25 May, 2021

Super Hero

Most or perhaps all of the population watching a DC Comic film will be amazed at the skills the super heroes wield. The main effect of this is that most will use this as an excuse to not develop their own potential. I see it another way. Could I improve my abilities and become more super hero like?

Critical thought allows us to determine which skills we wish to develop and then determine how best to develop them. You are unlikely to match the skills that Batman has or the strength that the Hulk has but you can develop your reflexes and strength.

In short, whoever you favourite super hero is, you can develop yourself along the same lines. Not exactly copy but become more like your favourite super hero or villain.

The blog and my books are about emotional control and awareness. Great emotional control gives you access to a super hero amount of will power. Let us not under estimate the super power of will power. Most super heroes have grit and determination and you can share in this foundational super hero ability.

Is awareness a super hero power? I would say so, Spiderman calls it a spidey sense. Perhaps a good exercise would be to think of a super hero you like and determine what are their foundational skills. As a critical thinker, I believe that this will give you greater insight into what skills you perceive as valuable. This gives you an incentive to consider developing those skills yourself.

Personally, I consider which are my favourite aspects of each super hero and contemplate how to develop my skill set accordingly.

I have been developing my strength for forty years and not really got any where special. I am far stronger than I would have been. Is that good enough? No, not for me. The last two years have seen me trying something different and I am now in the best condition of my life. Is that good enough? No, not for me. For the last two days I have tried something else and I am aware of how it has taxed my central nervous system. Critical thought will see me pursuing this further.

Those who do not get what this blog is about will be thinking about the Invisible Man. How do you develop that super power? With my awareness of others I noticed an attractive female jogger climbing a large flight of steps and I had the idea that she had not seen me descending it. I stopped, moved to the side and merely watched her. Surely, that is the purpose of invisibility? Anyway, she got within touching distance before noticing me and I noted she was startled, so I apologised as she said that I had made her jump. Walking silently without attracting attention is also a skill an Invisible Man would need to develop. Otherwise he would soon become a viciously beaten up Invisible Man.

Is this training for the sake of training? Yes, I would say so. I train to become that which I value. Critical Thought allows you to determine what it is that you wish to achieve. Critical Thought enables you to reach these goals. What is not to like?

There will no doubt be some super powers that aren’t achievable. Flight and limb re-growth springs to mind. For flight, have a few pilot lessons or perhaps go scuba diving. For limb re-growth, satisfy yourself to developing enhanced healing abilities.

When you know what it is that you wish to pursue, you are half way towards achieving it. Providing that you can critically think and have great emotional control.

For further ideas on how to develop physical and mental attributes, google or duckduckgo ‘The Bioneer’.

It is from ‘The Bioneer’ that I first came across a Bruce Lee statement that resonated with me and a concept that I have incorporated into my physical training. Basically,’The Bioneer’ is an idea collector and he has the analytical and communication skills to present the ideas. I suggest you spend an hour watching whichever of his YouTube videos you wish and absorbing them as you see fit.

You may be wondering how well I am doing after 44 years of this sort of thing. As I measure things, it has taken far too long to become what I am now. Far too long. The path I have taken had no footprints on it. However, the internet has allowed me to see others that have trodden similar footprint free tracks. I do hope that it allows you to realise that you are perhaps isolated from others of your kind but not alone.

I suggest that Bruce Lee is an actual Super Hero and I wonder what I would be now if I had read his books when I was a child. Or indeed what Bruce Lee would have become if he had lived as long as I.

Anyway, let us get on with getting on with our own development and appreciation of our lives and those we meet along the way.

Dedicated to Bern, who passed recently.

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