12 December, 2020

Resonant frequency for members of society

If I am about right with my resonant frequency hypothesis then how do I explain how society has conditioned almost all of us to be, most of the time, acting against our own natural frequency?

I don't need to. It means almost nothing to me. It is, literally, in my own best interest to have you believing in banks being wealthy and government being powerful.

So, why am I writing this then? Simply to 'balance' my previous post.

A Government must always keep us off balance. Never allowing us to get used to the feeling of our natural / resonant frequency. Except for a few rare moments of bliss when we are on holiday, for example. Something that we must work hard for all year. Not something that we can sustain for more than a few weeks a year. I have noticed how distressing I find the whole traveling to the holiday destination. I particularly dislike being treated as cattle in airports and on aeroplanes. Regaining your resonant frequency after all that is likely to be difficult in just a few weeks.

So how does the government manage to maintain us all at an unnatural frequency?

You need to have a think but my example is suitably complicated and convoluted. Event 201 was an exercise in pandemic control. Event 201 involves lots of think tanks and other nefarious institutions who are guided by the CIA into all believing the same thing. The CIA also ensures that funds are funnelled to the very people doing the very things that increase the chances of these global events occuring.

So far, so very conspiracy theory. Remove the word 'nefarious' from the above paragraph and research it yourself. Very quickly you will see that it is accurate and potentially correct. All the worlds experts then agree on how things should be handled and then the CIA has created a single powerful frequency. This keeps all society unbalanced. maintaining the staus quo of us all being at an unnatural frequency.

Not really something I wish to either prove or disprove. It is just an example of how we could be kept off balance. It is only 'correct' if my hypothesis on resonant frequencies is correct. I don't much care to be right or wrong. It is just a thought experiment for you to ponder at your leisure. An odd view of the world with which to exercise critical thought.

My actual opinion is none of your business. What I actually believe is none of your business. Why I really wrote this is none of your business.

I mentioned the CIA. I realise that I wrote a post or two about intelligence networks. You may remember that I said that the CIA was not an intelligence organisation. The CIA is an unbalancing organisation. It exists to maintain a powerful single frequency to unbalance us all. One of the CIA's assets is traditional media. The CIA like to keep a large menagerie of friendly journalists looked after. Imagine a single upsetting tone or noise. The CIA like to get their pet journalists to repeat the same tone over and over. Have I gone all conspiracy theorist again? Do some research yourself. The CIA have admitted what they do over and over and over again. You have to listen to them and not be deafened or overwhelmed by the single powerful frequency that keeps you off-balance.

Am I rambling again? Am I simply providing additional clarity?

Are the CIA concerned with my blog? Am I CIA?

It doesn't matter. I doubt there is a single person at the CIA who understands the actual role of the CIA that they are an integral part of. In other words, what they believe that they know prevents them from understanding exactly what it is that I do.

The thing that I do is amuse myself with my bemusement of society and the so-called 'real world'. What my impact is upon you is unkown to me at this time. All I can really do is apologise. Sorry. You don't have to read this. Still, sorry.

There you go. I have no idea where I am going with this or what I will waffle on about next week.

Be seeing you

I have just remembered where I was going with this. Find your natural frequency and notice when those around you attempt to dislodge you from it. Truthsaying is a part of this natural skill that rarely anyone knows exists.

Your natural frequency is where you spend most of your time being a happy bunny. Regardless of emotional triggers, injustices against you and others. It is where you get to say to God, 'thanks that was amazing'. Rather than the usual, 'what was that all about?'

I am currently considering taking a 12 year holiday. Well, I am going to have a 12 year holiday. The real question is, when will I start it? The answer is obvious to me and none of your business. At this point, you only need to consider if you wish to have an extended break from work. Then decide how you are going to make it happen. I advise thinking about this when in happy bunny / resonant natural frequency mode for human beings and not when wearing the chains of your social conditioning.

If you have never considered having a multi year holiday, why not? Is having a decade, or more, off beyond your ability to comprehend? Do you believe that I believe that I can? Basically it is down to belief. What do you believe? What you believe is none of my business but it is telegraphed loudly and clearly in the CIA talking points that are repeated without (critical) thought by the pet journalists and the consumers of that deluge of nonsense that is part of the 'real world'.

This is nonsense but it is my nonsense. Anyway back to the 12 year holiday. Considering my age, I will take my 12 year holiday, 12 years before my state sanctioned retirement age.

People, when learing of this will have a dozen 'yes but...' responses all crafted with great care by the CIA's handlers. think on that younglings.

I really ought to stop writing now and have a bath or cut my hair and then a bath. Perhaps I will have an espresso first? These are real world questions. My real world will be different from yours, probably.

Take care

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