25 July, 2020

Physical Balance (leg 1)

I am going to post a blog every week at the same time on a Saturday for a while. For the next few weeks I will further explain the content of The three legs of human development and civilisation

Next weeks post will illuminate emotional balance. Critical Thought has been covered extensively and this post is about my new found physical balance.

Physical Balance

I know the words ‘physical balance’ relate to things not falling over. This is not what I mean. I use the word balance to indicate that a ‘before unknown equilibrium’ has been reached.

A simple example would be walking up a flight of stairs. There is both a control of the leg muscles and an awareness of them. I feel them working, warming and then tiring. The first few steps after the stairs see the brief and slight fatigue quickly drain away.

There is a mindfulness component to this. I am in the moment aware of my muscles exertion without any emotional concern. This is why I state that all three components mentioned in the last post are self reinforcing or synergistic with each other. Three being a number which crops up a great deal.

My job entails moving small and medium sized items from one location to another. I am now more aware of how carrying things puts strains on fingers and joints. I now quickly change my grip on items to make carrying them far less of a strain. Just two weeks ago, I wouldn’t have even noticed all these micro strains until they built up into actual pains due to an accumulation of physical damage.

This enhanced physical awareness does have benefits. I expect I will have fewer minor injuries. By immediately registering a slight strain and reacting to relieve it, then micro tears don’t accumulate and become actual tears. Muscle tears heal far quicker than tendon and ligaments. I am no longer expecting to experience either as often as I have.

I am listing these in order of importance to me but things may be very different for you. Another dramatic change is in lifting heavier objects. I find lifting 20kg and above from the floor and then lowering them back down to be awkward. 20Kg are far more frequent than 35kg boxes but I still wonder why 10kg and 15kg aren’t the heaviest boxes I have to contend with. That said, yesterday I lifted a 20kg box and thought that it couldn’t possibly weigh more than 10kg. I doubt that my strength has changed that much in a three week furlough.

Strength gains

Has my strength doubled? Well, yes and no. Clearly it has but no it hasn’t. So what gives?
Well, I mentioned awareness in my last post. Three types of awareness, which are basically emotional, physical and cognitive. With this hyper awareness I can give some critical thought to this and give you my opinion with a high degree of confidence that I am right. Which means that the billion dollar fitness industry is not right. Or, more fairly, not as right as me.
That said, my muscles have an ability to contract and relax. I have lots of muscles. These need to coordinate themselves to be effective. I have associated structures, ligaments and tendons, which are springy. Then I have the cognitive ability to contract my skeletal muscles. My nervous system firing various electrical impulses about the place to achieve my box lifting or lowering goal. It is obvious to me that all these systems have balanced / coordinated / synchronised / and achieved an equilibrium. Now a 20kg box feels around as heavy as a 10kg box did just three weeks ago. A perceived strength gain of 100%. I am happy to go into greater detail.


From my perspective, muscles are made of fibres. I believe that a great many of my muscle fibres were not aligned in the correct orientation for producing a strong contracting force. 15 months of training has caused those that were incorrectly aligned to be broken down and absorbed by those performing correctly. This was detailed in my 90 days book. I am aware that 15 months is rather longer than 90 days. 90 days when you are twenty is rather different to 90 days when you are fifty. After following my own advice my muscles have become far better at being muscles than they were.

Ligaments and tendons

Mine were in a very poor condition. They did not enjoy my training or even day to day life. They protested with moderate and enduring pain for days at a time. I believe there are also ligament and tendon type structures within each muscle group. All these structures need to be springy and resilient, fixed to strong bones and muscles as described above.
Mine were brittle and inflexible and these things take 3 – 4 days to heal micro tears whereas muscles can recover in just one day from similar damage.

Nervous system

The third component I wish to discuss are the nerves which activate the muscle. Last week I recovered a decades long lost ability to wilfully contract my triceps. I do not fill my shirt sleeves or carry much muscle. I weigh less than 150lb at 5 feet 11 inches with a 31 inch waist. So, I spent a happy few minutes alternatively contracting my triceps. Fast forward one day and a new discomfort / sensation makes itself known in my triceps. I remember that pain from my early training days with heavy weights. I thought that this was muscular pain but it isn’t. Or at least, I don’t believe it is. No, this pain is over use of nerves pain. Recovery took 24 hours.

Tying it together

So, my muscle fibres are far better aligned, connected with springier structures and activated with a far better coordinated nervous system. These brought subtle improvements over 15 months of development. So, what happened to double my strength in three weeks? These three systems started working effectively together because my inner monkey, automatic systems and cognitive systems suddenly meshed together, each reinforcing the other.
My mood became more even, my mental clarity reached new highs and my body doubled its strength.


This isn’t all good news. This new strength ability comes with an enhanced level of awareness of my skeletal muscles. This is new and unexpected. During Mindful body scans you focus on the body. This is a deliberate action. During mindful walking, a period of time is spent focussing on the contraction of the thigh muscles. With this new level of awareness, focus is not required. As each movement is made, each muscle group registers it’s activity level automatically and it is intrusive. Without emotional balance, this strange change could be feared. Without cognitive clarity I could be panicking rather than confidently explaining what I believe has happened. I might be wrong and dead in a week. Perhaps I will. If I am dead, don’t do what I did and I apologise for not posting that which I promised to post.
This post just covered the step change in my physical abilities, noticed in the last three weeks. There were similar increases in my cognitive and emotional abilities too. The actual change was over night. I just woke up feeling different. I felt better. I felt like I was now me. The me I thought I was. I did wonder how the new me would cope at work. That will be covered next week. Expect a similar level of gain.
See you then

12 July, 2020

The three legs of human development and civilisation

Critical Thought, Emotional Awareness and Physical Strength

To be a great human being aka the best version of you, requires some effort in all three of the above. Luckily, each one reinforces the other two.
This blog covers critical thought and my books cover the development of self awareness. In developing physical strength the mind and body link is reinforced.
If you are not sure of the benefit of developing all three qualities, simply imagine someone with none of them.
I will give some guidance on easily developing physical strength later in this post. Assuming you have read my 90 days book.
The words to describe the synergy between the three qualities mentioned in the title are impossible to assemble as we have no common ground. We aren’t really taught to critically think. Unless you have undergone a high level Engineering degree or some such like. Emotional awareness is never discussed unless someone clearly has none. Developing emotional awareness is rarely considered. Those who have developed physical strength already know how beneficial this is. This does not simply mean body builders but gymnasts and ballerinas.
That said, our higher cognitive processes are developed by practising critical thought, by learning and attempting to communicate our thoughts. The more ancient systems of our body and brain is what I call our inner monkey and others our lizard brain. The very latest research do show that these two systems are linked. I then suggest that the mind muscle link ought to be developed too. No research has ever been done to link all three and advise why developing all three are incredibly beneficial.
Just me then. I have done it and feel the value in it. I started weight training at age eight and never achieved anything for three decades. I don’t mean winning competitions, I mean getting stronger or bigger. Critical thought has been important to me since before age eight. Much to the annoyance of everyone in any societal position of power. That would be parents, teachers, police and the rest. Emotional control has only been something I have worked on for the last half dozen years and I am getting better.
What really helped with emotional control / awareness was actually developing a decent mind muscle link aka strength development. Which I will discuss later on in this post. The link between muscle control and the inner monkey is not in forcefully contracting the muscle but in the recovery between muscle contractions. Simply said, contract and relax the chosen muscle a few times and then patiently wait for the pulse to fall to a more gentle level. A general focus on breathing, the sensations in the body and the pulse all seem to help.

Strength Training

For this to work, you need to follow the suggestions given in my 90 Days book. I am not rewriting that here.
I use Eugen Sandows light dumbbell exercises and use a pair of three kg dumbbells. That said, I only do three reps. The weight is gripped forcefully and each movement is done with great force and concentration. The muscle is contracted far harder than is necessary to simply move the light weight. You are not simply moving the weight as it doesn’t actually weigh much. The weight is something to help direct your thoughts. To focus your mind. Only eight to fifteen seconds are used during each exercise. Breathing smoothly. If it takes more than a minute or so for your pulse and breathing rate to fall to your chosen level, then train with a little less ‘force’.
Doing this properly will spike your heart rate. So, take it steady at first. Talking of heart rate, my resting heart rate is 60. After completing each exercise, I wait for my pulse to drop below100 beats per minute. Deliberately focussing on my breathing and other bodily sensations.
I exercise daily and if I take it at 80% effort, the 17 Eugen Sandow light dumbbell exercise takes twenty minutes. If I go flat out, then around forty to fifty minutes elapse before completion.
For 15 months, my tendons and ligaments would ache for days and so I would not workout daily. The pain, no doubt, forging a great link between my higher cognitive functions and body. Although, I don’t believe so much pain was really necessary. Some, perhaps but not a lot.
More recently, the last three months have seen my emotions become far more manageable and my musculature develop noticeably but not dramatically. I expect this is due to the lack of ongoing and annoying pain. You may wish to train ‘lighter’ and not endure the pain. Training lighter does not refer to the already light weights but in using far less muscular force.
I believe this all works synergistically. A sample size of one, me, is truly insignificant but it is a start. If others can confirm this, then research may well be undertaken to illuminate the physiological pathways that are strengthened and synchronised.


Strengthening and developing greater cohesion between our automatic systems, ancient legacy systems and higher cognitive functions means that we become very effective beings.

Not knowing what I was looking for. I found it anyway. How I managed this is was by sheer persistence of will for 45 years.

I suppose I should be delighted that I have achieved that which I have spent all but the first half dozen of my years searching for. I felt that something was wrong with society and our place in it. I take no pleasure at all in finding the curtain and peeking behind it. I feel robbed of 45 years. Mankind has been robbed of millennia.

The blame lies with us all. Each of us is individually responsible for ourselves. The mass of individuals is reflected in what we call our collective society.
We invest far too much time in making our lives easier and then waste that time with distractions. We are our own worst enemies. In not synchronising the three main systems within ourselves, we are far less than what we could, would, or should be.

That said, what am I to do next? I am interested in finding out. Will the new ‘improved’ me resist the forces of society / the collective impact of others? Will I give in to drugs and alcohol or some such like? Will I thrive and prosper?

I am not concerned, excited or fearful. Perhaps curious, perhaps not. It is what it is. A simple step change in perception or may be a delusion? I believe the former but many of societies biggest believers would be unable to see anything but delusion. That is the nature of our society. Fear and anger, society and individual. What a farce. What a pointless waste of energy. Society is not real life, it is a made up childish game of under developed adults.

We could develop ourselves and in doing so, remove fear from our society and create an actual civilisation.

Take care

09 July, 2020

Covid 19

No doubt we share a great many concerns and a major concern is #BLM and in the UK #BAM

BLM is a synonym for black lives matter and the correct response is ‘Yes.’ Regardless of whether this is a statement or question.

BAM is a synonym for black and mixed race. There is a great deal of concern that covid is targeting black people. It appears that, relatively, twice as many black people are dying as white people.

‘Many’ are very concerned with what the Government are doing about this. ‘Many’ are unable to critically think.

I am not black but I am a man. Men have a 50% greater chance of dying from covid as women. I am not asking what Government can do for me but what I can do for myself.

Thus regardless of your gender or skin colour, what would a critical thinker do to improve their own odds of surviving an encounter with covid?

You could try protesting, asking for compensation, getting drunk, getting high, getting stressed or becoming increasingly angry and violent. None of this will help as covid is a virus.

Minimising your chances of covid exposure is a great start to not dying from covid. Avoid poorly ventilated rooms and close contact with others outside of your household. Washing hands with soap before and after touching your ‘wet’ areas such as nose, eyes and mouth.

The other is improving your own immune system. I suggest you determine how best to do this for your own personal circumstances. I’ll give you a quick overview, such that you have topic headings to ‘google’ or ‘duckduckgo’.

The main ones are food, sleep and stress.


Your body is made out of protein, fat and minerals. So consider consuming good sources of protein, fat and minerals. Make an effort to drink high quality water.


During sleep your body de-stresses itself as well as repairing and building new tissues. Make an effort to get good quality sleep


Stress is something to be aware of. Your stress response to twitter comments, criticism from a loved one or ‘boss’, angry people, losing your keys or breaking a mug can all have us either calmly smiling with great wisdom or have our blood boil. The more often you calmly smile, the greater capacity you will have to fight covid.
I exercise which is a very specific form of stress. As we all no doubt know, a little of something can do us good but an excess can cause great harm.

Immune response

If we are able to improve our food, sleep and our response to ‘stress’, then we naturally improve our immune response. Covid becomes less and less of a fatal threat to us.

90 days

I don’t mention covid in my book but the information contained within it all helps reduce the risk of death from covid by improving your own resilience. You might consider spending 30 minutes reading it.

The very latest research

Your higher cognitive functions have potent neurological links to the base systems of your body. As this research is only a few weeks old, the implications of it are not widely understood and won’t be for years. One man has led the research and another is beginning to realise the importance of it. Let me give you my thoughts...
Starting with critical thought, you ponder an issue of importance. You decide what needs to change and then deliberately change those things that you can change. Your body and mind reinforce each other and the changes are made without apparent effort. You don’t feel powerless to effect change, you feel powerful because you can effect change.
There will be some effect to eating better foods, having less stress and sleeping better. However, if you are the one deliberately manipulating these important aspects of your own life, then the realised benefits will be huge.


Yes, black lives matter.
Anyone can increase their resilience to covid.

Links to the latest research and initial understanding:-

I don’t normally give links to my research sources so please interact with the people below appropriately. (Which means with courtesy, respect, politeness and kindness. Realise that it is quite natural to have opposing or different views.)

The Mind-Body Problem: Circuits That Link the Cerebral Cortex to the Adrenal Medulla

Gigaohm News: Journal Club on a Bike! (The Mind-Body Connection, ACC, and Strick Lab)