thought to the world and to the system of rules we obey without thought, that both limit and govern our destiny.

Rules should never overwhelm common sense. However, rules rule. Yet another controlling mechanism. We say law and justice. Laws are rules. Laws overwhelm both justice and common sense. This is basic stuff we all know but don't understand.

Language and words shape our thoughts. Helicopter money or universal income or basic resource allocation?

Who could object to a basic resource allocation program for all human beings on a CIVILISED planet?

(Only those who feel that a basic human being ought to be controlled by other human beings. I deem that to be foolish and yet that is the world I endure.)

I hope I have furthered your understanding of 'The Matrix'. A subtle / brutal inhuman controlling mechanism creating the bars of your cell you cannot see, touch or taste.

Unfortunately, the Matrix cannot be seen, touched or tasted either. It exists yet does not exist. It doesn't care if you know about it or even if you understand it. The Matrix has entwined itself amongst our core beliefs and we must deliberately shine a bright light on all our beliefs to expunge this inhuman, uncaring, amoral darkness. In other words, question everything - always.

P.S. For those wondering what happens to the debt that governments never repay. It finds its way into your pension fund. I call debt that is never repaid a bad debt of zero value. You call it your pension. The Matrix reinforces your belief. Just an example of the Matrix in action. (This sort of thing does not matter, until it does.)

Remembering now that Governments start world wars, not civilised human beings.