01 January, 2025


One to ponder, how do your interactions with other people affect your perception of the world?

I notice a world where power is slowly taken from the masses by the few. The mechanisms for this are well oiled and paid for by the masses.

The more positive interactions you can have with other people, the more you take back your power.

Start putting some effort in having better interactions with your family, friends, work colleagues and then neighbours. Give it time and don't expect much of yourself or others.

In six months time, you are likely to be a valued member of your community rather than not. You may also realise which people add value and which ones don't.

Your perception of the world will change too. With more positive interactions and fewer negative ones, how could could you not feel better about your place in the world?

Have a great New Year and may you rapidly develop the strength and resilience to overcome many of the challenges that come your way.

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